I figured that it's been a while since I sent out something, so I decided, 'Why not write for an old classic cartoon from the 1980s'? And not only that, have it be based around 'Adventures of the Gummi Bears'! Now, this show I remember watching plenty of back in the 90s, and I recently started watching it online again (mostly because of the Ducktales reboot referencing this show in particular), and I have forgotten what fun characters the bears, Duke Igthorn and even the characters of Calla and Cavin were! In fact, I'm surprised there weren't a lot of shipping moments between these two, even if it did look obvious that both of them liked each other! So, I decided to do a five chapter story based around the couple that is Cavin and Calla! And I will admit, this idea came to me during one of my breaks! So, let's see how I do with the world of Gummi Bears, bouncing here and there and everywhere! Anyway, enjoy!
Thirteen-year-old Cavin, the squire of one of King Gregor's fabled knights, Sir Tuxford, was out in the forest, practicing his sword fighting skills with a wooden sword towards an ogre dummy that was set up.
"Jab left! Jab right!" Cavin muttered to himself as he was aiming at the ogre himself. All the while, a mysterious figure was approaching the unaware Cavin from behind. "And with one move, I thrust my sword onto your chest!"
Before the boy could commit the deed, someone stuck a wooden sword down his back as the mysterious voice said, "Halt!"
Cavin stood stiff as he turned around... then relaxed as he noticed a snickering Calla, who happened to be holding a sword. Cavin rolled his eyes as he said, "You could not resist, could you?"
"Oh, Cavin, you are honorable in training as a knight, but you still lack the proper skill!" Calla giggled as two more snickers were heard from the bushes.
Cavin, looking towards the bushes, sighed. "I know you're in there, Sunni, Cubbi. You two can come out!"
"Oh gee, however did you guess it was us?" A pink bear in royal blue clothing said as he and a yellow bear in green clothing walked out.
"Lucky guess." Cavin gave a laugh as Cubbi took his wooden sword back from Calla. "Anyway, how do you think I'm doing so far in my training!"
"Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I think you're doing great, Cavin!" Cubbi smiled.
"Yeah! Maybe if you keep this up, you'll become more of a knight!" Sunni smiled as Cavin put aside the wooden sword and sat down as he looked up at the sky.
"Anyway, I just came to get you because we don't want to be late!" Calla said in excitement.
"For... what, exactly?" The young squire raised an eyebrow in curiosity, looking towards the blonde haired princess.
"Why, don't you remember, Cavin? Tomorrow is going to be Dunwyn's annual Royalty Parade!" Calla smiled.
Cavin's eyes widened as he looked worried. "Oh shoot, I promised Sir Tuxford I'd be setting up the horses for the parades!"
"Don't worry, Cavin, we can still make it in time!" Calla smiled as she turned to Sunni and Cubbi. "I hope you two will be able to make it!"
"Oh, we will!" Cubbi said in excitement. "I wouldn't want to miss it for the world!"
"Me neither!" Sunni smiled as she seemed to be in thought, looking towards Calla. The three that were here noticed the bear's thinking.
"Something on your mind, Sunni?" Calla asked in concern. "Grammi doesn't want you to stay around the Glen, does she?"
Sunni quickly shook her head. "Oh no, no, no, I've already got it all cleared up with Grammi. Cubbi was there too, he can vouch for it. I guess... I just have a question concerning something else?"
"What is it, Sunni?" Cavin asked as he, Calla and Cubbi looked to the yellow bear in curiosity.
"Well... Calla, you're a princess, right?" Sunni quizzed the princess.
"Of course I am, Sunni, why wouldn't I be?" Calla gave a giggle.
"Well... I've been reading a lot of princess stories lately and in most of them, they always fall for a prince and marry according to some traditions." Sunni said as Cubbi, Calla and Cavin's eyes widened in surprise.
"What kind of books were they, Sunni?" Calla asked.
"Mostly fairy tales, but I guess I'm just curious." Sunni sighed. "Calla, do you know if you've met your 'Prince Charming' yet and would you immediately marry the man?"
"Oh Sunni, to answer the second question first, I wouldn't marry someone on first sight. I mean, love at first sight just isn't possible." Calla explained. "As for if I've ever met my Prince Charming yet... well, no."
Cavin gave a small smile upon hearing that.
Calla continued on, "But I guess it's because I'm too young to be thinking about marriage at this time. Sure, I'm old enough to marry in my age, but my father knows that he wants to wait for the right time before he arranges a marriage!"
Cavin, hearing this, looked horrifield as he looked towards Calla. "Do you really think your father would do that?"
"My father cares about me too much to do that. Heck, he knows that I'm capable of holding my own... a couple of times with being caught by Igthorn nonwithstanding..." Calla explained.
"Well, if you were to get married... how would the wedding work?" Sunni asked.
Calla, hearing this, gave a warm smile. "I'm glad you asked. Er, Cavin, would you help me be part of a demonstration?"
The squire looked at the princess in surprise as he nervously stuttered, "Er, s-sure, your highness."
"Wonderful." Calla said as she took Cavin's hand as she turned to the two Gummi Bears. "Now, pretend that Cavin is a royal prince."
Cubbi blinked in confusion as he said, "But he's a squire training to become a knight."
"I know, Cubbi, but just for the sake of argument, let's pretend Cavin is a prince, use our imaginations." Calla said as he turned to the squire with a smirk. "Well, dear prince, aren't you going to sweep me off my feet?"
"Huh? O-oh, sure!" Cavin blushed as he took Calla in his arms and held her bridal style as the two young Gummi Bears watched. "Princess, you are... er, the most beautiful girl that I've seen in my entire life, I can't imagine what my life would be without you!"
