When the seven-year-old Harry Potter finds the Marvel Universe comics in his school library catalog, he can't help being curious. Especially when he finds a book called A Guide to the Universe of Marvel, which he mistakes to mean the universe he lives in… So he makes a wish: he wishes to be a human-based Celestial. However, during his wishing the essence of Magic discovers several other wishes he has always wanted, as well as powers he was in awe of. She also finds nearly 300 mutations in his genetic structure, most hidden too deep to account for anything normally. Magic therefore decides to alter what he is, not creating the same exact species, nowhere near that, but instead he will become something akin to a Seelie fairy of Muggle myths instead of the intended Celestial. Thus the first Fey'Ri is born.


I do not own Harry Potter, Bleach the anime, or the Marvel Cinematic Universe (mostly just mentioned).

Chapter One: Birth of the Fey'Ri

Harry Potter drowsily reads the book under the cover of night. His relatives, who are snoring peacefully downstairs, don't even notice that he has checked out a book from the library at his school. They would have forbidden it if they had known. They forbade him from learning anything after all. Thankfully he had managed to 'convince' his school teachers to give his aunt and uncle false report cards. He doesn't know what exactly happened then, but he knows he used some kind of power.

That is right, Harry uses some kind of power on people. He has been using the power almost ever since he found out about it. Though for some reason his family is resistant and changes to hating him days later. Though he now has the attic for his own bedroom because of it and that does help him in his plans.

In the attic, on that particular day when he first discovered his power, nearly three years ago now, he used his power to bring all things pertaining to his power to him. He found dozens of books on 'magic' and started studying them. He wasn't happy that the theory wasn't completely accurate, but he knew how to fix that. He also learned of his inheritance because of it, and being the heir to a Noble House means he should act like one, as he was quickly made aware of.

After mailing Gringotts using their muggle address and 'requesting' them to visit him at the public library, which he made his way to regularly, he managed to sneak off for a day or two to learn everything he was supposed to. All money that was taken from his vaults was left alone for now, but noted for evidence. That day the goblins made sure that nobody would take anything from his vaults without his permission anymore. They also gave him his heir's ring, which allowed him to resist Dumbledore's memory wipe after he tried to get around the order by going to the vaults with Harry. Dumbledore wasn't even aware that Harry was the one who had given the order.

In the end, that changed his perspective on the old man. In the journal that had belonged to his mother, which he found in a trunk in his trust vault, Dumbledore was painted in a holy light. He was the epitome of all goodness, kindness, and generosity. Yet he was clearly aware of the horrid abuse. He even encouraged Vernon to beat Harry, and if it weren't for Harry destroying that compulsion, he has no doubts he would have been in serious pain every day.

Nonetheless, that is not on the eight-year-old's mind right now. At this moment the awe of becoming something else is on his mind: the idea of becoming such a world changer, one celestial being with the ability to manipulate matter all the way down to the smallest subatomic particle. He frowns. 'Magic must be able to do something similar. Though it will have to awaken any Beings mutations in my DNA, surely if I am magical there might be different beings in my ancestry which can help me become a celestial being. Oh! There is also the possibility of Hecate being able to help me again! Well, I still don't know if that is her name or not but it is still politer than calling her energy or magic or the like.'

Nodding to himself, Harry slips into his occlumency lessons, which he taught himself, and begins to search his very being for anything he deems 'not entirely human' and finds at least 300 different components. Breathing evenly, he commands his power toward his attic to make it soundproof and to keep all energies inside the room. His magic leaps up at his command, happily sealing every little crevice and stopping most things from entering and leaving, including the Dursley family; they would assume he is ill and that he isn't worth their time, at least until he is ready to come out again. 'Good boy, Darwin!' His magic gives a happy feeling at being praised.

Inhaling deeply, and fairly aware of the pain he is going to be in, he briefly reaches his power into the cosmos again, though he isn't aware that it is the cosmos he is reaching into, and gives a request, which turns into a command at the view of energy itself that balances the cosmos. "Hey, I don't know if you are listening, but I would like to be a Celestial. I know I will have to merge the different parts of me to become whole in the matter, but make sure that I don't go crazy due to any inheritances. Also, if possible, still allow me control over most of these, even any bloodlust and all that from vampire or werebeast inheritances. If it is possible I'd like to feel them but be able to resist in different ways. Also, an omnivore diet is a must. I can't go around eating people or drinking blood, I refuse to do such. But make sure that I am well balanced in everything if possible. I'd also like my species to have different types of insect wings, though I want any wings considered as 'Royal' in this case."

