A/N: 5 Months to get this chapter posted. I do have a problem with keeping chapters posted regularly (haha). Anyway, Chapter 12 is here and I hope you all enjoy it. *Please Note*, longer and more important Author's note at the end.
Review Responses:
* . .86: I am thinking about turning D.A. into an army. The reason I said that the A should not stand for Army is that with how the Ministry is now, it would cause them a lot of trouble and could get them arrested. I will think more about turning them into an army.
*themaestro1: Yeah, I am sorry about posting chapter so irregularly. I wish I could post chapters more consistently, but life doesn't always work out that way. I am happy that you like the story so far and appreciate you sticking with me for so long.
*LifeIsAGreatAdventure: Yes, looking back on that part, I did not explain things well enough to justify Daphne and Tracey being there or why they would interact with Ron and Neville. That is something I will have to fix and the reason I did it was that I like their characters, hoping to have them in my story, not in a negative way. Thank you for pointing that out.
Thank you to everyone again for reading and reviewing!
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.
The Guardian
Avada Kedavra!
Harry felt the two spells collided with a force that would cause most people to be thrown back. Harry looked around and found himself back in the graveyard from last year, but everything looked blurry and out of focus. Cedric was laying there about 20 feet away from him, dead. Harry had to then grip his wand with both hands as the force of the spells was becoming larger and larger by the moment. He was able to hear the Death Eaters laughing at him, though just barely. Suddenly, flashes came out of the middle of the stream of spells. The flashes surrounded Harry and morphed into shadows that made his jaw clench with emotion. The shadows of James, Lily, Sirius, Lupin, Ron, Hermione, and Neville looked upon him with sadden expressions marrying their translucent faces.
"Why couldn't you save us?" The shadows asked in unison.
"No," Harry breathed out, sadness taking over his mind.
"You will never be strong enough!"
Harry felt whatever strength that he had left leave him as he gazed at the shadows of his family and friends as they looked down at him, "I am strong… enough," Harry's voice was hoarse with emotion and weak.
"You are not," The shadows said again, shaking their heads.
Harry looked around at the faces, narrowing his eyes as he then pushed more of his magic into his spell. Harry's spell started to push Voldemort's back until it was about a foot away from the tip of the wand.
'This is not real! I am strong enough to save them!' Harry thought as he continued to push Voldemort back.
"He's mine! Don't touch him!" Yelled Voldemort as he saw some of his Death Eaters were slowly starting towards Harry. He then pushed more of his magic into the spell.
'No! This bastard will die here!' Harry said to himself and he was so focused on the fight that he did not see another flash come out of the colliding spells until it was right next to him on his left. The shape took the form of Fleur and when Harry looked at her, his heart tore into two as he looked at his dead girlfriend.
"F-Fleur?!" Harry whispered, tears welling up as he gazed at her with heartbroken eyes.
The figure of Fleur did not say anything, she lifted her hand and touched Harry's cheek. While the touch was initially cold, he started to feel her familiar warmth behind the coldness. Harry took his left hand off of his wand and grabbed her hand, her thumb caressing his cheek lovingly. Fleur's shadow gave him a small, sad smile and spoke for the first time.
"I love you 'Arry Potter."
"I-I love you too Fleur Delacour," Harry whispered, streaks of tears falling on his cheek.
After saying that, Harry's body finally gave out on him from the fatigue, falling to his knees. The connection between the two spells was broken and Voldemort of thrown off of his feet. Harry just looked upon the shadow of Fleur, the tears falling rapidly now as he knew that she was dead.
'I'm… not strong enough, I've failed.' Harry said inside his head, his sprite broken.
Voldemort got back onto his feet and re-focused his attention to the boy and saw the shadows, he laughed mockingly at the sight. Voldemort raised his wand and made sure that Potter was vulnerable before shouting,
Avada Kedavra!
The sickly-green curse soared through the air and right before hitting Harry, it went through the Fleur's shadow, making it disappear into the night sky.
"NOOOOOO!" Harry screamed in anguish as the killing curse struck him in the chest.
Dream Ends
"FLEUR!" Harry screamed, shooting straight up with tears streaming down his face.
Fleur's eyes shot open and looked to see Harry sitting up, " 'Arry! W'at 'appened? W'at's wrong?"
Harry turned to see Fleur looking at him with a look of worry, "Y-You're alive?" That question shocked Fleur as she heard the disbelief and hurt in his voice.
