"Let's Battle!" – People Talking

"Let's Battle!" – Pokémon Talking

'What's he/she doing?' – Thoughts/Flashbacks

(She is safe) – (Author's note)

'Important info' - Legends/Mythical Pokémon Thoughts

"Important info" - Legends/Mythical Pokémon Talking

Hey, everyone, sooooo Sorry for the late update. I had a massive move to a different state, I got sick (Not COVID-19, just the seasonal flu) and I'm starting summer classes again. I hope I can make this better by giving you a chapter before May. Thank you for your guys' time and patience, and again, I sincerely apologize.

Naruto inhaled deeply, tasting the dewy fresh grass and soil in the air. As he dashed bare-chested around their rest spot, now the landscape was different. Whereas before, he was accustomed to mostly flat land with gentle slopes or the odd gradual hill or two. Naruto watched each of his Pokémon, sometimes shouting things to point out for his Pokémon as they trained in pairs. Something he would like them to take note of on what to or not to do. It had been a couple of days since Naruto had parted from Jiraiya, and so far, he was heading West of Rivière Walk while closing in on the next town, Cyllage City.

Naruto had been training his team by battling Pokémon they encountered in the forest paths, keeping a good eye out for potential new team members.

The blond took note of Ame and Neon sparing with each other in the middle of the field. Ame was charging up his attack as he eyed the little Normal type. Ame aimed his Surf speedily toward Neon. The furious waves, rushing toward the shiny Eevee. Neon ran forward and leaped high and started to do a flip in the air as her tail glowed like steel. She smashed through the raging waves with her speedy enhanced tail as she broke the current and whirled and tossed in every direction while landing beautiful on the ground perfectly without a single drop of water on her snowy white fur.

"That was perfect, Neon!" Naruto praised the Normal type from her quick reflexes.

"Of course, I'm perfect" Neon answered with a flip of her hair in her face and a smug smirk. Naruto softly chuckled. At first, a couple of days ago before Neon did not want to train at all or get along with the rest of his Pokémon because of her stuck-up attitude. However, it seemed Tohru had just about had it with Eevee's attitude and must have had to show the tiny fox-like Pokémon he was the trainer. He was in charge of the training schedules. After that small incident, Neon started cooperating better with her new teammates.

"Heh, well, you've become a team player with everyone, and for that, I am immensely proud of you!" Naruto grinned, patting her on the head. "Let's take a break now. I think everyone can do with some lunch, and then we get back to training." He said, putting his shirt back on while rubbing a towel through his damp hair.

"Well, I know a place if you're interested." An amused female voice breaks into the conversation, and Naruto looked back in surprise (None of his legendries were out during the training session).

'How the hell did she manage to sneak up behind me?' Turning around, he sees a young woman, perhaps a few years older than him, as she walked out into the clearing. She was tall and had fair-skinned, a large white sun hat sat on her head while her knee-length green hair waved in the wind, showcasing her green eyes and mature face.

She wore a white long sleeve lace flowing spring dress with white high heels. She was also carrying a white parasol to keep her out of the sun's rays. She was smiling, and as she waved at him, a red bracelet flashing in the light.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked, still on guard.

"My name is Morgan, nice to meet you" the woman not at all upset but the blonde's tone of voice. The now named Morgan greeted, a hand coming forward for Naruto to accept. Naruto was a bit wary but took her hand she offered and shook it.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki," Naruto introduced himself.

"Well Naruto, I couldn't help but be impressed with your Pokémon. I especially like your Frogadier. I've never seen a Frogadier that powerful before" Morgan enthused. "And your Eevee is simply gorgeous!" Neon puffed out her chest proudly from the compliment.

"Heh, thank you." Naruto chuckled, accepting the praise for his Pokémon as he put a hand on Ame's head. "Ame works hard to get stronger and better . . . I'll be working with him in my next gym battle in Cyllage City."

"I thought you might be a trainer . . ." Morgan nodded as she gestured to the Mega stone bracelet he had on his wrist and asked, "By any chance, are you going to partake in the Battle Chateau nearby?"

"The Battle Chateau, I'm afraid I have never heard of it?" the blond looked at the green-haired woman blankly.

"In the Battle Chateau, you can be granted titles and join the nobility. Viola vouches for you, so Hennessey gives you a starting title of Baroness. If you battle in the Battle Chateau, you can increase your nobility rank. With a higher rank, you can find higher-ranking members of the nobility in the Battle Chateau to battle against" Morgan explained

"I think I got it now, to tell you the truth this is my first time hearing about this." Naruto laughed embarrassed, scratching the back of his head.

"I see, it's okay if you have not heard of it before, this facility just opened up recently, in this region, it's more well known in the Hoenn region" Morgan stated.

'What do you think, Papa?' Hikari asked while invisible as Naruto thought about challenging. 'I guess I would be okay, this Battle Chateau would be a great warm-up before his gym battle' and decided to enter.

"Ms. Morgan, can you show me the way to this faculty I would like to participate as well to test myself" she looked at Naruto with shining eyes. "That's wonderful, I'll even give you a ride personally to the entrance" Naruto was confused until he soon caught sight of a deer-like figure coming out from the clearing. The brown and cream deer-like Pokémon with rhomboid ears and darker ear insides. Its eyes have light-orange markings that curve down to sides of its face. It has a dark-brown nose, and it sports cream fur on its chin and sides of its face.

"Ah Sawsbuck just in time, is Jarvis finally done with the repairs on the car?" the Season Pokémon nodded, leading the pair down the road. The blond pulls out his dex to analyze the Season Pokémon.

Sawsbuck: Season Pokémon: They migrate according to the seasons. People can tell the season by looking at Sawsbuck's horns. They migrate according to the seasons, so some people call Sawsbuck the harbingers of spring.

Abilities: Chlorophyll/Sap Sipper

This Sawsbuck is Male and Registered to Morgan.

Naruto noticed the plants on Sawsbuck's antlers were adorned with pink flowers making it the Spring form. The teen followed the woman and her Sawsbuck to the roadside.

Naruto was surprised that Morgan had a limo waiting for them.

"Wow," Naruto says with a whistle. The car turned out to be a stretched black limousine.

Now noticing the driver got out of the large vehicle quickly. He was about twenty-two and dressed in a regular butler's uniform as he sauntered round to greet them, he was striking. His face was tanned and perfectly symmetrical; he was muscular but not overly so.

"Milady, I had just finished the repairs to the car" Jarvis was explaining that they must have hit a sharp incision in the road when on the way to the Battle Chateau and had to patch up the tire and took a bit longer than anticipated.

"Jarvis, this is Naruto, I just happened to stumble upon him training while I was taking a stroll, he will be joining us on our way to the Battle Chateau"

"Oh well, it's an honor to meet you, young man, I hope you enjoy your time at the Battle Chateau" Jarvis said with a bow.

"Of course," Naruto bowed back in respect. Jarvis swiftly stepped aside, opening the door to the limousine for them. Naruto shoots Morgan a dubious look, but he gets in and enjoys the luxurious ride to the Battle Chateau.

The expensive black limo cruised down the freeway, traveling west. Hikari was looking out the window excitedly while still out of sight. Naruto was sitting in the back seat with so much soft leather around him while facing Morgan while she was sipping her tea already fixed by Jarvis before entering, a fully stocked bar, and a TV screen. It was nothing like a car at all - he was glad that the windows, like the driver's glasses, were darkened. Nobody was able to see inside.

"I'm curious, how many badges do you have Naruto?" Morgan asked, trying to make small talk on the way to their location.

"Only one right now" the blond replied after popping a cookie on his mouth when Morgan offered snacks while pouring more tea.

"Oh, really, I assumed you already have a few more from what I have perceived" she passed a cup of fresh smelling tea over to the blond. Naruto graciously accepted the offering.

"Yeah, I'm just trying to take my time, this is my first journey" he stated

"Yes, of course, You're young. Time is on your side. Everyone has their own pace they like to do things; I apologize I did not mean to pry" she smiled

"It's okay I don't mind" he said, finishing up the drink as he feeds Hikari a cookie without the older woman noticing as spoke to Jarvis upfront when asking how much longer until they arrived.

When the Chateau comes into view, rising from between the green rolling hills like it was on an elevator, all I can think of is that it looks designed by royalty. The honeyed stone of the Chateau is smooth and warm to the touch in the first heat of summer. The straight walls are interrupted at the corners by pronounced circular portions, and the grey roof is a series of slopes and cones. It's larger than I ever imagined it could be, and I try to imagine how many of my homes would fit inside, fifty, a hundred, two hundred? Each window bares shutters, so beautiful, so French.

