Fey'Ri Hadrian


When a 7 year old Hadrian Potter found the Marvel Universe Comics in his School Library catalog he couldn't help being curious. Especially when he read of a book called "A Guide to the Universe of Marvel" which he mistook for meaning the Universe he lived in… So he made a wish, he wished to be a Human Based Celestial. However, during his wishing the essence of Magic discovers several other wishes he has always had, as well as powers he was in awe of and nearly 300 DNA strands hidden too deep to account for anything. Magic therefore decided to alter what he was, not creating the same exact species, nowhere near that, but instead he would become something akin to a false mythical Seelie Fey'Ri instead of the intended. Thus the first Fey'Ri is Born.


I do not own Harry Potter, Bleach the Anime, or the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Mostly just mentioned).

Chapter Two: Quest and Conquest

Hadrian Potter sighs as he appears in the Ministry of Magic where the goblins demanded a meeting post haste. Thankfully the Wizengamot and reporters are only more than a little bit confused at his appearance, though no goblin has answered any questions about him. Though with the person who now is entering things are going to change EVERYTHING about today's meeting. Standing and exiting the Sedan Chair, Hadrian stalks forward and throws the gauntlet at his feet, causing several to freeze at him.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, for the infringement against the Potter's Wills, illegal denying of the dead's wishes, and for deliberately forcing an innocent man into Azkaban I challenge you to the death."

Several people become more alert at the news before a goblin steps forward.

"As we goblins have been asked to act as the judges and rule makers we have a list of five basic rules. 1st, Unforgivables are allowed but discouraged. 2nd, no wand allowed whatsoever. 3rd, no mind altering magics such as legilimency or compulsions, which includes imperio. 4th, should one decide to spare the other's life then they belong to the winner as a slave. 5th, denying the rules means forfeit and the forfeiting combatant automatically becomes a slave." Hadrian decides to be amused at the shocked, horror filled looks on everyone's faces. Dumbledore nods as the wards for the fight are set up. After several moments Hadrian stares steadily at Dumbledore.

"My boy, I believe it wise that you forfeit, I could easily kill you," he says in his grandfatherly act.

"I don't like people trying to manipulate my with false words of concern. Prepare to lose, old man." Hadrian instantly gives the command. 'Darwin, destroy the old man's, named Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, reputation and magic. Ruin him, steal his magic, and stop him from hurting anyone else the way he has hurt me and Tom Riddle.' Darwin surges creating a spiraling defensive storm of electricity around him before conjuring 30 swords or more and sending them at the old man.

After casting a barrier Hadrian looks saddened at him. "Expelliarmus." And then Dumbledore realizes why his magic isn't reacting. He has used the wand against the rules. Watching it fly over to the boy he stares with despair before gritting with determination.

"Avada Kedavra!" He casts the spell wandlessly as a boulder appears between them in reaction from Hadrian's Darwin. The 10 foot tall boulder hurls at him, instantly crushing him beneath its mammoth weight. Seconds later Hadrian feels him die before the wards are taken down.

"All vaults belonging exclusively to Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore are transferred into Lord Potter's accounts. All accounts he has been associated with are going to be undergoing audits, including the vaults of the Order of the Phoenix, the Weasley Family Members, and any Death Eaters he supported. Until the stolen money and goods from Potter's Accounts has been returned those people will not be allowed to access their vault at all, they will have their vaults frozen until the payment is agreed upon. Dismissed." Hadrian can't help crying, he was hoping dearly that the old man wouldn't be stupid. Rubbing at the tears in his eyes he jerks when a soft hand turns him around. Looking at Amelia Bones he allows her to pull him into a hug.

"I wasn't planning on killing him… I just wanted justice so he wouldn't be able to create another Voldemort again, just like he created Grindelwald. We don't need dark lords created by any false light lord. We need balance, honor, and honesty." He hiccups as he leans into her hug with tear filled eyes.

She holds him for several moments before a pink toad looking woman storms over toward him. "Seeing as killing another in cold blood is ileg-" Madam Bones screeches on her conjured whistle.

