Chapter 20: The Final
Hiccup woke up, as he felt something wet on his face. He opened his eyes and saw the all too familiar snot.
"Toothless!" he cried pushing the dog off him. "Bud! Come on!"
Great, another morning started all soaked in his dog's saliva. He stretched and grabbed his phone. As he saw the many notifications of the clock, his eyes widened. He overslept! Again! However, this time it was worse. He was late for the final!
Hiccup checked the time. The final race would start from forty minutes. He jumped off his bed and headed towards the bathroom. Wearing his shirt on his way down, Hiccup took his backpack, car keys and left the house.
Driving on insane speeds, he reached the old aviation college in twenty minutes. As he entered the hangar, he opened his backpack and took his suit out. Hiccup cursed as he was strapping the buckles. Why he had to make it so complicated!?
After agonizing five minutes, he got into the plane. He tapped on the screen and the program started.
"Good morning, sir," was heard Ally's robotic voice.
"Ally, do a quick start," Hiccup commanded strapping his seatbelt.
"Before starting the plane, I need to do a checkup," Ally informed.
"We don't have time for that!"
"It will only take 10 minutes, sir."
"Ally, I said to start the plane, without a checkup," Hiccup hissed annoyed. This was the most important of his life and he didn't want to be late, because the AI didn't let him start the plane.
"Starting the plane," Ally finally said. The flight instruments began appearing on the screen and after a minute, Ally informed that the plane was ready.
The plane got out of the hangar and raised to the skies. Hiccup smiled as he saw the familiar building of the company. The bleachers were bustling with many people. There were even twice more than yesterday. After all, it was the final.
He landed the plane and got out.
"And Night Fury is here!" the announcer said. "The final race started!"
Hiccup sheepishly looked around. He was ten minutes late. He saw Astrid standing in the front row, which was designed for pilots and important people. Her arms were crossed and she was looking directly at him. Hiccup couldn't see her expression but he was sure she was looking at him accusingly.
He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the screen. He needed to be on the track from two minutes. He got into the plane and took off. Hiccup approached the line and not long after the horn blew, signaling the start.
Hiccup darted forward, the rush of adrenaline filling his veins. He smiled. From a few minutes, his dream would come true.
It all happened in the blink of an eye. The plane was about to cross the finish line as an explosion rang in the left wing. It went crashing down and the moment it hit the ground a loud bang rang, the plane flaming up.
Astrid's hand flew to her mouth as she saw what happened. She didn't lose a second, as she passed under the security line and began running to the plane. It would soon explode and she needed to get Hiccup out of there!
The same was for Gobber, who began hobbling down the stairs.
Astrid reached the flaming plane and pried the door out. Hiccup was unconscious. His suit was torn and scratches littered his skin. His helmet was still on him and she hoped that at least it would have protected his head. She tried unstrapping his seatbelt but it didn't budge. It was stuck! Astrid continued desperately tugging, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. She had to get him out! She couldn't leave him!
Suddenly a large pair of hands pushed her aside. Stoick broke the belt with his strong arms and took the boy out. He began running away from the plane, Astrid following him. After a few seconds, the explosion sounded behind them. The strong force pushed all three of them to the ground. Thankfully, Stoick was able to hold the boy.
He put him gently down, sitting next to him. Astrid didn't care that Hiccups' secret would be revealed, there was only one thought in her mind—'Please, let him be alive…'
Stoick took out the boy's helmet and when he saw the familiar face, he gasped. "Hiccup…"
He threw the helmet away and scooping Hiccup in his arms put his ear above his heart. When he heard the faint thumps, the tears of happiness began falling down.
"He's alive," he croaked out letting out a faint chuckle. Astrid began crying from happiness, a smile on her face. "My son is alive!"
Stoick looked at his son with a smile on his face. "The gods brought him back alive…"
That was the moment when Gobber finally reached them. He stood panting and looked at the boy. "Well, most of him."
Stoick turned to Gobber, looking at him disbelievingly. The blacksmith just shrugged and Astrid began laughing. It was a moment of pure happiness. They were all thinking only one thing—Hiccup was alive.
Not long after, the ambulance arrived, taking Hiccup to the hospital.