He shudders, hearing a screech of horrid pain. He starts jerking around. Dully he realizes that the screech is his own and that he is in excruciating pain. Seconds later, he passes out completely.

Seven Days, Six Hours, Thirteen Minutes Later

Harry feels his body twitch as he comes back to awareness. Opening his eyes he blinks at the sight of some silk-like webbing before he sees a small opening. He nudges himself through the loosening material before gasping as a thick film starts sliding off his body. Coughing a little to get some out of his mouth, he notices that his senses are enhanced and that he is mostly used to it. There is also DNA liquid that was inside the film with Harry to encourage growth. Seeing a glow from his Gringotts box, he sighs before using his magic to carefully pack the belongings he considers as his into a small wooden box. Looking at the cocoon, he knows it may prove useful. He quickly banishes all records considered important by his relatives kept in the attic before pulling the trunks they were in closer to him.

Humming thoughtfully, he starts enchanting the first three simultaneously to hold everything and to prevent damage. He also enchants them to keep all liquid-based objects inside, and after several minutes he is satisfied. He uses magic to get the film away from the silk cocoon and the DNA liquid before depositing it in the first trunk. The DNA liquid goes in the second and the silk cocoon goes in the third before he gently places them inside his mother's further-enlarged trunk. After several seconds he reaches into the world around him and finds the wards aimed at his relatives to encourage hatred and malice toward him. His anger flares. He decides to leave them be, so they can be catalogued as evidence.

His magic then reacts to his thoughts and all soundproof and containment magics in the room are broken. Hurrying down the stairs he realizes that he has butterfly wings in green, gold, and silver. He almost panics, while wishing they can fold and appear like a dress or a robe. He blinks when they do just that. Relaxing, he sighs before going outside, with his money pouch ready, and calling the Knight Bus.

Thanks to it being dark, and well past midnight with all humans asleep, nobody sees him get on the bus and vanish.

3 Hours Later – Office of Goblin Accountant Lurnott Irontooth, Gringotts Bank

Harry twitches as the goblin stares at his wings. The goblin is completely awed by their fairy-esque iridescence and their soft glow. The wings are primarily green with gold and silver swirls and swirl like designs and those are the actual colors of the wings, not including the iridescence and the white glow. He also seems to be in awe of Harry's elongated, pointy ears and small butterfly-like antennae, which are covered with soft, short fur, green with swirls of gold and silver, though the stem of the antennae is green and like a bug's exoskeleton. The tips of the antennae are actually oval shaped, but Harry is still quite embarrassed to be stared at like this.

Harry is mostly used to people hating him, despising him, abusing him. This look of utter awe, which seems quite similar to adoration in his mind, is utterly confusing. "Do I have something on my face?" Harry scowls at Lurnott, causing him to clear his throat. He quickly reaches for the closest files and fidgets with them.

"Because you had your wings folded around you like a cloak you looked like a human. With the revealing of your true self I was left speechless at the cute look. I dare say that many women will want to play dress up with you, some might even molest you, even a few men might, so do be careful."

Harry pauses to process that before realizing the goblin thinks him pretty. "Thank you for being honest, but what exactly do I look like?"

Lurnott flushes as he looks up at him. Snapping his fingers, he summons a full body mirror about five feet wide, leaving Harry speechless himself.

Before he hadn't realized it but he is now very effeminate and delicate looking. His hair changed to a vibrant red while growing to reach his bum and his eyes changed to a heterochromatic pair. The right one is still emerald green but the left is azure blue now. His scars that used to be on his body have also vanished without a trace. He even has lost that trademark scar on his forehead! He has two sections of the same fur-like hair that is on his antennae in a pair of stripes from either side of his jaw reaching toward his nose. These four lines curve gently, tapering to a point about half an inch from his nose in the same green color as his wings.