"Don't be a fool, Umbridge, he did everything as legally dictated. There are no rules against defending yourself after winning such duels should your opponent try any underhanded tactics and some rules explicitly allow such. For you to even try to claim he broke the law is something that should make Minister Fudge consider getting a new secretary," Amelia Bones says with a frigid tone yet loudly enough for the reporters to notice what she is trying.

They look at the woman, who simply tuts at her as if scolding a child. "Clearly this youth has undergone his creature inheritance. Right, Hadrian Potter?" Everyone freezes as they turn and look at him before Hadrian sighs and nods.

"True, but isn't it the ministry's fault that all that abuse and neglect caused a rushed aging and a complete inheritance completely unheard of? The goblins couldn't identify me, though they said I incorporated things from over 300 magical species, some considered extinct in the male persona or erased from the face of Earth. However, no simple inheritance could have caused that… Right Hecate?" Instantly a orb of pure magic materializes in the room before forming a woman with her head scraping the ceiling.

"Umbridge, I have forgiven you time and time again for sending attacks toward the races I created. I take all your magic and your bloodline abilities and gift them to My Dearest Hadrian. Copies of every bloodline you have shall be given to the muggleborn you so dearly hate. And due to this Hadrian is granted the right to gain any one thing he wishes." Several gawk at her as she literally reaches out and rips Umbridge's magic from her body before gifting it to Hadrian. The reporters look at Hadrian, surprise shows on their faces at his constipated grimace.

"Lady Hecate, could you perhaps grant me any single thing I could think of?" The others pause wondering what exactly he means by that.

"Hadrian Darling, I would do anything for you. You destroyed Voldemort's Horcruxes which has kept Voldemort alive until yesterday, when you sent him directly to Hell at the request of at least 3 dozen Death Gods who he attacked, stole souls from, and created Inferi from kidnapped souls while cheating the Death Gods several times. We thank you from the bottom of our heart. Though the one you have been reaching your magic out to is not me, but the magic entity known as Kosmos, the Queen of the Magic Deities across religions. I am sure that you will learn more soon enough." Hadrian looks a little grim at the thought of inferi.

"From that odd ability the goblins named 'blood knowledge' and the little my great-great grandfather knew, Inferi are basically zombies and undead. From how many souls you are implying he stole… there must be a whole army of them." Several blanch at the thought and what Hadrian understands of the situation.

"Lady Hecate, if possible could we aurors have the location of these Inferi to help send them on their way?" Amelia Bones asked, causing Hadrian to shove her back a little to look her in her eyes.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?! Inferi, when their undead bodies are destroyed, don't send those souls into the afterlife, they destroy those souls disrupting the cycle of incarnation and reincarnation. The world would be in havoc if such is done." The sickened look on peoples' faces gets worse and the goblins quickly pray for the souls to feel no pain.

"Hadrian voices the truth. I believe those in the Black family studied such about 5 centuries ago. Also, who had the bright idea to get Sirius Orion Black in Azkaban without a single trial? Who for all intents and purposes, which is further confirmed by certified oath in the halls of Gringotts upon Hadrian's Christening, is Hadrian Potter's Sword Godfather…" Hadrian grits his teeth at the news, as he mostly understands the implications and legal fees to be sorted through at the expense of the Ministry for such.

"As the Former Heir and the Current Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black I claim retribution for my godfather being imprisoned without trial. Should it be found that he is innocent under veritaserum I will also claim retribution for sending an innocent man straight to what is largely considered the worst magical prison on Earth. All people who are aware of the lack of trial, and who could do something about it or even get the masses together to do such, shall pay a percentage of the usual total fine. This is to get what is due the House of Black while being able to get an allowance to pay for any and all damages, including what damages may have been made to the Black Properties, investments due to a lack of client, and to pay for extensive mental healing. If anything else needs being paid for I claim retribution for any losses caused by Sirius Orion Black's time in prison. So mote it be."

A giggle of absolute glee comes from Hecate, causing everyone to look at her as she summons a whole list and hands it directly to Amelia Bones.

"These people are to all have a purifying Ritual used on them post haste, some people have interfered and prevented justice being brought about by these on the list, namely the late Albus Dumbledore." Several scowl at how long the list is, four pages, before Amelia swears loudly.

