Earth's new defenders


The monster Cell was destroyed by an eleven-year-old boy victory which cost the little boy his beloved father Son Goku's life the man who was the hero of the world.

Mr. Satan a fighter who was easily defeated by Cell took the credits for killing the monster, with no footage and the real heroes disappeared and the entire world believed him and many started adoring him like a god.

There were of course people who did not believe him and those were many but seeing as the real heroes did not want to be revealed so they did not say anything.

Goku who saved the world so many times was resurrected once again two years after the Cell games making everyone extremely happy.

During the years after the Cell games life for our heroes was going great:

Yamcha restarted his career as a baseball player becoming a very well-known (legend some say) and rich baseball star (who donated most of his money to charity) he still trained just not as much as he did when he was younger but that did not mean he had become useless in protecting Earth, after all, it was his primary job and he took that extremely seriously.

Krillin continued living with Master Roshi, later he married and started a family with Android 18, he and his wife still train but they are more focus on their peaceful and normal (as normal as it could be with them being two of the strongest beings on Earth) life and raising their daughter who one day will protect Earth instead of them. But like everyone else, they are always ready to protect the planet at any cost.

Tien is an entirely different story he trains more then everyone else except those who have Saiyan blood but not to protect Earth (through if he is asked, he would be the first to fight to protect the planet no matter what) but to protect his friend Chiaotzu to whom he is a bodyguard for.

Chiaotzu returns to rule his Empire and created an alliance with the Ox kingdom and became an extremely loved and good ruler changing many things about his Empire. He like Tien continues to train because who knows when they will be asked to protect the world again.

Piccolo returned to the lookout to train Dende as the next Kami like he was supposed to do he still train possibly more than anyone else and still loves spending time with the Son family.

Vegeta became the husband and father he should have been since the very beginning (he still was an ass sometimes and still wants to be stronger than Goku) he is more expressionist with his family and shows more than indifference to the other Z-fighters and inside he considers them his family.

Goku (he trained in the afterlife got SS3 and also learned IT) took the position that he had since marring Chi-Chi as the king of the Ox kingdom, a husband to his wife and a father to not only one but two children continue to train and ChiChi allowed him to train his sons but with no threats on the horizon, he allows himself more freedom to be a family man.

Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan are the only ones who seriously train to defend Earth in times of need even if every Z-fighter would fight until death to protect their planet if needed.

Gohan is also studying hard at his mother's request he is also training to take the throne from his father (even though everyone outside the Ox kingdom and the Z-fighters still, believe his grandfather to be the king) and to take the leadership of Earth's next protectors. He has lots of responsibilities but he loves them all.

Goten and Trunks started training at four she same age as Gohan, Marron Krillin's daughter will also start training when she turns four.

They still have reunions at least four times a year (and every time something important happens) just so they don't lose touch with each other like that would be possible.

For Mr. Satan life is even greater he is rich, famous and has everything he ever wished for, his daughter Videl admires him and the people who know the truth or suspect and have power like King Furry and the other kings and queens of the world have decided not to speak against him.

It was five years after the Cell games that the gods realized a problem still unknown to the heroes of a little planet called Earth who were living in the longest reign of peace in a very long time.