a.n/ the viewpoint will always be in third person unless stated (e.g. Tsurara's POV) otherwise.
Also, please take care of yourselves! With the corona virus becoming a pandemic, pls wash your hands thoroughly as well as making sure to be mindful of yourself and others, praying for everyone affected and everyone's else's safety❤️
tbh im writing this right now with a tube down my nose bc I had to have a procedure done :) kinda uncomfortable but as long as i can write this chapter then we all good❤️
Kappa grumbled as he swam from side to side, trying to catch the falling water that trickled down the watering can as Kubinashi aimlessly waved around the metal object, not at all caring that he had been completely missing the water yokai's head.
The pond's resident had been expecting the bubbly yuki-Onna to be the one watering him that morning and was dismayed once he found Kubinashi in her place, knowing fully well that the older yokai wouldn't know how to soak him properly. To make matters worst, it had seemed like Kubinashi was more inclined to his thoughts than his chores and Kappa had half the mind to just snatch the watering can and water himself.
"Oi, Kubinashi! We don't have time to daydream, water Kappa properly!" A voice shouted, followed by a busty brunette appearing, one hand on her hip and the other holding a basket loaded with laundry.
The sight of Kejoro seemed to have shaken Kubinashi out of his trance as he immediately dropped what he was holding and stalked towards her.
The woman with long luscious hair merely stared, raising a brow at the man before her. She directed her gaze towards the pond, watching as the water yokai gave a huff before reaching out and grabbing the watering can to water himself. Kejoro sighed, shaking her head at Kubinashi, a hard look of confusion on her face.
"What's your problem?" She asked, brown eyes narrowing dangerously.
Kubinashi's thoughts were running wild, there was a lot he wanted to say but nothing came out, his mouth simply opened and closed. But Kejoro waited, brows furrowed at the gaping Kubinashi.
"Master... Tsurara... when?" He managed to squeeze out, lungs unusually heavy. After the incident that morning his mind had been going haywire with the new revelation. Though he wasn't going to say that he didn't see it coming because on the contrary he did, he just didn't have much faith with it ever happening or their master & Tsurara's relationship ever getting past anything but platonic. Clearly he was wrong, he thought.
To say Kejoro was confused would've been an understatement, did the guy really expect her to get what he meant from those three words? Admittedly she knew what he meant, if his face wasn't already a dead give away but Kejoro wanted to hear it one more time so she could justify her need to give his floating head a good old smack.
Quirking an eyebrow she indicated for Kubinashi to repeat himself and he did, choking out the same 3 words again.
Kejōro groaned, muttering and cursing at how dense her fellow yokai had been.
"Since always, it was bound to happen some time soon, they're both at that age now, besides if you asked me, it should've happened sooner... had it not been for those meddling humans" she had muttered the last bit to herself, not that Kubinashi had heard for he was still in some sort of shock.
What an idiot, Kejōro thought as she used her hair to give his head a good smack.
That had knocked some sense back into him as he screamed out in pain, glaring at the woman before him who had inflicted the pain, to which she just shrugged off.
"Why don't you use that head of yours and be useful around the house instead of worrying about Master and Tsurara, huh?"
"I'm being serious Kejōro...," Kubinashi sighed, walking over to sit on a stone boulder under one of the many trees in the Nura clan's garden, "I knew Tsurara had growing feelings and that maybe the young master did too, but I always thought Rikuo-sama would have ended up with a human, like that girl... what was her name? Kira... Kara... Kana! For he would always be at her beck and call, saving the girl from anything and everything and even going as far as taking her to the Bakeneko's restaurant, parading her at his side as if she had been his woman."
Kejōro almost choked, this was news to her. She frowned, funny how this little piece of information had gotten lost in her web of gossips. She then glared at Kubinashi not liking the idea that he seemed to be more supportive of that human girl over their lovely Tsurara, something that irked her for she had always been on Tsurara's side when it came for her love for the third heir.
"You seem disappointed Kubinashi. Tsurara is more than good enough, a mere human girl can only wish to even compare to her." Kejōro defended, frustration rising.
Kubinashi's eyes widened, quickly interrupting as Kejōro seemed to misinterpret his words, "No! I know Tsurara is more than deserving of Master Rikuo, she's perfect for him. I... I'm just worried. Rihan-sama had fallen in love with a yokai only for it have been an ill-fated relationship, I don't think anyone one of us could handle it should Rikuo-sama and Tsurara go through the same thing..."
A far away look cast upon the string wielder's eyes as he reminisced the past, hands clenching into fists. He had been the second heir's trusted attendant and his death had been a burden that Kubinashi would forever carry for he had failed in his duty to protect. He had sworn his life to Rihan yet how was it possible that Kubinashi had been there to witness Rikuo grow but his father had not. Nightmares still plagued him of that wretched day, the cries and screams of a young Rikuo and the blood, his master's blood. No one knew but he'd visit Rihan's grave sometimes, beg for his forgiveness over and over again and promise that he would look after Rikuo and guide him in his stead. That's why maybe he was so hesitant of the obvious love that had been blossoming between master and aid, he was terrified at the possibility of history repeating itself.