He gently reaches up to touch one before shuddering in what he realizes is pleasure. He gives a purring sound as he gently massages the thin fur for several moments. Minutes later his eyes widen drastically. He jerks his hand away after he realizes what he was doing and he flushes, only to realize it makes him even more appealing. He can't help feeling happy that he looks gorgeous, but he also realizes that this may cause some problems for him down the road.

The biggest problem is his apparent age. Considering he looks nearly 14 years old, it may cause lots more trouble than anything else. "Why am I older?" Harry looks over at Lurnott who seems to be thinking.

"To be honest your creature inheritance may have made you become an adult of this new species. If we hadn't dosed you with veritaserum upon entering then we would never have believed you are Potter, and with your physical age this would have dissuaded us from assisting you ever again. Considering I asked you what happened and you started prattling on, and answered every question with no resistance, only with thoughtfulness on how exactly to explain it, then we have no reason to deny you anything. Because of that we are going to have you recite this spell, which will allow you to claim any and all inheritances. If you wish to edit it slightly, then you may." Lurnott takes the paper Harry dully realizes the goblin was writing on while he stared at his reflection and hands it to him. Harry nods deeply, gratitude for the help in his smile, before he looks down and reads it.

Frowning, he edits it briefly before nodding to himself and mentally reviewing it. Again he edits it before nodding to himself, satisfied. "I, Hadrian Jameson Fleamont Potter, First of my Species, hereby claim my inheritances by blood, magic, will, will of former owner, and freely given blood, magic, will or will of former owner which died with their will sent into the afterlife. Hecate, I inherit what those who are now dead wish to give me, if the ancestors of today's people, if the forefathers of any families wish to give me a part of the inheritance. I accept the inheritance and gift the remaining family 20,000 galleons for each person to survive until they can make more money. I also claim all that my inheritances can claim due to blood, magic, will and will of former owner both at the time of their death and after their death which wish to donate to those I inherit from."

Magic begins swirling around him thickly, even becoming tangible and visible while swirling around Harry in a mini maelstrom.

"I also repeat the inheritance all the way to the first magical ancestor of each lineage, starting at the very first of each lineage. I take what their heads of houses and their lords of houses will to me, if their family becomes incapable of paying. I deem that their relatives must contribute until they cannot do such. If the whole of all the inheritances become incapable of paying I will take properties and materials of various kinds until they are able to live with what they have. I do not claim what they absolutely need to live a life; this means that if they have such debt that they must live as a commoner then I will consider all debts paid. So mote it be, by magic's grace, will and blessing."

Harry shrieks when he feels a pulse of magic swirl around England until it comes back to Gringotts. He shudders from the thickness of magic swirling around him like an obedient puppy. He knows he won't be able to stand for at least five hours, but he still laughs, elation filling him with euphoria.

After several moments he reaches his magic out to the wards of Gringotts. "Greetings Fair Gringotts, can you use your magic to either merge and sort everything in all those vaults I now own or use your magic to summon free elves into the service of my family to do so? Keep the Vaults known to belong to the Potter Family as they are and prepare for an audit on them. Also, any vaults accessed since my parents' death need a complete audit. Begin such when ready. However, take all galleons, sickles, knuts, and any other currency, and place them in a new vault. Also, please inform Director Ragnok that I may be physically incapable of leaving for several days. That altered spell seems to have done the job, but it has left me drained and tired." He waves his hand at the chair he is in, transfiguring it into a wheelchair before slumping unconscious… He does not know that he did something his mother had been itching to do for a while after learning of such things.

Three Weeks Later

Harry wakes at once. For some reason he feels different, more powerful, more regal and nobler than he did before. Stretching lightly, he wonders briefly, 'Ugh, did a Zanpakuto wielder prank me, or something? Maybe it was the Soul King… Wait… WHAT ON EARTH?! Soul King?! Who's that?' Jerking up, he looks around the suite he is in, with his heart beating what is surely hundreds of miles per hour. The immense knowledge gained from all the magical inheritances gives him a sense of horror. 'I stole secret family knowledge from hundreds of families going back a few millennia, from families that married into my ancestor's lines. Merlin's beard! I know every secret of Hogwarts, I know how to build an exact replica of Hogwarts, I know about warding, curse-breaking, enchanting, dueling, medimagic, spirit magic, kido, and probably every conceivable type of magic that has been used in the last five millennia.'

