A/N – Everything will be explained before the next chapter…

Just a quick note, though, to those here from 'Land of My Fathers'. The story doesn't begin at the end of that. You may or may not recognise the opening scene.

I also didn't know if I should put this as a crossover or not. But since it will be a Dragon Age story, just with an added character and occasional references to The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, I put it here.

I used the full power of my Thu'um, directing it at Alduin, forcing the enormous, black dragon to the ground again. Red rivers of blood flowed against his black skin. The three heroes of old leapt into action once again, their weapons never missing their mark. Lydia and my father were assisting them and myself wherever they could. But Alduin only had eyes for me, his jaws opening wide as he Shouted again. It forced me to roll out of the way, a sheet of flame causing the grass to burn where I had just stood.

Flinging my shield to the side, I sprinted forward, using the back of one of the heroes as a springboard as I landed on the back of Alduin. The dragon immediately shuffled, trying to fling me off, but I dug my sword into his body and hung on for dear life, hearing the dragon cry out in pain as I did.

"The head, Uhtred! Get his head!"

No doubt we were all now utterly exhausted, the battle against this powerful dragon the longest I could remember. My arms were crying out, wanting me to stop. But I knew if I got Alduin in the right place, the fight would be over, he would die and Skyrim would be safe. Unsheathing my dagger, I withdrew my sword and slowly dragged my way forward, using my dagger to hold on, forcing it down into the back of the dragon each time I moved. Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, I manoeuvred forward until I was near the dragon's neck.

"Do it, son! Kill him and save us all!" my father cried.

Positioning my legs to either side of his neck, Alduin moved his head and I'm sure he could see me as I lifted my sword to strike.

"Zu'u Alduin!" the dragon roared.

"I am Uhtred of Whiterun, the Last Dragonborn. Dir ko maar, Alduin," I stated, driving the sword downwards.

"Move!" I heard Lydia yell.

I fell to the ground with a thud as Alduin started to writhe in agony. His black body, with red rivers of blood flowing freely, started to almost break apart. It wasn't like other dragons we had seen, which had disappeared in bright lights, leaving their skeletons remaining. The sight we gazed upon was… It was almost as if evil itself was breaking apart.

"Zu'u unslaad! Zu'u nis oblaan!"

"What did he say?" my father asked.

"I am eternal! I cannot end!" I replied quietly.

"You understand him?" Lydia asked. I simply nodded. I don't know how or when I had learned it but I now understood their language. Maybe instead of taking Alduin's soul, I had taken his knowledge. Or at least part of it. I didn't know, certainly didn't understand how it all worked.

We watched in silence as Alduin continued to thrash upon the ground, his body continuing to burn and fall apart. His body then broke apart completely, for want of a better description, as his scales blew away and he screamed towards the sky. It was bone-chilling, feeling a shudder run down my spine… The one concern is that I did not appear to absorb his soul in the end, watching as his very essence disappeared into the sky above us. Alduin continued to dissolve, now little more than a blackened skeleton, continuing to slowly break apart, his cries echoing across the entirety of Sovngarde. And then, with one last, near cataclysmic explosion, Alduin simply… ceased to be.

I sheathed my sword and took a deep breath. It was finally over. The months of death defying fights against dragons across the length and breadth of Skyrim were finally at an end. This was not eternal peace. Skyrim was still beset by problems. But at least the end of the world had been stopped, at least for a little while.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned towards my father. We embraced for a moment, feeling a pat on the back. "You did it, son." I only nodded, feeling the exhaustion of it all.

And then I heard the sound. It was one of triumph and glory, looking up and across the bridge to see a crowd of warriors, swords and axes raised into the air, as they shouted my name. Not the name my mother gave me. My true name. The one that described the blood that flowed through my veins and my very soul.


I was embraced by the warriors three, the trio promising to aid me in the future if required. Lydia hugged me too, before she walked towards Tsun, leaving me alone with my father. We strolled together towards a nearby stream, washing away the dirt and the blood. We didn't share many words, just the occasional glance and smile, before we walked back towards the bridge. My father embraced me again, told me he was proud of me, before he walked across the bridge. At the opposite side, he held his sword high and roared, as did everyone else. The sound was near deafening.

Of course, I returned the gesture. I'll admit my eyes were wet as I did so, knowing I would not see my father, the heroes three, nor any of them again, for a long time. I know I would return one day, but I hoped for a long life yet.

"Are you ready, Dragonborn?" Tsun asked.

"Aye. It's time to go home. Are you ready to leave, Lydia?"

"Lead the way, my Thane."

Tsun embraced me as a fellow warrior, hand on forearm, as he dipped his head. "I hope you don't return here for many years, Dragonborn. I foresee a bright future for you. And your Housecarl. One day, she will be free of your burdens."

"I hope so, Tsun. And may we meet one day in the future and test our steel once again."

"I look forward to that day, Dragonborn. Until then, I bid thee farewell."

Lydia and I stood side by side as magic flowed from the hand of Tsun, directed at us. A bright light enveloped the pair of us, and I suddenly felt light as a feather.

Then my vision turned black.

