Trunks sighed with relief, his headache fading as everyone in the white, furniture less waiting room started to calm down. When he first came in with Bardock, Turles and Raditz, he was only expecting Gohan present. Surprised, Goku and his father were there as well.

That was when things got heated. Raditz and Turles both growled and snarled at their brother and nephew. But with one sharp look from Bardock instantly shut them up. They both crossed their arms and glared, obviously not liking this situation at all.

Then, after noticing a certain royal in the room, Bardock and Raditz immediately went to his father. Vegeta stood before them as they both bent a knee, an arm across their chest, demonstrating respect towards their prince. Trunks turned a curious glance at Turles. Why wasn't Turles doing the same? He got his answer when his father said, "Looks like the third-class traitor doesn't know his place."

"THAT'S IT," an insulted Turles marched towards Vegeta. His father stood still as Turles approached, raised his fist, ready to punch Vegeta's smirking face. Before the punch could land, Bardock had grabbed his arm and Raditz his waist, both pulling a cursing Turles away.

Bardock had roughly shoved him back into a corner and placed a forearm across his throat, threatening his son and raising his voice when Turles attempted to make any type of remarks or defense.

Trunks blinked in disbelief of what he was observing. Here we have two grown men. Two grown Saiyan men that were following, listening and even being disciplined by Bardock as if they were…children.

'Yeah, don't voice that out loud or I'll somehow end up in intensive care,' he thought cautiously.

Shaking his head, Trunks starting thinking it must have something to do with Saiyan culture. Bardock would be the head of the family, therefore, authority and any decisions would be finalized by him. It's just a theory so far and he was curious to see if there'll be any other kinds of familial behaviors they may show later on.

Seeing as Turles calmed down, Bardock had straightened up and made his way over to his father, uttering apologies. After quick dismissal of Vegeta's hand, Bardock proceeded to introduce himself to his last born and grandson.

Thrilled to have his father among them, Trunks could see Goku's excitement as he was talking amicably, retelling all sorts of adventures and enemies he faced while Bardock listened patiently. Trunks found it amusing seeing Bardock shifting his stance uncomfortably when Goku started waving his hands in the air with enthusiasm once he got to the best part of the battle.

Even though Bardock had to endure his overly excited son, Trunks could still see a small smile of pride on his face. 'Wish I had this kind of welcome from my father,' thought Trunks trying to ward off his jealousy.

Speaking of Vegeta, he was standing in another corner observing everyone. Trunks tried to catch his eye, but the man stubbornly looked the other way. He sighed once again. 'I guess this is how it is.'

"I think we need to discuss what's going on," whispered Gohan to Trunks. Trunks couldn't agree more. It's necessary for everyone be briefed and to figure out how to get back to their proper timelines.

Staring at Gohan's teenage face reminded him so much of his old master. They were physically similar but his demeanor was different. This Gohan was more carefree and closer to his age. Trunks was glad that Gohan's timeline had changed for the better. Speaking of Gohan's timeline, apparently this Goku and Vegeta are from the same and all disappeared at the same time they were about to enter a world martial arts tournament.

Hearing Gohan clear his throat to get his attention and swiftly nodding his head towards the group, Trunks rolled his eyes for wanting him to talk. It was his idea to begin with. Why did he have to do it?

"Ok, um…so guys, I think we need to discuss what we should do next and develop a strategy to get us all to our proper timelines."

"Wait a minute kid," started Turles, "who said anything about us wanting to return to our timelines. Why, the last thing I remember, was my heroic little brother over there shooting a rather killing ki blast at me."

"You're my brother?" shrieked Goku at the other end of the room.

Ignoring said brother, Turles continued, "The only thing I want, is to get this goddamn device out of my neck."

"I think that's a lot harder to do-" started Gohan, deciding to take hold of the conversation.

"And pray tell, dear nephew, what's so difficult?" said Turles, turning his attention towards Gohan.

"Well, Uncle Turles, let me ask everyone a question," said Gohan as he addressed his intimidating uncle, "because I know all of us have tried to do something about our strengths. Of those of us who can transform into a Super Saiyan, can you do it now?" Gohan looked at each member in the room, his eyes narrowed when they settled on his uncles.

