Hello, and welcome to the next chapter!

StrikerTj; Yeah, seems so haha~

D N Works; Yeah, he's definitely strong. Miki did what she thought she could to help out. He surely is, this arc is gonna be challenging for a number of people. Thanks.

ShadowUzumaki55; It was quite intense huh~? Mirio did quite well huh~? Showing his abilities, and his strength against her, managing to push her back. He did yeah, Aki's power can be very dangerous if used in the right way. Tensions were definitely there. Lets hope that Reaper can do it yeah.

mistersalmon; Yeah, that would be cool~

lord web of life of destiny; Thanks! Erm, probably not until the manga does.

KarmaChaos5; They will yeah. Kenji's got his reasons and he's willing to fight quite hard. Aki did yeah, he's quite the dangerous kid. Reaper and Hana have a strained relationship. Kenji's gonna be taking care of them yeah~ That will be arriving soon, we'll see what that's about when the time comes.

Silver crow; Lets see if you're right~ Maybe you're right, we'll soon see. Yeah, I could see Yami doing that. Because Misaki was the one that knew what was happening, that's why they talked, he does get on with the others too. Yup, Daisuke's mentioned about it before. We got his Quirk revealed~ He did yeah. Yeah, it's quite tense between the two of them. It's because they're so used to it, that it's just second nature to them. It's a hard habit to break. Glad you liked the fight~ We'll see what happens there. Not necessarily, if he needs to then he will. We'll see if he does get it or not. Yeah, My Hero's manga has been amazing lately.

Chiaki Forever; They did yeah. Something definitely is coming. Kenji's quite determined~ Hajime wants to make sure everyone can live peacefully. We saw how Aki can fight, and can be quite devastating if used correctly. Reaper did it quite quickly. Yeah, while there's tensions between them, Reaper and Hana are still going to do their best for the kids. Rappa did yeah~ Mirio did his best, and fought Yami back a good deal. Lets see how he does in that fight~

Infinite Love 14; Thanks for the votes. Maybe he does, and thanks~

Guest 1; We'll have to see if he did or not.

MBS41; Thanks very much!

Guest 2; He does yeah~ Gigan seems to follow him quite well. Himiko is yeah, Twice was a sad fate.

Guest 3; Eventually he will.

6U35T; I'd probably just make a different story with that.

Guest 4; Maybe in the end of the story he would~

Guest X; I do yeah, I know what I'm gonna do for that. Kenji will.

Guest 5; I will do yeah.

Guest 6; I could see that happening~

jeremiah posey 9; Just some personal stuff, that's all.

Nirvash Neo; Real life stuff mostly gets in the way. I will be covering that when we reach that point in the story. That would be cool if he did take them~

Well, with those reviews out of the way, it's time to start the chapter!

A Mother's resolve!

Rushing further and further towards their destinations, Hikari and her group continued to take down opponents with their abilities, the Nomu's that weren't that strong, but still could pose a threat to the general public.

Hikari crushed them with her surprising strength, as did Itsuka using her enlarged hands, Momo formed a cannon from her torso, and fired off a heavy duty cannonball, and Gran Torino shot around like a speeding bullet, taking them all down, while making sure that Tomoko was safe and sound.

"Geez, they're never ending. How many did she have stuffed down here?"

Itsuka complained, wiping the sweat off her brow.

Hikari could understand the frustrations they felt, even she was beginning to feel it with the near endless army of Nomu's that were coming for them. They weren't strong, but they did take some effort to put down.

"...Sensei, they're quite...weaker than ones I've seen before...is that the point Sensei? To tear us down and to make it so we're...weakened?"

Momo panted out, Gran Torino nodded along with her.

"That would make sense, we're attempting to get closer to the enemies, that's why we're having to face these lesser Nomu's, so when the bigger challenges come, we wont be able to win that kind of fight due to fatigue. They might be weak, but they're vast in number."

Hikari understood that, though she wasn't pleased by it.

Stepping forward, she showed her resolve in full.

"Don't worry, we shall cut a path for us to get to the others. The Nomu's will eventually be finished off. All we have to do is keep going, isn't that right Tomoko-chan?"

Tomoko nodded.

"I can feel it, there's no Nomu's on this floor now, we'll be perfectly safe for the moment."

Hikari looked relieved.

"Then we can continue on."


They continued to run, knowing that they'd have to pick up the pace to get to the others.

On their way, Hikari could feel her husband, and Yami all the way at the top of the building, she knew that they'd clash sooner or later, she just hoped the tower they were in would be able to survive the impending doom that they'd surely be facing.

Tomoko stopped them, when she felt a presence coming towards them, she recognized it as well, and she informed Hikari about it.

"Hikari-chan...he's coming."

"He who?"

Itsuka asked, Tomoko's face turned grimmer.

"...The Hero Killer, Stain. I've felt him before...there's no mistaken it now...he's coming."

Momo and Itsuka froze, they remembered when it took Kenji and the others to fight him down, and now that he was on his way there...they didn't know what they were supposed to do.

Hikari inhaled and exhaled slowly.

She knew the Hero Killer was tough, even without using his Quirk he was fast, agile, and could slice down anyone. Plus, he could have been given enhancements by Yami...and that didn't bode well for them at all.

"Gran Torino, you take the kids, and find the others."


Gran Torino wasn't sure about it.

He didn't want anything to happen to Hikari.

"It's alright, I'll fight off the Hero Killer. I have to pay him back for the time he tried to harm my son, it's only right that I fight him this time. Besides, I don't want any of the kids here to get hurt by the Hero Killer. Tomoko-chan, you take them to the others, alright?"

"Okay...Hikari-chan, I'll do that."

Hikari nodded, sticking out her hand, and formed a small tree the acorn that she had with her. From the tree, the leaves began to spring forward, and peel off said tree, summoning them to surround her, and form an object in her hand.

It was a sword, made out of leaves.

But thanks to her Quirk, they became as sharp as razors, and she made a stance.

The others took off in the opposite direction, Hikari was waiting for Stain to come.

She only had to wait for about a minute, where rather than attacking, he simply strode closer, a sword twirling around in his hand, and a dagger in his other hand. His long tongue moved its way out of his mouth.

"Hello there, Stain."