"How do you like it?" she asked

"It's massive, it looks like it was made from royalty itself" Morgan giggled.

"Yes, the design was my father's idea, I told him it was a bit over the top too" she laughed seeing the blonds surprised face.

"Yes, I'm a rich daddy's girl, but I'm also independent on making my own decisions" she smiled when Jarvis pulled up to the entrance before letting them out.

The blond guy hopped out first, taking time to examine the large structure before they continued to talk, their conversation was interrupted by an obnoxious and arrogant familiar voice.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the dead last." Naruto sighed when a boy around their age was wearing a furred grey hoodie with a Growlithe by his side. Kiba smirked arrogantly, with his chest puffed up.

"How have you been doing since the day you cheated and beat Sasuke, huh?" Kiba sneered pointed his finger at the blond. Kiba's loud voice attracted quite a crowd as whispers and murmurs were spread in the mass as the crowd was conflicted about who to believe. While Kiba was making a commotion, Naruto was still looking at the towering structure in awe, not turning to face the other teen.

"Hey, Morgan, how long did it take to build this place?" the blond looked back at his older companion as she stepped out of the limo and walked up to the blond with a smile making the crowd shift. A couple of bodyguards coming from the Battle Chateau's entrance to block the crowd from getting to close to the beautiful woman as she steps toward the blond Uzumaki.

"Hm let me see, I think, about a full year actually, this building is not that old, why do you ask?" she thought.

"I was just wondering because I may have an idea you could use to make your construction team for future projects easier and you less of a headache" the blond smirked thumb, pointing back at the massive structure.

"Hey, are you listening?! Didn't you hear what I said?!" Kiba screamed red in the face after being entirely ignored by the blond.

"Oh, do you now? A future business arrangement for me. Well, we must discuss this in private then good sir, Jarvis, please invite my future business partner to my private suite on the penthouse level please. Naruto, please come see me at the royal suite after your battle, just follow Jarvis he will show you the way."

Everyone stared in awe seeing this mature woman that seemed like an essential individual to the Battle Chateau speaking to the blond teen like he was her equal. This made Kiba look at the mysterious woman in disbelief until he saw that they were conversing with each other, came up with his conclusion, and glared at Naruto.

"And Naruto, I am looking forward to your performance" she said with a bright smile as she walked away with her bodyguards and Jarvis following behind.

The huge crowd then started to disperse, heading excitedly inside the Chateau to register.

Naruto was about to follow the crowd but stopped before he glanced ahead as he prepared to enter the stadium but froze his eyes latched on to a familiar shade of indigo. The person tried concealing themselves more into the crowd when they noticed the blond gaze on them.

Before the blond arrived in the limo, Hinata slowed to a stop as she saw a huge crowd in front of the entrance of the stadium waiting or entering in a long line and wondered where Kiba was in this crowd he promised to meet her at the gate. At the same time, she finished gathering supplies and waited for Shino to catch up with them after returning from the Pokémon Center. It was one of the busiest intersections of town, a perfect place to bump into someone.

Hinata observed the crowd before spotting her shaggy-haired friend with his Growlithe by his side yelling at someone. She was about to push forward to stop Kiba from yelling at the random person, but then the blonde's gaze made her stop in her tracks.

Hinata breathed deeply to try and silence her pounding heart as she noticed her crush in the crowd. Hinata backed away calmly, pretending to look away, hoping he did not catch her checking him out as she peered down at her feet. Sure enough, she could already see his tall frame towering well above the heads of the people around him. She turned to sprint gracefully through the crowds of pedestrians as she followed the group to get inside the Battle Chateau, hoping he would not notice her gaping.

'Okay, you can do this. Just pretend like you're having a conversation with Kiba or Shino. Stay cool. Stay calm. Stay collected, just talk to him normally. I got this' the girl said to pep talk herself.

Hinata felt a soft tap her right shoulder and smiled as she looked to greet the blond, but no one was there. She snapped her head the left to see him leaning back with his arms crossed, a Cheshire grin on his face. "Hey!" he chirped. Hinata flushed at his mini prank.

"Oh, hello, Naruto-kun! How are you?" Naruto shrugged. "I'm alright, thanks! How are you? What are you up to? doing some shopping?" He noticed she had a couple of bags in her arms.

"Yes, I have a few things I need to get, but…"

"How typical of you, Naruto. I do not know what bullshit you said to convince that lady you were talking to you that you and now trying to sweet talk Hinata that you are someone special. When your just an orphaned nobody." Hinata started scowled at Kiba's declaration when he spoke up.

"Kiba, that's rude. You shouldn't be saying such mean things like that about Naruto, now, apologize!" Hinata glared at her friend

Naruto, soundlessly glared at Kiba with such intense anger that his Aura started to slowly, but inevitably, leak from his form, which went unnoticed by Hinata and Kiba, but not Akumaru, who began to whine, warning Kiba back away.

Naruto then shot a quick crimson gaze quickly at the puppy Pokémon, almost making him piss on itself before the Uzumaki. He brought out his right hand to stop Hinata from yelling anymore at the male Inuzuka. Naruto scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Hehe, it's okay, Hinata," Naruto gave her a bright smile, causing her to blush slightly, "but man, it's great to see you. I have to leave quickly, but I hope to see you inside?"

"Of course, Naruto-kun I…" but she did not get to finish her sentence as he blond rushed away out of sight inside the stadium, not at all acknowledging the raging/taunting Inuzuka as he passed by him.

Naruto swiftly rushed inside the Chateau but hid behind an isolated pillar making sure he was alone he then tapped onto his wristwatch to answer the call.

'Phew thank goodness I slipped away while I could I don't want to miss any calls from this unique communicator Steven gave me' the blond thought.

The blond typed in a password then a gigantic hologram displayed color, and a somewhat tan hefty blond adult man wearing freshly laundered green coveralls and brown leather sandal with a straw head toping of is look greeted the to the Uzumaki merrily.

"Naruto-dono hello, it's so wonderful to see you again!" a hefty man beamed at the teen on the screen.

"Oh, Mohn hello" the blond smiled as Hikari appeared to wave back at the adult man. Steven told Naruto that he would personally connect someone to assist Naruto in that favor in having a private island just for himself and his teammates so that will be free to rest and stay safe from shady organizations from continually pursuing them. Mono knew of Naruto circumstances and was more than delighted to help the blonde anyway he could.

"I have just completed that project you and Steven wanted me to finish, and I am proud to tell you that I found I great place for isolation," Mohn chuckled as he showed the isolated island he found when traveling by the ocean.

"This feels like my own private castle. I am happy to turn these uninhabited islands into a resort for your Pokémon. I built this place myself, and it is not too shabby if I dare say so myself. I have everything I could need here to keep Poké Pelago up and running.

"Poké Pelago?" Naruto as confused by the name.

"Oh yes, sorry, that what the name I was going for since I found this place, what do you think?"

"I think it sounds good to me," Naruto nodded in confirmation.

"I have got a favor to ask of a promising Trainer like yourself. Poké Pelago only features one small island now, as you have seen. Do not worry; I will turn this place into a great location for you and your Pokémon and put effort into developing the islands here! Developing the isles here means breaking ground on new isles or improving the facilities on isles. I have already started on." Naruto observed the images Mohn sent to him. The blond asked about the colorful beanstalks in the background

"I also planted some beans! They are edible and tasty to consume for people and Pokémon. No one can work well on an empty stomach!" Naruto thought the beans were exotic but shrugged it off, thinking it was not such a big deal as long they were safe.

"Make sure to come to see me in my Raft Hut anytime, Naruto. I am sending you the coordinates to this private location. I also want your help developing these isles too, youngster!"

"Don't worry, and I will be sending the funds in to keep everything up to date" the blond started tapping codes into his private bank account Cynthia and Steven set up for him a few years back. The two adults made sure the teen had enough to have on his trips (they also continuously put in a generous allowance in his account every month...).

"I'll make sure everything set when you come by, and there will also be a transported here for when you want to swap out Pokémon. These uninhabited islands exist solely for the delight of your Pokémon in keeping Poké Pelago running."

"I understand, thank you, Mohn. I appreciate it" Naruto nodded, ending the call.

'Finally, I have a place of solitude for you guys to rest,' Naruto nodded in his small success.

'You did well, we thank you, Naruto' the blond felt the sheer presence of Nova and his whole team bunched around him, show gratitude toward him' Naruto scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

'Come on guys, you're making me blush,' he beamed from the praise from his mini family as the blond teen headed inside the stadium with his head held high and a bit of a skip to his stride from his accomplishment.

