A/N: Here we are! The last chapter in the story. I started writing this story about a month ago when a brilliant idea popped into my head, and here I am, writing the last chapter. I really hope that all of you have enjoyed the story thus far, because you are going to experience the finale very soon. As always, thanks for tuning in, and I present the last chapter in The Hero and the Lucky Penny. Enjoy!

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Chapter 9: Forever

It was a busy day. Guests were walking into the chapel dressed in their finest clothes, and they picked up a wedding bulletin on their way into the sanctuary. Today was the day that Hiro and Penny would be married to each other. The wedding was made an invite-only event to avoid the premises from being overrun by reporters and the like.

Hiro, for one, was not having the greatest time. He was in a separate room where his groomsmen were making sure that he was ready for the main event.

"Come on, Hiro! Raise your arms a bit higher!" Fred said as he waved his hands in the air.

Hiro grumbled as he raised his arms.

"Stay just like that!" Jordan said while slipping Hiro's tuxedo jacket on. "There, it's just right!"

Will was unable to attend the wedding since he had something else planned for that day, so Hiro found a replacement groomsman.

"It's hot." Hiro complained. "And itchy." Hiro was fully dressed in a white tuxedo with a red bowtie. As Jordan said, it fit Hiro perfectly. A little TOO perfectly it seemed as Hiro's mobility was severely hindered by the outfit.

"Suck it up, man." Wasabi said as he combed Hiro's hair. He was using a small comb and a magnifying glass. "It's not everyday that you get married to the girl of your dreams. This early, too! Most of us are still looking."

"Yeah, bro!" Jordan chuckled as he readjusted Hiro's bowtie. "You're a lucky guy. You get to be married to one of the most famous actresses on the entire planet! I'm jealous!"

"Gee, thanks..." Hiro muttered as he stood up. Wasabi had just finished combing Hiro's hair. "I'd like to get out of this suit ASAP, though."

Fred laughed. "Now you know how Heathcliff feels everyday."

Hiro shivered. The thought of wearing something like this everyday was almost enough to make Hiro go insane. It was bad enough that Hiro had to wear a suit for a few hours.

"Yo, let's get a picture!" Jordan said while activating his phone camera. Fred and Wasabi flanked Hiro while Jordan stood a bit in front of the three to get a good angle.

"Ready? One, two, three!"

Hiro smiled awkwardly as the camera snapped a photo. After the photo was taken and Hiro was released, he sighed and was about to run his hand through his hair. Wasabi quickly grabbed his hand.

"Careful, man." Wasabi cautioned.

"Sorry." Hiro said. "Force of habit." Hiro then looked at the ceiling. 'I wonder if Penny's doing any better.'

Hiro didn't know that Penny was getting more attention than him, and not in a good way.

"Come on, sweetie! Open your eyes a little more!" Alice urged as she tried to trace Penny's eyes with mascara.

"Don't pucker your lips!" Honey Lemon said as she tried to put lipstick on Penny. "It'll smudge!"

"Stay still." Gogo commanded as she tried to comb Penny's hair. "This is hard enough as it is."

"Ah!" Meena was putting nail polish on Penny's nails. "P-please stay still Penny. I almost went off your nail."

Penny grumbled internally. As much as she wanted to voice her complaints, she couldn't. She didn't want to mess up her friends' efforts. All of a sudden, all of the girls backed away from Penny.

"There, you're all set!" Honey Lemon smiled while handing Penny a small mirror.

Penny looked into the mirror and gasped at the sight she saw. Her face gleamed from all the work done to it. She wasn't sure if the person in the mirror was actually her.

"Wow, thank you so much everyone!" Penny smiled after setting the mirror down.

"Hiro's gonna love it!" Honey Lemon said while hugging Penny. "I'm so happy for you guys!"

"Don't mess it up." Gogo said in her tough-but-caring tone.

"Thanks, Gogo. Honey." Penny giggled while turning to her other friends. "Thank you, too."

"Oh, Penny!" Alice gushed. "Don't worry about it. I'm always here for you!"

"M-me too." Meena said shyly.

Penny smiled as Alice's statement reminded her of another. I'll always be with you. Penny smiled to herself. Today was the day that she would be joining with Hiro for the rest of her life.

"Come one, everyone!" Honey Lemon took out her phone. "Let's get a picture together!" The group all huddled around Penny, and she smiled for the picture.

"Ready? One, two, snap!"

Penny laughed as her friends all whooped for her. Penny then stood up and looked out the window. 'Hiro, I'm ready for you. I hope you are too.'

