I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or Supernatural.

Dean's POV

"I can cook." Dean stated.

This obviously worried Percy as he asked, "What do you cook?" Percy stood to go grab more of my stuff from the car.

As he headed out the door with me following i replied, "I cook... food?" This visibly displeased him so i tried to explain. "I mean i can cook burgers and i can grill. i can make a mean hash brown too..." When we reached Baby Percy went to the back doors and opened them, ordering me to grab one of the paper boxes full of newspaper clippings an other notes that i gathered on hunts since Dad left. after bringing all my stuff out of Baby we took a brake before going through the boxes to order lunch. While waiting for the food to arrive Percy's phone went off again.

Rolling his eyes Percy answers it, "Hey Neeks." All that was audible through Percy's end was a bunch of loud cursing in a variety of languages, and i thought Jason had been loud. Setting the phone down on the table Percy sighed. "this is what i have to live with. Well now you too but you haven't known him since he was ten." i laughed at Percy's exaggerated look of sadness and exhaustion.

It seemed that Nico had heard Percy and i when he demanded, "Perseus Jackson are you even listening to me?"

Picking up the phone and placing it back to his ear Percy conjured up the most Done^tm look that i had seen and replied, "Yeah, i heard you Nico. People in Paris hear you." I could feel the sarcasm dripping from his reply. As the two brothers in all but blood sassed back and forth with each other i stifled a laugh thinking i{Living here ain't gonna be so bad.}i