She then wrapped Harry in her arms and that is what caused the dam to break for Harry as the only sounds that could be heard were his sobs. Fleur could only rock him back and forth while trying to comfort him as he continued to cry. Harry had wrapped his arms around her waist as if she were going to disappear at any second. She couldn't imagine what nightmare he had, but she knew one thing, it had a huge impact on him emotionally because from she had been able to gather, Harry was not a very emotional person. Running her fingers through his hair, Fleur felt his grip on her loosen a bit and his breathing became steadier, and after a few minutes, she realized that Harry had fallen back asleep. Fleur made sure to lay back down carefully with Harry in her arms, she kissed his forehead before closing her eyes, letting sleep overtake her once more.
8 October 1995
Fleur's eyes fluttered open to a mass of jet black hair. Looking down, she found Harry's head resting upon her chest, while his arms were wrapped around her waist and their legs were intertwined. Fleur then remembered the nightmare that he had and her heart broke at the sight of him crying last night. She felt him moving around slightly before seeing his emerald green eyes open.
"Good morning, 'Arry," Fleur spoke softly with a gentle smile.
"Hey Fleur," Harry greeted with a small tired smile before it disappeared as he remembered the dream.
Fleur noticed right away the smile gone, "W'at's wrong love? Is it ze nig'tmare?"
Harry didn't respond at first as everything came back to him, but he finally did respond with a nod, "The dream."
Fleur gently grabbed Harry's chin, making him look at her blue eyes, "Could you tell me w'at ze dream was about?"
Harry swallowed before taking a deep breath, "I-I was back in the graveyard, fighting Voldemort. When our wands connected, I saw shadows of my parents and friends, they asked me why I couldn't save them and that I was too weak. Then, another shadow materialized…" Harry choked up.
"W'o was ze s'adow?" Fleur asked, fearing the answer.
"It was you," Harry whispered, tears welling up in his eyes as he looked into hers.
Fleur felt something grip her heart hard when she heard what Harry had said. She knew that Harry had some kind of connection with Voldemort and figured that he was torturing Harry with these twisted dreams and visions, making them seem real. Fleur then looked at Harry with a determined look, " 'Arry, I won't die on you. I will always be 'ere for you, no matter w'at." She was convinced to not only work harder on training Harry but also herself as well.
Harry saw the look on her face and that made him feel a little better. He grabbed her hands and kissed her with as much passion as he could muster and she returned it with the same amount. A minute later, they pulled apart with flush cheeks and smiles.
"I love you Fleur."
Fleur pressed her forehead against his with a loving smile, "I love you too 'Arry."
Harry pulled away before saying, "We should get up and get something to eat." At that moment, his stomach growled which made him flush in embarrassment while Fleur giggled.
"Oui," Fleur agreed with a smile.
Harry and Fleur got ready for the day and, along with Serpico, made their way to the Hall for some food. Once the couple got there, they saw Ron, Hermione, and Neville huddled together as they were reading the paper. They walked up to them and sat down.
"Hey guys," Harry greeted as he grabbed some food from the middle of the table.
None of the three friends said anything as Hermione folded up the paper and placed it in front of him, pointing to the headline.
Dolores Umbridge Appointed Hogwarts High Inquisitor
"High Inquisitor?" Harry was confused at the declaration.
Again, Hermione did not say anything, just pointed to the article, indicating for him to read. Harry picked up the paper and started to read the front page. As he continued to read, Harry became angrier and angrier until he got to the end and slammed the paper on the table, startling Fleur.
"Fuck!" Harry growled out.
Hermione nodded in agreement, "Yeah."
Fleur was surprised that Hermione did not scold Harry for his language, but she was curious about what the article had to say, "W'at's ze article about?"
"Remember that bill that failed in the Ministry that would give them more authority within Hogwarts?" Ron asked, once without something in his mouth.
"Oui," Fleur nodded.
"This seems to be an alternative version of that bill and, unfortunately, it passed," Neville said with a head shake.
"Really?! Zat is an abuse of power!" Fleur was shocked that something so blatantly a power grab would pass.
"Yes, it is!" Harry bit out, "It gives her the absolute power to fire 'unsatisfactory' teachers as well as the power to remove any students that are not up to their 'standards'. In essence, remove any students she or The Ministry does not like."
