Villains come in many different forms. Sometimes they may even be justified to some extent. Sometimes you might not even call them a villain.

Charlotte Flair strode forward, confidently walking through the hallways towards the locker room where she quietly and swiftly packed up and set out to wait for her friend and current carpool companion Becky Lynch.

After finishing the mundane task Charlotte took off, wandering the halls aimlessly, just trying to pass the time till Becky was ready to leave. After all, the Irish woman had said that she just needed about fifteen minutes or so till she would be ready. So, taking a quick stroll and stretching out her legs before getting into a car for several hours seemed like the logical thing to do while waiting.

Until a set of hushed voices around the corner of a darkened corridor captured the blonde's attention. Instead of choosing to ignore the noise she began to walk slowly closer, curiosity getting the better of her, hoping to catch some of the conversation.

Charlotte pressed herself closer to the wall after being close enough to now identify the two people. Her eyes narrowed, and small embers of anger and betrayal began to grow stronger. She couldn't help but wonder why her 'supposed' best friend Becky Lynch, would possibly be anywhere near the bitch that is Sasha Banks.

Taking a deep breath Charlotte forced herself to calm down and listen before making assumptions. Her tendency to overreact without the full story had gotten her in trouble previously, and she had no desire to reenact prior events.

While a part of her knew that spying on her friend was not the greatest look, considering Sasha's past actions, Charlotte easily rationalized it as simply looking out for a friend who was all too willing to put her trust in the wrong people.

Her ears strained attempting to pick up the conversation, but with how low they were speaking she was only able to make out a few words here and there. As she inched her way stealthily forward she finally made it close enough to make out what was being said.

"I'm sorry, I-I-I just…" A small pause followed by a deep breath that was audible even from Charlotte's hiding spot, "Please Sash I'm still here. I'm still trying." Came the uncharacteristically unsteady and distressed Irish accent belonging to Becky Lynch. Her accented tones dipped to a near whisper level, "Do I need to get down on my knees and beg you?"

Sasha let out a clearly exhausted sigh, "Becky…" The rest of the sentence trailing off as her voice dropped too low for Charlotte to hear without moving closer and risking being seen.

A beat of silence was followed up by a near hysteric whisper from the orange haired woman that was loud enough for Charlotte to pick up every word, "I need you."

Charlotte's eyebrows shot upwards, her mouth hanging open in shock. Had she honestly just heard her friend tell Sasha Banks of all people, after what she had done, that she needed her? She shook her head, the denial quickly settling in. After what had happened three months ago on the night that Sasha became the Raw Women's champion, and how Sasha had been acting the last year or so, it just made no sense in her mind.

A small moan interrupted her stream of thoughts and brought her back to the present. It took a lot of patience and determination for Charlotte not to stick her head around the corner so that she could see what was happening, but the risk of getting caught seemed very high. Thinking quickly, she pulled out her phone, muting all sounds she opened the camera and clicked the record button before slowly reaching the phone out and pointing the camera around the corner towards where the two women stood.

After allowing the phone to record for several seconds Charlotte pulled it back to her body and started to creep away until she finally exited the hallway and was far enough away to avoid any risk of the two knowing she had been there.

As the tall woman briskly walked away from the scene, the small phone felt like a brick in her pocket. The weight of the potential evidence sending tendrils of sick curiosity that slowly constricted her thoughts till this phone felt like the most important thing in the world.

Charlotte is not dumb by any means and the sounds that she had heard around the corner had seemed to paint a clear picture of what the two had been doing at the time. A small part of her wanted to naively believe in her friend and just walk away before she got hurt by confirming her suspicions. But a larger part of Charlotte screamed out to watch the video and confirm her darker assumptions, proving her fears correct.

Against her better judgement Charlotte had let Becky in and found a best friend, someone who she could share everything with, and the old fear that opening herself to someone would only lead to more pain began creeping back into her head. The sharp familiar sting of betrayal and disappointment slowly taking a hold of her thoughts, leaving her feeling angry and horribly sad.

