A sharp pain sliced through Violet's head. She didn't remember anything that happened to her once agin. Looking around she saw nothing but backness. Suddenly she was bumped to her side and realized she was in a vehicle of some sort. She heard talking but couldn't make out but a few words here and there. Something about money and the girl. The girl, she knew, was her.

Violet was so downcast at this point she didn't even try to escape. This was just another way of the world telling her, hey you're a terrible person. Violet silently wept while bouncing with every pothole that was hit, she knew that things would just keep getting worse and worse for her. With thoughts of terrible things that could possibly be waiting she fell into a shallow and restless sleep.

"Get up." A deep male voice rang

Violet looked up to see a short stumpy man with his arms crossed. "Wha- who are you?" Was the only thing Violet mumbled.

"Don't matter kid. Now get out of the van!" He said with his voice rising a bit.

Violet looked around to find an interesting sight before her. Tents were sprawled about and a rather large one was close to the end of the field she stood before. "Where am I?"

"Home." A woman smirked this time. slamming the back of the vans doors.

They both laughed while pushing the girl towards the center of the tents and hopped into their getaway Chey.

"Home?" Violet questioned. "What is this place?" Violet was so terribly confused and was still a little bet shell shocked at the fact that two people kidnapped her and dropped her off here.

Violet didn't move, she couldn't really. All she did was fall into a pile of sobs and confused questioning to no one in particular.

"My dear?" A sweet voice stopped Violet. "Why are you crying?"

The blue female looked up to see a beautiful woman in her early forties standing above her. She had flowing red hair, piercing green eyes, and bird like feathers all down her arms and legs "Have I died?" Violet stammered

The woman laughed, "No my darling. You've not died." The woman bent down to Violet, and with her pink and green feathered arm grabbed the blue girl by the hand.

Violet didn't recoil she didn't even move one inch. "Who are you? What are you?! Where Am I!?" With each new question Violet panicked more and more.

"Now calm down. No need to be afraid." The woman looked at the shaking female in front of her. "I am Lina." The woman paused for a short moment whilst a small smile spread onto her face. "Well what I am is honestly unbeknownst to even me still, but we could say a science experiment gone wrong."

Lina looked around and in a hushed tone stated. "Now before we answer anything more we must get you inside, before boss comes back."

Violet wanted to ask who the woman was talking about and why they couldn't stay outside, but before she could even squeak she was whisked away by the odd yet kind bird woman.