"Zat's stepping well over ze line of w'at zey can do wizin your government!" Fleur argued with a scowl, "Isn't zere someone or a body of people zat can overrule zis bill?"
Hermione shook her head, "Not any that I am aware of, and if there is anyone, they are either too scared to speak out against the Minister or they got paid out."
Ron shook his head, "They are grasping at anything that can be perceived as power."
"That's why we need something like the D.A. because the Ministry will be the cause for us losing this war and our lives," Hermione whispered as Harry sighed, knowing that she was right.
"W'en is zis supposed to go into effect?" Fleur asked, not looking forward to the future.
Neville answered, "Monday with Educational Decree Number 23."
Fleur went back to her food, but not before saying, "Your government is corrupt to ze point of no return."
No one could argue with that point as it was clear as day. Fudge and his supporters were so focused on trying to suppress people who even think for a second that Voldemort had returned. If they opened their eyes and looked at the truth, then they could save more innocent lives that will more than likely be lost because of their ignorance.
The group looked up at the ceiling when they heard a hoot from an owl. That owl came down and landed in front of Fleur, whose face lit up in recognition as it was the family's owl. The owl had a letter hanging out of its beak and Fleur grabbed it before petting it. Everyone else of the group got a better look at the owl whose feathers were brown with white spots all around its body. A minute went by before the owl gave Fleur a playful nip and took off into the air.
"You expecting a letter?" Harry asked.
"Non, but I recognize my family's crest and ze owl," Fleur explained as she opened the envelope, unfolded the letter and started to read.
Dear Fleur
How are you doing at Hogwarts? Your father and I hope you are doing well. We have been getting copies of The Prophet, courtesy of Harry's godfather, and have seen what has been written. Don't let those idiots get to you as none of those stories are true. We are happy to hear that you and Harry have officially become a couple and hope for the best in these uncertain times. Speaking of Harry, we would like to invite him to stay with us during the winter break. Please let him know about the invitation and we hope to see him soon.
Mother and Father
P.S Gabrielle is hoping that he will accept as she wants to see Harry again. She is getting to the point of bugging your father about him every chance she gets.
Finishing the letter, Fleur had a big smile on her face at the image of her sister bugging her father about Harry. During her time at Hogwarts, she had missed her family greatly and wished to see them soon. Having Harry stay with her over winter break would be nice and a good change of scenery from the castle.
Fleur turned her head to Harry, who was filling up his plate again, " 'Arry, my parents 'ave invited you to stay with us in France during winter break."
"Really? It would be Christmas so shouldn't you be spending that time with your family and I don't want to intrude…"
Fleur shook her head, "You wouldn't be in ze way and since we are dating, you would be part of ze family. Zey are 'appy for us and wis' us ze best."
Harry thought about it for a minute before relenting with a small chuckle, "Alright, I accept the invitation."
Fleur beamed as she pulled Harry into a big hug and kissed the top of his head. Harry leaned into the embraced as being next to her always comforted him, he did blush a little when he saw Ron, Neville, and Hermione smiling at the scene. Fleur pulled away after a minute, but held his hand and gave it a slight squeeze. The three friends were happy to see Harry with someone like Fleur who cared for him so much.
"So, what are you three going to do today?" Harry asked, looking at his friends.
"I'm going to the library for some studying," Hermione answered as she finished eating.
"Neville and I are going there as well to find some books on defensive spells," Said Ron while Neville nodded along.
Harry had a surprised look, "Really? Hermione I can understand, but you? You hate going there."
Ron smiled a bit, "Hey, I want to survive this war and while I do not like spending all day there, we have to do what has to be done. What about you?"
Fleur answered before Harry could, "We are going to see your nurse, look zough zose records about 'is ability."
Hermione Furrowed her eyebrows, "What was it called again?"
Harry answered, "Magical Overdrive."
Hermione frowned in thought, "I've never heard of an ability called that before and I have read through all the books I can find on magical abilities from the library."
Fleur nodded, "According to ze nurse, zere 'ad neem only 100 recorded cases of zis ability in 'istory."
"Only 100?!" Neville was shocked at the low number, so was Ron.
