Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters - these were created by Eric Kripke - I'm just borrowing them. I'm not making any commercial gain. No harm or infringement intended.

SPN100 Challenge: patch

DEW Challenge: Death (& Saturday)

Coping with those Winchesters can be quite draining when you're Death. 150-word drabble.

Written for the 'Drabbles Every Weekend' challenge at SPN BigPretzel on LiveJournal. You should come visit, it won't kill you and other communities aren't a patch on it!

A Patch on Death

On a whim, Billie took a wander through the veil.

"It's good to see you again, sir," she said with a formal nod on encountering a former colleague.

"Likewise," replied the cadaverous gentleman. "It's heartening to see someone so worthy has taken up the mantle. And none of this 'sir', you're the one in charge now!"

"I'm hardly a patch on you, Death," said Billie demurely.

"Nonsense, you've proved both capable and adaptable, something I was sadly lacking with my dealings with those Winchesters. I got complacent," he muttered.

Billie snorted. "I think that's probably to be expected after an eon or so."

"Well, you're Death now, so they're your problem," chuckled the thin man. "Also, I'm tending to go by 'Julian', these days."

"Thank you, Julian," laughed Billie.

"If you'll forgive an old, old man's unsolicited advice?" offered Julian. "Never let those Winchesters get their hands on your scythe!"
