Hey. Sorry about this super long hiatus. I was feeling a bit stagnant but now I'm back and to prove that I made this little short. Let me know if you want more of this, Hunter of Three Worlds, or both.

There's a small room where all the main characters are assembled. Yugi goes into the center of the room and says, "Welcome to the first ever meeting of the Yugioh protagonists." Then, Jaden interrupts sounding extremely salty saying, "Ok first I've got two questions. One, isn't your name a bit egotistical, I mean it's literally the first four letters of the show's name. Oh gee, I wonder who the main character is? Also, are we not going to go over the fact our duel was never concluded!?"

Then, Yugi responds, "Jaden, I'm pretty sure I beat you." "How do you figure that?" Yugi replies, "A-are you serious right now? You attacked my Slifer with Neos. NEOS! Pretty sure I won." Yusei steps in and says, "Look can we just please get on with this? I need to tend to my Duel Runner." Yugi says, "Of course. Now, to get everyone acquainted, let's share our backstories. That sound good?" Jaden replies, "Fine. Go ahead."

Yugi says, "Ok. I'll go first. I put together an ancient Egyptian artifact and in doing so invoked the powers of darkness reviving a five thousand year old pharaoh who can possess my body to play card games. Wanna see?" Yugi turns into Atem using the Millenium Puzzle and everyone is shocked. Atem says, "Hello everyone. I'm a five thousand year old dead person who can possess the body of a teenage boy having no idea who I am except the fact I played card games using ancient Egyptian tablets. Back then, they were called tablet games and no I'm not talking about the iPad." Yusei says, "Huh. And just when I thought I've seen everything."

Jaden says, "Oh yeah, well that's nothing. I'm a reincarnation of a prince who's best friend was a demon named Yubel and he's my split personality. I call him the Supreme King. I'm basically the card game version of The Hulk. Oh, and I can also see the souls of monsters and dead people."

Yusei says, "Huh. Not what I was expecting. Well I guess it's my turn. I have a magical tattoo on my back and with my four other friends can summon a dragon known as the Crimson Dragon. Also, my father destroyed half the city and to protect me cast me out as an orphan as well as a fugitive. I'm basically the card game version of Batman. People also argue my series is better than the original." Atem gets angry and says, "Why don't you come over here and say that?" Yusei says, "You know I've been in a literal prison right? I also had to fend for myself while you had servants to do everything for you then just lied around in a tomb waiting for someone to wake you up getting amnesia in the process. I actually had to work for the things I got."

Atem replies, "You think being a king is easy? You forget I destroyed the demon that was literally the source of all darkness not to mention can bring monsters to life. What was your greatest achievement?" Yusei replied, "Oh I don't know how about defeating a time traveler and stop the timeline from imploding on itself by a bunch of mechs?" Atem sits down and says, "Very well then I guess we're tied."

Then, Yuma comes into the room and says, "Sorry I'm late. I completely overslept." Then, Astral says, "Oh Yuma you are completely hopeless." Yuma replies in anger, "Shut it, Astral. So what are we doing anyway?" Atem says, "Explaining our backstories." Yuma gets excited and says, "Sweet! I'll go now. My parents were on an expedition but then they found an alien planet and a naked blue alien gave my dad a key which he gave to me to stop two alien races from using the most powerful force in the universe to destroy each other. I can also use a power called Zexal where I fuse with my naked alien friend with earrings for some reason who also follows me around everywhere I go who I can only see and pretty much go Super Saiyan."

Yusei says, "Well that sounds pretty cool." Then, Yuma looks sad and says, "Actually people think I'm the worst protagonist because I'm cringy and have a stupid voice." Yusei says, "Well what's your catchphrase?" Yuma replies, "Well, I actually have three. There's I'm feeling the flow! High five the sky! Get set to get debt!" Yusei cringes and says, "Now I'm starting to understand. What does that last one even mean?"

Yuma says, "Who cares? This is Yugioh after all. You know, the series that relies on teenagers to save the world through the power of card games?" Yusei replies, "Fair enough. Say, wasn't there supposed to be one more protagonist?" Atem replies, "I believe so. Maybe he's late." Yuya comes through the door and says, "Sorry I'm late. I totally overslept." Yuma says in anger, "Hey I already used that excuse."

Ignoring Yuma, Yuya asks, "So what are we talking about?" Yusei replies, "Our backstories." Yuya gets excited and says, "Sweet! I'll go from here. My father disappeared into another dimension before a big duel and everyone called him a coward. I also have split personality disorder because I'm one fourth of a giant dragon duelist who basically split the universe into four along with himself creating four of me. My personalities are basically the Yugioh versions of the Joker, the Flash, and Batman." Yusei said, "Hey I'm the Yugioh version of Batman." Yuya replied, "Sorry did your entire dimension get destroyed and did everyone you ever loved get killed by a bunch of giant robots leaving you traumatized filled with the thirst for vengeance?" Yusei didn't say anything in response.

Yuya said, "That's what I thought. Oh, and when I get angry I become a completely different person. Jaden replies, "Hey now your ripping off my thing. It's like your just a mashup of all the other Yugioh protagonists." Yuya replies, "Pretty much. People also argue I'm the worst one." Yuma says with anger, "Stop stealing our things!"