Suddenly he feels sick, and his head starts to ache from the pressure of all that has been stuffed into it; his new species passes down knowledge of his ancestry and that of those families from any in his lineage absorbed magic or blood. He knows all about business, warding, and everything every muggle and magic ancestor has ever studied. He even knows the truth about a couple hundred different assassinations throughout those millennia. He knows too much, and he doesn't even have experience of when and how to use that knowledge. He has it but can't even use it properly, and some things he can't use at all. He stole secret family knowledge from muggle and magical alike.

He feels like crying. This shouldn't have happened. He should be whole, not fragmented due to having shards of his DNA spiking out, distributing knowledge straight from his genes. Inhaling deeply, he forces himself to calm; he does know that panicking will not do anything helpful. Wizarding Britain will see him as nothing more than a mascot. They will use him as a political puppet to marionette with, they will want him to dance to their own tune with the way they are all herbivores following after omnivores. It is sickening, they don't even realize that the omnivores are out of their league, are manipulating them and have been doing so for almost 500 years for those in Britain. It is not a wonder people fled to America to be free. They didn't want to dance to the homicidal tune of the wolves in sheep's clothing.

Inhaling deeply, and saddened that he can't do anything for Britain, he sheds a tear. Looking up, he sees an elf, frozen a few feet away in a magical stasis. She holds a tray of food, and he realizes the smell must have woken him up. Now that Harry is calm, his magic releases her from the stasis. He hovers the food over to the nightstand while dragging her closer to cuddle. He can't help it, he needs love right now, not adoration, not manipulation, not… just not anything but comfort and love. He briefly realizes he hears somebody wailing and sobbing very loudly. Before he can even realize it a pair of strong human arms take him into their lap, cuddling with him, comforting him, healing him from all the mental scars, the mental grief, the mental harm he had accepted. The person makes him whole.

After several hours of just wailing, he finally calms enough to realize the person was the only one able to reach him. His magic has attacked the very room they are in. Darwin can't be blamed, though. He did what he thought would help. He has let the pain out, gouging equal wounds onto the stone surroundings as Harry was been given mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. As Harry simply sits in the man's lap, quietly clinging to him, the door creaks open, just barely. The goblins wince at the damage to the entire room. They sigh in relief at the lack of actual harm done to them before cautiously approaching the trio.

"You will be okay, it won't always hurt as bad as it does now. It will take time for the pain to dull, and it will take time for the scars to fade, but you will be better than you are now. You just have to do it for those you love, for your loved ones. For your future mate, the one who is destined to be beside you, will also need you. The two of you will ground each other, heal each other. You will be the best for each other. Believe me when I say that. And guess what, there will be others who want the best for you. You won't realize it at first, especially since you may not trust easily, but there will be those who will stand beside you until the day they die. And some will stand there, waiting for you to join them so they can be there for you again. And some will meet you in your next life, even if you are a house elf or a veela, and they will be there for you." Harry somehow feels that the man is being completely honest with him, so he simply nods as he continues clinging to the man.

Feeling Darwin start to get defensive with the goblins hovering near the door, he briefly gives Darwin the command not to lash out at them. He tells his magic, his Darwin, that they simply wish to help them, and that while Darwin did help express his grief, Darwin may have made a mistake in assuming which action should be taken he did good. "* WHINE *"

Darwin, Harry knows, may start becoming depressed. 'Darwin, I don't mean to say that it was bad, but it wasn't exactly good, either. You did good for what you know, but you are still learning. You are forgiven, but there is one thing that is certain. If there comes to be any magic, potion, or other thing manipulating me, you are to get it off, out, or away from me promptly. If things are trying to heal or mend me, they are not to be kicked out. If any attacks come toward me from a wizard, they should be deflected or an object should be summoned in its path unless I am training in combat magic. However, in some things I will tell you to relax, as some things I have to do on my own. Either way, you did good for what you know.' Harry twitches when a diagnostic spell hits him, setting Darwin into a more alert state as he watches everything that happens with the magic touching him. After several moments Darwin relaxes much more, allowing Harry to come back to the real world.