Tsun walked into the hall. It immediately fell silent upon his arrival. When was the last time Tsun had ever left his position near the bridge? Tsun noticed the silence but walked straight towards Ysgramor. The old warrior turned upon the approach of the god.

"Tsun! What brings you here?" the old warrior asked heartily.

"A word, sire."

Tsun could read Ysgramor's face. Tsun rarely if ever talked to anyone except those who approached the bridge. The fact he was now calling Ysgramor 'sire', a simple gesture of respect but one which meant a lot, and the fact he now wanted to talk so publicly, could only mean something was wrong. Tsun gestured towards the door outside, standing still in front of Ysgramor once position near the bridge, as the old warrior asked, "What's wrong, Tsun?"

"I lost the Dragonborn, sire."


"I lost the Dragonborn."

Ysgramor scratched his head. "What do you mean you 'lost the Dragonborn'?"

"I was transporting him back to Tamriel when something went wrong. His companion, Lydia, landed back at the Throat of the World but the Dragonborn didn't."

"So where is he?"

"I don't know, sire. All I know is that he's no longer on Tamriel."

"Is he dead?"

"It's possible, but I don't believe so. But wherever he is, I can't see him. At least, not yet…"

"So what do we do?"

"I'm not sure, sire. Such a thing has never happened. I could ask the Gods but…"

Ysgramor held up a hand. "No, no. Let's not be too hasty there."

"I will continue to look for him, sire. But I believe he is no longer on Nirn itself."

"Where could he have gone?"

"Honestly, I have no idea. Such a thing has never occurred before."

Ysgramor remained silent for a few moments before he nodded. "Okay. This is what we do. Share this with no-one for the time being. No doubt the gods are already aware, they are omnipotent after all. But we can't let those in the hall know, because all they'll want to do is try and find him. Otherwise, keep looking for him and let me know as soon as you find him. Where else can you see apart from Nirn?"

"Across the cosmos, sire."

"Then look for him!"

"I won't rest until I find him, sire. I have eternity, after all."

I couldn't help groan but was amazed that wherever I was lying felt incredibly soft and warm. I felt the slight smile prick at my lips as I had a little stretch, opening my eyes to see I was lying on a bed. Looking around, I knew I wasn't in my own house. Must be somewhere else. Maybe I had a lot to drink? I don't remember too much after leaving Sovngarde.

I heard a door open behind me. "Zeit aufzustehen, schläfriger Kopf. Es ist Frühstückszeit, dann trainierst du mit dem Jungen. Es ist schließlich dein Tag."

I know my eyes widened as I didn't recognise the voice or the language at all. I turned around onto my back and stared at the strange man standing before my bed. "By Talos, who are you and what language are you speaking?"

The strange man just laughed at me. "Wer auf Thedas ist Talos, Uhtred?! Und das ist keine Zeit für eines deiner albernen Spiele. Vater hat nach der letzten Nacht nach dir gefragt."

I scratched my head. I heard my name and I heard Talos. But I didn't understand another word. "I don't understand you! Who are you? Where am I?"

The man walked forward, still chuckling away. "Das ist ernst, Uhtred. Ich weiß nicht, was du sagst, aber Vater wird fit sein, wenn du heute verkatert bist."

I looked around again, recognising absolutely nothing, before looking back at him. I'll admit to feeling concern and I'm sure it showed on my face. So I asked very slowly, enunciating every word, "Who are you and where am I? I don't know you. I don't know where I am. I don't understand you." I paused, before adding, "And I have a feeling you don't understand me either."

The strange man didn't laugh this time. "Geht es dir gut, Uhtred? Hast du dir letzte Nacht den Kopf gestoßen?" he asked. I couldn't understand him, but I heard and recognised the tone.

"I'm guessing you asked if I'm okay? I'm fine, whoever you are. I just want to know who you are and where I am."

The man's face turned serious, crossing his arms against his chest. "Aussehen. Dies ist keine Zeit für Spiele, Uhtred. Aufstehen. Sich anziehen. Wir müssen frühstücken, bevor wir mit dem Training beginnen. Wir haben keine Zeit zu verlieren."

I looked at him in silence before rising to my feet. Pleased with a slight height advantage, I set my face into a look I knew would intimidate as I walked forward. "By all the Nine Divines, who are you and what am I doing here? Am I still in Skyrim? Where is Lydia?" Looking around, I added, "Did I arrive in the Imperial City or perhaps Solitude by accident?" I paused again. "But then why are you speaking this gibberish? Hmm, an Imperial province maybe, and perhaps a local dialect?"

The face of the strange man fell, and he started to look anxious, if not a little worried. "Ich hole besser den Heiler. Du bleibst einfach wo du bist, Uhtred. Dir geht es offensichtlich nicht gut."

I have no idea what he said, but the strange man quickly departed the room, leaving me to my thoughts. One single question kept floating through my mind.

Where on Tamriel was I?

A/N – So, obviously I needed a language that they would speak on Thedas. I was originally going to have the language be the same as Tamriel, and simply call it the 'Common Tongue'. But that would have made it all too easy. So I've used German as the language of Thedas, as I wasn't going to make up a language! (Apologies to any German speakers or readers if the grammar is atrocious. I simply used Google translate of English sentences into German.)