Previously on Seizure Procedure: Hiccup stared him down, daring him to do more. He hid his pain behind a face of steel and anger. He wasn't going to give this sick twist the pleasure of seeing him cry in pain and beg him to stop. Hiccup had endured worse.

Johann roared in anger. How dare this child pretend to be a man, denying him the pleasure of seeing him react to the pain!? He pulled out a knife and stabbed Dragon Master in the left arm. He ensured the blade went all the way through until it hit the ice.

Johann turned and yelled, "Such heroism. And for what? FOR WHAT!?" at Hiccup.

The older man grabbed Hiccup and tossed him across the ice. Hiccup slid until his back slammed into a spire jutting out of the ice. The Rider's vision doubled and he was seeing two Johanns stomp over to him.

Hiccup screwed his eyes shut and opened them again. There was now only one Johann and he was beyond livid. He was going to make sure Hiccup suffered. The Rider knew this.

Johann drew a knife from his sleeve and picked Hiccup up by the back of his head. He did a quick slash just above Hiccup's left knee.

"How well can you walk without a knee? More to the point, would you still be able to fly on your dragon?" Johann smiled threateningly.

The villain sliced through Hiccup's leather shoulder padding. Johann stood Hiccup up and slammed his left shoulder into his knee. Hiccup screamed as his collarbone broke into two. Johann grinned when he heard it snap.

Hiccup sat and waited. He listened to his body, looking out for any signs that might indicate a seizure. There wouldn't be much of a warning, but enough to brace himself. As if on cue his muscles tightened as if he had been struck by lightning. Hiccup lay down and shut his eyes while loosening the grip around his wound. He didn't need to break his arm in the process.

After two more days, Gothi deemed it safe to move Hiccup to his own bed. Stoick did the task of carrying his son home. He refused to let anyone help. Hiccup was his responsibility.

Stoick gently laid his son on to his bed and pulled the covers up to his waist. Toothless padded up the stairs and sat at the foot of the bed. The chief placed a reassuring hand on the Night Fury.

"He'll be okay, Toothless," Stoick promised. "He just needs to rest."

Tears were pouring out of Hiccup's eyes. "What made you think it was possible to control the King of Dragons? Didn't you even read the Dragon Eye? It clearly states that if you want the King to trust you, you had to be pure of heart. You had to be a friend to both dragon and man. You were neither. You were an evil, manipulative bastard, who had no problem killing people who got in your way."

Hiccup ceased his rant long enough to really stared at Johann. He moved to where he could study the villain's face better. He got within inches of the ice when Johann blinked.

Hiccup ran back to the arena where the reception was being held, Toothless hot on his trail. What he had just seen was impossible, right? Frozen men can't blink.

He hoped to the gods that he was hallucinating. He needed a second opinion and fast, but who to tell? Who would actually listen and not accuse him of going crazy? Dagur. Dagur knew crazy better than anyone.

He stopped running as he neared the dinner party. He had to appear calm. He had to get Dagur away from the party without raising an alarm. He entered the party and scanned over the guests, locating the Berserker chief. He found him talking with his new wife. They were laughing at the show the twins were putting on.

Hiccup made his way to the man. He pushed through the crowd of Vikings. When he finally got to Dagur he grabbed the man's shoulder and whispered in his ear. "Dagur we need to talk. It's urgent."

Dagur turned and looked at his brother. He could see that Hiccup was freaked out. The younger man was trying to hide it but failing.

The Berserker gave his wife a quick kiss. "I'll be right back, Schnookums."

Dagur followed Hiccup into the woods that lead toward the caves. "What's wrong, brother?"

Hiccup stopped walking and rubbed his forehead's temples. "I'm losing my mind. I've finally cracked and I need you to tell me I'm wrong."

A rambling Hiccup was never a good thing. Dagur had the misfortune of knowing what happens when Hiccup gets freaked out. He needed to keep Hiccup calm and lucid. Stress was something the Dragon Rider didn't need.

"Take on a deep breath, hold it and let it out," Dagur offered, demonstrating what he meant.

Hiccup took on three deep breaths. His body relaxed, but his eyes were still white with fear.

"What happened? What did you see?" Dagur asked.

Hiccup explained why going to the caves was a way to make peace with what had happened. He talked about yelling at Johann and seeing him blink. Twice.

"I feel stupid asking this, but can you just go back with me in there and see if he really is blinking, or if I've just lost my mind," Hiccup asked. His tone was almost childlike.

Dagur wanted to chide Hiccup for going on there alone, to begin with but didn't have the heart. "Sure. No problem."

As they continued on walking, Dagur silently hoped Hiccup was going a tad crazy, and that Johann really was dead underneath the ice. He also hated himself for hoping for such a thing. If Hiccup's mind really was cracked there was no telling what else he could be seeing or hearing.

Dagur leaned in and studied the frozen man. Hiccup stood behind him clutching half of his former sword. He kept his distance but was close enough to see if he really was blinking.

The Berserker chief nearly jumped back when Johann blinked. Sweet Freya, Hiccup wasn't going crazy. The madman was still alive.

"Please tell me you saw that?" Hiccup practically begged.

Dagur had to make a split second decision. If he told Hiccup, that Johann was still alive, he would go back to being scared and angry. Everything he had worked so hard on for the past few months would come crashing down. Hiccup needed to think Johann was dead in order to move on.

"I didn't see anything," Dagur lied. "It must be your imagination."

Hiccup stared at the man. He was still to count of ten then he screamed. "You're lying! You moved when he blinked!"

Before Dagur had a chance to defend himself, Hiccup had run him through with Inferno and sent him over the edge.

Dagur the Deranged was dead.

Author's Note: So the time between Hiccup being tortured and the wedding is about five months in my timeline. So that's plenty of time for Hiccup to be recovered enough to be tortured some more. That is if you want Hiccup to bleed to more. I could also have him face his fears and kick Johann's ass. Where the final face-off will take place is up to you.

Your Choices Are:


Berserker Island

Dragon's Edge

Middle of the ocean

I plan on having the story span about six months. In that time Hiccup will have his new leg. They will leave Dragon's Edge with plans to go back. Dragon Races.

Special thanks to Draconicbeing2.0 for being an amazing beta reader