Harry nodded as he continued to eat along with everyone else, besides Hermione, who had finished eating and went to the library. After eating, the group went their separate ways out of The Great Hall. As Harry and Fleur walked the familiar path to the Hospital Wing, Harry started to become nervous in trying to find a way to gain control over the ability or a lack-there-of a way to control it. Fleur could see the nervousness in Harry, so she gave his hand a gentle squeeze and a smile. This cause Harry to give her a small smile in return, knowing that he was very lucky to have someone like Fleur in his life.
Opening the doors to the Hospital Wing, Harry and Fleur saw that the whole wing was empty. Harry walked over to the bed that had his name on it and gave it a small smile, thinking about when Madam Pomfrey placed the plaque on the bed. Harry and Fleur turned their heads towards the end of the wing when the door opened and Pomfrey came out of her office.
"What do I owe this pleasure, Mr. Potter? Another injury?" Pomfrey questioned with a raised eyebrow.
Harry chuckled, "No Madam Pomfrey, no injuries. I wanted to know if we could look at those records about my ability?"
Poppy tilted her head slightly to the right, "And why would you need to look at those records?"
Fleur answered, "We need to find out any information we can about zis ability and 'ow to control it."
Poppy thought for a minute before shaking her head, "Alright, I will go get the records for the ability." With that, the healer turned and disappeared into her office. A few minutes later, she came back holding a file. Placing it down on a table, Pomfrey opened it and took out a piece of paper, handing it to Harry.
Name: Morgan Le Fay
Date of Birth: 982 A.D.
Age: 139
Subject: Unknown Ability
Date: 1121
Original: This record is being written in the wake of the discovery of an unknown ability. The ability strengthens the user's Aura to the point of the feeling of being crushed under a substantial amount of weight. Along with that, their magic seems to be about several times more powerful than usual, making the spells deadlier from the user. It is unknown how the ability came about or how the user activates it. However, upon activation, the user loses control of themselves; going on a rampage as they are cloaked in color (Red for Morgan Le Fay) and their eyes glow the same color that they are cloaked in. I have never seen anything like this before and not much more information is available.
Date: 1379
Age: 397
Edit: After almost three centuries of not receiving any more new information about this strange ability, I came into contact with Morgan Le Fay once again. She showed me that she had gained control over it and was able to activate it at will. I will say that her Aura seemed more dark and sinister than it had before. I am still at a loss for how this ability came to be and when asked about how she got control over it, she would not give a direct answer. I wonder if this ability will appear in other witch and wizards, I do have to wonder…
When Harry finished the record for Morgan Le Fay, it left him with more questions than it answered. How does someone get this ability? How can he control it? Who wrote this record? Harry handed it to Fleur who read through it and when she was finished, she had a confused look.
"W'o wrote zis record?" Fleur asked Pomfrey.
Poppy shrugged, "I do not a clue on who wrote it. There is no indication of the writer since the place where the person would sign is blank." This caused Fleur to rub her temples in frustration as the record was vague and what little information is given, they already know.
"So, there isn't a single shred of truth to how the ability came to be?" Harry asked, scratching his head, "That just seems almost impossible that this ability can come up and after all of this time, there is nothing on the origin."
Pomfrey nodded in agreement, "Yes, but for whatever reason, there is no explanation."
"Wait, if zis record said zat s'e was able to activate it at will, zen 'ow do you know zat ze ability first becomes activated under immense emotional and p'ysical stress?" Fleur questioned.
Poppy cracked a small smile, "Because a latter record states that it is first activated under those conditions." She dug through the pile of papers until she found the right one, "This is the one."
Fleur took the paper and read through it. It was a wizard from the 15th century who had the ability. The record stated that he first activated when he was fighting a few dark wizards and he was outmatched. It activated when he was just seconds from death as the dark wizards had subdued him and were torturing him. The record went on to say that after killing the dark wizards, the ability deactivated and he fainted from exhaustion. He was found by a traveling merchant and brought to a healer who asked about this strange occurrence of this magical power-up. When the wizard told him, the healer knew what had happened and told the wizard about this ability that powers up the user. After going through the records of the previous people who had this ability, the healer dubbed the unknown ability as Magical Overdrive.
"So, zat is w'ere ze name came from," Fleur said, looking up at Pomfrey who nodded.
"What name?" Harry asked with a head tilt.
Fleur turned to him, "Magical Overdrive. Zis is ze record zat named ze ability zat."
"Is there anything about how to control it once activated?" Harry asked Fleur.
Fleur scanned the rest of the paper, shaking her head, "Unfortunately, zere is nozzing about controlling it." Harry sighed as he did not see any information about controlling this ability and that scared him.