Stain's eyes met with Hikari's own.

"So, the Life girl has come about, has she?"

Using a tone that most would find intimidating, Hikari's nerves of steel wouldn't be hindered by this man at all, she'd fight him with everything that she had, she'd show that she's not going to be beaten by him.

"Life girl, is that what I'm called? I much prefer Vitality, my Hero name."

"Hero's, have to earn that name. The only one that ever did, was All Might himself."

Hikari watched as he moved closer and closer.

"So, I'm unworthy?"

"Hmmm...that's a good question. I honestly don't know the answer to that."

Hikari gave a light smile.

"If I'm worthy or not in your eyes doesn't matter to me. The only thing that does is that you're stopped, here and now. My son has suffered enough because of you, and now giving your services to someone like Yami. She is so anti what you're attempting to do, it doesn't make sense to me."

Hikari explained her thoughts, but Stain just stared at her for a few moments.

Ultimately, he just showed a confident expression on his face.

"You might think that's the case, but the truth is, she also wishes to get rid of the unworthy Hero's."

"She considers All Might an unworthy Hero. Even before his retirement."

Stain didn't refute what she said.

"Maybe you're right, but I wouldn't allow her to do that. I've got my own plans."

"Plans? All your plans boiled down to was killing innocent Hero's."

Hikari said it while looking straight into his eyes.

His eyes were unwavering, showing that he was ready to fight at any moment.

"They were not innocent. They were greedy, unfit to be called Hero's."

"You can't say what a person would do when pushed to it. There might be 'greedy' and 'selfish' Hero's out there. The so-called unworthy Hero's as you call them, each of them might have some selfishness, but so do you Stain. You're selfish in trying to take loved ones away from them. The people you've killed, had families that loved them. That boy, Tensei Iida, had a brother that loved him, a family that loved him. What was he guilty of?"

Stain showed no willingness to back down, and stared right at the woman before him with conviction in his eyes, belief that he's doing what is necessary.

"He was guilty of being an unworthy Hero."

"You do not get to make that choice Stain!"

She snapped at him, even surprising Stain himself that she'd yell like that.

"I do, because I'm called the Hero Killer. I kill the unworthy Hero's. If this makes a change in society, then so be it. They wouldn't listen when I tried to tell them in other ways. I even became a Vigilante for a while."

"Yes, I know. With Knuckleduster."

Stain was mildly surprised that she was aware of that.

"But, Hero's don't listen, they continue to be selfish, greedy. I even dropped out of school for that reason. No matter what you say, no words can make changes in this world. Actions is what it takes."

"Clearly I'm not going to get through to you, so I wont even bother...but you know, I was also told that I couldn't be a Hero Stain."

"What are you-"

"I know you Stain. Or should I say, Chizome Akaguro." Stain's eyes narrowed. "You're not the only one who wants a better world, we all want people to be better. I understand that people can be selfish, greedy, self obsessed. But, it doesn't mean that they're evil people. Despite being any of them, in times of great need, Hero's sacrifice themselves for the general public, they do what they can to get through, and they don't give up either. So, I'll show the same...I'll show that you cannot pass me!"

Hikari said it with her strength laced into her voice.

She wasn't about to back down from her opponent.

Even if it was the Hero Killer.

Meanwhile, Kenji was busy healing Kirishima's body, while Sakura tied up both Rappa, and Tengai. Thanks to Rappa, they found a quiet room with a bed in it, and some medical supplies, so Sakura went over Rappa's injuries, as well as Tengai's, making sure they didn't suffer after the fighting had stopped.

"Thanks man...aah, my body feels as if it's been through ten rounds with a car hitting me..."

Kenji smiled lightly at the red haired man.

"Thanks Kirishima-kun, for standing with Sakura during all of that. I know that must have allowed her to focus."

Kirishima lightly scratched his cheek, shaking his head side to side.

"N-Nah, it's nothing."

"No, it is something. You managed to fight off Rappa-san, he's a very tough guy, his fists could probably kill most people if they got hit right away. I bet even Fat Gum would be pushed a good deal."

Kirishima gave a light hearted smile.

He was thankful that Kenji had said that.

"Kenji...this Chisaki, he's tough, isn't he?"

"Yeah, he's pretty tough."

"Can...Midoriya and Aizawa-sensei win against him?"

That question, Kenji had been pondering a few times.

"Deku-kun huh...if he truly pushed his body, then the chances would be pretty good. With Aizawa-sensei, I'd say that it would be a good deal higher of a chance. However, Chisaki isn't an idiot, he knows that Aizawa-sensei's Quirk would stop his own, he'd have taken precautions about it, and this is also his terrain, he knows the layout, he knows what and where to attack from. Deku-kun's strength is grand...but..."

"He's...He's going to be in danger, right?"

Kenji gave a slow nod of his head.

"Yeah...but, I believe he can still edge out a victory if he went at him. Still, I'm worried...Chisaki also teamed up with Yami...it's hard to discern if anything has happened there..."

"Then you go, once you make sure I don't die from my wounds...you go and back him up. Together, you can take him, right?"

Kenji thought about what he said.

He was sure if Izuku used 100 percent of his full power, Chisaki wouldn't be able to win.

But, as he was, Izuku could only manifest about 20 percent before his body begins to suffer.

If he only used 20...Kenji wasn't sure what the odds of Izuku winning would be.

"I suppose that we'd be able to yeah. But I've got to make sure you're okay first. I'm sure Deku-kun has got this."

Kenji hoped so anyway.

He wasn't doubting Izuku's skills, he was worried that Chisaki might have something up his sleeves that could help him in his battles, what Yami might have given him he truly didn't know, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to know either.

Once finishing off with making sure that Kirishima was healed, Kenji looked towards Sakura.

"Sakura, I have to keep going on, okay?"

"Papa...I understand, please be careful. It's really getting dangerous."

Kenji was touched by her care for him, but he knew he needed to carry on, and win this day.

"I know that it is, don't worry about me. You stay here, and wait for the Hero's and police to come, make sure that Rappa and Tengai don't escape. Though with them in that condition, it seemed that they'd be unable to make any bold moves."

Sakura slowly nodded, folding her arms across her chest.

"I understand Papa...allow me to make sure that these people are taken care of. I'll also make sure that Kirishima-kun is taken care of as well."