"Honorable Goblin, I ask that your people help us get this settled. We can start preparing a reimbursement as soon as the job is confirmed." The goblin almost denies it before Hadrian gently taps Lurnott's shoulder bringing his attention to him.

"I will pay for all of it for now, the Ministry of Magic will pay me back in increments by either yearly, seasonally or monthly payments. Otherwise they can pay me back by reviewing all laws keeping Magical Creatures and Beings in torment. Also, recast all the votes used by any of my current seats on the wizengamot." Hadrian says the last while looking at Amelia Bones and he gets a curt nod. Lurnott reluctantly nods in agreement while sighing at Hadrian small grin.

"You have to see a mental healer though." Hadrian winces before scratching his head.

"I can court order it if it pleases you, Honorable goblin." Hadrian looks at her with shock that she would make him go.

"I believe it wise to order such." Hadrian groans at them before Hecate speaks so chipperly.

"Make it an order from the Confederation of Wizards. He doesn't plan on staying in England." Hadrian gives her a truly betrayed look while she gives him a small but encouraging smile.

He simply nods almost like it is going to break him when he realizes he is being forced to do it for his own good and the good of those around him. "If we can get back on topic to the 'wish of any desire part?" Several looks disappointed in him before he says it too fast. "Makethesoulsfromtheinferibecomealiveandmembersofdiedoutmagicalracesorofmyownrace…"

"Did you just ask me to take the inferi souls and make them alive members of died out races or of your own race?!"

Several actually stop giving him the disappointed look as they look at the two of them, Hadrian and Hecate, as they stare at each other.

"You said anything and this might actually allow them to go to the afterlife when they die again… I think…" Then he looks at the enraged, old looking and wrinkly Umbridge and realizes that she is throwing a blade at him. Hecate instantly catches it before handing it to Hadrian. Hadrian almost gags as he realizes what she wants him to do. He can't judge her, he can't condeem her like that. He fumbles as he hands it to Amelia with a pained expression.

Amelia nods with understanding before showing Hadrian, Lurnott and Hecate to the door, where she shrinks to a human size and leaves with the two, going straight through the barriers and wards of the ministry. "Hadrian Darling, I want you to know how proud of you I am for that request. I don't think anybody else has had such thoughtfulness when asking for a wish from one of us. For now it will take a while to get them all sorted into their species and such. However, these are essentially your slaves, they may not know how to live in the modern world and as such we will limit them to one area where they can be trained by a Goblin to blend into modern society. Thankfully they are all wizard souls as that is all Voldemort could have even been given access to." Hadrian nods to her with agreement and understanding.

"Will they be able to understand exactly what happened?" Hadrian still hopes dearly that they have no memories of the ordeal.

She frowns apparently understanding his thoughts on the matter. "I can, for a sacrifice every month for the next three years, keep their memories hidden of their killings and of their undead state. The sacrificed need not be human or even sentient or sapient. The most they need is blood, food, drinks, and maybe some other material offerings. And the more precious it is the more it will be worth." Hadrian nods to her curtly before turning around and recognizing exactly where they are at. He nearly goes into having a hernia when he realizes that the test tubes on the Potter's Clinical Studies Association is having fetuses rapidly grow inside them.

He whirls around and launches to hug Hecate with tears in his eyes. Silently Lurnott watches the events from the side until realizing something. "Does Lady Hecate needs us to help the new beings?" He says with a straight back.

Hecate nods to him. "That is certain. They will need assistance to become more aware of the modern magics and the likes. I will also be helping Hadrian to make several Philosopher's Stones to help produce gold to pay for the help. And in return I expect that you tell Ragnok to be cordial with him. Never in my life have I seen someone who uses their own wish to help hundred-thousands upon thousands of others in need, least they be destroyed." Lurnott's eyes bulge at the number she mentions before he salutes her rather quickly.

"Of course, Milady, we will work on getting people here as quickly as possible. However, we might be able to do so quicker and more efficiently if there was a few portals to offices that are relevant in the tunnels. And you might want to send them a divine messenger to ensure that they come through and get debriefing on the job." Hadrian pulls back from Hecate's embrace to turn toward him.