Her thoughts took her back to several months ago, on a late cold night at some bar along the road. Becky, more than a little drunk at this point, had confided in Charlotte about her supposedly small crush on Sasha, the woman who had been making their lives hell for the past year. It had taken a lot of strength on her part not to scoff at the notion and berate the other woman, although the laughter and derisive comments probably were not much better.

The last year or so of weird occurrences suddenly began to make a sort of sick sense. From the random nights where Becky would come back to the hotel room late in the morning hours, the times where she seemingly disappeared without a trace for anywhere from a few minutes to hours.

Even the one week where Sasha let go of a hold on Charlotte's already injured ankle when she easily could have really torqued on the hold and shattered it.

Becky had been at ringside for that match.

Finding a small area away from anyone Charlotte leaned against the concrete wall and somewhat reluctantly pulling her phone out and unlocking it. After a brief pause where she closed her eyes and took in several deep breaths, the strong woman weakly pressed the play button on the short recording and opened her eyes to a scene that only served to infuriate her further and justify her earlier sentiments.

While the video was a bit shaky the unmistakable image of Sasha and Becky locked in a passionate make out session filled the small screen. Even though Becky was the one pushing the pink haired woman into the wall the small hand twisted tightly into fiery orange strands showed clearly who was in charge of the moment.

As the recording came to an end stopping on a still frame of the two still kissing the world was silent. Charlotte's jaw was tightly clenched, and her entire body shook, barely containing the emotion within.

Locked into her own world Charlotte failed to notice the footsteps coming towards her and startled when the person spoke.

"Her Char you ready to hit the road?" Becky called out, unaware of the storm brewing inside her good friend. After a few seconds of no response she asked, "Are you okay? Did something happen?" genuine concern coming through her accented voice.

She seemed so happy, thought Charlotte. Her eyes gleaming with life and a nervous, but happy energy surrounding here that seemed almost contagious. Was it right for her to be so upset if whatever the hell was going on made her friend truly happy?

Small whispers of rage began to strengthen as her mind recalled all the negative moments that had occurred between herself and Sasha this year. A near constant drumbeat of betrayal and hurt returned stronger than before and rational thought became impossible in that moment.

Charlotte's brain finally caught up to the present and she found herself automatically responding, "Yea of course, just got a lot on my mind. Why don't you go ahead and get settled in the car, I forgot something and just need a minute." She lied convincingly.

Always one to believe the best of people, perhaps to her own detriment at times, Becky accepted the lie as truth. "Ok, I will be in the car," but never one to let someone suffer Becky reached out, "And if you do want to talk, I'm always here." A bright smile accompanying the friendly gesture.

A small grin began to take shape on the blonde's face, "Thank you Bex… For everything. I always know I can count on you," her soft calm voice disguising the turmoil and rage beneath.

The beautiful Irish woman turned around and began walking towards the parking lot, blind to the state her friend was in.

As soon as she left Charlotte's field of view, the normally proud and strong woman deflated, like a half-filled air mattress. The frustration and despair helping create a storm inside her that would not be extinguished any time soon.

After allowing herself the small moment of weakness the former women's champion stood up straight and proud, putting on a strong front that all was normal before walking off towards the parking lot. Her mind already swirling around with ideas for retribution against the two.

Until next week at least Charlotte would play along and continue on as if everything was normal. After all, the saying keep your friends close, but your enemies closer never had seemed more logical.

A/N: Just a moderately quick shoutout to CallMeJoz whose ridiculously fun story has pulled me out of retirement and for the first time into the wrestling fandom. As an homage I opened with a small peak into our future insanity before we delve into the early days of Becky arriving at NXT and the past insanity that was hinted at throughout this chapter. At first I was going to create this as a strictly Bosha pairing, but as my ideas swirl here at 2:10am my love for Charlynch has forced me into the predicament of creating a triforce if you will *cue Zelda opening chest theme*. My normal chapter, which I have already somewhat done, will be closer to 10000 or so words, but I felt so inspired to write a future piece to tease where I want to go. I once was a builder but now steal tacos, life is crazy sometimes. #zebrasbeatbears #Ineedtostopwritingbutcant

P.S. this is cross posted over at A03 for those who wanted to know.