A/N:Please, PleAsE, PLEASE, do not read this if you could be triggered by anything along the lines of rape/ non-con or by anything to do with abuse or abusive relationships, I don't want to trigger anyone with this it was just an idea I got

Anyway, I watched the two episodes of dive to the future today and Hiyori's character got me thinking, he seems very controlling towards ikuya however I don't honestly think he's a bad guy it just kind of happened to make this story happen, I feel like I will grow to love him in future but I also love angsty Ikuya fanfics so this happened. This is based off episode 2 and the title comes from a song called distance by Christina Perri and Jason Mraz (It's a good song, worth looking up) but annnnnyyywayyyy enjoy this angsty, sad Ikuya fic

Also I'm not sure whether to do multiple chapters to this, I feel like I should but I also feel like I'll grow to love Hiyori and I won't be able to write him as abusive anymore so I dunno, let me know what you think

It had all started when they had tried to look for Ikuya. As Makoto scanned the list of names, a feeling of dread began pooling in Haru's stomach, as if something bad was going to happen however, he couldn't think of any reasonable explanation. Something about Ikuya wasn't right, he could feel it but couldn't work out what it was.

"Oh, here he is!" Makoto's voice interrupted Haru's train of thought,"Shimogami University?" Makoto continued, successfully destroying Haru's doubts and worries concerning Ikuya.

I'm sure He's fine, you're imagining things

The anxiety returned as the four boys began walking over to where they were told Shimogami University's students were sitting. Haru slowed down slightly, trailing behind and soon gaining the attention of Makoto

"Haru! Is everything alright?" He asked quietly, concern gracing his features as the two slowed down to talk in private

"Yeah, it's just...Something doesn't feel right...about Ikuya...I'm not sure what though..." Haru released a long sigh which received a sympathetic smile from Makoto

"I'm sure everything will be fine...If not, well...we'll work through it together, whatever it is..." Makoto's words helped to calm Haru slightly as they continued walking.

Ikuya was uncomfortable to say the least. He was surrounded by his team members however, he had never felt so out of place in his life. He could feel Hiyori's burning gaze on him, watching, always watching. He could feel every bruise, every cut, every harsh word, all through that gaze and he wanted nothing more than to disappear. His hand ached from the harsh grip Hiyori had on it and the longer he sat there, the more the anxiety built up in his chest.

"I'm going to get ready,"Ikuya stated as he stood up, masking a wince as he had to pull his bruised hand out of Hiyori's grip. As he began walking away, the gaze was still there however, this time, he heard a voice to accompany it.

"Good luck," Hiyori's voice may have sounded like simple encouragement to anyone else but Ikuya knew, it was full of mocking, amusement at Ikuya's suffering and it left a horrible bitter taste in Ikuya's mouth

"Thanks," He murmured, hoping that if he appeared unbothered, Hiyori would let him off easy. Hopefully, Hiyori would see it as him being good by not making his fear obvious, that was good, right? He began walking off, limping slightly due to one of Hiyori's previous bursts of anger.

Makoto, Haru, Kisumi ad Asahi made their way towards a group of Shimogami university students, hoping they would be able to help them find Ikuya. Makoto was the first one to speak when they reached them

"Um excuse me," The other three boys appeared quickly behind him "Is there a Kirishima Ikuya-Kun with you?" As he asked this, Makoto failed to notice the threatening glare that had become fixed on him

"Who are you guys?"One of Hiyori's teammates asked, making him sigh out in relief. At least he wasn't the only one put off by their arrival

"We were Ikuya's buddies in middle school." the red-haired one, Asahi if he remembered correctly, stated. Hiyori only felt his rage grow the longer he stared at the four people in front of him. As his teammates continued talking to the group, Hiyori got lost in his thoughts

Ikuya better have a good reason as to why these idiots are looking for him or else he's in trouble...

"So Kirishima Ikuya isn't here?" One of them asked after a while

"No, he's not," Hiyori said, an extremely fake smile plastered upon his face "You don't see him do you?" No one noticed the malice in his voice before he continued in a cheerful tone "Look, the next race is about to start, shouldn't you go back to your own seats to cheer them on?"