The sanctuary was bustling with activity as the guests sat in the pews and conversed with each other as they waited for the main event to start.

"Are you ready?" someone asked Aunt Cass, who was in a basic orange dress.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Aunt Cass said in her usual happy-go-lucky tone.

The priest suddenly came up to the podium and signalled for attention. "We shall begin shortly, so I would like to ask that everyone please take their seats. Thank you."

The guests quickly shuffled around to get to their seats. Once everyone was seated, The priest nodded his head.

Hiro took a deep breath.

"Ready? " Fred asked while putting a hand on Hiro's shoulder. Fred had slicked his hair back and was wearing a black tuxedo.

"Let's do this." Hiro said before walking down the aisle with Fred close behind. Many heads turned and looked at them as they passed by. Hiro felt uncomfortable under the gazes of so many people, but he managed to endure it. Hiro took his spot next to the priest. Fred stood next to Hiro.

Then, Wasabi, Jordan, and, surprisingly, Bolt made their way down the aisle and stood behind Hiro. Bolt was wearing his own black tuxedo, and several people chuckled at the sight. Wasabi and Jordan were also wearing black tuxedos in contrast to Hiro's white.

Then, the bridesmaids made their way down the aisle, all holding a bouquet of flowers. Honey lemon was wearing a bright pink sleeveless dress and wore her hair in a bun. Gogo was wearing a bright yellow dress, and she looked disgruntled since she had to spit out her gum before entering the sanctuary. Alice was wearing a sky-blue dress with one shoulder strap. Meena was wearing a deep purple dress and tried to shrink down as much as possible to avoid being looked at.

Once everyone went to their positions, a ring boy and flower girl walked down the aisle next to each other. Hiro didn't know much about the two other than the fact that they were distant family. Hiro smiled as the boy held his pillow like a waiter and the girl tossed flowers in the air.

Suddenly, the old lady at the piano started playing the song that many had been waiting for. Hiro held his breath as the doors opened to reveal Penny with her mother.

"..." Hiro's mouth fell open slightly. Penny looked absolutely stunning in her dress. Even if there was a veil covering her face, Hiro could see Penny's features were well-defined by all the makeup that was applied. Everybody in the sanctuary stood up as Penny walked down the aisle holding a bouquet of flowers in her left hand and holding her mother's arm with her right. Once they made it to the front, everybody sat back down.

"Ahem." The priest cleared his throat. "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Penny Forrester and Hiro Hamada. Marriage is a sacred and binding contract- one that not only unites two people in body, but in spirit as well. It is not to be taken lightly, and should only be committed to after a good deal of thought and discussion between the couple. If there are any who oppose to this union, please speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest then looked around him, and no one spoke. "And now I ask: who gives this maiden to be wed to this man?"

Mrs. Forrester smiled at her daughter and then looked back at the priest. "I consent to give my daughter to this man." After that was said, she went and sat down next to Aunt Cass, who offered her a tissue.

The priest nodded and smiled. "Then we shall continue with the proceeds. We will now exchange vows. The groom shall start."

Hiro visibly stiffened, but Fred patted his shoulder and nodded while smiling. Hiro then remembered something that Tadashi would have told him in times such as this: Breathe.

"...Hoo" Hiro exhaled after taking a deep breath and looked at Penny in the eyes. "Penny, ever since we met in the cafe that day, I knew that you were someone special. Before I met you, I never had anyone besides my brother and Aunt to talk to. It was thanks to them and you that I was able to get to where I am today. We've been through a lot together. You helped me when I lost someone close to me, and I helped bring someone close to you back to you. We even almost died together. We came out of all those times closer to each other, and I know for a fact that I can trust my life with you. I hope that you can trust me the same way. I love you with all my heart and being, and I want nothing more than to make you happy for the rest of our lives."

Penny looked like she was trying her absolute hardest to keep tears back. After all, it certainly wouldn't do to break down in front of all these people. That and she had mascara on.

The priest nodded and turned to Penny. After she calmed down, she took a deep breath and said her own vow.

"Hiro, I've been so thankful that we met way back then. Like you, I didn't have anyone to spend time with besides mom and Bolt. I grew up alone for most of my life, but when I met you, I was so happy because I finally had another person that i could talk with and spend good times with. When I moved away to film in Florida, I just felt so empty without you. And when I lost Bolt, you were always there to help me feel better. You even found Bolt and brought him back to me." Penny looked over at where Bolt was sitting, and Bolt let out a happy bark. Everyone in the pews laughed at the event. Penny then continued when the laughter ceased. "Words cannot describe how grateful I am for you. I love you with all my heart, and I hope to stay by your side for the rest of our lives."