"Potter, are you alright?"

Harry looks up at his account manager and gives a nod. "Darwin reacted to my thoughts. He knew I wanted to express my grief and he lashed out at the room. I told him not to do that again."

The goblins blink in confusion.

"And just who is this Darwin?" his new cuddle-buddy asks with worry.

"Darwin is my mental representation of my magic core. He is more like an intelligent cat right now. I am still training him, but he can't speak like we can. He can whine, growl, and the like, but for the most part he communicates complicated things with images on his fur. Essentially I formed the lake of my power in my mind into a tiger. Then I started praising it, calling it pretty, and when I saw it glow as if happy at the praises I started trying to teach it. After a while it started reflecting things on the surface of the lake, until I asked it to take the form of a white tiger." Harry smiles fondly, thinking of how much the little tiger likes to play and cuddle.

Tiredly rubbing his face a little, and shuddering as his hand meets his whiskers, Harry continues his speech while purring. "He split a part off of himself and made it into a white tiger attached to the lake by a thick cord, but he still doesn't understand everything. He managed to tell me to put the nightmare book into a vault, so I imagined a vault and put it in there. It took me over 24 hours of meditation to drag it into a vault five feet away, and that wouldn't have been possible unless Darwin's tiger part attacked it, scaring the nightmare book into the vault. After that, the sickly green thread detached from Darwin, which caused him to grow bigger and look healthier. I assumed that I would be fine because of that, but judging by the looks you guys are giving me, it may be dangerous to deal with, right?" Several of the goblins look extremely worried before they conjure a replica of the wheelchair and help him into it. Harry allows them to take him into a room so deep in the caverns that a lava flow is seen nearby, going into a lava lake. He then realizes he feels a lot of magic in the lava, almost like it is blood of the Earth.

"Lord Potter, we will have to strip you naked for this ritual, is that okay?" Harry nods and Darwin magically banishes his clothes into a neat, folded pile near the door.

Despite Darwin wholeheartedly agreeing, Harry decides to ask, "This is just going to get rid of bad things, right?"

The closest goblin nods. Another goblin takes the pile of clothes and gently places it outside the door. After several moments, Harry shakily stands and slowly sinks onto the floor before laying down on his back. Darwin seems excited and hopeful, so Harry knows that this will be very good. The goblins arrange him into the centermost circle of an intricate pattern etched into the ground like canals before exiting the room and locking it behind them, giving Harry a sense of finality. Seconds later and small streams of lava start filling each rune and each carved piece of the floor. Feeling heart-rending screeches escape from his own lungs, he mentally tells Darwin to help the ritual however he can.

After screeching for what feels like five hours straight, he gasps air into his lungs when he finally can breathe again. After several seconds he realizes that Darwin activated another ritual available in this room, and after another two hours he hears the doors to the room open with a loud creak. Looking over, he sees Lurnott walk over to what looks like a printer attached to the wall and gather a huge book along with several smaller books. After breathing for several moments Harry stands with ease, almost like nothing had been wrong with him in the first place, before conjuring a silk belt, four inches thick, to accent his waist and a sleeveless, shoulderless dress shirt, which lacks most of a back. Then he conjures silk pants in the same black color with different tones of green for accents.

After several seconds have passed he conjures a necklace made of several strands of silk embroidery crafted into an emerald-colored necklace. He also does the same conjuring to produce durable boots, made from chitinous silk, and two bracers, made from the same strange silk. Harry simply sighs at his very girly outfit before he makes his way out of the room. After several seconds he conjures very human looking 'Dolls' complete with ceremonial robes covering them completely and turns the conjured wheelchair into a sedan chair and sits.

Harry knows why Kosmos, the inherit magic of the universe, decided to favor him. Essentially he is incapable of hating people, even his abusive relatives are not hated in his mind. Kosmos is most interested since she noticed his lack of hate and that he only held sadness and loneliness when around those abusive hellions. She has always been excited when she found him lacking envy for his cousin being spoiled, lacking disgust for their horrid ways, and lacking any kind of negative emotion aimed solely at his relatives. His sadness is not exactly aimed at anyone and his loneliness is more aimed at himself.

