Disclaimer: I don't own Game of Thrones or anything recognizable found herein.

A/N: I'm so thrilled to be writing for AryaxGendry Week 2018! I was a little unsure since I tend to mix book and show canon when it comes to characterizations, and then I realized a modern AU would mean they'd have entirely different experiences, as well as access to therapy, so I think I could be forgiven lol.

Warnings: Mixes book and show canon (mostly Gendry's living half-siblings and Barra because FU Lannisters, Weasel, and Lady Smallwood), mild language, Nobody's Dead because reasons, features Robb/Talisa, SanSan, Jon/Ygritte, (implied) Rickon/Shireen, and Bran/Meera.

Summary: Modern AU. The wedding between Arya Stark and Gendry Waters-Baratheon was supposed to be a simple affair. Of course, with their families, nothing could ever be simple.

From Acorns to Oaks

Day One: Eye Contact

Unsurprisingly, Sansa was the first one to find out about the engagement. Arya wasn't even sure how she'd done it!

They'd been careful to keep it secret, Arya had even slipped her ring off before they arrived for the monthly extended family dinner. She didn't want to say she wanted it to be a surprise, because, really, it wasn't that big of a deal. She practically lived with Gendry already, they'd been together since she was sixteen and friends since she was nine, and it wasn't like anybody thought she was waiting for her wedding night to give it up to him. Except maybe Father, and she was willing to allow him his fantasies of pure white wedding dresses that actually meant something, if only because she'd heard enough 'stay away from my precious baby girl' tirades from Jon.

Except, maybe it was a big deal.

She'd never been the kid that dreamt about weddings and children and perfect picket-fenced houses. Gendry was, though. Because his home life growing up had been shit without a father, and it had only gotten worse when he found out who his father was. He was the type of person that saw his less than desirable parents and thought to himself 'I'm going to do better.' Arya knew she was signing up for a small, cottage style house with two-point-five kids and a pack of dogs - okay, that last one was all her - when she accepted the silver ring he had crafted himself.

It was okay, because she kind of wanted it too.

Ever since she met Weasel during her community service in high school, she'd discovered a heretofore hidden maternal instinct in herself. She had become fiercely protective of the little toddler, with her stringy blonde hair and threadbare coats, going much farther than what was required of her by the community service company. She'd bought birthday presents and school supplies, made sure her parents had enough for groceries, kept tabs on her as she made her way through primary school, and still visited her at least twice a month.

And seeing Gendry cradling Barra, the youngest of Robert Baratheon's illegitimate children, was practically an aphrodisiac.

So, even though she had never seen herself getting married at twenty-two to the only boyfriend she'd ever had, she didn't doubt her decision in the least. She was still going to be a kick-ass lawyer at Stark Holdings, anyway. Marriage and babies weren't going to stop her.

Everything seemed to be going right in her life, for once, and that was why she had put some effort into making it a special event. Then stupid Sansa had ruined it.

At some point between chatting about the weather over fried potatoes and Catelyn chiding Rickon for his latest fight in school, Sansa had inhaled sharply, bringing all attention to herself and shouted, "You're getting married!"

"Seven hells!" Arya retorted, and ignored her mother's chiding for the strong language, "How do you know?"

She hadn't realized what she said until the cutlery fell out of her mother's grip. Tears welled in Catelyn's eyes, a smile lighting up her face, "You're getting married?"

Arya sighed petulantly but dug out her engagement ring from her pocket and placed it on her finger. Wiggling her fingers, she gave a lackluster, "Ta-da."

Catelyn and Sansa shrieked in delight, jumping out of their seats to hug her. Arya was glad that Talisa was level-headed enough to smile and gently place a hand on her shoulder, whispering her well-wishes.

"Does this mean Gendry is going to be our brother?" Rickon asked curiously.

"I thought I already was your brother," Gendry joked.

Rickon still seemed worried he had insulted him, eyes wide as he hurried to assure him, "Well, sure, but I mean legally!"

Robb snorted, and Talisa was quick to slap his shoulder before he could tease the youngest Stark. He cleared his throat, "Congratulations to the happy couple! I sure hope you know what you're doing by marrying our little she-wolf, Gendry."

Talisa rolled her eyes, but it was Ned that put an end to the teasing, "Enough! Anybody should be delighted to marry Arya," she preened at her father's praise. "And it'll be our honor to officially welcome you to the family, son."