Pomfrey had a sympathetic look, "I have gone through these records three times since I found out about you having this ability and I was unable to find anything about control. I am sorry Harry, I wish I could be of more help."
Harry shook his head with a smile, "No, you have done a lot for me Madam Pomfrey. Thank you for letting us scan through them." Harry picked up the last record and started to read through it.
Name: William Vilhelm
Date of Birth: 1707
Date: 1750
Age: 43
Subject: Magical Overdrive
Original: William Vilhelm, a Scandinavian wizard, who has obtained the rare ability, Magical Overdrive. I am grateful that I will be able to record such an ability that we still have not been able to understand. From reading previous records, it is unknown on how someone can obtain this ability. Asking William, he could not give me an answer as he does not know how he had obtained it. Vilhelm did confirm that it first activated under immense stress, more physical for his case as he was dueling a very strong dark witch and she had him at wand point. He also confirmed that after defeating his opponent, he collapsed into unconsciousness. Trying to get more information about his mindset when he was in this state, he said that he really could not remember anything other than he felt like something was alive within him. He explained that it had a slightly female voice, but it was distorted. Since the records before this one state that the user had gained control over Magical Overdrive, but did not state how they did it, all I can do is send William off and hope that he could get control over it and explain how it is done.
Date: 1911
Edit: Unfortunately, I have bad news to write as William Vilhelm has been murdered by Gellert Grindelwald. I haven't spoken to Vilhelm since our first meeting 161 years ago and as I feel my health deteriorate, I wonder if this ability even has a way to gain control over it, or is it a case of one day, you just get control. It still puzzles me.
Signed: Bond Caldwell
"Grindelwald killed the last person who had this ability up until this point," Harry breathed out, shocked.
"W'at?!" Fleur was as equally shocked as Harry.
"Killed William Vilhelm in 1911," Harry said, looking up at Fleur, "This Bond Caldwell person didn't even know if William had gained control. He theorized that if there isn't a way to gain control, does the control just come over time."
Fleur rubbed her chin in thought, "I wonder… I would like to see if we could get zis under control. 'Arry, I would like to try and 'ave you activate Magical Overdrive…"
"Are you nuts Fleur?!" Harry interrupted, "Do you not remember what happened when this ability got activated!"
Fleur grabbed Harry's shoulders, looking him in the eyes, "I do remember. 'Owever, if we can get control of Magical Overdrive, zen we could solve ze missing piece of zis puzzle."
Poppy placed a hand on Fleur's shoulder, "Miss Delacour, while I believe your intentions are good, I do not believe that trying what happened before is the best course of action."
Fleur then turned her attention to the healer, "Madam Pomfrey, I do truly believe zat 'Arry can and will gain control over Magical Overdrive. Zere is only one way to find out about everyzing and zat is to get ze ability to activate."
"Fleur, what if I go out of control? I do not want to hurt you," Harry whispered, looking at the ground.
Fleur gently grabbed Harry's chin and made him look into her eyes, "You never would 'urt me on purpose 'Arry, zat is one of ze many zings I love about you." She lightly kissed his forehead.
Fleur looked at Poppy, "I would like to ask if you could come with us as I predict that we will need a healer?"
Pomfrey sighed before nodding, "Alright, I will go with you. Thankfully I am connected to the Wing so I will be notified when someone comes in and I am not around in the immediate area."
Fleur led the way with Harry as Pomfrey walked behind them. Making their way up the stairs to the seventh floor, Fleur stopped in front of the wall that held the entrance to the Room of Requirements. Pacing back and forth three times while thinking of the empty room that she had grown accustomed to, the door slowly appeared. Opening the door, Harry stepped into the middle of the room while Pomfrey was near a wall, she was admiring the room since she had never heard of the Room of Requirement before, as Fleur closed the doors. Fleur then walked in front of Harry about 15 feet away.
"You ready 'Arry?" Fleur asked as she had her wand out to her side.
Harry did not say anything, taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and focused on trying to get the ability to activate. A few seconds go by before he started to hear a voice in his mind. Harry couldn't make it out at first, but then it became more clear.
Fleur and Poppy stood there, watching as Harry started to become cloaked in the familiar red and green color while his eyes took on the same color. His Aura became crushing as the ability had become activated. Both women could tell that something was going on as Harry had not attacked yet, but that did not mean that he was not a potential threat. That came true when he quickly pulled out his wand and pointed it at them.
