On the next day, Shantae and the rest of the gang went to Sky's place to tell her the whole thing. Oh shit, Sky said. That doesn't sound good.

What should we do Sky? Shantae asked. Now's that the million dollar question, Sky said. I'll let you guys know. Then Rottytops came into the room and showed everyone her new bracelet. Hi guys, she said. Wow Rotty, where did you get something like that? Shantae asked.

It's just from that store that just opened up today, Rottytops said. That's weird, Shantae said. The mayor would usually promote the store so much, what happened? Rottytops just shuged her arms and said I don't know.

Something must be up, Hotaru said. Let's go. Then the three girls went uptown to see what's going on. Step right up and drench yourself in our 90% off deal on all of our bracelets, store owner said. You look like you can use one of my bracelets. Thanks but, Shantae said. But the man didn't let her finish as he gave her the bracelet and said here you go and gave her the boot.

It's closing time, the man said. Then everybody got out of the store. As soon as the owner lock up the gates, the man relived himself to be Jadite in disguise. Foolish humans, he said. Now I must tell the mistress that everything is going according to plain. He told Nega-Shantae everything. Perfect, you trick them all into buying such useless items to suck out the energy. And I've got the pest the bracelet too, Jadite said.

WHAT!?! She screamed. I DIDN'T GAVE YOU THE ORDER TO DO THAT. THE MONSTER THAT I MADE YOU SHOULD DO THE TRICK. NOW DO US BOTH A FAVOR AND DO YOUR JOB RIGHT!!! Then she slammed the phone down. Can't that man do something right? She asked.

You heard her, Jadite said. Oh yes, the monster said. I'll rip that girls head off and use it as a piggy bank. Then she went off to Shantae's lighthouse.

Later that night*

Shantae studied the bracelet to see if something's wrong. Until the monster came into the house. Who are you? She asked. It doesn't matter, the monster said. What it does matter is I'm going to kill you by the order of Nega. That seems right, Shantae said. Let's go girls. Then the girls went ahead and started to attack. The monster gave them a beat down. The bracelet lets me read your mind so I can make my move before make yours, the monster said.

Then Rottytops came in and slammed the door on the monster. Hi guys, she said. Then Chibiusa made her move saying Pink Sugar attack which left the monster turned into dust. Darn those brats, Jadite said. I'll get you next time Shantae. Just you wait. What was that for? Rottytops asked. I don't know but she says she was working for Nega, Shantae said. Maybe that'll be a clue to where she's at. We'll have to keep an eye out for her.