After signing up for the battle, Naruto entered the arena to wait with other teens inside. Naruto noticed the peaks in the roof, had gold-domed towers instead. It looks as if it was built many centuries ago out of old stone and rocks. The crowd for trainers stood in front held up with most ostentatiously detailed pillars, painted in brilliant white. Inside there were no doors on the ground floor, only arches. The flagstone floor looked like it was made with a stone of soft blue hues.

Suddenly, the sound of trumps cut through the crowd was the only audible sound heard within the gathering, so silent were its inhabitants. When a maid took the stage, all were to fall silent to listen to the woman's words. The young maid regarded the crowd with a relaxed expression. And then she began to speak.

"Good evening, trainers…my name is Olivia, and I hope you enjoy your time here for those who undertake the Battle Chateau challenge." Olivia declared; her voice seemed to echo through the arena surrounding them.

The maid Olivia then gestured to her left, where the area was. "One way for you to increase the number of people in the Chateau, other than to rank up, is to write a writ. Doing this will have a specific change in the battles you have within the Chateau." Olivia said to the crowd, explaining the rules under the surface of her tone.

"While battles are underway, please stand on the sidelines of the way of the arena, for safety measures to the Pokémon and trainers alike". Olivia finished her introduction and safety procedures before calling gout the names that were partaking in the first rounds of match up.

While the other trainer was waiting, the blond walked toward the stands to wait until his name was called. Naruto's head suddenly started to pulse painfully. The pain felt like someone had taken a knife to his skull. He leaned his head against his balled fist. Squeezing his eyes shut, he willed the pain to go away. The rest of the world became detached; all he could concentrate on was the pain rooted deep in his head.

'Naruto what's wrong!' Nova also called out worriedly.

'Papa, are you okay?!' Hikari shouted by using telepathy. The blonde's whole team was worried that their trainer suddenly in agonizing pain.

"I'm okay, just a migraine, it will soon pass" the blond grinned, trying to ease his teammate's panic.

'What was that it felt like a huge burst of aura from somewhere, but I didn't feel any disturbances when entering the stadium?' He could barely hear the people cheering on the battle around him; all he knew was the pain of that moment.

Naruto then took deep breathes as he controlled the powerful aura inside of his body spike without anyone noticing him. He suddenly felt his aura circulate his body like a cocoon, protecting him. Naruto breathing started to regulate back to normal as he finished this method.

'That's better, I don't know what the hell that was, it felt like someone or something forcefully inserted into my body trying to mixed their aura with my own, if I wasn't an aura guardian, I would have passed out from the pain, like a normal person' the blond thought rubbing his head.

'I should take a break' Naruto stood up to clear his head but paused when spotting a head of dark purple locks in a hime style on the bleachers sitting on the sidelines, he beamed in delight recognizing the person immediately.

"Hinata, are you doing, are you participating too?" he said with a small smile walking over to the pale-eyed girl and parked a seat closet to her.

"H-hello . . . Naruto, No, I'm just watching, and I'm fine, how's your journey going so far?" Hinata mumbled, ducking her head and fidgeting, holding her backpack safely on her lap securely.

"It's being relaxing so far, no problems here" he grinned. The Uzumaki always had a soft spot for the shy Hyuga heiress.

The blond was about to ask the Hyuga why she was holding her bag so tightly until the opening of her bag unzipped itself, and an egg with a pair of arms and a head peeked out of the crack. There was also a small pair of legs coming from the bottom of the eggshell and seemed to be rounded within.

"Toge?" The sudden moment caused Naruto to jerk back, as the Pokémon in Hinata's arms jumped out of her arms and plopped itself on his lap to stare at him, with intrigue in its face as it cried out.

"I am sorry about that, Naruto; she still young and I…" the girl stumbled trying to stop her new Pokémon from misbehaving.

"Hello there, little one. Aren't you a little cutie," Naruto grinned, bouncing the egg-like Pokémon up and down in his hands. It seemed to be enjoying it, despite how dangerous it looked from afar. He then looked up at Hinata, holding the young baby in his arms.

"Wow, a Togepi, what a rare find!" Togepi was delighted to sit on the blonde's lap as he tickled the egg Pokémon while bringing out his Pokédex. Hikari looked at the baby Pokémon curiously as her father played with it.

Togepi: Spike Ball Pokémon: The shell seems to be filled with joy. It is said that it will share good luck when treated kindly. As its energy, Togepi uses the positive emotions of compassion and pleasure exuded by people and Pokémon. This Pokémon stores up feelings of happiness inside its shell, then shares them with others.

Abilities: Hustle/Serene Grace

This Togepi is Female and Registered to Hinata.

"Wow she's so cute and energetic" the blond grinned, handing the baby Pokémon back to the girl.

"Thank you, she just hatched a couple of days ago, and all she does is want to explore and squirm around" Hinata sighed as Togepi hopped happily in her lap while looking at the battles below.

"I guess the territory just comes with newly hatched Pokémon, but I can't even think of a better person for this kind Pokémon" he beamed brightly.

The Hyuga blushed red-faced from his light compliment.

Naruto still remembers the time he and Hinata first meet and made a special connection.

Flashback *when Naruto was 6 years old*

A little blonde child wandered through the streets of the village of Konoha. His mind too jumbled up with thoughts from the new things that were unraveled to him, even noticing the cold glares and whispers around him. Before he knew it, he was in the middle of the woods. He went on a massive stone in the middle of the field while gazing at the water with a sad look, not like the usual shining eyes he always held.

"Why does everyone hate me so much? Am I meant to be alone?" he asked nobody while keeping his gaze on the vast expanse of the forest. He closed his eyes with a tired sigh when he felt a small presence behind him, making him stiffen.

"Hey! Who's out there!?" the loud voice of Uzumaki Naruto echoed throughout the forest. It was nearly impossible to miss the boy. He had blue eyes and blond, spiky hair. He had tan skin and rather usual facial features, whisker marks that framed his face. Maybe it was the residual genetic effect on some sort of old bloodline. His reason for being in the forest was centered around being alone. He was no stranger to being alone or self-taught, that much was sure. So, when he happened to take notice of someone spying on him, it set him to full alert. The one who heard this proclamation was a young girl with short, dark blue hair styled in a leveled hime-cut style just above her forehead. She wore a lavender-colored hooded-jacket, with navy blue pants. The girl, Hyuga Hinata, was hiding behind a tree, having to come across her crush by chance.

He was currently wearing an orange hoodie with a blue T-shirt underneath as well as blue shorts with blue sneakers.

The reason why Hinata was out in the forest was the same as Naruto's. She ran away from her father's harsh lectures and strict training. Hinata tried everything she could to please her father, but she was always criticized or talked down to by her father or by her family members. She was considered a huge disappointment. There were talks about her being replaced by her younger sister Hanabi since she was a prodigy.

Hinata gulped, trying to steady her heart as her cheeks burned red. Her body was being rather uncooperative right now. Her thoughts were frantic, and like usual, she was reaching for the flee instinct. 'Like usual.' she thought with a sigh. For years she had been carrying a torch for Naruto, years of pining for him. She was wanting to talk with him, wanting to walk by his side. If she didn't take the chance now, would it always be like that? Would she never be able to improve herself? If she spoke up now, would he acknowledge her? If she didn't, he would never object to her, but that would mean the opportunity of him acknowledging her wouldn't happen.

So, she made a choice. At that one moment, she decided to risk it all. In a small bout of courage, she decided to step out from behind the tree. "Hello," she spoke with a slight stammer. "I am Hyuuga Hinata," she introduced herself. She was more than sure he probably didn't remember.

Naruto rubbed his chin as he began thinking about it somewhat hard. "Hey, you're that strange dark girl that sits in the back of the class, I see you're always trembling like a frightened Buneary!" he loudly proclaimed as Hinata shirked back a bit, sulking. "Sorry, so what are you doing out here?" he decided to ask.

"I...I was.." she softly trailed off.

"HUH? What?" he continued, running over to her, causing Hinata almost to have a panic attack.

"Could you speak up?"

Hinata once more trailed off, unable to find her voice.

"Hey, is there something wrong with your voice?" he asked, clueless as to why the strange girl was, well, so funny. "Were you spying on me!"

"N-NO...I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE OUT HERE TOO! I SWEAR!" She exploded, cupping her mouth, and becoming horrified at her reaction as Naruto toppled back and fell on his ass.