Gendry nodded shortly, and Arya knew that he was probably doing his best to not break down. Her father was one of the few men that he respected as good and just. Even his old mentor, Tobho Mott, had sold him out when the Lannisters had started hunting down the illegitimate Baratheons for who knows what plan. It meant a lot to him that Ned approved of him, thought highly of him, would be willing to call him 'son.' Even though he wasn't one for all that toxic 'real men don't cry' bull, growing up in the worst parts of the worst city in Westeros had made shielding his most vulnerable moments second nature.

"How did you know?" Arya narrowed her eyes at Sansa to get the attention off of Gendry.

Sansa smirked proudly, "You were doing that held eye contact thing where you're trying to silently come up with a game plan like Robb and Tali did when they eloped and didn't want mom to murder them. Also, you kept rubbing your ring finger like you were missing something. And you've never worn rings before."

That was. . . scarily perceptive. "You sure you don't want to be a detective instead of an actress?"

The redhead rolled her eyes. Arya had poked fun of her career choice plenty of times over the years. Perfect, preppy, eyes on the prize Sansa Stark had dropped out of college to pursue a full-time acting career on the behest of their creepy 'uncle' Petyr. All that led to was a brief stint of indie films under the pseudonym Alayne Stone that ended when it was revealed that he planned on having her enter the porn industry.

Then Robb, Jon, and Theon had beaten the shit out of their 'dear uncle', but Sansa decided to continue with acting. Accepting bit parts on YouTube channels and appearing in the Wintertown theatre while volunteering at the local wildlife shelter. She was, viewed from the outside, the family disappointment, even though none of them were disappointed in her for following her dreams.

Meanwhile, Arya, the rebellious wild child that had run away from home at thirteen and joined an elite fencing school just to prove she could, was on her path to becoming a respectable lawyer. As well as a wife and, eventually, mother.

Life was all kinds of topsy-turvy.

"I always thought you'd be the one getting married first. Between the two of us, I mean," the brunette admitted. "And I'd be the one having random weekend sex with tall, dark, and dangerous strangers."

"Sandor is not a stranger," Sansa snapped. "And he's not dangerous. He's a puppy!"

"I'm telling him you said that."

"He already knows I call him that," she informed her little sister with waggling eye brows and a little tongue flick. Apparently, forgetting that she was seated beside their mother.

Catelyn slapped her eldest daughter's shoulder, "Not at the dinner table!"

"Not while I'm still breathing," Ned insisted, reaching for his wine goblet and taking a hearty gulp. "At least Robert is sure to be happy."

Arya blinked, her husband-to-be suddenly became as still as a statue. Oh no. They had forgotten about Gendry's extended family. He was amicable enough with his half-siblings, the ones still living, that had been recognized by Robert Baratheon while he lay in what he believed to be his death bed. Then he'd miraculously recovered and 'tried' to connect with his children. By sending hush money and inviting them to the family estate in Storm's End during the holidays.

And making bawdy jokes at Gendry when he'd discovered his son was dating a Stark girl.

Gendry had almost punched his father the last time they saw each other, when he'd asked if Gendry had shown Arya what stags could do to wolves yet. The old drunk had only laughed and acted as if blind fury was the natural state of a healthy father-son relationship. Ask Robert, and Gendry was his pride and joy.

Gendry still wanted to punch his father.

And then there were the Lannister bastards, who were still, technically, legally, Baratheons. Since Robert was still, technically, legally, married to Cersei. Arya thought it might be just because he was too lazy to go through with the divorce proceedings, or maybe just to spite his adulterous wife who abhorred every moment they were together. It was probably because Baratheon Industries relied on Lannister Gold Corp to stay afloat in the economy, though.

Either way, the small, intimate ceremony they had both imagined had suddenly been blown out of the water. There was no way they could get away with eloping - Robb had stolen that option, the jerk - and there was no way they could get away with simply not inviting Gendry's large, and unconventional family. Catelyn and Sansa, with their proper lady sensibilities, would never allow it.

Oh well, at least Winterfell was big.

A/N: This turned out more family oriented than Gendrya. But, I love the idea of Gendry "becoming a Stark" and I couldn't resist! And, before you say it's OOC of Cat or Sansa to just accept Gendry, please remember they've had years to accept it. And there will be more details of what's been going on in this universe in the upcoming chapters.

I had Robert remain married to Cersei and still "raising" the kids simply because I want the dysfunctional family drama lol. But, in a world where he can't just kill his kids in a fury, I think Tywin might have been able to blackmail him into staying, since the Lannisters rely on the Baratheon name just as much as they rely on their gold.

Please review and let me know what you liked, didn't like, and what could use improvement!

~ Destiny's Sweet Melody!