The destruction spell sped toward the two women when Fleur stepped forward, erecting a shield as the curse crashed into it. This caused Fleur to slid back about a foot before coming to a stop. Poppy asked if she was ok and Fleur nodded before refocusing her attention on Harry, who had not done anything else.
Harry's Mind
Harry found himself surrounded by darkness when he suddenly saw memories of the Dursleys beating him as a way to get the freakishness out of him. Harry could feel every hit and whip, making him flinch as the memories that were once suppressed, started to flood his mind.
"They deserve to die!"
Harry spun around to see who spoke but found nothing but darkness. Another memory came up, it was during his second year when he was suspected of being the Heir of Slytherin. He could hear everything that was being said about him and that made his anger start to boil.
"You want to kill them!"
Harry was spinning in circles, trying and failing to find who was speaking. He collected enough courage to call out.
"Whoever you are, come out now!"
"Haha, that's cute. You want me to show myself but yet you are scared."
Harry gritted his teeth as his anger starting to boil over. His caused the voice to laugh even more and Harry was able to make it out as a female voice, distorted heavily.
"Yes, use that anger to kill the ones that have wronged you!" Another memory popped up and it was from last year with the Tournament. Harry saw himself being called names such as cheater and lier. Everyone shunned him for taking the glory all for himself when he did not even enter the Tournament. Things being thrown at him and people trying to trip him made the rage grow more. The memory then switched to his friends all abounding him as they also thought that he somehow cheated his way in.
Harry couldn't take it anymore and scream into the void for the memories to stop. Falling to his knees, he had his hands on his head, trying to make the thoughts of killing go away.
"Ha, those thoughts will never go away for as long as you wield this ability. This is what this ability is for, killing those that have wronged you. That is what every past user had done and you will be no different!"
"I will not kill. I will not kill. I will not kill!" Harry kept saying to himself, trying to convince him that this is not real.
"Oh, this is very much real. Take a look." Harry lifted his head to see an image of Fleur, who was shielding herself and Pomfrey from his attack.
Fleur narrowed her eyes at Harry as he hadn't made a move since launching a curse at them. She knew better than to think that it would be the last spell he casts at the two of them. Fleur waited for another attack, however, it did not come as Harry was just looking at her with those red and green eyes as his wand was still leveled at her. She took a steady, deep breath before stepping forward, making sure that her wand was still in her hand.
" 'Arry, can you 'ear me?"
Nothing, he was still staring at her when his head tilted up and an ear-piercing scream erupted from him, causing Fleur and Poppy to fall to their knees while trying to cover their ears from the scream. Fleur opened one eye to see Harry on his knees with his hands gripping his hair.
Harry was looking at the image of Fleur stepping towards him.
" 'Arry, can you 'ear me?"
"Fleur! Please save me from this nightmare! I do not want to kill!" Harry screamed as he had tears falling down his cheeks from seeing himself attack the girl he loved. However, only an ear-piercing scream came out of Harry's mouth causing Fleur and Poppy to fall to their knees.
"Hahahahaha, you are truly pathetic! It looks like you are not ready to wield this power. Accept death and killing or I will make you accept them whether you like it or not!" The voice yelled at him with malice. Harry could only watch as he saw himself get up and raise his wand at Fleur once again.
Fleur saw that Harry had raised his wand once again, she got up and readied her herself. Fleur saw that he was breathing heavily and she wondered what was going on with him as he hadn't gone completely berserk like last time.
Fleur's eyes widened as the sickly green killing curse soared through the air towards her. She flung herself onto the ground as the curse flew past her and slammed into the wall behind her and Pomfrey. Fleur looked back at the healer to see her on her butt, looking at Harry with eyes that showed complete and udder fear, something Fleur felt the first time that this had happened and still felt it somewhat now.
"Miss Delacour!" Poppy yelled, her voice trembling, "This needs to stop now! He is not in control and he will kill us!"
Fleur stood up and pointed her wand at Harry as he glared at her, " 'Arry! Gain control or I will not 'esitate to 'urt you!"
This caused Harry to let out a horrible, distorted laugh. Fleur cringed at the laugh.
"Ha! Like she could hurt the man she loves so much!" The voice taunted with a sicking laugh that made Harry flinch.