"I thought you were quiet, but you can be quite loud, huh?" he asked as he noticed the sad look on Hinata's face. "Hey, I know!" he exclaimed, an idea suddenly popping into his head. "Hey I was out here to try and find a rare Pokémon. Why don't we look for one together?" he asked as Hinata looked up, surprised at his question.

"R-Really?" she felt like she was going to faint. "O-Okay!" her heart felt like it was going to explode out of his chest.

"D-Do..." this time, Naruto's turn to trail off a bit as for a moment, uncertainty formed on

his face. "Nah nothing!" he suddenly exclaimed; a grin formed on his face.



"What was that it sounds scary"

"That came from this way," called Naruto as he led them toward the clearing. The pair moved quickly through the brush to the brightened tree line to the clearing and came upon a scene with wide eyes and exclaims.

"What The!" blue eyes widen.

"Gasp!" Hands covered Hinata's mouth in shock.

The clearing of soft short grass surrounded by trees had a small trench filled with water. Naruto had fallen back on his seat, leaning back away and panting from being startled by the growling mass before him. The unknown Pokémon as big as a Rapidash but looked more like a slender Arcanine. Its body color was a turquoise blue with white diamond spots on its sides, and white underbelly that reached up around its snarling muzzle and chin crest. Its darker teal tall head crest formed above in an oval with small horns on each side at the base. The mane of dark lavender flowed along it's back like a cape, and its tail split into two ribbons that flowed parallel with its body.

The red eyes above the snarling muzzle looked up at the new intruders, but it didn't lunge or charge at them.

'But why?' wondered Hinata. The unknown Pokémon was still growling and watching the children's every move yet again, not charging. The blond then pointed to the hindquarters of the creature. "look Hinata, it's caught in a wire trap, by its back leg."

Hinata looked at the leg, and the wire was tied to a rock near a tree, and the loop wire wrapped the hook of the leg, tightening with the Pokémon's movement, making it cut into the flesh. He could see streams of blood from the cut. 'That would explain why it didn't charge at us. A Pokémon hunter must have left it for another Pokémon.' He looked up to the creature when its growls lowered.

"The poor thing," whispered Hinata. She looked at Naruto. "What should we do, Naruto-kun? We can't just leave it here." she questioned worriedly hiding behind the blonds back.

"We won't, do you have a first aid kit on you Hinata?" the blond asked quietly.

"What?! No Naruto, this is dangerous we should get an adult" Hinata rebuke him, finally out of her shock, then startled when the creature snarled loud.


"No, if we tell the adults then whoever catches this Pokémon will come back and try coming back a capture it, we shouldn't trust anyone with this, everyone in this village always has some kind of evil attentions."

Naruto stated as he knew from experience. Naruto pulled Hinata closer to him as they saw stilling the trapped Pokémon that laid down to lick its wound while it eyed them. "Led me your kit, please let me at least try."

"Hai, I trust you, just please be careful" The wary girl handed the blond her first aid pack as he got closer. Naruto gave her a thumbs up but kept his eyes on the trapped Pokémon. His mind was on overload for some reason. The unknown Pokémon before him was oddly familiar. 'I know I saw Pokémon like this before, from somewhere.' He shook his head. 'Dammit Naruto, use this head of yours. Remember, you have a job to do!' He sighed then looked up to piercing red eyes. The creature, from its down position, stared back at him with its mane flowing behind its head crest had a regal look to it. Naruto stared back into its intelligent eyes as if it was searching for something within him. He gasped at faint sensations within his stomach. He placed a hand there, trying to make sense of the sensation. 'What is this odd feeling, I feel funny.' He saw the fierce eyes looked more gentle and thoughtful at the spot, almost as if…

'Does it know me?'

After what felt like hours within seconds, a rustling sound turned the now fierce eyes to its right. Puzzled, Naruto followed its gaze to see the unknown Pokémon growling as he pulled out a pair of sharp scissors from the kit. Feeling insecure, Naruto glanced at the Pokémon, hearing it growl lowly again as it watched him.

Suddenly Hinata felt intense energy in the air. A growl turned her eyes to the Pokémon, and they widen in surprise at the sight. The creature's head had tilted back with its mouth wide open and concentrating light and power, forming a ball of energy within it. Her surprise turned to the horror that it was aiming at…



Blue eyes looked up to see a beam of power and light heading straight for him.

"Oh Shi-!"


The ground shook, trees trembles, and Pidgey's cried and scattered into the sky. The vibration nearly knocked Hinata from her feet, but she had kept her balance holding onto a tree close by. 'What in the world?' her mind raced as she got her bearings. She looked up the spotting column of dust and debris.

Hinata knew she screamed when the beam of light the unknown Pokémon blasted the blond. She hadn't known she had covered her eyes until she moved her hands away to peek out at whatever graced her sight. Dust and dirt plumed from the ground into the air, she saw the Pokémon standing, staring at where it attacked. She quickly looked at the spot Naruto was and gasped, half in awe and half horrified, at the damage. A deep trench from the beam covered through the clearing and cut into the trees, leaving a clear trail of destroyed trees and crumbling boulders.

'But where is Naruto?!' the girl franticly looked around about to have a mini heart attack then sighed in relief when she saw him on the other side of the trench, looking no worse for wear.

Naruto, seeing the beam, reacted quickly, rolled out of the line of fire, and landed on the ground as the beam destroyed everything. The blond was covered in dust and minor scrapes, the boy panting and staring in awe at the damage where he had stood. The top part of Naruto's clothes was torn from the beam while scraps of fabric fell to the ground.

Naruto was the first to come out of his shock after a moment of silence from the kids. He sighed in relief that they were both okay, inwardly complaining about his ruined orange hoodie. He looked over at Hinata to make sure she was alright.

"Are you okay, Hinata?!" Naruto scowled, getting back onto his feet as he heard a dazed reply from his female companion. "Okay let's try this once again!"

'Thank Arceus, you're okay,' Hinata sighed in relief.

'Incredible, is this the power of a legendary Pokémon?' Hinata looked to the unknown Pokémon snarling loudly at the boy as he made his way closer once again. They turned to it, forming another energy attack, but this one was more powerful. Hinata was wide-eyed at feeling the power just as Naruto stared more at the creature, a flash of recognition came to him and put his hands up.

'Wait, I remember this Pokémon now!' the blond thought in recognition.

"No Wait! STOP! SUI-SUICUNE STOP! SUICUNE!" Silence. That was all Hinata heard when she stilled to watch Naruto suddenly move in front of it and scream for this 'Suicune' to stop its attack. He had heard Hinata scream for the blonde, but when the silence came then, she froze. The Pokémon before them, with its attack still in its mouth, was staring back at Naruto as the boy had spread his arms out in front of him, staring again wide-eyed and breathing deeply. A few intense moments passed before the creature's pall of power and light decreased in size and vanished. Its mouth closed and stared back at the blonde and waiting; its leg was bleeding more from the wire, cutting deeper from its movement. 'It stopped?' Hinata's eyes widened at the scene. The unknown Pokémon had responded to Naruto's pleading cry. Can it understand human language? Where did it come from?' Her eyes moved to the blonde as Naruto's shoulders eased. 'How does Naruto know of it?' He watched as Naruto moved to slow step ahead as he spoke reassuring Suicune it was safe. "I'm sorry, we scared you." 'Naruto-kun is so amazing.' Hinata thought while blushing as she looked back on the exchange between Naruto and Suicune. "We only just want to help you," reassured Naruto as Suicune looked at him warily. "Both of us do." Suicune's piercing red eyes shifted her way, making her stiffen. Naruto glanced behind him to see Hinata. "Hinata is my friend; she's here to help too. I promise we'll get you free. I'll never break a promise and go back on my word. Believe it" called Naruto softly to the legendary beast.

Hinata meekly raised her hands with her palms facing out to the creature to show she didn't wish to harm it. "But we want to help. So we can get that wire off, but please just trust us for a little while." No one moved as the Suicune glanced at each of them; they felt its eyes look within them. Then it eased its body to the ground, as it snorted at them, then sniffed the air a couple of times before looking down to the earth; The kids tensed at this action. Puzzled, Naruto followed its gaze to see some Oran and Sitrus berries scattered on the ground. He flinched when he saw Suicune's muzzle come down to try and get one of the Sitrus berries, but they were out of reach. It cried out when the wire around its leg tightened with its movement, cutting deeper into its flesh. 'It must have been trapped here for a while; it may be starving.'