Kenji nodded in thanks, glad that she was alright with this for the moment.

Kenji then turned to Kirishima, who had been mostly healed.

"Are you sure you don't want me to heal you further?"

"Nah man...save your Quirk for the fights ahead...we don't know what kind of tricks they've got planned. Go, make sure that Chisaki is brought down...for that little girl...for Eri."

Sakura nodded, and showed a calm smile.

"He's right Papa, make sure that he's taken down. Eri-chan's waiting for us to come back, Naoto and Misaki are also waiting for us. Lets make sure that we get back to them."

Kenji have a nod of his head, and turned around, walking towards the exit.

"Then I'll be going. Keep safe you two."

With that, Kenji saluted, and ran off.

He truly hoped that he'd be able to make it to the others in time.

That they'd be safe...

Meanwhile, back with Mother and son, Yami and Reaper continued to have a stare off. Their powers danced around their bodies, their eyes filled with intensity. The doctor wasn't sure what he should do, he couldn't take a single step or he'd be erased out of existence.

"Doctor, keep awakening the Prototype."

"Yes, Lady Yami."

Reaper still didn't know what that was.

He was very knowledgeable in a number of areas.

But, this was...something that he didn't believe he had come across before.

"Tell me, what is this Prototype?"

"Hehe, that's not something you need to worry about. Once it's awaken, it will cause mass destruction, something that you should be doing as well."

"I'm not evil enough to end up like you."

Yami wasn't fazed by Reaper's words.

"You know, it's a shame that you never did tap into the full potential of your power."

Yami spoke up, confusing Reaper as to why she'd even bother trying something like this.

"Tapping into that kind of power, would have turned me into something little less than human, like you."

Yami smirked.

"Come on, what's wrong with being a little less than human? You should try it sometime." Yami pulled closer. "You know better than anyone that our power is grand. And you intentionally hold back, you could have surpassed All Might, under your Father."

"He's my friend, I wouldn't harm him. Unlike you, he actually cared about me."

Yami chortled at Reaper's explanation.

"If you say so. But, what annoys me is you must have known it was to be passed to that boy, Izuku Midoriya. One For All."

"Of course I was aware of that."

"Then, why didn't you stop him before it happened if you knew? You could have made it so my Grandson got the power, not some green haired kid that didn't have any power before. Though, I have to admit he's growing on me a bit, I still loath the fact that brat got the power instead of Kenji."

Yami allowed the sweetness she usually showed to drop to show a more darker, sinister side to her that couldn't be held back.

Reaper rolled his eyes at the rage that was behind her sweet appearance.

"That brat, is Kenji's friend. Do you honestly think this is the way to win anyone's affections? Do you think if he got the power from Izuku under duress, he's suddenly going to have a one eighty on you and you'll become like Grandmother and Grandson? The perfect family? It doesn't work like that."

Yami scoffed at Reaper.

"Maybe in your world it doesn't. But in mine, it does and will do soon." Yami walked closer, seeing the ground crumbling below her, and it appeared as if she was floating as she pulled forward. "When you and your brother were born, I was quite happy that one of my boys inherited my Death Quirk. We were always hoping for one of our sons to inherit All For One of course, but when that didn't work, it seems more drastic measures had to be taken. Still, to see my power being passed on, I was happy. But, you ruined it, and became...ugh, a Hero."

She spat out with disdain at the end.

The very idea of her children wanting to do good...it just didn't sit well with her.

"Hmph, I guess we disappoint each other then. I do what is necessary for the world. If it means stopping you, or stopping anyone, then that's what I do. I'm neither truly good, nor truly evil. I do what's necessary to make this world a better place to live in. Like that damn Tomura of yours."

"He's got some growing to do, but he's coming along nicely."

"Just like the son you always wanted." He laughed at the mere thought of what Yami thought about Tomura. "Then again, it must have been a kick to raise the Grandson of the woman you both killed?"

"To be honest, I wasn't really sure about it at first. I thought he'd be too much like his damn Grandmother. But...it seems that he's actually quite a twisted boy, such talent being hindered by his childish antics. But, time is growing him, and he's becoming the Villain Nana Shimura would totally despise~ I have high hopes for Tomura, I hope he exceeds them~"

She sang out with a giddy tone.

Reaper fought off the urge to attack, knowing a careless mistake could cost him.

"Soon boy, your son is going to come to the League of Villains." The doctor spoke up to Reaper, annoying him greatly. "I can't wait to begin replicating his-"

Reaper didn't stand for anyone threatening to do anything for his son, especially the likes of the doctor, knowing what he was going to say, so within a moments notice, he shot off a volley of Death which would kill the man in a single shot.

Yami thrust her hand towards the doctor, announcing "Death Wall." allowing her Quirk to spread out, surrounding the doctor, and blocked off the shot, but some of the Death seeped through, and hit his right shoulder, beginning to destroy it out of existence.



Yami pushed more power out, and negated the Death of Reaper, but by doing that, she left herself open for him to get in close, swinging his scythe towards her to bisect her, only for her to block off the attack with her nails and Death added to them…

But, his scythe sliced off the top portion of her hand, forcing her to jump back, but she managed to stop the Death from killing the doctor, who had a bleeding wound on his shoulder, missing a portion of the skin he had there.

A few moments later, and the Death would have eaten through his flesh entirely.

And that was just the aftermath of his clashing with Yami, some that managed to get past her own Quirk, the doctor didn't want to imagine what would have happened if she didn't save him in that moment.

"Geez, don't kill the nice doctor."

She said sweetly and also in a punishing way, wagging her undamaged hand towards him, with her other hand regenerating thanks to the Super Regeneration in her body.

"Nice doctor? That asshole put me through a lot as well, he's also on my list. It's just too bad that my Father survived."

The doctor cringed, seeing the darkened glare from Reaper.

"Even then son, your power...if you didn't hold all of it back, you'd be stronger than most Hero's and Villains, and Kenji would be a step above that with his duel power inside of him. With All For One and I teaching you, you could have been great...but then you went and fell in love with that damn Hikari. Loving that Life Girl...I just couldn't believe it. This city we're currently in, you could flatten it within moments, yet you choose to always hold back. Why is that?"

