Author's Note: Hey everyone! Sorry about making you wait so long! *laughs nervously* Well now school and finals are over, so we'll probably be able to update faster. ^-^ Hope you enjoy! Thanks for all the nice comments! I was reading them while writing this chapter. ^-^

Disclaimer: I do not own Zoids… sadly… it would be great if I did though! ^-^


            Bit leaned back into his bed. He knew that his wishes would not do anything for Leena. He knew that she would remain depressed and that Harry would stalk her until the day he died. No one could do anything about it. He was about to go back to sleep when he heard someone down the hall.

            "NO! YOU CAN'T STOP ME!"

            "Miss! Miss! Please stop! Miss! He is sleeping!

            "NO! I DON'T CARE!"

            Bit heard quick but heavy footsteps approaching him faster and faster. He tried to look like he was asleep like the hospital staff said. He knew exactly who it was. It couldn't be anyone else. He laid still and shut his eyes tightly, but still relaxed them.

            Cris Tasker burst the door open, probably waking up everyone who really was sleeping in the hospital. To Bit's surprise, she pounced on him and was trying to give him a hug bust instead was choking him.


            Bit shoved her off and she fell on the ground. "I WAS sleeping, but you woke me up. If you cared you would leave me be."

            Cris looked up, shock covered her face. "But… I… just wanted to see you."

            "You have so little consideration as to barge into this hospital, but to wake me and the rest of the hospital up? What is wrong with you?"

            "I… I… I just like you a lot…"

            "Well now that I've seen you act like this, I don't think I want to like you back!" Bit didn't even know what he was doing. It was as if something had taken over his body. He couldn't think for himself. He was just randomly spitting out words at Cris.

            She stood up and brushed herself up. She went up to Bit and grabbed his chin. She looked straight into his eyes. "Oh I get it. You just don't like me because of that bitch Leena Toros. Well fine. Be that way!" She released his chin and stomped out of the room, mumbling something inaudible to Bit. She paused in the doorway. "At least I have the consideration to visit you. Exactly how many times has Leena visited you hm? Ever stop to think what she might be doing when you aren't there?" She gave an evil smirk and shut the door behind her.

            "SHUT UP YOU BITCH!" He threw the TV remote at the door. Bit suddenly came to his senses. "What the hell did I just do? I didn't mean to upset her. She was… crying. That's not like me. Why did I just call her a bitch? She isn't that bad. It's just that I don't like her the same way she likes me. Okay now I'm talking to myself. This isn't good"

            A woman walked through the door. "Mr. Cloud, are you alright?"

            "Yes, I am okay, thank you."

            She politely bowed her head and backed out closing the door as she left.

            Bit realized what Cris said before she left. Leena only visited him once, and that was the day of the incident. Maybe she was having fun without him. He shook the thought away, even though he would rather see her laugh and smile rather than sulk around crying.


            Jaime was walking home slowly when he saw the very popular Backdraft Group. (A/N: No they are not bullies, and while we're at it, let's just get rid of high school stereotypes.) They were gathered together in a group, just simply talking. They were like a small, undeveloped cult. There were several branches of the group, this one being one of the few most well known. Some of the branches don't even do anything. Nearly everyone knew their names. Jaime continued walking, luckily not bringing attention to himself. As he walked past them, he noticed that there was a girl with them, which is quite strange since he had only seen boys become part of the group.

            "You guys are such morons. No wonder you idiots failed!" The blue-haired girl whacked the boys in the side of the head with one swift blow from her hand.

            "But Pierce, it wasn't our fault!"

            "Shut up! I expect more from you! I planned out all these different outlines for you to study from, and you waste them? If that was more than a school test, you would have been expelled, disgraced, and your life and future would be over like that!" She snapped her fingers. "You guys better improve, and don't forget about the competition coming up. That's the only reason why I'm helping you. I don't want you guys to cheat and disgrace our school."

            Jaime continued walking and turned the corner. 'Pierce… where have I heard that name before? No it couldn't be. Was it really the same girl?

            "Okay! We'll try harder next time. Besides, we're not the ones who don't want to win…"

            "Cheating is not winning, and I suggest that you don't criticize me. Without me, you know you would fail."

            She walked away turning the corner as Jaime did. As she walked past him she glanced at him and continued walking.

            They shouted after her. "It's our way of winning! Isn't that really why you joined us? Because you know that we can win? I guess in your view, you can win either way!"

            Pierce paused for a few seconds and continued to walk.