Silence ensued between them. In all the years, decades and centuries that Kejōro had spent with Kubinashi this had been the side of him that always surprised her the most. For someone so confident in his skills and loyalty he was insecure in ways that maybe no one could really understand. It had been years since the untimely death of the second heir and the wounds from the past had slowly healed or so she thought but glancing at the man who sported a troubled expression before her she knew that one wound had scarred deeper than others.
With swift movement Kubinashi was suddenly pulled into a warm embrace as the basket of clothes dropped to the ground. Bright yellow eyes widened but his arms closed around the smaller frame of the brunette, relishing in the comfort she provided.
"What happened to Master Rihan was something no one could have expected... you have to learn to forgive yourself Kubinashi," her grip on him tightened as she spoke, "Rihan-sama is at peace now, it's time that you are too..."
He only hummed in reply, knowing that she was right, but moving on from the guilt that he felt was hard.
"And I know you're only worried for the young master, he's almost like a son or a brother to us after all, but he's no longer the little boy we once knew. He is the supreme commander now, whatever decisions he makes, we can do nothing but trust in him..."
Kejōro's words held volumes of truth within them. He had known all this. Shaking his head he wondered just how his fear had managed to escalate to the point that he had become hesitant in his trust for Rikuo. The young master had proven time and time again that he was worthy of everything he had now, that he was capable to lead and make decisions for the good of the clan.
"Now come on, I don't have all day to be comforting you!"
The morning's stress was forgotten as the two laughed and bickered like they usually would, the heavy weight on Kubinashi's mind soothed as they carried on with their day.
Over to the side, Kappa lay sprawled above the pond, soaking in the sun as he played with the water with very little care in the world. He listened as Kubinashi and Kejōro's voices grew further away and towards the household that was abuzz with life, with everyone having been awake by now and were carrying on with their own morning routines. He felt his shoulders slump in relaxation as he inhaled the dewy morning air, glad that everything seemed fine as it is.
However his momentary peace was disrupted as he felt a sudden unfamiliar fear spike, his senses on full alert as he jumped, the water reacting with him as they swayed violently at the ominous presence. He watched with narrowed eyes at the dark clouds that were rapidly approaching only to let out a small noise of surprise at the oncoming body that flew and dropped before him. Kappa hurriedly reached for the water to cushion the trespassers fall, catching them just in time before a scurry of screaming yokai's barged into the garden, some with weapons out.
Kurotabo pushed through the crowd, a frown on his face as he watched Kappa hold onto an unconscious yokai, one he was familiar with and had recognised to be Yosozume. To say he was confused would have been an understatement but as blood seeped out of Yosozume's wounds urgency filled within him as he shouted out commands to the smaller ones to carry her into the infirmary and to find Kubinashi whilst he rushed off to inform the first Supreme Commander of the unexpected visitor that had crashed into their home.
Upon reaching Nurarihyon's room, Kurotabo carefully knocked and entered as he heard the first's voice to come in.
Kurotabo faced the small figure of the first commander, his mouth full of sweets as he chewed on one after the other.
"Sweets?" Nurarihyon had his hand stretched out, his palm holding a variety of sweets. Kurotabo's eyes twitched, choosing to refuse the sugary things.
"Nurarihyon-sama, we have a situation," Kuro says as Nurarihyon simply nodded absentmindedly, concentration still on his sweets which undoubtedly irked the weapons specialist, "First Supreme Commander Sir. I said we have a situation."
Had this been any other time, Kurotabo would've had shivers down his spine for speaking in such a manner to his former leader, yet the sickly feeling he had from seeing the beaten and bleeding body of Yosozume overpowered that.
Nurarihyon slowed his eating, sitting up straight as he placed his food to the side, his own demeanour changing at the urgent tone on Kuro's voice.
The older yokai hummed in response, indicating for his subordinate to continue.
"An unfamiliar fear had entered our borders, they were able to get past the Karasu Tengu siblings on there way here where just a few moments ago they had trespassed into the main household... beaten and unconscious. But I do recognise them, it's Yosozume from the Shikoku Clan Nurarihyon-sama."
At this piece of information, Nurarihyon felt unsettled. At his old age he had seen many things, experienced and fought through many battles and through all that, he had developed a sense of foreboding – hearing Kurotabo relay this information to him, he couldn't help the bitter feelings that were surging through his body, as if telling him that something unpleasant was coming.
He heaved a deep sigh before speaking.
"Gather all the clan leaders, I want to hold a meeting with utmost urgency," Kurotabo nodded at this, bowing before rushing to do as he was told whilst Nurarihyon turned his head to the side and spoke to the shadowed corner of the room, "Karasa Tengu... go and bring Rikuo home."
Karasu Tengu appeared from the shadows and bowed before disappearing in a flurry of feathers as he flew away.
Nurarihyon stood from his sitting position and watched the dark clouds gather above them, covering the bright rays of the sun and encasing the town in darkness.
His gut feeling had never been wrong before, so now he was hoping that maybe this time it would be for this unsettling feeling that consumed him had rivalled the intensity he had felt at their encounter with the Nue.