"Hinata" Naruto whispered. "Can you distract it?" His gaze looked down to the berries. "It's properly starving" Naruto looked to the girl then down to the food items on the ground, her eyes widen when she got the idea. "Hai, Naruto-kun," she replied as he went to pick the berries up. Slowly she reached for the Oran and Sitrus berries, while Suicune slightly moved its head up to watch her. It growled low as Hinata tentatively picked up the Oran berries and rolled them closer to its muzzle. It paused to glance at the food then looked up to Hinata, who nervously smiled back to reassure of intentions. After a moment of tense silence, Suicune lowered its head to eat. Naruto sighed in relief, where Suicune's head turned away from its injured leg.

Naruto did quick work in removing the wire from the cut flesh he then put the cutters down and then took out a damp cleaning towel and healing slave from the kit. Smoothly cleaning the blood off, he wiped it off the flinching leg. "Naruto!" came the whispered alert from the Hyuga. Naruto froze then slowly turned his head to meet with another piercing red eye. Tense, he stared back, trying to keep calm. Suicune neither moved nor looked aggressive toward him; it was relaxed and still. He shockingly looked back at the now half-lidded stare, as if it were saying, 'You may continue.' Then Suicune snorted at the kids and went back to eating the berries from the relieved children.

Finishing putting the medicine on the injury, he then quickly wrapped the gaze around it. After securing it firmly, he stood up and slowly walked backward and motioned Hinata to follow him. Nodding, the girl left one last of the berries as she stood up and walked back with the young Uzumaki, leaving Suicune to finish eating and looking at its released bandaged leg. They watched as it lifted its leg up and down, adding pressure to it for internal damages. Finding none its head rose to meet with theirs, its red eyes bore to them yet not as hostile. Then it raised his right front leg and lowered its head into an equine bow of gratitude, and with an unexpected gust of a breeze from the north, it dashed into the tree line on the other side of the clearing and vanished into the brush. After a moment, they all released a breath, and Naruto softy sounded out what they both thought. "Wow."

Hinata quickly laid the blond down as she mends his wounds after they were alone. Hinata patched the blond up nicely as she wrapped her favorite lavender handkerchief she got from her mother before she passed away around his bruised hand, where he first held the scissors when helping Suicune. The sun was starting to set over the horizon.

"Let's head back, Naruto-kun" both children head back to the village with brighter spirits knowing they helped and found a rare Pokémon no one has ever seen before. The pair headed up from the riverside. SPLASH! Naruto looked up at the sound and turned his head upstream. His eyes widen, and he exclaimed. "Hey Look!" Hinata looked up and turned to the direction Naruto pointed to and there on the waterfall, on the water itself, in all its splendor was Suicune. Its lavender mane flowed along with it back, looking back at them, just like what it says from the book of legends the teachers speak about in class. From its position, it looked down at with calculating eyes. "What is it doing?" Naruto asked.

Suddenly the pair tensed up when it started to raise its head to bay loud. "CRUUUUUUU!" They all watch in awe as its body started to shine a white glow with its cry. Water droplets form around Suicune's body, and they combine to create three rings of water that surround Suicune's body and began to sparkle and glow beautifully. The water droplets began to revolve and circle the children slowly. He looked back at it. 'Is it thanking us?' Naruto just laughed excitedly and cheered. "Ha, ha, that's so awesome!" He smiled widely with Hinata as the blond pulled the shy girl to dance around the droplets of soft rain as it pranced around in delightedly when the sparkling water caught the lights, became a rainbow as it gently fell like mist.

When the sparkling water show came to an end when Suicune stopped the power on his body until it vanished, the kids looked back up to Suicune and waved back to it "Thank you!" both said. Suicune looked back at them both but looked at the blonde with a more calculated look before it raised its head again. "CRUUU!" Suicune jumped from the waterfall, vanishing just like the wind.

'I'll never forget what happened today, never' the blond thought with excitement as he pulled a red-faced Hinata back to the Leaf Village before it got too dark.

That was a special secret both Naruto and Hinata shared, from that day they made a close bond.

"I'm glad you're alright on your own, walking your path" Naruto chuckled. Hinata's blush deepened in color, but she shook her head to regain her composure. She smiled back at Naruto, glad that she was less shy than before, thanks to her interactions with her friends and her Pokémon.

"I said, it was alright, Naruto, so you don't have to worry. As to how I've been, I've been doing great, thanks to my Pokémon, Shino, and Kiba."

Naruto grinned as he nodded at her answer. He clearly remembered that Hinata, Shino, and Kiba seemed close in the Academy, despite their different personalities.

"Naruto Uzumaki, please come toward the stage, Naruto Uzumaki" the speaker called up the next challenger.

'Guess I'm up' the young Uzumaki heaved himself up ready.

"Good luck Naruto-kun!" Hinata called out as the blond went to the stairway.

The blond teen waved behind him without turning around as he slowly made his way down the steps, standing alone on the right side of the stage as he stared down his opponent, waiting for him. The referee then lowered his hand and gestured to his left and right, where Naruto and a trainer named Nick was standing still and observing the proceedings announcing that Naruto and Nick will battle for the Baron rank.

Naruto swiftly unclipped his Heal Ball from his belt, letting out Neon, "let's go, Neon!" The shiny ball of fur broke out in a flash of light, jumping in front of Naruto and into the ring with a determined glint in her eyes. A ton of cooes and awwws from the many females from the crowd as well as fascinated looks from the guys in seeing a shiny Pokémon for the first time.

Nick nodded in respect while he threw out his Pokéball for his match. The flash of light disappeared as a small, cicada-like Pokémon with two pairs of wings hovered in the air before the blond. The blond looked at his Pokédex.

Ninjask: Ninja Pokémon: Its cry leaves a lasting headache if heard for too long. It moves so quickly that it is almost invisible. This Pokémon is so quick, it is said to be able to avoid any attack. It loves to feed on tree sap.

Abilities: Speed Boost

This Ninjask is Female and Registered to Nick

"Nick Pokémon is Ninjask. Let the next battle between Ninjask and Eevee begin," announced the referee. The two Pokémon stared at each other; their trainers did the same. Nick had light brown hair wear a red T-shirt and blue shorts and black shoes.

"So, may the best Pokémon win . . . Ninjask, Metal Claw!" the boy commanded his Ninjask to attack. The Ninjask came down with a Metal Claw at the Eevee's head. Neon waited patiently for her trainer's command.

"Neon use Quick Attack to dodge them all," announced the blue-eyed trainer. As the Metal Claw came down for its head, Neon's eyes gleamed as she ducked the attack as she disappeared just out of the bug type reach.

The Ninjask tried to land a blow as it continued the assault with swing after swing of its claws. The shiny Pokémon maneuvered between each swing as the Ninjask began to tire.

When the last swing came, Neon performed a backflip to get some distance between the two.

Once that happened, the counterattack began. "Neon, use Iron Tail," order the blond trainer. Neon dashed forward towards the other Pokémon with a glowing silvery tail. The Ninjask had no time to react as it was launched upward to the sky from the Steel attack.

"Neon, after it, then use quick attack and follow up with Iron Tail." Neon jumped up after Ninjask as it rose higher and higher. Once it hit its peak, and over the dual-type bug with her tail turned into iron and already in half swing.

Neon launched another Iron tail sending Ninjask crashing back to the ground. Continuing the attack, blue-eyed trainer yelled, "Neon, finish it with Shadow Ball!"

Neon opened her maw as a glowing black sphere of darkness barreled down on Ninjask.

"Ninjask quick use Solar Beam!" yelled out, trying to take this as an opportunity, Nick ordered desperately. Ninjask claws glow white, and it gathers energy in it. Then, points upward and fires the twin white beams at Neon. The two attacks collided with each other, fighting for dominance.

"Neon, full power," announced the blue-eyed trainer. Soon the shadowy sphere from the tiny Normal type split the beams in two as it continued toward Ninjask. The Shadow Ball landed on Ninjask, and a vast dust cloud erupted from the stadium. As the dust cleared, audience members waited for the winner of the match.

"Ninjask is unable to battle, and the winner is Eevee. The winner is Naruto" Naruto smiled proudly, lifting Neon as he smoothed down the ruffled fur and scratched Neon under her chin, and the Eevee cooed.

Until a bright flash disrupted his vision for a moment.

"Now that was a great picture" a voice called out from behind a huge camera lens of the camera. Naruto was surprised to see the Bug-type Gym leader here in a fancy get up. Viola was about to converse with the blond, but a white glove was draped over the bug type specialist shoulder, the sign for a battle request.

The pair of blonds looked overseeing dark skin, greyish eyes, and black hair with several stones in his hair, colored yellow, red, and blue. He was wearing a grey suit, with a black undershirt and brown shoes and a red cape.