            Jaime continued home… thinking. 'Pierce… a part of the Backdraft? Student Council President Pierce? It has to be… "Cheating is not winning." One of her most famous quotes in her speeches.' "What is she doing with the Backdraft Group?"

            He said that so loud that the few people around him turned their heads towards him. He laughed nervously and walked on.

            He eventually approached his house. He turned his key and entered. He wondered kind of competition it was. It obviously had to do with school. Pierce had to be putting them up for something. He shrugged and went up to his room.


            "Finally done."

            Leena shut her book and threw her pen down. She walked to her bed and collapsed on it.  Her hand went up to her face and brushed strands of her red hair out of her eyes. She stared up at the ceiling then closed her eyes.

            "Leena! Come outside!"

            Her eyes shot open. She walked to her window and opened it. "Naomi?"

            "Yeah! Come on! We haven't seen each other all day!"

            Leena jumped down the stairs, which was quite dangerous since she nearly missed the fourth step of each leap every time. She swung open the door and greeted Naomi with a big hello. She suddenly became extremely hyper and together they continued to walk down the street.

            "Well what do you want to do?"

            Naomi shrugged and stared straight ahead. As they were walking, she suddenly stopped. Her eyes were still cool, but yet they had a strange and unknown feeling reflecting off of them.

            Leena stopped when she did, a bit confused. She noticed that her expression had changed drastically. "Something wrong Naomi?"

            Naomi shook her head and smiled. "No of course not." She laughed nervously. "I know what we could do! Let's go visit Bit!"

            Leena smiled. "Sure!"

            They continued to run, only to stop once at one of the intersections. They both were laughing hard, and were not paying attention to their surroundings. Suddenly Leena was thrown backwards. Immediately, Naomi moved to the side. Harry flew forward, obviously attempting to punch Naomi. Naomi grabbed the back of his coat and threw him on the sidewalk. She kicked him in the ribs and stepped on his right hand.

            "What the hell do you think you're doing you freaking retard?"

            Harry tried to breathe. He responded, "Getting revenge for what you did."

            Naomi put more pressure on his hand. He clenched his teeth. "If anyone deserves to seek revenge, it's me. At least you're still in school, and part of your future isn't ruined. I'm not permitted to do a lot of stuff I could have done before."

            "Naomi Fluegel, you are the most annoying bitch I've ever met!"

            Naomi picked him up by the front of his shirt. She whispered, "Good." Then she let him fall on the sidewalk again. She motioned for Leena to hurry up, and together they ran to the hospital, while Harry sat and screamed after them.


            "Bit Cloud, you have visitors."

            Bit sighed. He was still regretful for what he had done a couple of hours ago. "Thank you. Please let them in." He felt better when he saw who it was. "Hey Naomi. Hey Leena." He smiled at her. It proved that what Cris said wasn't true.

            "Hi Bit!" Leena ran over and hugged him. He gladly hugged back. They finally let go after a few moments. "So when do you get out of here?"

            "Very soon. I think a few more days."

            "That's good to hear."

            They suddenly remembered that Naomi was still there, and they both smiled at her. Naomi took the hint. She smirked and told them that she would be right back. She stepped out into the hall, and leaned against the wall, simply staring at the ceiling.

            "So how is he?"

            Naomi was a bit startled, but she did not show it. "Her gaze shifted to the person standing there. She smiled. "Hello Brad. He's okay. He's with Leena right now, so I would just leave them alone.

            "Okay then. So how are you?"

            "I'm okay. Why do you ask?"

            "Well I saw Harry on the sidewalk and I'm pretty sure that the people running were you and Leena."

            She laughed. You got that right! He deserved it anyways. That son of a bitch deserved it!

            They were still laughing when Leena came out.

            "What's so funny? Oh hi Brad! You guys can come in if you want."

            "Thanks Leena." They all walked in.

            "Bit, this is Brad Hunter. I think this was the guy you were talking about."

            "Nice to meet you Brad. By the way, thanks for ending that fight. I had no more energy left to fight. I owe you a lot."

            "Don't worry about it. I do what I can. Besides, everyone thinks Harry is annoying. So if you feel all guilty, then think that I didn't do it just for you."

            They continued to talk for a little less than an hour, then bid farewell to each other and left.


Author's Note: Hope you liked it! Okay, I admit that I had writer's block towards the end. ^-^;; Don't forget to review both of the high school fics! Remember that this is a partner fic! So read Blackie's (Black Fireball's) fic, Guardian Force High!