A/N- Hiya guys! This is my first Anne and Gilbert fanfic so I'm very nervous and excited for you guys to read it. I have got dyslexia so if my spellings wrong just point it out JIt's based straight after season 2 of 'Anne with an e' so don't read it if you don't want spoilers. Anyways hope you enjoy it J


Twirling, leaping and exploring the deaths of the woods, my imaginary world erupted around me in the setting between the trees. Vibrant colours engulfed my skinny frame in the undergrowth as my books and basket of lunch flung around in the air. The air was crisp in the cool, autumn morning but it felt alive in many ways. Prince Wisteria was confessing his undying love for Princess Cordelia in a most gallant duel with a mighty lord, who had stolen Cordelia to be his love. This would be my only hope for a conversation today as Diana wasn't coming to school today because she was visiting her Aunt Joe and Cole in Charlotte town since her parents wanted to talk Aunt Joe out of her decision to take in Cole. Which meant I have to face the perilous hardship of facing the journey of the way to the haven of school.

Half way through a graceful spin, I saw a boy behind me. Gilbert Blythe. Oh no. It had been less than a month when Cole told me that Gilbert had a crush on me. It can't be true. I can't lie, I have thought about it a lot. It can't be true, he always argues with me and he called me carrots but he also does hold the door for me and, when he returned from the glorious Trinidad, he said it was good to see me. No, No. It's not true. What about Ruby she's been dedicating her whole romantical life to Gilbert, he must be aware of that.


I was only few meters behind her. I watched her fiery red hair sway in her dance and her voice floated through the air when she hummed her sweet melody. The floor crunched beneath my feet as I tried to catch up with the exuberant girl, who was waltzing in and out of trees. "Anne! Anne, Slow down." I shout to the ginger girl as I ran towards her. She slowed down and smiled at me, letting her pretty blue eyes to twinkle in the shards of light in between the trees.

"How's Bash and Mary?" she asked politely

Still smiling at her, I answered, "Good, still very much in love"

"Well yes, I'm that glad." As she spoke, I thought about Bash' constant teasing and about the likeliness of his words. Was he right? Did I like this fiery tempered girl? I walked thoughtfully beside her, looking at the way some of her hair falls out of her short plaits and frames her pale features. The golden light bronzed her skin making her look like some fairy queen.

In an effort to stop the awkward silence, Anne asked, "So how's the studying to be a doctor going?"

"It's good, Miss Stacy has really helped. And your plans to become like Miss Stacy?"

"Still no tragical romance yet" she laughed musically. I laughed along with her letting the smile grow across my face.


His dark eyes smiled with his checks. It reminded me of when I first met and how he stopped Billy from plunging me into a pit of excruciating doom. Coal hair was scuffed on the dome of his head with a cap perched neatly on top. He was wearing his grey shirt with a patterned overall jumper on top. His skin was tanned due to the excessive amount of work he's been putting into the farm with Bash.

By this time we had made it to the opening by the field that led our small school building. Walking toward the blue walls with gilbert, I knew I would be stirring up trouble with the girls. They already had reprimanded me about why I couldn't talk, look or even acknowledge Mr. Blythe. I looked down at the green grass below my feet, which was covered in dew drops, and started to devise a plan to prevent us from walking in together.

"Do you want me to put your milk away?" I asked, persuasively, hoping to encourage him into taking my offer.

"Erm… yeah sure." He said removing the jar of milk from his satchel. I was walking towards the stream as I realized he didn't move from his spot.

"You can go inside." I said not revealing my plan.

"Are you sure? I can wait?"

"No, no! I'll be fine"

"Look, I'll just wait."

"Gilbert Blythe go inside!" I said losing my temper. I felt my face flare up and my hands clenched around the jars.

He raised his hands, laughed a little and walked indoors. I sighed a breath of relief and was internally glad he had obeyed my commands. I couldn't face another social humiliation especially without Diana to defend me. I walked towards the cold running stream. The water splashed against the banks creating a white lace of foam on the miniature river. The water sparked like a thousand jewels in the spring morning.

Eventually, I made my way to the steps, still watching the water in my mind. I replayed the sound of the gentle rushing of the stream. All as I edged closer to the steps. Suddenly, foot slipped and I dreadfully fell into the steps situated in the entrance of the school house. My hand reached up to where my head hit the step. Blood! Red liquid covered my skin and trickled down my face.