Makoto and Haru shared a knowing glance before nodding, the four boys making their way back to their seats disappointed

Ikuya slammed his locker closed as his hands trembled and his heart raced

I should be used to it by now, he's only trying to help me improve, besides he doesn't even hurt me all that much, I need to stop being such a wimp...

Tears began falling gently down Ikuya's face as he remembered how things used to be...Before Hiyori...Before the abuse started...

He knew Haru and Asahi were here. He had seen their names on the list of swimmers, however, as much as he wanted to go and find them, the consequences from Hiyori made it not worth it. He could deal with being alone, besides they probably didn't want to see him anyway. With that thought in mind, he quickly left the locker room to go for his race.

"That guy with the glasses from Shimogami University was a real jerk," Asahi sighed "We didn't get to see Ikuya either."

Haru felt sick listening to Asahi talk about the Shimogami students. He had the same feeling that Ikuya was in danger when he was talking to him and it filled him with both unease and rage.

"Well we were the ones who went over and butted in," Kisumi pointed out

"Oh, It's starting!" Makoto said, noticing the tension throughout the group at the mention of the Shimogami students and also sensing the unease radiating from Haru. If even Haru was affected, surely something must be wrong. Haru didn't overreact unless something truly was wrong.

"Ikuya..." Haru's voice trailed off upon seeing the other, gaining the other three boys attention

"Please someone tell me I'm imagining those bruises..." Asahi gasped

"You're not imagining them, that's for sure..." Kisumi added

"Maybe it's nothing! Maybe he just tripped..?" Makoto seemed to be trying to convince himself that what he was seeing wasn't real

"We need to talk to him somehow..." Haru's voice was filled with anger

As soon as the race ended, the four boys rushed down to the locker room in a desperate attempt to find Ikuya however, upon reaching the locker room, they found it empty.

"Someone did that to him..." Haru's voice cut through the silence, plunging the group into an uncomfortable silence

"Maybe if we wait here he'll come..."Kisumi suggested, desperate for a solution. The four all slumped on the seats in the locker room, praying that Ikuya would come back.

The hot spray from the shower was relaxing against Ikuya's back as he stared blankly at the wall in front of him. He heard approaching footsteps and tensed up instinctively before a voice cut through the silence previously only interrupted by the falling of water

"Ikuya," Hiyori's voice said sharply. Ikuya slowly turned around, resembling a cornered animal as he glanced at Hiyori terrified.

"What have I told you about answering when someone talks to you Ikuya?" Hiyori's voice elicited a sharp flinch from Ikuya who promptly apologised to the brunette in front of him

"How about we have a bit of fun Ikuya?" Hiyori asked mockingly as he opened the door to the shower an stepped inside after shedding his clothes, knowing the other boy would always be too terrified to say no to him.

"I don't think that's a good idea..." Ikuya mumbled, his head down and his gaze locked on the floor. A sharp hit to his jaw caused him to look up at Hiyori again as the brunette began to speak, his jaw throbbing painfully

"Oh, I think it is. And you can tell me all about your little friends who were so insistent on finding you. They clearly don't know how weak and pathetic you are, but it's okay, I'll fix it. Stick with me and you'll no longer be pathetic. People will no longer look down on you. I'll help you Ikuya, I don't see why you can't see that."

"I..I do...I know you're trying to help me..." Ikuya's voice trembled as Hiyori trailed a and down his back, dread building up quickly inside him.

"Then how about you show me some appreciation for what I'm doing for you." The brunette began roughly pushing a dry finger into him, causing him to cry out in pain, only to be quickly shushed by Hiyori as tears fell down his face, seemingly going unnoticed by the other.

"Now now Ikuya, you'll have to be quiet, you wouldn't want someone walking in and seeing you like this now, would you? Especially not your little friends," Hiyori laughed at Ikuya's pained expression as he pushed in another finger, ignoring the others whimpers and cries of pain.

"Shh, don't act like you don't enjoy it," Ikuya tried to struggle which appeared to work as Hiyori pulled his fingers out of him however, just as Ikuya began to relax slightly, Hiyori wrapped his arms around him from behind, quickly pushing his dick into him, eliciting screams or pain and agony which were muffled by the hand clamped over his mouth.