The priest chuckled to himself and turned to the couple. "May I please have the rings?" The priest was handed a pillow with two rings on it. He picked one up and handed it to Hiro. "Hiro, as you place the ring on Penny's finger, please repeat after me: 'You are the love of my life and you are my very best friend. I give you this ring to wear as a symbol of my abiding love, My eternal faith, and my undying devotion. It is an outward reminder of our inner unity. With this ring, I marry you and bind my life to yours. It is a symbol of my eternal love, my everlasting friendship, and the promise of all my tomorrows. I pledge to share with you my heart, my home, and all of my worldly goods.'"

Hiro repeated the words, and then he slipped the ring onto Penny's finger. The priest went through the same speech with Penny, and she slipped the other ring onto Hiro's finger.

"Do you, Hiro Hamada, take Penny Forrester as your legally-bound and lawfully-wedded wife?" The priest asked Hiro.

Hiro flashed a brilliant smile at Penny. "I do."

The priest smiled and turned to Penny. "Do you, Penny Forrester, take Hiro Hamada as your legally-bound and lawfully-wedded husband?"

Penny looked dangerously close to shedding tears. "Yes, I do!"

"Then, by the power vested in me by man and God," The priest announced. "I pronounce to you all, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Hiro lifted Penny's veil and gazed into her eyes.

Penny giggled and leaned forward. Hiro leaned forward as well, and their lips met in a kiss. The entire sanctuary was filled with applause. Most of the bridesmaids were holding on to each other and cried with happiness. Wasabi, Jordan, Fred, and Bolt walked over to Hiro and Penny after they separated.

"Congratulations, man!" Fred clapped Hiro on the back.

"Way to go, little man!" Wasabi shook Hiro by his shoulders.

"Nice job." Jordan said while smiling. "You be sure to treat her well, aight? Cause if you don't..." Jordan flexed his bicep for Hiro to see.

"Got it." Hiro said nervously.

Jordan chuckled and patted Hiro on the back.

"We're so proud of you!" Honey Lemon tightly hugged Penny.

"Good job." Gogo said while giving a small smile.

"You did great!" Alice hugged Penny after Honey Lemon let go of her. "You're so lucky! Getting married to the man of your dreams!"

"C-congrats." Meena said.

Penny laughed. "Thank you everyone. All of you. You're the best friends ever."

Bolt then barked and Penny turned around. Bolt jumped into Penny's arms and nuzzled her chest.

"You too, Bolt." Penny said as she rubbed Bolt's back. "Thank you. You're my good boy."

"Hey!" A cameraman came up to the front. "Can we get a picture of all of you guys?"

"Sure!" Aunt Cass said while sauntering onto the stage with Mrs. Forrester following close behind. "Everybody come in close!"

With Hiro and Penny standing in the middle, the rest of the group surrounded the newly-wed couple. Hiro had his arm on Penny's shoulder, but then he had a thought go through his head. They were married now! Surely they could go a little further than this! Hiro then bent down and scooped Penny off of her feet. Penny yelped at the sudden action, but then she laughed and put her arms around Hiro's neck.

"Let's go, Hiro!" Fred laughed as he looked back at the camera.

"Everybody ready?" The cameraman asked as he readied the camera. "One, two, three!"

This time, it was Penny's turn to surprise Hiro. When the cameraman called 'one,' Penny curled up and kissed Hiro on the cheek just as the picture was taken. Hiro's surprised expression was caught on the camera for everyone to see.

Hiro laughed at his wife. "You little sneak!"

"You know you liked it!" Penny retorted playfully.

Hiro smiled as he pulled Penny in for another embrace. "Now we'll be together...forever."

"Sounds good to me." Penny replied.

Hiro and Penny weren't sure what was going to happen the next day, but come what may, they were going to face it together. Penny with her hero and Hiro with his lucky penny.

And that's the end! Thank you so much for reading my story! Sorry if the chapter was kind of short, but I think that it is a good way to end things out. A big thank you to all the people who followed and supported the story, a big shout-out to DAsKeTcHeRZ for making the cover art that inspired the story, and a big thumbs up to the Penniro shippers out there. This story was for you guys! I had a lot of fun writing this story, and I hope you all enjoyed it. Until we meet again, peace!