He introduced himself to Naruto as Grant, and he was extremely impressed with his Eevee as him. Viola entered the battlefield. A maid announces that both Viola and Grant need only one more victory each to reach Grand Duchess and Grand Duke title, respectively. Viola brings out Surskit, and Grant releases Onix. Viola begins with having Surskit turn the field into ice for speed, and Grant, expecting the strategy, uses Rock Tomb. Surskit manages to escape from the rocks with Bubble Beam and Protect. Surskit follows on with a Signal Beam, but Onix's Flash Cannon block the attack. Onix uses Rock Polish to raise its speed. Surskit uses Ice Beam to freeze Onix's tail, but Onix breaks out of the ice by jumping. Onix uses Rock Tomb to trap its opponent once more before finishing Surskit with another Flash Cannon and wins the battle (Same as the Cannon in the anime).

"Now that was awesome" the blond walked up to the older teens to congratulate them, but a pair of white gloves landed on his shoulder before getting closer to the gym leaders.

"Hey baka, we're battling here and now!" the Inuzuka fiercely challenged. Hinata and Shino walked over to the cocky Inuzuka as he confronted the blond. Naruto was the first to notice them coming closer.

"Oh, Hinata, did you see that last battle between Grant and Viola? It was so cool, wasn't it" the blond smiled at the young Hyuga. The other teen wearing a trench coat and dark sunglasses trailed behind.

"Naruto." Shino nodded calmly, and Naruto accepted the reserved greeting with a small nod back to the taller teen.

"Hey, are you listening?! Didn't you hear what I say?!" Naruto was taken out of his thoughts by Kiba's loud voice. They seemed to have gained a small crowd that was interested in the challenge between the two boys.

Naruto groaned, rubbing right between the eyes, and he felt another migraine coming on because of the Kiba barking. It was annoying him to no end.

"Fine I'll battle you, for crying out loud, as long as you stop your relentless yapping, you sound like a colony of Zubats screeching in my ear endlessly, it's making me want to tear my ears off"

A few passerby's in the crowd laughed or tried to cover up their chuckles from the blond's witty comeback as the dog Pokémon specialist growled back with curses at the blond at was not that original or intelligent.

The two boys had to wait until a few rounds were done before they got their free trail turn to a freely battle trainer who they get to pick personally from the crowd. A full hour later, it was the two teens turns. The Kiba cockily strolled up with his white cape trimmed with gold he earned from his round.

Kiba looked around for the once loud-mouthed blond in the crowd.

"well looks like the coward ran away with his tail between his legs. I knew he was a wash-up. He just got lucky from all his wins" he grinned, lifting his nose in a superior kind of fashion. Not noticing the blond making his way through the crowds as he walked toward the podium silently.

Naruto slowly made his way up the steps, standing alone on the right side of the stage as he stared down at Kiba, not expressing a bit of emotion except boredom.

The Uzumaki also had on a dazzling long white cape trimmed with gold military shoulder paddings and a few medals and decorations attached to the fabric for shows. As well his is long locks that are usually covering his blue/purple eyes are on full display and now swept back, with a couple of strands hanging down his face giving him a more mature and princely appearance.

They seemed to have gained a crowd, with most being girls around their age blushing at Naruto's looks, causing Kiba to growl in jealousy, who were waiting for their battle to start. Kiba growled in anger and yelled across the field.

"Don't think just because girls seem to like you means that you're something special because you're not, and I'll prove it here by exposing to them that you are just a fraud."

Naruto raised an eyebrow at hearing the jealousy in his voice and glanced at the crowd before returning his attention to Kiba.

'White's not my color, but Morgan insisted on helping polish up my appearance before the match, I have no idea why, but I do think she just wanted to play dress-up with me.' The blond looked up, spotting the green-haired woman on the balcony with a slit-eyed smile as she covered up her teasing smile behind a fan as she watched the blond's irritated expression blissfully while on stage.

'I think she's enjoying this'

"Hey, are you listening?!" Naruto was taken out of his thoughts by Kiba's loud voice.

"not really" the blond answered back as the young Inuzuka got even redder before he could even yell the main maid Olivia steeped up

"Heh. Alright! Houndour, you're up!" Kiba said as he snatched up a Poké Ball from his belt, tossing it into the air and catching it before hurling it forward. Out of the bright light, a quadruped, canine Pokémon with short, black fur, and a red underbelly and muzzle. Its ears and tail are both sharp and pointed. Two fangs protrude from its upper jaw, and its triangular nose is black. A cheer went through the crowd as the Dark Pokémon was released.

Naruto then unclipped the Poké Ball from his belt, gripping it tightly as he held it out in front of him. "Chrome! Standby for battle!" Naruto shouted, tossing the Heavy Ball forward and releasing his Metang. Chrome hovered into the air on his trainers' side patiently as Naruto took out his Pokédex.

Houndour: Dark Pokémon: Houndour hunt as a coordinated pack. They communicate with each other using a variety of cries to corner their prey. This Pokémon's remarkable teamwork is unparalleled.They make repeated eerie howls before dawn to call attention to their pack.

Abilities: Early Bird/Flash Fire

This Houndour is Male and Registered to Kiba Inuzuka

"This will be the final match up for the day Naruto Uzumaki! Kiba Inuzuka! Please get ready, and let the match begin!" Olivia declared, stepping away from the two of them and waving her hands downwards, signaling the beginning of the battle.

"Houndour, use Bite!" The Dark Pokémon didn't waste any time and ran at the steel type to attack.

"Dodge it, then use Sludge Bomb" Chrome swiftly dodged to the side to fire multiple globs of dark brown sludge from its body at the Dark-type. Houndour tried dodging the streams of muck, but the sludge exploded on impact when the ooze landed on the ground.

"Are you okay, Houndour?" the canine tripped and ended up tumbling forward a few feet. By the time he stopped, the Fire type's body was covered in dirt and mud.

"Chrome, Thunder Punch" Naruto ordered

"Thunder Fang!" Kiba shouted, both attacks collided, Houndour's fangs hardly scratched the metallic skin of the robotic Pokémon lightning-induced fist. The force of the impact caused the Dark Pokémon to stumble back, while Chrome slid back into position.

"Houndour, Flamethrower!" snarling at the floating robot, the Dual fire type exhaled a roaring trail of fire at the floating chunk of steel.

'Light Screen' Naruto ordered through its mind. A round barrier surrounds the robot, as it defended itself from the flames.

"Fire Fang Now!" Houndour rushed towards Chrome with his mouth open, surrounded in flames.

"Dodge with Double Team" splitting into three images, the devil dogs' fangs phased right through, allowing Metang to gain a distance with its multiplying clones. Houndour rapidly glanced in all directions in an attempt to find his opponent, Kiba grew nervous knowing full well that Double Team was tricky to deal with.

"Now Rockslide" All around Chrome, a stream of rocks of varying sizes started to float in the airspace with him, and then they shot forward with punishing force to the fire type.

"Dodge Houndour!" Kiba ordered, and the Houndour started to leap nimbly away, changing course several times to avoid being hit by the rocks.

"Rock Polish and Power-Up Punch!" Naruto cried, and the Pokémon starts to glow as it suddenly shoots forward, its speed increased so much that it catches both Houndour and Kiba off guard. Chrome makes a beeline straight for the Houndour.

"Dodge it!" Kiba cried out, but it was too late as Chrome zipped forward and, with his speed, pulled back its clawed fist into its glowed orange and dealt a massive blow onto Houndour's side. The Dark Pokémon was sent to the ground with a crash, grunting. It got up though and huffed in a stubborn refusal to go down that easily.

"Chrome use Flash Cannon!" the steel type creates a white ball of energy before extending its front arms then fires multiple beams of white light.

"Flamethrower Houndour!" he fired an intense stream of flames.

The two launched their respective attacks. The two beams clashed, causing an explosion.

"Rock Polish like that huh . . . ? it was rather impressive." Morgan muttered, thinking quickly. Kiba couldn't see through the smoke and be starting to panic.

Ice Punch Chrome" the robot pulling back its fist, the Psychic-Type engulfed it in a swirling misty blue energy and gave it a thrust, Houndour was drove back within seconds.

By the time the steel type stopped, the Fire type's body was already covered in severe bruises and scrapes. Capitalizing on his success, as Chrome floated back up, Naruto gave him another order. "Chrome, use Swagger," the steel type efficiently used the Normal-type move he'd unlocked only days ago.

Chrome's eyes glowed and locked with the slightly dizzy Houndour's, who quickly became confused.