Reaper had to question why Yami seemed to care all of a sudden about his choices in life.

He thought that it probably was some kind of mind game that she was throwing his way.

If that was the case, then he wouldn't fall for it, and would fight her for it.

"Because I'm not going to be responsible for innocent lives being shattered. I already did that once, I wont allow that to happen again."

Yami weighed her hands up.

"Well, what can you do? I guess I could turn you evil by killing your family, bar Kenji of course. Think about it, Father and son, together, destroying the lands with your Death powers. Nothing and no one could stand in the way of you."

"How tempting." He rolled his eyes as he said it. "But, I'm quite happy with my current life."

Yami gave a snide look towards her son.

"How can you be happy? You'll never live in this society, it will never accept people like us. Whether you like it or not, you came from me, and your Father, this world doesn't want people like us in it. It wouldn't want you...but, I still would, Kuromaru."

Reaper heard the attempted kindness in her tone.

But, it just felt like ashes to him.

Something that had been burnt to a point that it could be blown away in the wind.

Like her words, they meant nothing to her.

Just ashes in the wind.

"...You should have said that to me in the beginning, when I was a child. I might have believed you, but I can't believe anything you'd say anymore. After what you've done." Reaper strolled forward as well, the ground and ceiling beginning to dissolve into nothingness. "This world probably wouldn't accept me, but it will accept Daisuke, Irina and Kenji. That, is enough for me."

Yami raised a brow.

"Even if you're not apart of that family dynamic?"

"Even if I'm deceased, if they're happy...then that's all that matters to me."

Yami couldn't help but be astonished by his words.

The way that he was quite self sacrificing, it was new to someone like her.

"Well, you're an odd cookie, I'll give you that son. But, it wont save you. As I said, the Prototype is going to cause mass destruction around here. Nothing will escape it. I say Prototype, but it doesn't mean it's weak by any means. It just means that it's difficult for us to control, that's all. It's a bit more...wild than your average Nomu."

"More wild? Somehow, I doubt that's true."

"Somehow, I thought you might. But, it isn't like you're going to live long to realize that! Wave of Death!"

Yami shot forward with a large amount of Death, the wave was so big that it was encompassing most of the room, like a tidal wave. The air, and ground obliterated from the aftermath of the power that Yami was releasing.

"If that's how you're opening, then let me show you the fine control over the power you seem to lack. Always going flashy, aren't you Mother?"

"Flashy gets everyone rallied up my boy~"

"Then, I'll calm everyone down with my scythe."

Reaper grabbed his scythe, channelling his own Death into it, and swung it upwards, cutting through it, cutting it in half, allowing the two sides to wash outwards, the doctor cried as he jumped away, the wave of Deaths washed against the walls of the room, breaking through it, and ran down the sides of the building, destroying them as it went down.

When getting to the bottom, the Death just continued to destroy downwards, like acid eating through any substance it came into contact with, but rather than melting it, it turned it into nothingness.

The doctors chest heaved up and down, seeing that a few more seconds, and he could have been destroyed completely.

Reaper smirked at the doctor who cringed.

"Damn, I was hoping you'd die by Yami's attack, it would have been poetic."

"D-Don't you dare say anything like that to me! Lady Yami would never allow my death!"

"Whatever you say." Reaper swung his scythe outwards, cutting through the air, as Reaper showed a wild grin on his face. "Come on then Mother. I'll take care of you first, then I'll take care of this so-called wild Prototype."

"When you learn who it is...you wont want anything to happen to it."

Reaper's eyebrows furrowed.

From the way she said it, it felt like it was someone that he might have cared for.

But, it couldn't be…

Kenji rushed through the facility upon leaving behind Kirishima and Sakura. He thought that they'd be alright if they stayed there, and waited for the Hero's. He could feel the police had managed to get towards Tamaki, which he was quite happy about.

He then continued forward, using his wings to boost his speed.

But when he rounded a corner…

A fist came shooting for him, so he jumped back, avoiding a straight attack.

Getting to his feet, his eyes turned and saw…

Rappa stood there before him.

Kenji looked back at Sakura and Kirishima's location…

But then smiled.

"So, you're a clone. I guess Rappa-san is going to be unhappy that I'm fighting his clone rather than him."

"Hmph, clone or not, I'm going to flatten you!"

Kenji watched as the man approached.

His fists came out like bullets, and he went to take him down, when he felt something coming up behind him at a high speed.

Turning, he saw that it was the man that could eat through anything.

Rappa's strong fists to come at him at a high speed when he made it to Kenji, forcing him to use "Over Life and Death, Shield!" creating a shield of Life, and laced it with Death, blocking off the strong shots, and caused the hands of Rappa to be damaged.

Though it seemed to not be enough to take him down.

Kenji looked behind him once more, seeing the man with sharp teeth, Kenji believed his name was Tabe, jump at him. But he also knew that Tamaki had taken him out back there, so this had to be a clone also.

When he got close, Kenji dodged out of the way, flipping back as Rappa got in close, landing on his incoming arm, and jumped over him as well, getting behind the man, and powered up his Death Quirk to take them both down in a single shot.

But, Rappa then moved out of the way, allowing Tabe to get in close with his teeth, threatening to bite Kenji's hand off.

"Eat! Eat! Eat! I want to eat!"

Kenji grimaced at the sight, seeing the man's teeth about to sink into his hand.

But then he showed a strong face.

"You want to eat do you!?" Kenji grabbed the man's face as he got in close, summoning Death into his hand. "Eat this!"

Kenji unleashed a powerful wave of Death, encompassing the entire body of the clone Tabe, taking it out all together.

His eyes then went towards Rappa clone, and got into a fighting stance.

"Rappa-san, I wish I could have fought the real you to a good battle."

"Heh...I'm sure that would have been entertaining."

Kenji nodded.

He also thought that would have been fun to fight him.

But for this clone, Kenji wasn't going to hold back either.

Allowing his Death and Life to surround him, the ground began to shake, confusing the muscle man.

He then placed both of his hands out, creating a sphere of Life, and coated it in Death.

"Have this!"

Kenji shot off his sphere, and shot it at Rappa at high speeds.

Rappa's fists came shooting out and attempted to break the sphere, but thanks to the Death, all Rappa was doing was destroying his own fists, Kenji effectively was allowing the clone to take himself out.