Ikuya thrashed and cried, trying to get Hiyori away from him however, he was hurt and Hiyori had a vice-like grip on him, preventing him from escaping.

This continued for another ten minutes before Hiyori became sick of Ikuya's crying and whimpering, pulling out of him and letting him drop to the floor as he began putting his clothes back on.

"Hurry up, we're leaving. Our races are done, there's no point in staying. I brought your stuff, be ready in 15 minutes or else..." Hiyorileft the shower, leaving Ikuya to let out a loud, ugly sob as he curled into a ball, trying to alleviate the pain as he wallowed in pain and suffering.

He eventually managed to drag himself off the ground, standing under the stream of water from the shower for long enough to wash away the blood on the backs of his thighs before limping out from the shower to stumble around whilst putting his clothes on. Any small movements hurt as he stumbled out of the showers towards the entrance

I wonder how Haru and Asahi are doing...I wonder if Haru and Makoto are still in contact...I want to see them...But he'll kill me if I try to find them, I'm already late as it is...

He eventually reached the cafe where Hiyori had said to meet him and quickly rushed over to the brunette who was sat at a table

"I'm sorry Hiyori! I just struggled to get dressed a bit..." Ikuya mumbled the last part, his face burning with shame as he looked down at the floor

"It's perfectly fine Ikuya, I forgive you. You can't be perfect after all," Hiyori gave a warm smile which should've acted as comfort to Ikuya but it simply made him even more anxious

"You did really well in the individual medley today, you should call Natsuya and tell him as soon as possible" He continued

"He's in a different timezone, I'll just wait to tell him.." Ikuya said quietly, remembering how much he missed his brother. Oh, how he wanted to tell Natsuya everything, he'd probably get on the next flight back and would come and help him immediately but, he couldn't do that. His brother had worked hard to achieve his dream and Ikuya wasn't about to take that away from him with his stupid problems that he should be old enough to deal with.

"He'll be so proud of you, here try some of this cake" Hiyori's voice was strangely happy as he held out some of the cake he had ordered to Ikuya

"Hiyori...You're acting weird.." Ikuya said quietly, avoiding eye contact with the other

"I don't know what you mean. I'm acting the same as usual." Hiyori's smile didn't disappear and Ikuya decided to drop the subject.

Soon after the two left the cafe, heading back to the train station before realisation fell upon Ikuya

"I left my phone at the restaurant, I'm just going to get it quickly. You should go on without me," He said, turning to leave without waiting for an answer

"Ikuya wait!" Hiyori tried but he was already gone

Makoto, Haru, Kisumi and Asahi were waiting for their train when Haru quickly realised that he had forgotten something as they'd left the locker room earlier that day. He turned quickly to Makoto

"I forgot something at the venue, I'm just going to run back and get it," He said, earning a smile from Makoto and a quick "Hurry back" Before he set off running.

It wasn't until he almost ran into someone that he noticed the familiar face in front of him, graced with a shocked but also scared expression.

"Ikuya..." Haru gasped out

"Haru, it's been a while," Ikuya nodded, hiding his surprise at seeing the other boy

"Yeah, Are you okay?" Haru asked quietly, not wanting to startle the other boy

"Yeah, I'm fine," Ikuya replied, avoiding eye contact. Haru slowly reached a hand out towards Ikuya's face, receiving a sharp flinch as his hand came in contact with Ikuya's bruising jaw

"Are you sure? Why's your jaw bruised? And why is your chest covered in bruises?" Haru asked before being interrupted by another voice

"Ikuya! There you are! I was getting worried so I came to look for you." Hiyori appeared behind Ikuya, his expression immediately darkening when he saw Hau's hand on Ikuya's face

"Don't ever touch him again, got it?" Hiyori growled, grasping Haru's hand in a bruising grip before hissing, grabbing Ikuya's wrist and dragging him away, Ikuya glanced back to see Haru's shocked expression, guilt filling his entire body as he mouthed two words to the other boy

"I'm sorry..."