Kim possible and all related characters are property of the Walt Disney company, batman and all related characters are property of DC comics and WB studios I don't own them I right this story for fun no profitChapter 1

GJ file TP-002:

Full name: Ronald Thomas Stoppable

Alias (es): The Ultimatel Monkey Master, The Dark Knight, The cape crusader

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Build: tall and muscular

Hair: Blond

Skin: Fair, Freckled

Hometown: Middleton new jersey

Profession(s): High School Student, ultimate monkey master, side kick, advanced tactical trained, ninja trained, vigilante

Affiliation(s): Team Possible, Global Justice, Yamanouchi Ninja School

Relative(s): (father) Thomas Stoppable, (mother) Martha Kane Wayne, (daughter) Hana Stoppable,

Friend(s): Kim Possible, doctor Wade Load, Felix Renton, Yori, Monique, Rufus

Love Interest(s): docter Anne Possible, Joss Possible, Yori,

Nemesis: Gill, Monkey Fist

Power(s): Mystical Monkey Powers, superhuman strength, levitation, telekinesis, ability to wield mystical-enhanced weapons

In 1929 the tri state area was founded it was three islands located in the Gotham river upperton was the northern island were the rich and powerful live middleton was the middle island were the middle class live like medical doctors and rocket scientist and finally lowerton is the southern island it is home to the decaying and dilapidated neighborhood in which the poor and disparate live were location to a crime heighten neighborhood which was hit hardest the most which was resulted in poverty and poor living conditions and increase in crime it's the most dangerous part of town a slum-district highly populated urban residential area consisting mostly of closely packed decrepit housing units in a situation of deteriorated or incomplete infrastructure inhabited primarily by impoverished persons in the part of the city were the housing quality is bad and living conditions are poor to the east is the Atlantic ocean and to the west is the main land where the space center and A army base named fort Richards are located

In 1944 Ron's grandfather Jonathan Stoppable started the family business called stoppable industries for the last 86 years it has become one of the S&P 500 biggest companies in the world when jon dyed his son Thomas Stoppable took over however he decided to let the executives of the company run the everyday operations while he became a doctor at middleton general where he worked with a old college classmate Andrea Possible (incredible) and they became best friends she was named Ron's godmother

Ronald Stoppable was born in 1989 he and Kim Possible have been best friends since they were born thanks to their parents knowing each other on their first day of kindergarten Kim was scared because the thought she was never going to make friends because three bullies were picking on her and pulling her pig tails and would not give her back her red ball when Ron stood up for her they started attacking him that's when Kim went to help him and scared the three bullies away after that was over Kim said your weird but I like you will you be my friend

When Ron was in first grade he took A I.Q. test and scored A 192 however he shoes not to tell Kim because he thought that her A class personality and her competitive nature would create A gap between them and would destroy their friendship so only his parents Mrs. Doctor P wade and Dr Elizabeth (Betty)Director when Ron was 8 years old his parents took him to see the Fearless Ferret movie at the time the city was struck by a huge depression that the sanitation department went on strike and the city was filled with garbage everywhere when they left the theater they took a short cut though a dark ally were a man in a clown mask with white face green hair red nose and red lipstick blue makeup around his eyes and red eyebrows and A red nose pointed A gun and them then yanked his mother's Perl necklace off of her his father tried to stopped him but he shot both parents and told Ron he getting what he deserves

The police arrived and A sergeant James Gordon put a jacket around him and told him that everything was going to be ok they found the guy I.D. as Joe Chill Gordon then called Andrea and she went to pick him up and took him back to her house much to her husband frustration because James Timothy Possible never like Ron or how close he was to his family he was jealous of Ron and all of the attention he was getting on the day of the funeral all of the Possible minus Mr. doctor P and all of the hospitals coworkers and company employees attended one of the executive of the company told Ron the the company was in good hands until he came of age when the will was read Ron got everything and found out that he was going to live with the possible at first everyone tried to be there for Ron and understood why he was so angry but he kept pushing everyone away for a time they gave him some space but then they started to give up until Ron started to learn to but on A mask he stated to practice smiling in front of the mirror and acting goofy to hide his pain Kim and the boys were happy to have their friend back but Andrea saw though him but evry now and then his mask would crack and a little of the real Ron would come out and she held out hope that Ron would recover and come back one day