Hiccup blinked his eyes open. The white light was blinding. White walls surrounded him and a steady beeping filled his ears. He was in a hospital room. Hiccup turned his head and saw his father sleeping on a chair next to his bed.
He tried to sit up however a sharp pain shot up in his abdomen and his gasp woke up Stoick.
"Take it easy, son," he said pushing the boy back to the bed.
"Hey, dad," Hiccup said laying back. "What happened?"
Stoick sighed.
"You were about to pass the finish line when the plane exploded. We were able to take you out on time. You have some broken ribs, many bruises, burns, and scratches. However, the worst of all was your leg. It was burned beyond repair. The doctors weren't able to save it. I'm sorry, son," Stoick informed not able to look into Hiccup's eyes. He didn't know what his son's reactions would be. He needed to pass months of physical therapy before being able to walk again. However, no matter what, Stoick was ready to stand behind his back.
Hiccup pulled the sheets back. The half of his lower leg was missing and the stump was bandaged. He didn't know what to think about it. Hiccup sighed and looked at his hands. "I'm sorry, dad. I should've listened to you. I just-"
"Don't apologize, son. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have forbidden you to fly. It's just after what happened to your mother, I didn't want to lose you," Stoick admitted looking at Hiccup. There were unshed tears in his eyes. Hiccup was the only thing he had left of Valka. He would never be able to forget the moment he saw his son lying in his arms unconscious and probably dead.
"I'll never leave you, dad," Hiccup said noticing his father's troubled gaze. He put his hand on Stoick's big one and looked him into the eyes. "I promise."
Stoick looked at his son and smiled. "You know that lass didn't leave your side until I send her out to get some rest," he said smirking.
"Astrid is here?" Hiccup beamed.
"Of course. I'll get her if you want."
Hiccup nodded and Stoick stood up heading towards the door. Astrid was sitting in front of the room, her arms folded and tapping her foot. When she saw Stoick, she jumped at her feet and ran to him.
"Is everything okay?" she said looking into the man's eyes hoping to find any reaction.
Stoick smiled. "Yes, everything is okay. Moreover, it's better. He has woken up and wants to see you." As Astrid heard that she beamed and was about to enter the room when a big hand landed on her shoulder.
"Astrid, wait."
Astrid turned to Stoick, waiting for what he had to say. She wanted to see Hiccup as soon as she could. Also, she still wasn't in best terms with Stoick. They were both too busy with worrying for Hiccup, in order to be angry at each other.
Stoick clasped his hands and looked at her. "I want to… apologize for the things I said."
Astrid was surprised. She knew that Stoick wasn't that kind of who apologized frequently. Yes, he had hurt her feelings. However, she was ready to forgive him. She nodded. "I'm sorry too. We both said things that we regretted."
There was a silence for some time and Astrid was about to enter Hiccup's room when Stoick words stopped her. "Will you return to the company?" Astrid turned to Stoick, surprise in her eyes. She accepted his apology and hoped he had accepted hers. However, she didn't think Stoick would want her back after all of what happened.
She turned to Stoick and gave a small smile. "I would love to, sir," she said and Stoick smiled.
"Go, lass. I won't hold you anymore."
Astrid nodded and entered the room.
Hiccup was sitting on his bed, his legs dangling from the side. When he saw Astrid a huge smile appeared on his face.
"Hi," Astrid greeted closing the door after her. She went to the chair next to his bed and sat there. "You still need to rest," she said pushing him back to the bed.
"But I'm tired of laying!" Hiccup whined slumping back on his bed. He instantly regretted that as a sharp pain shoot through his ribs. Astrid chuckled. "Of course you would. After all, you have been in a coma for a week," she said. Hiccup's eyes widened.
"For a week!?" he asked shocked. Astrid nodded, the smile disappearing from her face. She didn't want to remember. The sirens of the ambulance. Doctors saying that they can't save his leg. Blood. So much blood.
She shook her thoughts away and instead concentrated on Hiccup and the fact that he was here, with her and awake. She lightly punched his shoulder.
"That's for almost getting killed."
"Hey!" Hiccup cried rubbing his shoulder. Her punch wasn't hard; however, all of his muscles were sore after being still for a week. "I'm injured."
Astrid rolled her eyes and hauled him for a kiss. The kiss didn't last long, however, Astrid poured all her happiness in it. All her worries were gone in an instant. She soon retreated and looking him into eyes, smiled. Hiccup smiled back.
