The cold rain pounded against Cheryl's face as she looked the metal trailer door up and down. 'Am I crazy, fuck. what am I doing?!' she thought to herself. Before she could stop herself her hand nervously knocked against the cold metal. Her heart beating so fast she could hardly control it. Body shivering. Her mind racing. 'Oh god what am I doing'. She almost turned on her heel when she suddenly heard the lock of the door turning. Cheryl's hair dripping wet at this point, she waited anxiously for the door to swing open. "Cheryl?! What are you doing here? Are you okay?"

Before Toni could say another word, Cheryl butted in. "Just shut up and listen before I change my mind" Cheryl blurted out desperately. "TT, I don't really know how to say this but I'm just going to say it. I can't get you out of my brain. I can't sleep properly, I can't think straight. You drive me crazy when you're not even trying. It takes everything I have not to throw you down and kiss every inch of your body when I'm near you, I don't even know if you'd even be into me but you're just so hot so I thought I'd put it out there before it killed me, and.." Before Cheryl could continue, her rambling was interrupted by Toni's lust filled words "Do it" she barely breathed.

Cheryl's eyes were torn from the doormat she had been fixated on throughout her speech and shot up to look Toni in the eyes. Cheryl's heart almost stopped. A lump caught in her throat. 'Did she hear that right?' Her head spinning, a million thoughts ran through her mind. "I said do it" Toni's voice a little louder this time, so full of hunger. As Cheryl stepped closer to Toni, she seductively brought her teeth down over her bottom lip and gently bit down. "God you're so hot" Toni breathed. Within seconds, Toni had grabbed Cheryl's cold hand and dragged her inside the trailer, kicking the door closed behind them. Cheryl pushed the smaller girl up against the door, looking into her sparkling brown eyes before pressing her red lips up against hers. Despite Cheryl's freezing cold body pressed up against hers, Toni felt her whole body ignite, like a fire was blazing between the two girls as they touched. Toni grabbed onto Cheryl's hair, her hands getting caught up in it as they're lips moved faster and more passionately over one another's, only pausing for a split second to take a breath. Toni took Cheryl's bottom lip between her teeth, pulling it roughly towards her own mouth. Cheryl moaned into Toni's mouth, enjoying the roughness of her actions. Cheryl's whole body felt electric as she pushed more up against Toni, hitting her harder into the trailer door. Without letting go of each other's lips, they clumsily walked towards the kitchen counter, stumbling in their efforts not to have a second where they're mouths weren't touching. In one clean sweep, Toni's arm had thrown everything from the counter across the floor. Cheryl grabbed onto Toni's thighs and threw her up onto the newly bare surface. There was so much passion between the two girls, Cheryl was feeling dizzy. Toni's bare legs quickly wrapped around Cheryl's waist, resting on each of her hips and pulling her closer between her legs. Toni was frantically pulling at the long red hair that fell down Cheryl's back, scratching at her neck leaving small marks as she did so. Cheryl desperately moving her kisses from Toni's lips, down her neck and around her collar bone, sucking and biting, taking Toni's soft skin into her mouth which left dark circles, like she was marking Toni as her own.

The red head stepped back slightly, which made Toni groan at the lack of contact. Her moment of dismay was short-lived as she felt Cheryl's hands pull her legs closer around her waist, holding her by her hips. Toni tightened her grip around Cheryl's waist when she felt herself be taken from the counter and carried towards her bedroom. Toni hungrily sucked and bit into Cheryl's neck as they made their way across the room, not even flinching when she felt her back hit into the hard surface, the bedroom door swinging open. Cheryl threw Toni down on the bed, looking at her like a lion would its prey, her eyes full of hunger. Cheryl excitedly kicked off her red heels and pulled her tight black top up over her head, throwing it across the room. Toni smirked as she admired Cheryl's red lacy bra and toned abs that had been hidden underneath her clothes. "Fucking hell" Toni said, growing impatient, she couldn't wait another second as Cheryl fidgeted at the buttons on her shorts, her body filling with desire, she flung herself towards the red head pulling her down on top of her, her body crashing against the soft bed. Cheryl tugged at the pink t-shirt that was blocking contact between the two girls' skin. Toni sat up slightly, lifting her arms above her head so Cheryl could pull the top off, leaving Toni with nothing underneath. Cheryl rapidly unclipped her own bra, tossing it across the room out of their way. Before long, Cheryl had thrown herself back down on top of Toni, her legs straddling Toni's waist, her body tingling with the feeling of their bare flesh touching. Toni was so turned on, her hands frantically roaming every part of Cheryl's bare skin. She grabbed Cheryl's waist and flipped her down onto the bed so now Toni was in control. Cheryl's eyes full of desire, which drove Toni crazy. She pinned Cheryl's hands back above her head as she began moving her way down Cheryl's body, leaving a trail of kisses behind. She felt Cheryl's body shiver with each kiss she placed on her exposed skin. She tugged at Cheryl's shorts, pulling them down her legs and throwing them behind her. With her teeth she pulled at Cheryl's underwear, locking seductive eyes with Cheryl as she brought them down her legs. Toni slowly made her way back up Cheryl's legs, biting at the inside of her thighs, leaving small teeth marks on her pale skin. "Stop teasing Toni" Cheryl moaned, almost annoyed at the way Toni made her feel weak. Toni placed a soft kiss above her clit before pushing her tongue inside Cheryl. The red head arched her back as she felt Toni's contact, letting out a loud moan. Luckily it was still lashing rain so nobody would here them. Cheryl grinded against the girls mouth as Toni used her fingers to play with Cheryl's clit, which she knew was almost enough to send Cheryl over the edge. Cheryl's hands pulling at Toni's hair, attempting to push Toni's head closer to her, which Toni resisted wanting to keep the red head on the edge a bit longer. She continued to move her tongue around Cheryl, sucking on her clit, hands moving up and down Cheryl's legs. "Fuck Toni I'm gonna co-" After a few more minutes, Cheryl finally came undone. Her whole body filled with a sensation that made her feel electric, she moaned loudly. As Cheryl rode out her orgasm, Toni kissed her toned stomach, slowly moving up, pressing her lips into Cheryl's. "You're so bad at that you know" Cheryl whispered, smirking into Toni's mouth.