'I am not a murderer! I will not kill anyone!' Harry kept thinking as all he could do is watch himself try and kill his girlfriend.
"That is the kind of thinking that causes you to not be able to control this ability! If you cannot accept killing and death, you will not gain control!"
"Accept death and killing? Am I able to do that?" Harry asked himself as he looked at the image of Fleur dodging another killing curse that was shot at her. Harry kept thinking about how he could live with himself if he killed someone, even if that person deserved death. The voice kept taunting him about not ever gaining control over his ability.
"That dream you had last night, that will be your FUTURE IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THE FACT THAT YOU WILL HAVE TO KILL!" The voice screamed in Harry's face. That was the moment when Harry was able to find courage.
"That will not happen! I will make sure that I will not lose the ones I love again!" Harry screamed in defiance, shakingly getting back onto his feet.
"Oh, you have grown a bit of a backbone? Tsk, you are still TOO WEAK!" With that, the voice disappeared and Harry was swallowed up by the darkness.
Fleur slowly got back onto her feet when she saw Harry collapse on the ground as his Aura returned to normal. Running to where he was, Fleur lifted him to see that he was unconscious and that he was bleeding slightly from the top of his head. Pomfrey slowly walked up to the couple and ran her wand over Harry, checking to see what damage he had sustained.
"He hasn't taken any major physical damage, however, I do detect some major mental and emotional distress," Poppy explained as she finished examined him and put her wand away.
Fleur nodded slowly, "Zank you Madam Pomfrey."
Pomfrey looked at Fleur with a frown, "I must ask why you insisted that he try and gain control over this ability right now? It seems to put him through hell."
Fleur sighed heavily, " 'E 'as avoided it and I was 'oping zat 'e would get control over Magical Overdrive today, I was wrong zough." She then looked at the healer with a determined expression, "I will say zat it seemed like 'e was getting some control over it as 'e did not go completely berserk like w'en it first got activated."
Poppy shook her head, "Miss Delcour, we must tread lightly when it comes to something like this as we do not have much information about controlling it. Especially with the mental and emotional distress that seems to have been inflicted on him. I would advise caution."
Fleur gazed down and the unconscious Harry and moved a few strands of hair out of his face before speaking, "I will advise caution, 'owever, as his trainer, I must make sure zat 'e does gain control."
Poppy gave her a ghost of a smile, "I hope so." She then started to make her way over to the doors to get back to her Wing when Fleur stopped her.
"Madam, wait up. You are going back to ze Wing correct?"
"That is correct," Pomfrey nodded.
Fleur closed her eyes for a minute before opening them, "Zere, you will not 'ave to walk all ze way back."
The healer had a confused look as she opened the door to see that she was right in front of her Hospital Wing and the door was a painting. Turning back to Fleur, "Thank you." Pomfrey then walked out and closed the door behind her.
Fleur turned her eyes back to Harry as he was breathing a little heavier than usual, which she had expected. In her mind, she played the words that Pomfrey had said a minute ago over again, 'I would advise caution.'
"I know zat zis is not going to easy, but somezing must be done for 'im to gain control," Fleur muttered sadly as she picked Harry up bridal style and carried him to their living quarters through the door that appeared at the back of the room.
A/N: Alright done! I would like to know what your thoughts are on having the ability to come to life of sorts. If you have seen Bleach, it is kind of like Ichigo's inner hollow. Any ideas on how to improve the ability I would love to know, leave me a review with your ideas, or PM me. Read and Review.
*Please Note*
Ok, my first few chapters (1 through 4) are pretty rough and have a lot of errors. I am having a poll about what you want to see shortly with this story.
Option 1: Start working on Chapter 13 (leave the fixing for another time).
Option 2: Go through Chapters 1 - 4, edit them heavily, then go through Chapters 5 – 11, fixing spelling errors and inconsistencies.
*Note* If Option 2 wins, there will not be any NEW chapters posted for a few months to about the end of 2020 while I work on fixing the chapters. I am just letting you know so I will not be getting angry reviews or PMs about a new chapter. I will have this notice here, on my profile, and on the poll itself. Please, I would like to know what my readers would like to see happen.
*The Poll will close 4 weeks from the day that this is posted at 11:00 P.M. Mountian Standard Time. The Poll is on my Profile Page*
Swat303810 Signing Off!
(Posted on 7/22/20)