SERIAL #489 486 287 -78










Fluttering eyes open, the Android blinked a few times experimentally as their ocular biocomponents adjusted to the new lit up environment.

The ocular biocomponent did a quick scan around it's surroundings, background programming running through several objects testing it's functions, immediately picking up on information stored in it's software

The Android flexed it's fingers, and moving certain parts of the body it could, running a scan on it's muscular capacity, satisfied to see it intact.

"This one. What does it do?"

The Android's auditory sensor picked upon a female voice coming to the right, head moving slowly to see a woman squinting her eyes at it's form.

There was a man, a twitch on his lips as he stood at the side of the Android's platform. "This, a Model FM230. One of the newest ones. It can assist at any activity of any field and acts as a housemaid, ma'am" The man stated gesturing at the Android's general direction. "It can do several things at once without getting distracted"

The woman shook her head, raising a hand. "I don't care. I'll take it" she said with a light sigh. She glanced between the worker from Cyberlife, the Android gathered from a scan to it's standard uniform.

The worker man nodded. "Alright, Miss. There are certain protocols you must carry out when buying a new Android-"

"Yes, I know about them" The woman interrupted. "My neighbor got herself and her family an Android a while ago and told me what I needed to do" she explained further with an apologetic smile. The Android at the platform looked at them, back straight and it's hands behind it's back as it waited patiently for instructions. "She told me the process. You don't need to repeat it"

The Cyberlife worker nodded slowly his understanding, clearing his throat "Alright. Would you prefer giving it a name?"

The woman looked at the female looking Android. It's piercing gaze meeting her's as if it knew she was going to be it's new owner. The Android's big brown eyes -synthetic, she presumed- stared back at her emotionlessly and unmoving

She cleared her throat, nodding at the Cyberlife worker. It'd be easier for her, who at first had declined completely the suggestion of buying an Android to help out with her work load and her home status. But with time, she couldn't deny anymore she needed a hand to help out. If an Android was the answer to her problems, so be it. And, maybe giving it a name would help. She could imagine she was working with a human if the machine had a name. Of course, if she ignored the bright blinking light on the side of her forehead.

The Cyberlife worker turned to the Android, standing in front of it, "FM230. Register your name"

The Android's LED flickered blue as it turned to the woman, following the worker's movements as he stepped aside.

The Android's stare on her made her slightly flustered as she hadn't been expecting it's attention so soon, that she hadn't thought of a name. But, the inquisitive eyes on her made her suck in a deep breath, "Zoey"

The Android's LED blinked blue, indicating acknowledgement, features shifting from the emotionless statue as it gave a subdued smile, "My name is Zoey"

The woman let out a shaky breath she didn't know she was holding turning to the worker, immediately taking her eyes away of the female Android as it stepped out of the platform, as if testing it's new allowed range of direction.

"Thank you for your purchase" The man smiled at her, warily glancing at the stiff Android next to the woman. "If you wish, you can head to the next station. An assistant can help you set up the appropriate programming for this Android to your needs"

The woman nodded and he took that as the end of the interaction.

She turned to face her new Android as it turned to her for it's instructions, "Oh, I really did this. Hope I don't regret it" she whispered at it.

The Android simply tilted it's head, LED flashing blue once as it's owner seemed to talk to it but not giving orders.



Initialization text was based upon the Quantic Dream: Detroit Become Human Game (really, I watched an entire walkthrough -as I'm poor and can't afford the game or a PS3/PS4 to play it myself- so I could gather what I needed (: )

I love this game. There aren't too much stories about Android OC's out there. Mostly about human/Android or Human reader stories and if there are stories about Androids, they've already become deviants or become one in the first chapter.

I decided to make out this story because even while yes, there are humans in this game, the Androids are the main characters and it'd be nice to explore a bit about them and wat it consists to be a normal, hard working Android innocent to the deviancy while it's technically at her next door (yes, Daniel -the one from Connor's hostage scene at the Demo- would be this Android OC's neighbor)

I don't plan on turning this Android to Deviant just yet. This if nothing, would be a 'Deviancy slow burn' kind of story (lol)

I hope you like it and if you detect anything wrong (wether it be grammar -or any fact of Androids or anything to do with the game- feel free to let me know about it kindly. I'll check it out and make sure to fix it.

For now, that's all.

Who's your favorite character on Detroit: Become Human?

~*Peace and Out,