He didn't want to waste too much power, he still had to fight Kai Chisaki if Izuku needed him or Izuku had to fight someone else.

Kenji watches as the fists slowly began to turn to mud, as the sphere was breaking.

"Yes...it's a shame, if this was the real Rappa-san...then this would be a great fight. I'm sure he'd be able to power through my Death...but because you're a clone...your body has a limit where it would eventually be broken down by my Quirk much easier than a normal human."

"Heh...I guess a clone...just isn't enough..."

The clone Rappa watched as his body began to turn to mud.

The Death from Kenji's sphere spread across the body of the clone, and caused it to turn into nothingness, not even the mud remained once the Death had taken full hold of his body.

Seeing the clone Rappa disappearing, Kenji pondered if they'd ever have a true fight.

He knew if they did, then it would be a fight to remember.

Kenji exhaled slowly.

"...Okay, I'm coming now, Kai Chisaki..."

With renewed strength, Kenji pushed forward, determined to fight Kai Chisaki, no matter what was going to happen next.

Back to the area Hikari and Stain were in, they took stances against one another, with Stain's eyes circulating upon the young woman. She didn't even flinch, she showed that she was ready and willing to fight down the Hero Killer before her.

"Then, Hikari Mikami, are you a worthy Hero?"

"I guess we'll find out, wont we?"

Hikari bit back at him, she wouldn't allow him to stop her.

"Then, show me your power!"

He made the first move, tossing a blade for her face which she dodged out of the way, only for Stain to be right on her, his sword swinging down to cut her down, but her leaf blade came out, and stopped the blade inches from her upper body.

Stain looked mildly impressed, Hikari noticing a blade had been tossed into the air, ready for it to rain down on her body, stabbing towards her chest area.

"Not quick enough Hikari Mikami."

Stain growled out, Hikari pursed her lips for a few moments.

But she smiled at Stain, something that he didn't like, as she blew out of her mouth.

"Life Bubble!"

From her mouth, a bubble of Life filled air shot forward, hitting the knife off course, stabbing into a nearby wall, with the bubble compressing against it, more and more to the point the knife was broken with her Life Quirk.


Stain's eyes met with Hikari's as she used her incredible strength to push forward, forcing Stain's blade backwards, going up into the air, and his arms unfortunately had to go along with it due to how Hikari moved her blade.

"You have to do better than that!"

Hikari twirled around, building up speed, and delivered a sharp kick for the upper body of Stain.

Moving his arm in the way, the sharp kick felt so strong that he thought his arm had broke from the kick.

Though it hadn't, it still was flooding with pain, he saw that there was a mark on his arm.

A mark that was rippling with pain, shooting up and down his arm.

"Nice kick."

Stain complimented, Hikari however just smirked in his general direction as she shot forward, allowing him no time to get comfortable, her blade heading for his right shoulder to disable his arm from moving, cutting him in the right place.

Since she knew the human body in and out, she knew exactly where to strike, and what kind of damage would be inflicted if she did a certain action, and how to drop a body down so it couldn't move without truly paralyzing them.

However, Stain was also agile enough to dodge her blade, only to see her knee heading for his upper body. Kicking off the ground, he leapt over her in a cartwheel, taking out a blade to slice downwards, only for Hikari to disperse the leaves from her blade, making a shield out of them, and forced the sword to be blocked all together.

Stain returned to the ground, only to see Hikari's foot being swung his way, he twisted body to dodge the kick, which continued forward, slamming into the wall that was behind him, Stain seeing that the wall had been broken down with the strength that she had.

Even he was astonished by her physical strength.

The power to break down a wall with just strength alone.

No enhancements from her Quirk, nor any kind of other Quirk that augmented strength.

Jumping away from her, he tossed several blades towards her body, which she parried by her forming leaf blade once more, batting the blades away to different parts of the wall, even managing to grab one of the blades, and launch it right back towards Stain's upper body.

Forcing him to dodge out of the way, he saw that she had taken some leafs, and blasted them towards his body.

"Leaf Shredder!"

She announced, the leaves continued to spin faster and faster. The air was being cut by how fast the blades were going. Stain could see that when they scraped against some of the walls, they were leaving gashes in the cold steel, showing that if she wanted, she'd be able to cut through most opponents.

"Leaf Shredder huh? It seems dangerous, not very Hero like."

Hikari rolled her eyes.

"It's very taking down Villain like. I developed this move when I was younger, to cut down my enemies. You see, I was a girl that was constantly being pushed down by society too. They always said that I couldn't be a Hero, and I didn't want them to be right. I pushed my Quirk as far as it could go, and I made it come to a combat type eventually."

Hikari replied, Stain raising a brow.

"I know all about you, Hikari Mikami. The Beast of U.A, the girl that went around picking fights with others, and managing to win."

Hikari showed a light smile on her face, recalling her U.A days.

"The Beast...yes, I was called that at U.A. Even there, people doubted me, my Sensei's doubted me too. They thought it was a fluke that I passed my Entrance Exams, that it must have been a mistake. Even back then, they thought my Quirk would be useless in a fight...they thought that I wasn't going to be able to become a Hero..."

Hikari murmured, recalling a time when she was told she'd not be a Hero, by her own Sensei…

By everyone that had been doubtful of her.

How everyone had said she'd not become a Hero…

But she remembered her husband, Kuromaru.

How he always believed she was strong.

How she could fight too...

Snapping out of her thoughts, she saw Stain scowling at her, the leaves she had created all span before him, all ready to shoot him down. Even Stain wasn't sure how he was going to proceed, the leaves were clearly dangerous, they could probably even slice him in half if they all came together, and acted as one.

"Tricky...but, I'm not out of tricks either!"

Stain attempted to pull forward, but she formed a spear with the leaves, stabbing towards him strongly, forcing his blade to receive a good deal of damage towards his sword, but to Hikari's astonishment, it didn't break apart like she thought it would have.

The steel of his weapon clearly was very strong, and light weight.

She presumed it was one of Yami's designs, since she knew Yami was more than capable of building complex weapons, even ones that were stronger in both cutting power, and durability than normal weapons.