He inhales briefly before remembering the elf farm he now owns. "Maeneil Head Elves! Attention!" Suddenly nearly 20 different elves appear in a smattering of uniforms. They stare at Hecate for a few seconds before they look at Hadrian.

"If I may suggest something, why don't we let Hecate briefly command them? It might help the resurrected souls much better if she was to order them around carefully." Several elves freeze at the thought before they look between the three of them nervously.

"Hecate, Please? I'll give you 13 years of at least monthly offerings with bimonthly offerings whenever there is time. However, if I don't do bimonthly or am not able to I will do double or more what the standard is going to be once either you or I set it. And the same said for however many times I miss monthly and bimonthly-like if I miss three months due to being far away and having nothing to give, I will give 14 offerings. And I will also give a few sacrificial offerings in the best animals I could possibly have on any farm I own for each monthly offering passed. However, I doubt chickens will amount to anything more than barely counting. I'll try to focus on cows and the like. I will first drain them of blood to offer you before using them and a little more than meat to cook a few different casseroles for you. I think casseroles are the best. What exactly do you like in terms of casseroles or vegetables?"

Several elves look at him in horror as Lurnott steps back briefly.

"Why do you ask?" She asks with a neutral tone.

Hadrian blinks at the question and how she seems to be thinking him rude. "I apologize if that came out wrong, but since this is going to be plainly for you, my elves and I are going to have to cook the best meal. This includes fresh vegetables and fruits, fresh rice or pasta if possible, and using recipes or meals that you love. This is to say thank you and when I say thank you I want the receiving person to be immensely happy with what I have to give. To make that happen I have to consider exactly what you generally like, if you like chicken more than beef I will offer the blood of the cows to you before burning the body to ash and offering blood from chickens for us to cook you whatever you like. I…" He carefully bites his lips as he averts his eyes with a flushed look. "I've never gotten any wish of mine granted by anybody when asking. My muggle relatives shoved me under the cupboard and you are the first to ever consider it, though you actually are making it into a reality. I'd do anything to make you happy." Several house elves look shocked before a few get a glint in their eyes.

Suddenly, a scrawny little elf comes forward bringing all their attention onto her. "Minky feels that master spoke with truth in severe affection and appreciation. Minky will start hunting down several things that can be offered, Minky suggest that Master sends the cook elves, kitchen elves, and the farm elves to find appropriate meal pieces while looking for the most healthy and best pieces of vegetables and fruit. Minky hears that Hecate likes peaches. Minky believes there be a peach orchard on Master Potter's Potter Family Manor Grounds."

Hadrian brightens up at her before pulling her into a hug, causing everyone to realize how happy he became when she understood him.

"That is it exactly. Nobody has ever tried to do anything for me, and you will get your reward as well, though it is more of a payment for Hecate. I owe her for being so kind to me. Each of you will get a reward you see fit, I promise." He yelps when he glows with the sign of an oath. Several elves instantly begin bawling in joy while Hadrian quickly tries to calm their tears, causing more tears in the process.

"QUIET!" The elves instantly quiet as they cower behind Hadrian.

"It is okay, she did that for a reason. Now can somebody start writing a list of things she generally likes? Also, please write down some of her favorite drinks, even if they are not magical in nature. Same goes for everything else. And somebody ask her about different things she can use, I'm pretty sure that learning carpentry might be a good thing to help me provide for her while making a little money to go into a vault for her when she wants to walk around and buy stuff. Also, if anybody finds something around the manor or other manors I own that she might enjoy please have it placed in the vault for her. Now you may begin." Several quickly set to work as a few pop away toward somewhere beyond this place.

Hecate also looks determined. Hadrian subconsciously knows it is because she wants to figure out what else he knows so she can grant a few minor wishes. He knows she is more understanding of his situation due to knowing about magic in general. He sighs as he hurries toward her to get ready to cook her food. She turns toward him with a bright, radiant smile. "I approve of you Potter. I would be glad to be your patron if I was ever allowed the choice."

Hadrian freezes at the thought before another god materializes between them and starts glaring at her. "He is mine, Hecate. I gave him the Deathly Hallows for a reason."