"Rockslide once more" soon rocks of started to appear sizes above the steel type.

"Shit," Kiba muttered. "Houndour move!" He yelled, but Houndour wasn't doing too good, so what could he do . . . ? The array of rocks pummeling the fire type from various directions, not giving it a second to react.

The crowd heard the yelps of pain from the Houndour, and after a couple of minutes, the rocks dyed down to reveal the defeated Pokémon. They waited a couple of moments to get up, but when it was clear Houndour was out for the count, the referee raised her hand on Naruto's side.

"Houndour is unable to battle! Naruto Uzumaki wins!" The referee announces, and Naruto grins, victorious. "Chrome, you were great out there" The crowds spent no time sending cheers and applause for the winners, Kiba returned his downed Houndour and turned away. The two trainers eyed each other before they both turned and walked away after they recalled their Pokémon. "Don't think I'll apologize. I don't regret a single thing I said." Kiba stated loud enough for the blond teen to hear.

"Your apology isn't needed. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone." Naruto replied. "I hope you learned something from this defeat: a fight you cannot win becomes an obsession." Kiba scoffed, but the two went on their separate ways.

Naruto looked up, spotting Morgan pointing to her wristwatch for him to finish up and come to the higher tower for their business meeting.

"Naruto, congratulations, I knew you could do it."

"Thanks, Hinata, I gotta go, but I hope to see you soon, I know that Togepi is in good hands," he said ruffling his long mane back to the way it was before (such a shame). Naruto took off his white cape to give back to Battle Chateau officials while the referees were directing everyone out of the stadium.

Hinata looked down a bit upset that she was parting with her crush so soon, and they didn't get enough time to catch up. The girl wanting to ask about the adult woman that Naruto was having a conversation with before in the entrance but didn't want to pry too much afraid thinking the blond would find her behavior noisy. She was stunned when she felt her wrist lifted in the air by the blond Uzumaki as he pulled out a black pen from his tattered clock pocket. Naruto quickly wrote down his main contact number on her petite wrist.

"Here's my contact number, I forgot to give it to you when we met back up for the first time, it slipped my mind, sorry about that," he said, finishing up.

"I better get going I shouldn't keep Morgan waiting, don't forget to call me anytime, I'll be rooting for you in your next contest too, later Hinata!" Naruto smiled as the blond hushed as he waved bye to her quickly before he slipped away from the leaving crowd exiting the Chateau.

Hinata stood in place like a statue as she kept her hand raised, still looking at her crush exit the stadium in a hurry.

"Hinata, are you okay?" Shino came up to the red-faced girl, still standing Hyuga in a daze looking out into the departing crowd.

"Come on. You can dream about the blond idiot another time, and we have to leave now!" Hinata broke out of her loving gaze and then fidgeted, embarrassedly for Kiba's words and Shino's confused stare to her pink cheeks. Everyone snickered around them as they as starting to exit the Battle Chateau too.

Passing through a massive door that seemed impossible to open without the servants' help, the antique decorated interior came into her eyes at a glance. There were no ornaments made of gold or jewels, but each one was filled with luxuries beyond recognition.

Jarvis directed Naruto up the stairs, reaching the room Morgan had prepared for them. The room she had made for Naruto was on the third floor, the uppermost level of the castle. As she said, the scenery around the estate was beautiful, and he could overlook the surroundings.

The large room, which now looked twice as large as the rooms given to trainers in the Pokémon Center, it was artfully arranged with furniture of mature colors.

Jarvis noticed that Naruto liked the room and said with a bright smile, "I'll send a maid in when you and the madam are ready to dine. Until then, please take a rest."

"Thanks, Jarvis." Naruto went to look down at the now-empty stadium as Hikari reappeared to look around the spacious room before admiring the vast view beside her father.

"Today was fun, wasn't it Papa?" before the blond could replay, a slight knock and Jarvis was calling out, stating the Morgan was present for their meeting. Hikari quickly disappeared again, before Naruto said it was okay to enter the room.

Naruto and Morgan sat facing each other, discussed business ideas to each other, and finally worked out a good deal between them. Morgan had Jarvis disrupt out a new contract between the pair. Morgan and Naruto both signed their last names on the documents while writing down all the initials for their first name. Naruto was the last to sign his full name below.

"Well, that was a delightful discussion. Let us have dinner now, shall we?" Morgan said with a mature smile, while the blonde nodded in agreement. Morgan ringed in a maid to inform her, and her guest was ready to eat. Morgan gave the signed documents to Jarvis so he could make official copies for them to keep. A passing maid wheeled in some tea and light snacks for the two to share before dinner. Naruto looked out, noticing the sun sunset at the horizon, spreading its largess into a grateful sky. Vibrant hues of red blended with oranges, purples, crimsons.

"So, Naruto, why don't you let our other guest join us for dinner as well, I could tell they're probably tired" Morgan stated, still sipping her tea like she said nothing out of the ordinary.

"what?" the blond did not comprehend in what the woman was talking about.

"Oh, dear, you didn't think I wouldn't notice the powerful presence of a Pokémon beside you the whole time?" Naruto shoots up from his seat, ready to bolt.

"I apologize I didn't mean to scare you in anyway Naruto; there's no reason to be alarmed" Naruto didn't seem like he trusted her.

"I also would like to apologize for this evening. My aura kind of spiked out of control for just a moment" Naruto eyes widened for a moment when stating she was the one who created that powerful energy surged, he felt earlier that day. Hikari resurfaced, holding onto Naruto's shoulder when she felt him tremble. Morgan was surprised in seeing the mythical Pokémon appear but just smiled in delight.

"That was you, are you a...?" before the blond could question her. Morgan opened her eyes enough to reveal a bright sky-blue color and a bright aura enveloping her figure as her hair raised slightly.

"you are correct, I'm an Aura Guardian, but I'm not that confident in my full abilities" she powered down her aura as she looked down into her teacup with a regretfully look. Naruto was confused about her sudden sadness but didn't want to pry.

"But why, did you hide it all this tie if you knew I was an Aura Guardian?" the blond still wanted to know her motive.

"I wasn't sure in the beginning, but after I sensed your power for myself, I then knew for sure," she shrugged.

"So, what are you going to do with this information?" Naruto stated, feeling his nerves skyrocket.

"Nothing at all" she shrugged with a grin. Naruto looked at her with a straight-out baffled look as she giggled at the blonde's stupefied expression.

"I was just curious, that's all, I was very excited actually to meet another Aura Guardian I couldn't contain myself from the excitement" she smiled as the maids wheeling in their extravagant dinner, complete ignoring Hikari as she dug into the free sweets.

"It's okay," she said, cutting into her plate as the blond also dug into his meal.

The meal was quickly taken up by the maids. Then they brought out deserts and fresh fruits.

"Madam, I brought the special item," Jarvis said, coming over to present a small box to her.

"Thank you, Jarvis, this is just what I needed" she smile looking over to the young teen happily holding the box out to him.

"What item?" he asked as he helped wipe off the rest of Hikari's messy face from the cupcakes.

"I have an item I think you may be very interested in Naruto" Naruto was now quite curious what the woman would show him. Morgan merrily opened the small box to display to the blond. Naruto jaw nearly touched the floor in seeing what was inside.

In the little box, there was a small light blue turquoise charm attached to a dark blue ribbon. The blond knew this item. It was a Shiny Charm. The Shiny Charm said to increase the chance of finding a Shiny Pokémon.

"I got this item from Professor Juniper in Nuvema Town, you know how rare this item is, right?" the green-haired woman smiled as she shut the top of the box just as the blond was about to touch the stone.

"What's the catch? I know you won't just give it away for free."

"Well, there is one condition," she gave off a mischievous smile.

The spotlight of the empty stadium was a brilliant path through the dark sky as if a hundred million stars had joined up to make it.

Naruto stood under the bright lights on the far left of the stadium as Hikari hover by his side.

"So, this was your plan all along?" the blond grinned a challenging smirk as he spotted the older woman step forward into the dazzling spotlight.

'I knew she was familiar from somewhere, now I know now,' the blond grinned, seeing his challengers' real character.

Morgan steps out wearing a figure-hugging puffy green striped ball gown with a low-cut neckline, lighter peplum, capped sleeves, black opera gloves, long black/green stockings, and white heels topped with oval amber buttons. Her hair was in a large rotating curl (like a drill) complemented with a dark green top with a calm expression.

"Morgan the owner and one of the four Battle Chatelaines of the Battle Maison, alongside with your sisters" Morgan covered her smile under her long-gloved palm as her eyes gleamed playfully.