Ron met Wade when he attended A comic book convention and they became fast friends when one of his invention got stolen he called Ron for help Ron got Kim involved and when they got it back Wade decided he owed Ron a life debt and decided to help Kim in her crime fighting with inventing the kimunicator the hairdryer grappling hook battle suit and other equipment for her but he also made equipment for Ron

After their freshmen year Betty went to Kim's house and offered to have one of them trained in advanced tactical training Kim said no because the thought that her cheerleading and 16 styles of kun fu are enough to keep her safe but Ron jumped at the opportunity to be highly trained and thought this would be the best way to start his training for his revenge he also sneaked into the public library and started to study as hard as he could with useful information

On his sophomore year he got hit by the four jade monkey statues and received the mystical monkey powers and defeated lord monkey fist he also saved the entire cheerleading team from one of his old camp mates gill all of the girls including Bonnie started feeling safe when he's around them especially when every time one of them starts to fall from the pyramid wither it's during practice of the field he always caches them and none of them have gotten seriously hurt in any way

When he was invited to the yamanouchi ninja school which was a front for the league of assassins two of his class mate yori and fukushima both members of the league of assassins saw right though his fake clumsiness and saw his potential though when yori took to giving him more attention fukushima got jealous and started to have A rivalry with him and embarrass him anyway he could but that all was for nothing because he decided to ally himself with monkey fist and give him the lotus blade and trick yori into getting captured and being A bate for Ron to go and rescue her where he wins but what Ron did not know the hole thing was A test in order for master sensei and Ra's al Ghul to see if he is worthy of the MMP and as the heir to the demons head

When Ron went to the global justice training camp he learned how to be in peak physical condition, training in Krav Maga, be prepared for anything, evasive and tactical driving, close quarter gun fighting, jumping out of A helicopter, hostage rescuing, swat, and gun shooting his instructor saw how good he was that if he joined the army he would recommend him to go to sniper school

With both the advanced tactical and ninja training Ron took to combining both for his saving the world with helped out a lot since Kim was to distracted on Josh that it was up to wade and Ron to come up with the saving the world plan like sneaking in to the lair retrieving the stolen item press the self destruct bottom and get out but like always Kim got interview by the press and Ron got none of the credit for helping just ignored and put on the side line and the shadows

On one of Ron's Buenos nachos run he found an abandon warehouse with an elevator that lead to a underground bunker and turned it into his lair that not even Kim and the possible family new about which helped out a lot as a place for him to be alone with his thought and hide some of his equipment he also found a beat up scooter that he uses as his personal transport he knows it a joke but It helps with him keeping up his mask as a buffoon

When Ron got his $99,000,000 from Buenos nachos he decided to use it to fund his and Kim's saving the world to pay for all of their equipment on one of their missions Ron found A naked mole rat gini pig and decided to keep him as A pet Andrea was ok with it but James was not and it cost him a month in the couch when Ron turned evil he upgraded his lair with state of the art super computers and other equipments

The depression still continues to this day the locals have nick named lowerton the narrows the most dangerous area in the tri state area

Ron Stoppable: Bruce Wayne/batman

Kim Possible: Rachel Dawes

Andrea Possible: doctor Leslie Tompkins

Yori: Talia al Ghul

Master sensei: the sensei/Ra's al Ghul father and Talia grandfather

Hana: Damian Wayne

Fukushima: Bane

Joss Possible: Selina Kyle

Wade: Oracle

Gill: Killer Croc

Betty Director: Amanda Waller

A/N ok this is the first chapter. This is my first time righting a Fan Fiction so leave a comment or review please and thank you.