She was the person who develops a good deal of technology for All For One, so it wouldn't surprise her if she had made the sword also.

"Interesting weapon you've got there."

Hikari prodded, wanting to know more about the blade.

Stain pointed to his katana, allowing it to be shown to the young woman before him.

"You like it? I received it while under Yami, she gave it me, along with a few other gadgets for me to use. For instance..." He pulled out what seemed to be a dagger, but it also had some kind of electrical current running across the blade, swinging it for one of Hikari's leaves, and caused it to be shocked to the point it burnt away. "...isn't it a good gadget?"

Hikari narrowed her brows as Stain made several swings of his electric knife, cutting across the leaves, and burnt them down with electrical surges, Hikari could see that her leaves weren't going to last until his knife was to be taken down, so she cupped her hands by her mouth, and blew into them as if she was blowing through a pipe.

From her hands, bullets began to appear…

No, not bullets.

Stain mistook them for bullets at first due to their size.

But they began to grow bigger, and bigger.

They became more sphere like than narrow like a bullet.

They became bubbles.


White, bright bubbles that shined in a beautiful way, catching what little light there was in the room, and how it was able to dazzle the Hero Killer before her, the bubbles filled the area, with Stain scowling, watching as Hikari withdrew her leaves, and had the bubbles go forward.

"That's right Stain, bubbles. It's a technique that allows me to batter my enemy from a distance. Blunt force damage, and could serve to end your body. It's also a technique I developed to fight when there's no other choice."

Stain looked over Hikari's demeanour.

Seeing how she was controlling both the bubbles, and the leaves behind her at the same time.

It was something that he found astonishing, and something he detested at the same time.

"Such control...she's very clearly mastered many uses of her Quirk. To the point that I'd say she'd be able to rival most opponents easily. Even Endeavour...she might not be as strong as he is, but her skills, and intellect would more than make up for the lack of power. The ingenuity that she has with her Quirk...I can see why she's Number Three...or, maybe she's been ranked at Number Two now, it wouldn't surprise me...still, I have my path, it's set before me. I can't be stopped now, by her. I have to make that difference now."

Though Stain didn't want to give praise.

In this instance, he felt like he'd have to do that.

The bubbles then came at him strong and fast, so he rushed forward, stabbing one of the bubbles with the electric knife, shocking it to the point it could be cut apart with his other katana, but another orb slammed into his right shoulder, causing enough blunt force damage to draw blood out of his arm.

Not giving up, Stain jumped high, hitting the ceiling with his feet, then took aim at Hikari, shooting like a bullet for the young woman.

"As if!"

Hikari moved a few orbs in the way of his sword attacks, but Stain spun around like a propeller, his two blades out, and used the shorter dagger filled with electricity first to cut into the several different orbs, and used his katana to cut through them all together.

Hikari anticipated that he'd do this, so she sent a number of her orbs to circulate around him, then bombard him from behind to knock him off balance, to allow her to deliver a good deal of damage towards him.

Stain also was smart enough to realize she'd attempt that, and kept eyes behind him also, thrusting his katana down into the ground, using it as a stepping stone, getting in close towards her with his electric knife, bypassing her defences.

"Now, give me your blood."

He went to slash her down with his electric knife, when she used her skills in martial arts to parry his first stabbing motion, grabbing his wrist, and twisted it so hard that the hand was being forced to drop the blade.

Feeling the sting of his wrist, Stain used his other hand to deliver a punch towards her face.

Bending her neck out of the way, she used her near herculean strength to lift him with a single hand, gathering Life in her hand other hand, and formed a dome of it, punching Stain right in the torso, sending the dome embedding into his body, forcing a good deal of blood to be spat out of his mouth.

However, the moment that he was struck, he managed to twist his electric knife to cut into her hand, but she didn't wince, nor did she let go.

The pressure of the attack threatened to blow him away, but somehow he still stayed steadfast in trying to put his head down to his knife to lick her blood to use his Quirk on the young woman.

"You wont get it."

"Yes I will Hikari Mikami!"

Hikari, thrusting his hand to the side, slammed it into a wall, where she thought he'd drop it, but he didn't. So she tightened her hand on his wrist, twisting it to a point where she knew a normal person would have to let go of the object they were holding, but he still clung on, drawing her to a single conclusion.

"You've been modified, haven't you?"

Stain stared at her for a few moments before smirking.

"I'm not a Nomu if that's what you think. But I suppose that I am a little more than a normal human. Enhancements, it seems that they're doing quite the job, aren't they?"

Stain used his free hand to grab a dagger, and swung it for her throat, but she dodges out of the way, unfortunately having to let go of his wrist.

Stain used this chance to lick the blood…

Or so he thought.

The moment his tongue went to lick the electric blade which had been powered down...Hikari snapped her fingers, and from the wristband he wore, a seed grew into strong vines, wrapping around the blade within seconds, and compressed, harder and harder until the blade shattered.

The vines also attempted to constrict his arms, but Stain's quick movements allowed him to cut off the vines before they got seriously entangled around him.

Hikari clicked her tongue at the sight.

"Had to wait until your knife stopped emitting electricity for it to work, had to keep it protected with my Life barriers."

"So, that's why you jumped back rather than protect yourself...when you had my wrist, that's when you slipped in a seed...you are impressive, Hikari Mikami. People praise Endeavour for his strength, but they should praise you for your ingenuity with your Quirk."

"My, thank you dear." Hikari showed a scary smile, and put her hands forward. "Now, it's time to not hold back anymore."

"I was thinking the same!"

He rushed her at rapid speeds. Speeds that most people would be blitzed by, but not Hikari.

She was used to it, and allowed him to get in close, his blade going for her upper body, but she managed to allow it to slice above her, by bending backwards, then she stood up tall, and pushed her power into her foot, swinging it for his body who parried it with his sword, the two clashing created a shock wave between them, the ground and the ceiling became dented with such a shock wave.

Hikari and Stain though continued coming at one another, with a barrage of attacks, Stain's attacks were fast, and precise, it took Hikari great skill to avoid being sliced apart. Even though he wasn't a Nomu, she felt like he had strength, physically, on par with a Nomu of a good standing, wondering what Yami had actually done to him to give him this level of strength.