Hadrian briefly remembers the exact mentions of said mythical objects before he clears his throat regaining their attention. They look at him with a visible warning for having an actual reason to interrupt. "If I may suggest and give advice from my perspective I would say that working together as my dual patrons can bring both of you more power than you would otherwise have. Also, in return for sharing me you would see that, when others find out, they may start trying to worship either or both of you as well. Also, isn't two stronger than one?" They both look at each other before speaking ancient Greek for several moments before they conjure a couch for the three to talk from next to each other.

Hadrian sits next to them, prepared to work out the exact methods and such for worshiping them fairly. He doesn't realize it will take 2 & ½ weeks to negotiate.


Hadrian yawns widely. In the last 2 and ½ weeks he has been working hard to get tutors for all the currently 'complete' armada of beings under his control from the new slavery ordeal. Several of them are confused about being alive again, especially the spirits of the Hogwarts Founders, Merlin and several other famous souls. However, while not letting them remember the ordeal he did tell them about the creatures that they were used to control. Most of them are horrified at the news and Hadrian would be too.

The worst problem is the children who appeared, he still can't find a way to tell them that. He doubts that he will ever be able to find a way to tell them until they are at least adults. Thankfully several know how to craft things, a few are working as seamstresses in a brand new shop with a more recently dead person, close to 10 years ago, being the money manager as well as the manager in general.

A few are also working on wood crafts, glassblowing, carving, embroidery, smithy work and the likes. Several more are actually goblin souls, though they no longer look like it. Hadrian had them swear not to teach their goblin smithy skills to anyone that neither they or the goblin nation approved of or to those that demanded the techniques. He also got them to swear to have those that learn such swear not to tell or show, or write about their skills while commanding them to start searching extensively for loopholes to close them.

Hadrian also has quite a few of the people in a brand new shop as pet health experts. Mostly those who cared for their familiars extensively and are mourning the loss of no longer having them. Hadrian has them also advising people on pet health and some even give courses to others while teaching them about different common pets, like the owl, cat or toad. Those three are more common for starting familiars and are the most commonly available pets for a very long time back.

Sighing, he looks at the deathtrap known as a plane before him he steels himself to get on board. He marches up and gets on minutes before take-off. In the five hours it takes him to get to Japan he is mostly reading old magical tomes none of his family before him has read extensively. Most of his people are staying in Britain, but there are five muggleborn from around the 1850s or later that are here with him for the flight. They know not to use even a tiny amount of magic, least the plane decide to go down. Thankfully it is simply a rented private plane.

When the six of them land, they quickly get off the plane and go to get their luggage before heading toward the goblin holding the sign with Hadrian's name on it while under a midget businessman illusion. They jog over to him with everything shrunken in a suitcase with each of them holding their own suitcase.

"Lord Potter?" the goblin asks him.

"Fringol. This is Alberta Einstein, twins Gideon and Fabian Weasley, and siblings Niko and Victoria di Angelo." The goblin instantly pauses as he looks at Niko and Victoria with slight amusement. The two physically-14-year-olds twitch slightly at the joke made by their names. Both of their names translate as 'victory of angels', and apparently they have been teased about it before. The five of them are also Fey'Ri in DNA structure. Though with all of them looking 14 years old, Harry has no doubt that they will easily be accepted in a muggle school for maybe fifteen year olds. That is the class level he believes he will be able to enter at highest. Alberta, who used to pretend to be male and is known as 'I have a 160 IQ Einstein' in current days.

Alberta and Victoria look at the goblin with distaste, seeing as they have been dealing with them for about 2.5 weeks while studying about the modern world it is to be expected. The five of them are the only ones who were able to pass the borderline-acceptable modern knowledge test. Though they are the only ones who have taken it to date due to being genius people. Victoria and Niko thankfully died in 1970's and were more modernly inclined. The other three are pure genius, though Einstein more-so than the twins.

