"Tadaima, Mama!" Sarada called as she and Sasuke made their way into their home.

"Okaeri, Sarada, Sasuke-kun!"

Sakura had just gotten back from the hospital and still had her white coat on. She looked more tired than usual, but her eyes lit up in the same way when she saw her daughter and her husband. Taking the coat off and hanging it by the door, she made her way to Sasuke and Sarada. She hugged her daughter and gave her husband a peck on the lips, causing Sarada to make fake gagging noises.

"Mama that's so gross!"

"What? What happened to wanting to see affection between your parents?"

"Yeah that was before I knew how disgusting you and Papa could be!"

Sasuke's face reddened slightly as Sakura laughed and kissed him again. She was happy that Sarada and Sasuke spent more time with each other. It was almost like the issue that Papa didn't love them was completely eradicated from Sarada's mind following the first encounter with her Papa and especially after the chunin exams. This was the happy family she wanted to give Sasuke and this was the happy family that she knew he deserved.

"Well, I just got back from the hospital," Sakura said, stepping away from her husband, "It's a little late to start cooking now, so why don't we go out to eat?"

"How about Ichiraku's? They have this new black tea pudding for dessert that I've been dying to try since I went last time with Naruto oji-san," Sarada suggested. Sasuke made a face at the suggestion to go to Ichiraku's, recalling how Naruto had told him he was taking his family out to dinner. It was almost certain that the Uzumaki family will be there right now.

It's not that Sasuke didn't want to see Naruto. Boruto was as rambunctious as ever and Himawari loved talking to Sasuke and Sakura nonstop about her latest adventures. Of course there would always be ridiculous banter and rivalry going on between Sasuke and Naruto. Sasuke wanted to spend time with his family without the intrusion of others for one, and as he opened his mouth to shoot down the idea of going to Ichiraku's Sakura spoke up.

"Sounds like a great idea, Sarada! We haven't been in a while and I want to see Ayame-chan and ask her about her pregnancy. Is that okay Sasuke-kun?"

"Hn," he said after closing his mouth. He supposes that one night with the Uzumakis won't be terrible. After all, Naruto did promise him a break to stay in Konoha longer.

"Yosh! Come on Mama, Papa! Let's go!"

"Teme! Sakura-chan! Sarada-chan! Over here!" Naruto yelled at the top of his lungs when he saw the Uchiha family walk through the entrance of Ichiraku's. Sasuke and Sakura both sweatdropped at the blonde hokage's loudness while Sarada giggled and waved at him. The Uchiha family made their way over to the empty booth next to the Uzumakis and Sasuke was very careful to sit on the inside seat, as far away as he could from his hyperactive best friend.

Boruto was so occupied with stuffing his ramen in his face that he hadn't noticed the Uchiha family until Himawari yelled, even louder than her father did, "Sarada nee-san!" and was out of her seat in a moment to tackle the Uchiha in a tight hug. Ever since she'd watched Sarada during the chunin exams and proudly claimed to her parents that she wanted to be just like her Sarada nee-san, Himawari developed an intense sisterly affection for Sarada.

"Ah! Hima-chan! Nice to see you again." Sarada pat Himawari's head and smiled at the younger girl.

"Ne, Sarada nee-san, Mama's been teaching me lots about the byakugan! If I didn't know better, I would say that Papa and onii-san are even a little scared of me!"

Sarada looked over and saw the two Uzumaki males tense at the mention of Himawari's byakugan. From what she'd heard from her Hinata obaa-san, Himawari had managed to completely knock the two out cold for a day when she was only six years old.

"That's great Hima-chan! Who knows, maybe you can be my right-hand man when I become hokage, shannaro!"

"HEY WAIT! I'm supposed to be your right hand man-ttebasa!" Boruto yelled through a mouthful of ramen. Sasuke's face contorted in disapproval as he thought about the implications of what his student had just said. Sure, Boruto was a good kid, he had natural shinobi talents, and the son of his best friend, but Sarada was his daughter who was only thirteen and still too young to be—

"Sasuke-kun," nudged Sakura, "Don't over think it. They're just kids, remember. And besides, imagine how wonderful it would be if we were all family one day!"

"Hn. She's too young for boys."

"She calls Boruto annoying."

Sasuke froze. He had only ever called one girl annoying in his life, and now he was married to her. If his daughter was anything like him, which he knew she had picked up some of his traits, he could already see how this would end up. He got ready to tell Naruto to make sure his son doesn't say anything weird to Sarada when Sakura interrupted him once again.

"What did you and Sarada talk about today?"

"I took her to see Itachi and told her everything until Itachi's death."

"She really appreciates you telling her everything, Sasuke-kun. She looks up to you more than you know, and I hope you can see how happy you're making her by opening up to her."

"Aa. We'll continue our conversation at a later date. She needs time to process the events up to then."

"Mmm, don't underestimate our daughter."

"Mama, Papa, what are you whispering about? Can we order now?" Sarada handed her parents a menu and they noticed that Himawari had gone back to her seat. Naruto and Boruto were currently occupied with ordering a second serving of ramen, while Hinata was busy trying to stop Himawari from ordering more than she could eat.

"Aa, let's order."

AN: I'm a lowkey BoruSara shipper haha. My goal for this story is for Sasuke to tell Sarada about his past in a way that he has time to understand his daughter and Sarada has time to process her father's past. I want to show Sasuke's gradual steps to forgiving himself by looking at Sasuke's interactions with those he's close to, and realizing that perhaps he does deserve the life that he's living.

Thank you CherryClementines for the reviews! I'm glad that you like the story so far, and I hope that all characters are written in-character and I'm excited to see this story develop.