"Awww... that's sweet..." Calla smiled as Cubbi looked in disgust as Sunni giggled.
"Dear maiden of Dunwyn, will you..." Cavin felt a lump in his throat, hesitant on what to say. "...you do me the honor... of becoming my bride?"
Calla gave a giggle as she kissed Cavin on the cheek, making the boy blush. "And then I say yes, and then we start to prepare for a royal wedding!"
"Oh, do you think you can demonstrate?" Sunni asked, raising an eyebrow out of curiosity.
Calla gave a smile as she said, "Why not? Do you think you can set up something in Gummi Glen?"
"Hmmm..." Sunni said as Cubbi looked at the yellow Gummi Bear in worry.
"Sunni, I'm already shuddering enough just thinking about the thought of Calla and Cavin together! I hate to be a Gruffi, but don't encourage this! Besides, shouldn't you two be getting back to Dunwyn for the parade?" Cubbi asked.
"My father will understand, and I'm sure Sir Tuxford will understand why Cavin was a little late." Calla said as she held Cavin's hand.
Cavin's eyes widened in shock as he shook his head, "I don't think Sir Tuxford will be lenient with..."
"Come on, let's get to the Gummi Glen and I'll try to demonstrate a royal wedding for you!" Calla smiled. "Oh, maybe we can borrow Zummi's room, it seems big enough to work for a demonstration!"
Cubbi groaned as he held his head, watching Calla and Cavin walking off with Sunni right behind as Calla started talking about the ins and outs of a royal wedding as he thought, "Oy vey... Gruffi is not going to like that we're talking weddings when we're supposed to be keeping an eye out for ogres..."
Cavin, on the other hand, had a different thought as he listened intently to Calla's talks about a wedding, "Being married to Calla... wouldn't that be a dream come true? Too bad it's not likely... oh man, Calla, I just wish I can tell you just how much I love you... for real..."
Meanwhile, in a dreary castle deep in the forest, atop a tower, a man with blue clothing and facial hair was pacing around the room, growling to himself as he paced back and forth.
"Why, oh why can't I be the rightful king of Dunwyn! I have charisma! I have faithful allegiance!" The man, known as Duke Igthorn, was complaining. "Oh, if I can just find a way to conquer Dunwyn once and for all and make people see just how great of a king I am!"
Igthorn growled as he knocked over a lit candle on a nearby table, not only putting it out, but having the candle splatter all over the floor. Upon hearing that, a small green ogre in brown clothing ran in and saluted. "You clanged, your Lord Dukieness?"
"I was thinking, Toadie, of what to do to conquer Dunwyn! I've tried everything I could, from catapults to armor to sleep potions to even trying to get those Gummi Bears and their secrets of Gummiberry juice! But nothing I do ever works! What am I going to do?"
"Give up those dreams?" Toadie raised an eyebrow, causing Igthorn to glare at him. Toadie yelped as he said, "Toadie sorry, Toadie should not have said that!"
Igthorn grumbled as he felt a temptation to grab Toadie and throw him out the window... but in the end, his brain was more occupied as he said, "You're lucky I'm in a thinking mood today, otherwise, it would be the catapult for you! Now, unless you have a good idea I can go with, don't speak anymore!"
Toadie smiled as he said, "Why certainly, Toadie will certainly not speak until he gets a good idea! Yep, Toadie will shut up for Dukie, Toadie will..."
Igthorn responded by kicking Toadie up in the air before landing as Igthorn growled, "Shut up shutting up."
"Yes, Dukie." Toadie said as the both of them shut up as the two of them started pacing together. After about a few minutes, Toadie paused as he said, "Has Dukie tried marriage?"
"What?" Duke Igthorn raised an eyebrow, in anger and curiosity.
"Well, Toadie just thought, Dukie could maybe marry princess of Dunwyn, then be king legally." Toadie said as Igthorn gave a frown. Toadie yelped as he winced, ready for the kick. "Dukie right, it is bad idea!"
Igthorn prepared his foot for another kick... when he paused as he thought about it. "Actually... that idea might be crazy enough to work. I have been doing a lot of research lately and it says that girls can get married in their teens to royal princes. That's it! I'll take Calla's hand in marriage, then off her and King Gregor, making it look like an accident!"
Toadie's eyes widened in surprise as he turned to Igthorn. "Oh, that is most clever idea, Dukie! But there is a problem..."
"I'm quite aware that both Calla and Gregor won't EVER accept me as Duke Igthorn of Drekmore... but if they accept Prince Nrohtgi of Eromkerd..." Duke Igthorn smirked. "And offer a marriage contract to marry Princess Calla, then I win Dunwyn by default! A win, win situation!"
"Toadie was actually going to say that you were too old to be marrying princess!" Toadie said in embarrassment.
"Hence why we're going to change our image." Igthorn smirked. "Remember that failed batch of Gummiberry juice that we made?"
"Which one, your Dukieness?" Toadie asked.
"Well, obviously, the one I asked you to keep for future reference. The 'Transformation Potion'. The one that lasts at least a week. Remember, I tested it on you?" Igthorn asked.
Toadie frowned as he spat. "Toadie remembers now. Toadie hated the bitter taste."
"Well... now may be a good time..." Duke Igthorn narrowed his eyes evilly. "...to use it..."
Igthorn then started laughing evilly as Toadie joined in Igthorn's laughter a couple of seconds later as inside, Igthorn was dancing in joy, knowing this plan was sure to be a success!
There we go with the first chapter! How did you guys like it? There will be more to come, so don't miss out! I've been wanting to try an actual wedding story for some time, and I figured now would be a perfect time! Coming up next we'll see what happens when a pretend royal wedding and a certain great book gets combined. Anyway, read, review, criticize and suggest, folks!