Moving further and further away from their previous location, Hikari felt as if she was being drawn to a location that he desired, by how he was pulling back, by his movements, by reading his body language.

Stain then got in a lucky strike, slashing her right shoulder, but Hikari didn't even wince, she powered through it, using her Quirk to heal her own injury while sending out a barrage of leaves that she had remaining with her.

The leaves span around like throwing stars, Stain attempted to lick the blood off of his blade, but Hikari's leaves were faster, and managed to get in close. But rather than cut him, Hikari used the leaves to soak up her own blood on his sword, leaving him without any to work with while distracting him with the barrage of leaves.

"...Definitely, this woman is very skilled, she's trained for a long time. Not just with her Quirk, but physically as well. She can match me...no, maybe she could even surpass me in physical strength, her speed is also amazing to see, and her control over her Quirk...she definitely is worthy of being a Top Pro Hero."

Stain though despite thinking that then smirked, and changed tactics, turning around and rushing towards the end of the corridor.

Hikari wondered what he was doing, but then saw that he pulled out what seemed to be a switch.


Before she could move, he pressed the switch, and caused an explosion to happen around her. Then more explosions came out before her, engulfing half of the corridor that they were in with Hikari in the centre, having used bomber like Nomu planted around to give himself the edge.

Stain smirked, keeping at a safe distance as fire from the explosions spreading out before him.

He was quite pleased to see that result happening before him, and said "Goodbye Hikari Mikami." watching as the roaring flames ripped through the area.

Outside of the large building, Nighteye who was carrying Mirio, with Miki and Aki behind them, heard the explosion going off, shocking all of them. Sir Nighteye looked at the building, seeing the location of it, and Mirio knew where it was.

"...That's around the place that Hikari-sensei and the others were!"

"Aunt Hikari..."

Miki panicked, knowing the situation could be dire.

She didn't want anything to happen to Hikari.

Mirio tightened his hand, feeling the worry come over him, despite the pain that he felt from the injuries that Yami had inflicted.

"Damn...with that, and the ocean of Death that came out from before...that building doesn't look like it can hold much longer. Sir Nighteye, we need to do something!" Sir Nighteye didn't say anything. "S-Sir? What's wrong?"

Aki looked up to Sir Nighteye's face, seeing his expression hadn't changed.

He didn't look worried.

He didn't look concerned in the slightest.

"Sir, we have to go back and-"

"Mirio, in your current condition, you can't go back inside. Besides, do you think Hikari-chan is so weak that she'd allow an explosion to stop her or anyone with her?"

Mirio paused.

He definitely thought that she wasn't.


"Don't worry, she's not a Top Pro for nothing. She rose from people not believing in her...to become a symbol in her own right. She gives courage to people that don't believe they can be Hero's with their so-called weak Quirks...she gives them life."

Mirio felt inspired by his words.

He believed in Hikari.

That's what he was going to do now, and hope she'll come out of this alright.

Back with Stain, with the flames coming towards him, he knew that he'd have to get out of there soon, so that's what he was going to do.

But something stopped him.

The flames that were around, were beginning to expand, and grow even stronger. The heat off of them were almost to the point Stain thought he was going to suffer heatstroke, and could only wonder what was going to happen next.

Then he saw, standing in the middle of that inferno, was Hikari herself, she was using her Quirk on the flames, causing them to spin around her, the air itself was fueling the power of the flames thanks to Hikari.

Stain was stunned, seeing the resolute look in her eyes.

She had some wounds across her body, it seems that the explosion did manage to hit her…

But, she was healing from it almost instantly.

Stain went to take a step back, when he saw the flames spreading out before him, going behind him, and blocking off his path.

"...You don't make fire...you're controlling it..."

"My Quirk, allows me to breathe my Life into anything, and manipulate it. Organic, inorganic, it doesn't matter. The air, these flames, the ground, everything." Hikari explained, the roaring flames growing more and more. "Stain, you attacked my son."

"I did yes. I see much potential within him."

"But, he's my little boy. As his Mother, I can't let you go near him ever again. I couldn't stop everyone's hate of my baby, I couldn't stop my family being broken apart...but, I can be the shield now, and protect all of my children. I lost my family once...I wont lose my family again. Not to you, not to Yami, not to Tomura Shigaraki, or anyone that threatens them!"

Stain saw the passionate eyes that she had.

This was a Mother's love for her family shining through.

It was dazzling.

Hikari was a sweet woman.

But, she also was a woman that was passionate, was strong willed.

"Tell me Hikari Mikami...why did you become a Hero?"

Stain had to admit that he was intrigued.

He wondered if she had ever truly been asked that question before.

And what her answer was going to be.

Without hesitation, Hikari continued as if it was something simple.

"Because...I wanted to help people...give people hope that even if they think their Quirks can't be Heroic Quirks...give them the chance to see that they too can be Hero's. I might not be the strongest...but, a Hero isn't just strength, and to show people that they don't have to be the strongest...making a difference to just even a single persons life, is more rewarding than anything you could imagine. You are right, there are Hero's in this world that are selfish, that only do things for their own desires."

"Heh, you're agreeing with me-"

"But." She cut him off, clutching her hand tightly, the flames responding to that and caused the ground to begin to melt. "It's times like this, when your life is on the line, that shows the real person underneath the greed, the selfishness. The Hero's of this world might not be perfect, I'm certainly not perfect...but, people can change. If people like my husband or Endeavour were just written off as just some cold hearted person... Giving people a chance, offering them that hand of help, helping them realize what they've done and allow them the chance to make real changes...that's what I want to achieve as a Hero. But I also know that everyone can't be saved...it doesn't mean I wont try to reach them. Only they can make a change to themselves, but I can support them in their journey's."

Her words…

Something inside Stain began to stir.

Did he...agree?

Was it because he and her did share the mentality about the world?

She wanted to teach the world, and he wanted to do the same, but their methods greatly differed.

In that moment, Stain wondered who's path was going to be more successful?


Or hers?

"Hikari Mikami...I respect you."

Hikari lightly smiled.

"Stain...I understand you. But, I can't let you continue on!"

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Vitality! Show me your power!"

Hikari swung her arms out, the flames responding to her Quirk, and caused it to spin around her form. Showing a higher degree of control than the likes of Kenji or Irina could do with their Quirks, the flames obeyed her unspoken commands, and compressed down together, forming an orb of flames before her.