"Sorry I didn't mean to deceive you, today was honestly just my regular monthly inspections over the Battle Chateau's I have to do since I'm the oldest" she huffed in weariness.

"As for my sister Nita, Evelyn, and Dana are back home in Hoenn still taking on challenges if they are even worthy enough to make it far enough," her eyes glint blue for a second.

"I'm honored, Ms. Morgan," he bowed respectfully to the woman.

"Oh stop, it with the formalities dear, I've seen you battle all day, and you are more than qualified," she said, waving to the blond.

"I promise not to disappoint you then," he grinned cheekily.

"I hope you won't because I plan to see how much you can bring to the table being a powerful Aura guardian and all, I expect you to bring your all, I hate to be disappointed" she gave off chills as she pulled out an entirely white Pokéball except for the band around the middle which is red—a Premier Ball.

Morgan threw the capsule, and a figure broke out in a flash of light, jumping in front of Morgan and into the ring with a determined glint in its eyes.

Naruto gulped when seeing the flash of light disappear as well as a bit surprised to see the Pokémon on the field battling one the Battle Chatelaines.

'Think I bit off a bit more than what I can chew this time,' the blond thought as sweat dripped down his brow, as he had to think of a plan, and fast.

So, what do you think long enough? I want to hear your opinions please. Especially what Pokémon do you think Pokémon Morgan brought out? I love hearing your guesses and comments.

Also, to clear up somethings if you're confused in this chapter. Naruto has earned money from both Devon Corp. as well as both Steven and Cynthia (he gets a monthly allowance from them both... they spoil him even though Naruto is rich himself).

Mono works for Steven in giving him the job to look for an isolated island away from the public for Naruto's team.

The lavender handkerchief Naruto gave back to Hinata in Chapter was that same handkerchief she wrapped around his wound Suicune injured him with. That's why he thanked her back then. They were already friends before he left the village.

Here are updates for Naruto's current Pokémon he has so far:

Frogadier/Ame - level 20 – Male- Abilities: Torrent/Protean-Pokéball

Attacks: Pound, Lick, Mud Sport, Quick Attack, Water Pulse, Icy Wind, Double Team, Surf, Ice Beam

Eevee/Neon - level 21 – Female - Abilities: Adaptability/Anticipation-Heal Ball

Attacks: Tackle, Bite, Sand Attack, Hidden Power, Quick Attack, Swift, Shadow Ball, Dig, Iron Tail

Elekid/Thor - level 28 – Male - Abilities: Static/Vital Spirit -Quick Ball

Attacks: Thunder punch, Ice punch, Fire punch, Dynamic punch, Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Signal Beam, Low Kick, Thunder Wave, Shock Wave, Swift, Light Screen, Cross Chop, Brick Break, Double Edge, Protect

Metang/Chrome – level 38– Genderless- Abilities: Clear Body/Light Metal -Heavy Ball

Attacks: Metal Claw, Confusion, Ice Punch, Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Thunder Punch, Psychic, Bullet Punch, Pursuit, Magnet Rise, Light Screen, Earthquake, Sludge Bomb, Rock Polish, Power-Up Punch, Rock Slide, Body Slam, Swagger, Double Team

Victini/Hikari – level 46 – Female- Abilities: Victory Star- Dream Ball

Attacks: Quick Attack, Headbutt, Incinerate, Searing Shot, Zen Headbutt, Flame Charge, Sunny Day, Thunder, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Fire Blast, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Dazzling Gleam, Will-O-Wisp, Psyshock, Grass Knot, V-create, Bolt Strike, Blue Flare, Glaciate, Solar Beam

Zoroark/Menma: – level 47 – Female- Abilities: Illusion - Luxury Ball

Attacks: Night Slash, U-turn, Fury Swipes, Feint Attack, Foul Play, Hone Claws, Pursuit, Agility, Sucker Punch, Counter, Extrasensory, Scary Face, Copycat, Dark Pulse, Hyper Voice, Shadow Claw, Focus Blast, Double Team, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Protect, Night Daze, Snarl, Low Sweep, Grass Knot, Hyper Beam

Genesect/Mars: – level 89 – Male- Abilities: Download - Cherish Ball

Attacks: Flame Charge, Electroweb, Tri Attack, Gunk Shot, Zap Cannon, Bug Buzz, X-Scissor, Slash, Lock-On, Fell Stinger, Metal Sound, Shadow Claw, Energy Ball, Rock Polish, Giga Impact, Solar Beam, Toxic Light Screen, Reflect, Hyper Beam, Thunder, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Giga Drain, Flamethrower, Psychic Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, U-turn, Thunder Wave, Techno Blast

Gyarados/Tessa: – level 52 – Female- Abilities: Intimidate/Moxie - Lure Ball

Attacks: Bite, Tackle, Twister, Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rage, Crunch, Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance, Hurricane, Rain Dance, Hyper Beam, Bounce, Roar, Hail, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Earthquake, Return, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Scald, Giga Impact, Stone Edge, Bulldoze, Dragon Tail, Swagger, Surf, Dark Pulse, Waterfall, Icy Wind, Dragon Pulse, Outrage, Whirlpool, Zap Cannon, Dragon Breath

Sceptile/ Saber – level 60 Level: - Male - Abilities: Overgrow/Unburden -Safari Ball

Attacks: Dual Chop, Fury Cutter, Leaf Storm, Night Slash, Quick Attack, Leaf Blade, X-Scissor, Dragon Claw, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Earthquake, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Energy Ball, Acrobatics, Swords Dance, Rock Slide, X-Scissor, Grass Knot, Substitute, Nature Power, Leech Seed, Dragon Breath, Grass Whistle, Synthesis, Frenzy Plant, Seed Bomb, Thunder Punch, Dragon Pulse, Giga Drain, Outrage, Power-up Punch, Seismic Toss, Dynamic Punch

Raikou/Zeus - level 62 Level: - Male - Abilities: Pressure/Volt Absorb-Fast Ball

Attacks: Extrasensory, Discharge, Crunch, Thunder Fang, Rain Dance, Calm Mind, Thunder, Dig, Body Slam, Double-edge, Zap Cannon, Detect, Signal Beam, Iron Head, Magnet Rise, Iron Tail, Hidden Power, Hyper Beam, Light Screen, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Double Team, Sandstorm, Charge Beam, Giga Impact, Volt Switch, Thunder Wave, Bulldoze, Wild Charge, Snarl, Signal Beam, Iron Head

Gengar/Kage - level 56 Level: - Male - Abilities: Cursed Body/Levitate -Dusk Ball

Attacks: Shadow Punch, Hypnosis, Lick, Mean Look, Curse, Night Shade, Confuse Ray, Sucker Punch, Shadow Ball, Dream Eater, Dark Pulse, Hex, Nightmare, Toxic, Venoshock, Hidden Power, Taunt, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Psychic, Brick Break, Double Team, Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Embargo, Shadow Claw, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Disable, Foul Play, Icy Wind, Knock Off, Giga Drain, Zap Cannon

Rayquaza/Sora: - level 72 Level: - Male - Abilities: Air Lock -Ultra Ball

Attacks: Twister, Crunch, Hyper Voice, Air Slash, Dragon Claw, Ancient Power, Outrage, Dragon Dance, Fly, Giga Impact, Extreme Speed, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Hyper Beam, V- Create, Iron Head, Earth Power, Aqua Tail, Defog, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Thunder, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Stone Edge, Dragon Tail, Surf, Dragon Ascent

Salamence/Tohru – level 72 -Female – Abilities: Intimidate/Moxie- Friend Ball

Attacks: Ember, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Zen Headbutt, Fly, Crunch, Dragon Claw, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Return, Fire Blast, Steel Wing, Shadow Claw, Dragon Dance, Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse, Aqua Tail, Iron Tail, Hyper Voice, Draco Meteor, Body Slam, Heat Wave, Toxic, Stone Edge, Protect

Mewtwo/Nova – Level 100 –Genderless (In the story Mewtwo is a male) - Abilities: Pressure/Unnerve -Master Ball

Attacks: Psychic, Aura Sphere, Psystrike, Psycho Cut, Recover, Future Sight, Disable, Blizzard, Earthquake Shadow Ball, Fire Blast, Thunder, Focus Punch, Foul Play, Gravity, Stone Edge, Rest, Solar Beam, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Sandstorm, Hail, Psyshock, Focus Blast, Water Pulse, Telekinesis, Giga Impact, Poison Jab, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Double Team, Safeguard, Protect, Light Screen, Calm Mind, Hidden Power, Magic Coat