"Nice to meet you, we will be taking you to the Clan Compound to show you where we have set you up. We also have a few different tutors in place for your five wards, and we can teach you as well, if wished." Harry follows him over to the area where a car is parked before he realizes that Fringol has a automatic car, which drives itself.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am the vehicle that you are currently getting into. Please tell me the name of the place you wish to go to. I am a capable driver and I am well aware of all Japanese driving laws. I believe that you need to visit Karakura Town High School to register as students first. That way they can be aware of you before any sudden announcements of participation. They may also wish to test you for your levels." Harry looks at the others as they nod to him. Harry settles into the car with Fringol in the 'apparent' driver's seat to confirm the location.

"Very well, we will now go to Karakura Town High School. Please be careful for pedestrians." The car starts up before carefully going out the parking lot and answering questions from the other five. "Hey car, I am going to call you Nano. Can you give us some advice on different places we pass by? Like different groceries and the likes and what you know about them?" The car slows a little and the windows light up giving them a touch-screen display of several places and different prices on foods, books and the likes.

When they pull into the school's parking area they see that school is being let out. Hadrian quickly gets out with the six others before heading toward the building. Once inside, and to his surprise, a few moments after entering a girl rushes around a corner in the halls and slams into them.

"Ow…" Harry gently helps her up and smiles at her.

"Are you alright? Do I need to pay for a clinic visit?" She makes a sound of confusion before he gently points the rapidly forming bruise on her arm out. She flushes in embarrassment.

"No, I will be okay. I'm rather clumsy. Ano, you wouldn't happen to be another super-powered freak, would you? I need training."

Harry raises his eyebrows as he looks at her. "Are there anymore of us I need to be aware of?"

She perks up before nodding.

"Orihime! Is this guy pestering you?!" A scowling girl, obviously tomboyish and tough, walks toward them causing the crowd to part in terror of what has yet to happen.

"I only saw fit to apologize for running into her. If you can, would you convince her to let me take her to a clinic? I seem to have bruised her arm when I bumped into her and she is refusing treatment." Orihime gives him a betrayed look as the tomboy turns toward Orihime and notices the bruise while noticing the look in her eyes. "Here, this is British cash, five of these is worth about 850 yen. So I'll give you 100 in British Pounds for the trouble." He pulls out the cash and hands it to Orihime before turning toward the girl and giving her a twenty. "Make her visit the doctor, thank you."

"Tatsuki! I don't need-" Orihime starts.

"You ARE going to the doctor even if you don't like it." Orihime pouts a little as Tatsuki turns toward him. "Thanks for letting me know. I'll be watching for funny business." Harry laughs at her chuckling loudly before noticing a cute white haired boy.

"How old is Shiro-chan?"

She looks at where he subtly gestures and she frowns. "Seventeen."

Hadrian grins with a little amusement. "Shiro-chan is my type, because he has the right goods if you know what I mean." Tatsuki twitches at hearing the news. "Do you know if he has a favorite ice cream? Also, do you know if he likes any particular thing?" She frowns before it clicks.

"If you are going to woo him you have to ask Ichigo Kurosaki. He knows more than I do about Toshiro Hitsugaya. And nobody seems to know where he lives but Ichigo." Tatsuki says thoughtfully before said boy appears next to them.

"Come on, Orihime. I need you to talk with Renji." Harry briefly sees there is a meaning between the lines, which Orihime also notices.

"Yes, Sir. Oh, this is my new friend. He is kind of curious about things you like." Orihime points directly at him causing the white haired boy to look at him.

"I like being in cold places. If I could find an Ice Ring I would go there to skate." Harry gives a smirk as he nods his head before hearing Victoria call for him.

"I'll pay for one to be built shortly." They both stopped before Orihime stops him and whispers in his ear.

"You could get him some ice cream." She steps back with a happy look on her face causing him to chuckle.

Turning toward Tatsuki, "Can you get this transferred into yen before giving it to Hitsugaya for ice-cream and whatever he wants for me?" She takes the fifty before nodding to him. He turns and takes Hitsugaya's hand before lightly kisses his knuckles earning a squeal from nearby before he hurries to catch up with Victoria and the group.

Out of the corner of his eyes he sees the white haired Hitsugaya being questioned by a buxom of a woman and a handful of others. As soon as he enters the office Victoria squeals herself before asking him in Italian about his 'date' with Hitsugaya. Harry shrugs her off as they start getting ready to start schooling.