"You asked for it Stain."

Stain took to his blade, and rushed towards her.

Going as fast as he could, putting all of his strength into the blade he had.


He yelled at the top of his lungs, acknowledging her as someone he understood.

Acknowledging her as a Hero.

Her heart, her soul…

Everything about this woman…

He understood it perfectly.

"Kenji...Irina...Daisuke..." Hikari began in her mind, readying to finish off Stain. "I failed once...I couldn't keep our family together...I lost what I wanted most in this world...but, now that you're back...I'll keep going, I'll protect you all...even if I am pushed so far...I will go beyond...plus ultra."

Whipping her hands back, as Stain got in close, his wild eyes met her own.

A certain understanding passing through one another.

While they differed in approach…

In the end, they both wanted similar things.

True Hero's.

"Living Conflagration!"

Hikari announced, the amass of flames shot forward.

Stain swung his katana towards it, and combated it.

Hikari was astonished, the metal of the sword was tougher than she thought, even Stain's durability was tougher than she thought it would be.

But she wouldn't give up, powering the flames more and more with her Life Quirk, Stain seeing the flames beginning to melt the sword, it was that hot. Even he felt the flames beginning to burn him, despite his enhanced body that he received from Yami and her doctors upgrades.


"Using explosions against me...big mistake Stain!"

Hikari gave a final push, and the flames swept him up, once destroying his katana.

Stain, within the vortex of flames, was brought outside of Yami's hideout, with the flames being the one to break through the steel walls of the complex, his body being burnt all over.

He was bathing in flames.

The heats intensity was so strong that he couldn't even breathe.

His lungs felt like they were on fire.

But, all he could think about was that this fight against Hikari…

He very much enjoyed meeting someone that could be kind, wise, and strong all in one.

The smile on his face said it all...he was impressed with Hikari after all.

From outside, Mirio and the others saw the huge vortex of flames shooting out of the building, and all were stunned.

"Is that Todoroki?"

Mirio asked Sir Nighteye, but he inspected the flames even more, ultimately shaking his head.

"No, I can see that...yes, it's her. Hikari-chan."

Mirio looked stunned, watching the flames drop out the body of Stain. His eyes seemed to be lifeless, his body not even twitching, which also was covered in burns.

"H-He's coming down!"

Miki cried out, she didn't know what to do.

Sir Nighteye went to go into action…

But then saw the winds around Stains body slowing him down.

Then shooting down from the sky, Hikari flying on her wings, caught Stain's seemingly unconscious body, panting as she landed on the ground.

Her eyes went over Stain, quickly examining and seeing that he'll live, before taking out a seed, and caused vines to grow out of it, wrapping around him to the point that he'd not be able to get out of them.

But she still wondered why Yami sent Stain to attack her...it was suspicious in her eyes.


Sir Nighteye called, drawing her attention.

"Sir..." Her eyes cast upon Mirio, and gasped. "Ooh dear, what happened to you?"

"Heeh...somehow, I got involved in a fight with Yami."

Hikari walked over towards him, and embraced the boy, surprising him, and blushed when feeling the full effects of the hug.

"I'm sorry Mirio-kun..."

"N-No...that's fine..."

He uttered out, unable to truly form complete sentences due to how she was hugging him.

Hikari then felt a tug at her pants, so she looked down, and gasped once more, she thought she saw Kenji for a few moments...but realized that it was Aki after all.

"...He looks so much like Kenji..." She thought to herself, before bending down and placing a hand on top of his head. "Hello there, Aki-kun." Her eyes caught the sight of Miki, and smiled. "Miki, you're okay."

She breathed out her relief at the sight before her.

"Yes… but Aunt Hikari, my Mom and brother are still..."

"Don't worry, I'll be going back in now. Once making sure Mirio-kun is going to be okay. But we still have my husband and the others in there." She turned to Aki once more, unable to get over how much like Kenji he resembled. "Aki-kun, are you okay?"

"Yes...I'm okay."

"I'm glad~"

She giggled out, petting his head.

But staring at this boy, only gave her more determination to go and save the others.

To help out everyone else.

Meanwhile, Kai and Chronostasis were attempting to get ground on the others, with them being able to hear the rumbling of the hideout. Kai had placed several walls up to block Izuku and the others paths to get them.

But, it seemed that Izuku was able to break through them with his Quirk, and they were getting closer and closer all the time.

Kai wasn't sure what he was going to do about them all.

He knew the capabilities of some of them, but he knew Kenji could fight him on par, plus with others being around…

He wasn't sure if he'd be able to win the fight if it is just him.

Kai turned to Chronostasis.

"We need to take out the heavy hitters. That damn boy Kenji Mikami is still coming here, along with the others..."

Kai wasn't the type to worry if this was a normal raid.

But this wasn't a normal raid in his eyes.

This was a raid that could cause mass destruction.

"Don't worry Overhaul-sama, once we get it awake, our victory is going to be assured. In the meantime, I've sent that boy a surprise. But what about the others coming here?"

Kai thought about it for a few moments, then he allowed a small smirk to appear on his face.

"I know of ways to deal with them. Just make sure you awaken it. We can't let these bastards win. I'll be getting my Irina back, one way or another. Even if I have to rip her family apart, one at a time, starting with her younger brother."

With his eyes set on Kenji, only Chronostasis truly knew what he had planned now.

Whatever it was...Kai was confident that it would allow him to succeed.

End chapter!

So Hikari got the spot light this time! Showcasing her abilities in fighting off Stain, showing her years of hard work and dedication to training and to her family. Kenji made sure that Sakura and Kirishima were okay, and left them behind, only to be ambushed by a clone of Rappa, and managed to take him and the other clone that appeared down. Reaper, and Yami began their confrontations, and showcased their power, just a fragment of it nearly killing the doctor. Finally, it seems that Kai has some kind of plan to deal with the Hero's, what that is, we'll eventually find out.

Well, until next time, thanks for reading!

Kenji; Momo, Himiko, Katsuki (fem), Mina, Shoto (fem), Toru, Mt Lady, Midnight, Tsuyu, Jiro, Mei, Nejire, Itsuka, Ibara, Camie.


