Sup guys? Lighting Wolf here, back with another story, this one about Ben Ten. Enjoy the 900-word chapter. I don't own Ben ten, Cartoon Network and a few others do.

(Ledgerdomain, 3 months after events of Omniverse.)

Charmcaster, aka Hope, was bored.

She sat on her throne and sighed, she had lost Adwaita, and Morningstar. She could have killed the human, but she didn't feel like expending the energy, and sending a few of her stone creatures felt like a waste of effort.

"Isn't there ANYTHING TO DO!?"

The 21-year-old witch yelled, reclining in her throne, she was about to give an order to one of her scribes when a massive explosion cut her off.

"An attack?"

Hope asked, she grinned, something to do besides fighting that pest of a magic user she usually clashed with.

"My lady?"

One of the scribes asked as Charmcaster rose from her throne, summoning the purple magic she was so well known with.

"I'll handle this, stay here…. This will be a cakewalk…."

Hope said before teleporting away, the scribe was left looking at an empty area.

(2 miles away.)

The blast had come from another magician, a boy to be precise, he wore blackish blue armor with a heavy coat that also served a cloak, there was a variety of lines that ran down the coat and he also wore armor that looked like a shirt under the armor.

He also wore a magic black mask that looked like it was made out of stone, a hood with blue lines covered his head.

This was Conjure, a master magician, behind him were a group of stone soldiers, they resembled the ones Charmcaster would use but they were less bulky and sleeker, resembling modern knights and not the brutish beasts Charmcaster used so much.

"Hmm, you do know everything in this land belongs to me, right? All of Ledgerdomain belongs to me…. Now, who are you?"

The boy heard as he turned to face Charmcaster, the two stood apart from each other.

Two of Conjure's stone soldiers drew their swords and stepped forward before Conjure held up his hand.

"No… I will handle this…. I know who you are…. Charmcaster, ruler of Ledgerdomain, vanquisher of Adwaita… Second…. I'm not going to attack Ledgerdomain…."

Conjure muttered as Charmcaster huffed in annoyance and fired a stream of bolts at Conjure who dispelled them with a shield.

"Seriously? You thought that would defeat me?"

Conjure asked with a chuckle before firing a beam of mana at Hope who teleported away before lifting her hand, a rock tore itself from the ground.

"Oh, I'm just warming up…. What's your name? Hmm, I don't care anyway… Won't matter in a minute."

Hope muttered before she tossed the rock at Conjure, firing another stream of mana bolts after that and followed it with another storm of rocks.

"Have fun with oblivion…"

Charmcaster muttered before gasping as Conjure simply fired a bolt of magic lighting, shattering the entire barrage and forcing Charmcaster to dive out of the way before she was grasped magically by the magician.

"If that was anyone else, it would have killed me…. But I'm not anyone else, I am Conjure… And you, Charmcaster…"

Conjure muttered before flicking his fingers and knocking the girl to the ground.

"Are no match for me with your arrogance…. Then again, why am I talking all big, I'm just 19, its crazy!"

Conjure muttered, Hope laughed darkly before turning around to face Conjure, wiping the dirt off her face as she did so.

"Yeah…. Hmm…"

Charmcaster muttered, she summoned the power of the Alpha Rune and blasted Conjure who tried to block it but was tossed to the ground.

"I hate you…"

Conjure muttered as he passed out, Charmcaster teleported over to Conjure and picked him up.

She turned to see the stone soldiers draw their swords, ready to defend their master.

"Ah, ah, ah, one move and your master dies…."

Charmcaster muttered, holding a mana bolt to Conjure's head.

The Stone Soldiers growled and started to advance on Ledgerdomain as Charmcaster teleported away.

(Charm caster's castle, 20 minutes later.)

Conjure was a man who liked to have all of his options covered, he always liked to have a plan out of things if they went south.

"Well, someone's finally awake."

Conjure heard, he didn't have his mask which covered his head, his hood was also pulled back.


Conjured hissed, his jade eyes looked up at Charmcaster's pink ones.

"You know you can't hold me here…. The chains I mean."

Conjure muttered, Charmcaster rolled her eyes, she was queen of the realm, conjure was strong enough to fight her head on….

That being said, she had no problem using the Alpha Rune to cheat and defeat her enemies, it was her's after all, she had won the rune fair and square.

She looked down at Conjure, he reminded her a bit of Dark star, but he had black hair, and he didn't seem as arrogant as the traitor.

She smiled, conjure raised an eyebrow.

Author notes

Phew, first chapter done! Yes, I know isn't the best, first chapters aren't my thing. As for Conjure? I will explain more about him next chapter. I loved how Charmcaster was portrayed by Omniverse and all that. Also, this will also take a few bits from how Ben Ten would have gone before the reboot. Next chapter is next Wednesday. Until then, Lighting Wolf out!