"Hey, H!" And the moment was ruined.
Hiccup turned seeing whole gang, consisting of Fishlegs, twins and even Snotlout coming inside.
"We're so glad you're okay!" Fishlegs squealed.
"That was totally crazy!" Ruff yelled running to Hiccup's side. "I like that," she continued in suggestive tone. Hiccup leaned back trying to get away from the crazy twin. Astrid's glare was enough to send her back. No one wanted to mess with Astrid Hofferson.
The gang began chatting, telling how popular he got. All of Berk was talking about him. They also told him that Krogan was found guilty for the explosion. Hiccup smiled, as he found out that they were able to get the footage from his plane and that's how Krogan was caught. He internally praised himself for putting a camera.
The next news made Hiccup overjoyed. He had won the championship! Krogan got disqualified and the cup was his. Hiccup didn't want to win that way, however, his friends assured him that even if Krogan didn't get disqualified, he would win.
All the time when the gang was chatting, Snotlout was standing in the corner silently. That wasn't like him.
It had passed an hour and everyone needed to get back to work. They all left the room except Snotlout. Hiccup stared at his cousin for some time.
"Um, Snotlout, is there anything I can help you with?" Hiccup asked hesitating. He and his cousin weren't on best terms and he was even surprised that he came.
"Yes!" Snotlout exclaimed startling Hiccup. "Um, eh, no. I mean, no," he added playing with his fingers.
"Okaay," Hiccup was completely weirded out by his cousin. He has never seen him so nervous. He was always too confident for his own good.
Snotlout continued fidgeting with his hands and then finally finding the courage spoke up. "I'm sorry," he mumbled.
"What?" Hiccup asked surprised. Was it he or Snotlout was apologizing?
Snotlout took a deep breath and looked Hiccup into the eyes. "I'm sorry," he said louder. "I'm sorry for bullying you in high school. Calling you useless and such. It's just-" he stopped. Hiccup didn't push him. It was noticeable that this was hard for him. "It's just I-I was… jealous."
"Jealous?" Hiccup asked his eyebrows raising. "Of me?"
"Yes," Snotlout said more confident this time. "You were always that smart kid who was good at everything. Well, except sports. And me? I only could toss a ball. Every time, even when I won a game, I could see the disappointment in my father's eyes."
Hiccup was completely stunned. He never waited for a confession like this from his cousin. However, it wasn't news to him that Snotlout always tried to please his father and never succeeded. And he knew that it deeply upset Snotlout.
"When we finished high school, we both went to college," Snotlout continued. "You got your engineering degree and began working in the company. It didn't even pass long and you became the best engineer! And me? I can even barely control my plane! It was the only thing that I was better in than you were! And now you have built your own plane and are the best pilot in Archipelago! I'm just nothing compared to you!" After finally getting out Snotlout sighed and looked down.
Hiccup examined the broken shape of his cousin.
"Snotlout, you are not nothing," he said looking to his cousin straight into the eyes. "You are the second best pilot in Berk, after Astrid. That's not nothing and I'm really sorry that your father can't see that in you."
Snotlout raised his head and gave a small smile. "Yeah, I-I think you're right," he said and then smiled. "Thank you. I'll leave now. You need to rest. See you later, cuz." Saying that Snotlout left the room.
Hiccup sighed and laid back in his bed.
A few months ago, he just couldn't have imagined how his life would change. He had built his own plane, learned to fly, won the championship, became friends with the gang, solved problems with his cousin and got an amazing girlfriend. Hiccup smiled. Well, he still needed to ask Astrid about that.
Hey guys! So this is it—the end! I have been writing this story for almost a year and now it's over. It improved my writing a lot. This story had lots of plot holes and I was literally thinking on the spot. But well, this was my first, normal, multi-chaptered fanfiction.
I'm planning on rewriting some of my older works. I have lots of ideas in my mind that I hope I'll write. Now, I'm working on another multi-chaptered story. I already have a rough outline. I want to write at least half of the chapters before publishing so I can update by schedule. Meanwhile, I'm going to write one-shots.
This story will not have a sequel; however, I have a one-shot in mind that will be set in this universe ;)
Please tell me what you think. See you next time!