His dolls lift him up before turning to follow Lurnott, who seems to be aware he wants away from the awful heat. "Lurnott, I need a complete Audit on the Potter Account, Gryffindor Account and all publicly known familial accounts. I will need a Gringotts Card connected to my accounts holding money post haste. Also, I need about 3 months to build my Magic Power before being allowed to Challenge Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore to a Duel to the Death."

The goblin misses a step.

"Lord Potter, we do have some Manatorium Stones, which are pockets for magical energy we can attach to your body-any place at which you prefer them to be lodged into your skin?"

Harry stops to think for a moment before nodding as they go down the hallway. "Yes, I prefer one seated into the bone of both my shoulders, at the base of my skull, and one inside the flesh of my belly button. They need to be well hidden and fully charged, if such is done within 6 hours there will be a hefty bonus for Gringotts. I prefer each Manatorium to be 2 inches in diameter. I will be shopping in the meantime."

Lurnott nods to him before pulling out a box prepared ahead of time. He hands it to Harry through his window of his Sedan Chair. Opening the box he sees Bank Drafts, Cheques, and five black cards with the word 'Gringotts' emblazoned on the front in gold. On the back a grey stripe denotes where to scan it.

"It will be done as quickly as possible. Would you like for me to arrange the Wizengamot to watch the Duel alongside various Reporters?"

Harry nods curtly to him as he bites his thumb. Swiping his blood along the grey line on the first card he binds it to him before placing it in his pocket. The lid of the box is then closed and bonded to him as well.

"Please do so. I won't have him ruining my life like he planned to do. Also, Voldemort has Horcruxes, Lily discovered it after reading Dumbledore's diary." The goblin grits his teeth. "As Lord of the House of Black I renounce the woman formerly known as Bellatrix Black and now known as Bellatrix Lestrange: the Death Eater and claim all vaults and properties she has access to as Lady Lestrange. I also claim blood feud with the House of Lestrange, so mote it be." Darwin flares briefly before getting giddy.

"Fair Gringotts, search all my vaults, new and old, for any horcruxes and deposit them in front of the nearest and first available Cursebreaker with a notice on if it is the only one or not." Gringotts suddenly gives a sound of an alarm briefly before arrow pointing on the walls near them start showing them where to go. Harry's dolls instantly follow the path on Darwin's orders. Harry simply frowns as he obediently follows the signs.

Harry sighs as he sits in front of a council with the Cup of Hufflepuff several feet away held in a barrier with a warning sign denying anyone the right to touch it.

"What is the meaning of this?! Gringotts told us that she was guiding the source of the alarm here, we didn't expect for any nobleman to be the cause." An elderly female goblin sneers at him.

Ignoring her, Harry sighs before asking out loud, "Fair Gringotts, could you cast an illusion showing them what exactly caused Hufflepuff's cup to appear and maybe bring some books from any of my vaults pertaining to the exact threat that not only the goblin nations, but all of Europe is being threatened by." The sand in the middle of the room flares into life, forming Harry in his Sedan Chair being carried by the dolls while talking to Lurnott. It even goes as far as to make copies of the books it brings from his vaults and place them in front of the council members opened to the exact page.

Several shudder in horror as they realize exactly why the wards are refusing to allow them to touch the cup. The same goblin who badmouthed him nods to him. "My apologies, I didn't think Gringotts meant it like that. And for you, Fair Gringotts, would you put number on how many fragments of the horcrux remain besides the main loose soul shard floating around the world." Harry gets sick at the number appearing in front of him. A Symbol appears in front of each council member making them sick. "Five more shards…"

Harry understands their horror and revulsion. He wouldn't wish that upon anyone, especially with how it destroys the mind of its owner. He barely withholds from gagging as Gringotts starts using its magic to reach into the universe. Seconds later and four more objects appear in the circle making a total of five. With a few moments the items are purified of every dark spell on them before Harry sees the gate of hell appear and banish the soul shards into its depths.

