Chapter 01 : What?

"You're an animal." Said the blonde leader of team JNPR after rolling to his side of the bed.

"I find that racist." Said the ninja girl of team RWBY before snuggling closer to his body.

Jaune wraps his arms around her and kissed her. "Blake… we need to talk."

"Hmm? About what?" She ask while looking into his sapphire eyes.

He looked directly into her eyes. "About us Blake, what does this mean about us? Does this make us together or is this just a fling? Hell, to our friends we rarely if not never interacted with each other."

Blake sits up and used the blankets to cover her self. "Jaune… just because our friends never saw us together doesn't mean we can't be together." She said and before Jaune said anything she stopped him. "And before you ask, Jaune you've shown me more compassion to me or my kind than any other humans i've seen before. You've treated me the same even after i lied about who i really am, even my own team after i told them the truth didn't exactly run as smoothly as before. It took us weeks before we're finally able to function as a proper team again, yet here you are treating me as if nothing had changed at all."

"I mean… nothing really change that much though, you're still Blake Belladonna the cool, calm, and collective ninja of team RWBY and lover for very special kind of literatures." He said and getting a light punch to his chest. "H-hey that hurt, i didn't have my aura for that."

She smirked. "At least you didn't call them smut like Yang did."

Jaune sits up behind her and hug the girl. "What about Sun? You know he has a crush on you right?" He said while leaving kisses on her neck.

She moves closer to him by pushing her back into his chest. "I've been telling him that i only see him as a friend but guess you guys are the same in that department."

"Hmm? What do you mean by that?" He ask while his right arm slowly moves downward.

She bit her lip when she felt his fingers slowly rubbing her folds. "Bo-both of you are AH a b-blue eyed blondes who AH i-is in love with girls who isn't interested in you bu-but you guys won't take n-no for an answer, i-is that like a blonde thing?" Her breathing becomes ragged when his fingers started to speed up.

Using his free hand he turned her face to the side and captured her lips. "But still… I feel bad for him, i mean… me and him are friends and all but here i am with the girl that he got a huge crush on and-" Blake stop him by putting a finger on his lips.

"So you want me to date him instead?" She asked.

After a few minutes of thinking Jaune smirked. "Nope."

"Good. Now go, you're starting to stink up the room." She pushed him off the bed.

"Geez, a few minutes into the relationship and you're already ordering me around."

"And you better get used to it." She smirked before laying down on the bed.

Jaune laughed before he heads towards the bathroom leaving Blake alone in the room. "Who would've thought that i would be dating a human." She thought before moving to where Jaune was just laying earlier, feeling content when she was still able to feel his warmth on the bed. Closing her eyes, sleep was slowly take her into the realm of the dream only to be interrupted by her scroll.

~Born with no life into subjugation treated like a worthless animal~

Picking up the scroll and see who was the caller she was surprised that it was from an unknown number. "Wonder who this is." Pulling the blanket to cover herself she answer the call only to immediately froze up upon seeing who was calling her. "Mom!?"

The image of the caller was an older cat faunus with a similar cat ears like Blake's but with three piercing on them, two on the right ear and one on the left ear. "Ah, sweety. Finally you answered, I was getting worried that you won't answer it since you don't know the number." She said. "How are you dear? Have you been eating properly? Are your studies doing well? You've been making friends right?" She asked.

"Wh-what… mom h-how did you get my number in the first place?" She asked knowing full well that none of her previous associates know her new number or that her friends was all in Vale and nowhere near Menagerie.

"Oh i got it from your friend of course." She said and the image of Sun appeared when her mother showed her who gave her the number.

"SUN!" She shrieked.

"Heya Blake!" He waved at her. "Where are you? I asked your team but they said you left last night." He asked.

"I'm in Vale right now Sun, how do you even met my mom anyway?"

"Oh, i was walking around the city when i ran into her earlier and thought that she was your sister." Blake could hear her mother giggled at that. "When we talked i said that i know you and she asked for your number and that's pretty much it."

Blake gritted her teeth but decided to ignore the monkey. "Mom, what are you doing in Vale anyway? Is dad here as well?"

Kali's face appeared on the screen again. "Your father is still on Menagerie, dear. I'm here because a friend of mine just gave birth and wanted me to see their new child." She said. "Anyway since i'm going back tomorrow how about we have lunch together? I missed you so much Blake."

"I-I know mom, i missed you too. Where are you right now?"

"I'm in a diner called 'LeBlanc' it's near the mall dear."

"I'm not far from there, i'll be there in a few minutes mom. I love you mom."

"I love you too dear." Kali said before she ended the call.

Blake tossed the scroll on the table surprising Jaune when he re-enter the room. "Something wrong?" He asked.

Blake sits up and look at him, for a while she simply gaze him before an idea came into her mind. "Jaune… want to go on a date?"

"Eh? Like right now?"

"Yes, right now. You want to or not?" She asked.

"Okay… where to?"

She smiled. "Just let me get ready first." She walk into the bathroom but stop and turned to him. "Want to help me get ready?" She asked before entering the bathroom and was followed soon by Jaune.

To Be Continue!

Hey guys, guess you can say that this is a prequel to "knock knock" and maybe even to "The Unknown Girl". This is only going to be a two-shot and if you're wondering why i havent updated "The White Devil of Remnant" is because i wanted to improve my writing first so that is why im writing all this mini series instead of working on it.

Also, Holy shit RWBY is 5 years old now. Gods, i remembered stumbling on it when i was searching for amvs (yes that is what i used youtube back when i was an edge lord teenager), it was the episode where Jauney boy first kill an ursa and i just thought "this look like shit but the characters look good enough"

Thank You Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth for creating this wonderful series and lovable characters (except for Adam, fuck Adam)