Harry relaxes before four orbs appear in front of him, the goblins instantly recognize them and they watch as they fill a whole lot before Gringotts sends them into Harry's flesh. Seconds later and all in the room hear a disembodied voice. "Lord Potter, as the first human to recognize me as an individual I empowered Manatorium in your vaults and directly placed them into your flesh as was requested. Considering that I did this for the respect you internally have for all races, and the guilt for using what I have named as 'Blood Knowledge' to steal all the knowledge of those related to you by blood and 'Magic Knowledge' to steal from those whose magic you have in your system I have forgiven you. However, it should be known that I took a sample of your magic and copied the two abilities to gain data. I accidentally stole all the knowledge you have and I also feel bad as you did."

The goblins grimace at the news, and even the goblins realize something is up with that. "This knowledge has allowed me this form of communication due to replicating something your muggle school teachers call a 'speaker' which amplifies sound and can speak from one office to another with dialing only a number. I am in the process of copying spells I am creating using his knowledge into the Goblins Database. However, due to dire need of such for many of our institutions I am requesting to buy your Cartography Family Spells created by your father. This is another reason for you to stay with the council for several moments, though we could also grant you a few rare books on Golems since they interest you from what little your ancestors have read about them." Several goblins look nervous at the thought before they realize that Harry is softly smiling.

"I believe that the cartography spells may indeed benefit this institution, Fair Gringotts. However, you might want to scan all the law books within your halls to ensure you don't accidentally break any laws, as I believe some might count that as breaking Goblin Laws. However, I will not press charges and I am sure that you are able to be forgiven by the people in your halls. However, be careful of who you speak freely to. Some might actually use this information against the Goblins and that may cause another goblin war. For more information I suggest asking the Director to provide cultural books on those in and around Europe. I will pay half the funds needed to do such."

Harry suddenly gives a feral grin. "Also, maybe you can use your intelligence to learn something new. Maybe you know of androids and may be able to create a 'doll' extension of yourself to act as a medic, fighter or wizard to help the people of the bank. In that case I suggest having suits of armor placed throughout your halls in case they are needed. Also, I will provide ingredients for potions brewing to give you practice with any extension's hand-eye coordination. If such is done Gringotts employees will get 1/3, with ½ going to Saint Mungo's and the rest going into my vaults. Also, if you choose to do such do remember to look through our knowledge on ingredient reactions and uses." A tinkling laughter comes from the voice before it vanishes and different suits of armor appear in the room. A few of them shift some before walking out to get used to the extension.

"Thank you lord Potter, having extra hands for potion brewing is always welcome," a larger goblin says as he enters the room.

"Director Ragnok, I suggest finding out what exactly Gringotts likes doing and allowing him to do so. If it makes him happy he might be willing to help any goblins with research, such as looking into cures for different things. It also might give him pride to have helped people. It makes me immensely happy to help people and since he literally took from me it might be the same for him. But do not assume it is such right away, as talking to him may be more productive. Oh, Gringotts, go ahead and use the cartography spells, but I want a book on those spells and any sub-spells created from or from inspiration of those spells as payment. I will be publishing it and half the proceeds will go to those in need among the goblins due to you having created new spells. Also, try to expand into any cartography spells you find interesting and useful, it might prove beneficial to be able to find the closest toilet after pressing the map and saying 'toilet' for example." A happy hum echoes around them. "Good luck."

The goblin Director clears his throat. "If I am correct, the fact that you shared such priceless spells with us demands respect. While I cannot yet instate you as goblin friend, I can call you an ally due to your kindness."

Harry flushes at the news, earning squeals from the women in the room.

"I can't be your ally yet, I haven't renewed any deals and I haven't proved I'm trustworthy. I haven't even provided anything useful of my own creation and I can't just accept this because I gave Gringotts permission to print a book about the spells used by my father and created by him and the other three. I refuse to accept the title, I haven't earned it and it will be a while before I ever do, if at all, earn it." Harry rants before breathing deeply to calm himself. Applause breaks out in the room causing him to look at the council members with a scowl at their reaction.

"With the heated rant you just used I believe we most certainly ARE allies. You respect us and deny yourself pleasures from other people's work, and I assume that the other half of the proceeds from the Cartomancy book will go toward those in need or be given to their creators." Harry nods with a crimson face from embarrassment and happiness of being understood.

"That is it exactly. I… I haven't done much of anything and I can't accept it because of that, I can accept what I inherited but this I can't…" Harry can't believe that these people understand him completely.

Finally, he feels loved.