No answer.

"So who can control their ki?"

Again no answer.

"Who can open this locked door with no effort?"

Silence. No one wanted to admit on how weak they were.

"The goal to get these devices off would be wasted effort. Armed soldiers are everywhere. Even if we were to somehow get to the right facility, who will do the procedure? There are wires connecting to our brains so one wrong move and we're brain dead. Do you want to live your life hooked to a life support machine?" As Gohan said this, all Saiyans had an involuntary shiver run through their bodies at the mere thought. To them, that torture was worse than hell. "That's what I thought."

Gohan started pacing, hand on his chin, thinking out loud in full lecture mode. "So these Ki Holders suppress our energy. We can't power up, transform… so we basically have the same strength as a regular human."

"WHAT?" Gohan jumped at Vegeta's angry voice. Trunks was waiting for this, his father was way too quiet. From where he was standing, Trunks could see a vein throbbing on his temple. Yup, his father was livid. Slamming his foot on the ground, Vegeta cried out, "The hell is going on?"

Goku stepped forward, trying to calm the angry prince. "Easy Vegeta, we'll get out of this. We always do.
Hey! Think of this as more of a challenge. We'll just have to try to build our strength again."

Vegeta glared at Goku's smiling face. "Of course you would find some sort of enjoyment in this. In fact, now that I think about it, there's no doubt in my mind, I'm the strongest out of all of us. And as the Prince of All Saiyans, from now on whatever I say, goes."

Goku rolled his eyes and placed his hands on his hips, tired of hearing the same spiel. "Yeah yeah Vegeta, you're the strongest out of all of us."

Trunks saw that Raditz and Bardock had opened their mouths in disbelief at how Goku nonchalantly answered his father. While Turles, after just being chewed out for disrespect, had a sour look and was not amused that Goku was getting away scotch free at disrespecting the prince.

Seeing his father clenching his fist, Trunks decided to intervene and continue with the topic at hand, "So I guess we have no choice but to cooperate."

"If we agree to become one of their soldiers, we'll be able to use ki," said Bardock, all eyes now focused on him. "That's what Dr. Kaius mentioned."

"But I think that's going to come with a price. They're able to remotely inflict pain when orders are not followed. We saw that ourselves with Turles when he refused to follow to this room. I imagine that any authority or senior position in this military will be able to do the same thing. To ensure orders are followed. Nonetheless, whether we join the military or not, those remotes are still present to those who have authority and can deliver pain to whoever have Ki Holders."

Bardock paused for a moment before continuing, "We have to also consider that if we were to become soldiers, there are more than likely going be some limitations on how much of our ki we'll be allowed to use. To cut any sort of risk, militaries would have apply some sort of safeguard to avoid the soldiers over empowering them. This situation is almost identical to our race being enslaved by Frieza. However," Bardock turned towards Vegeta with a hand to his chest, "I will follow the decisions of my prince."

Vegeta looked at his subject, digesting his words. Trunks waiting patiently as to what his father would decide.

"We'll continue waiting and observing for now. But the moment I join this military, I expect everyone to do the same," announced Vegeta.

"Yes, my prince," said Bardock with a bow.

Looking at the strongest Saiyans in the room, Trunks remembered something. Pointing his finger at Goku, Gohan, and his father, he asked, "How did they install those Ki Holders on you three? Were you injured?"

All three Saiyans turned red, obviously embarrassed. Vegeta turned his back while both Gohan and Goku both placed a hand behind their necks in a Son-like fashion.

"I was so dizzy and disoriented from teleporting, I kinda had my guard down. The next thing I felt was a tranquilizer needle in my arm. Those soldiers were so fast, I didn't have time to react," said Gohan sheepishly.

"Yeah, same thing with me. There were so many lights and moving around during teleporting, when I landed, I was so sick, I threw up all over the place and then," Goku shuddered, "they stuck a needle in me too. And it HURT."

Raditz was staring disbelievingly at his brother, "You mean to tell me you're scared of a needle?"

"Yeah well, I don't like sharp things with strange stuff digging into my skin," pouted Goku frustrated that nobody ever understood his dislike of needles.

"By the way Kakarot, it's your fault that I have this thing in my neck. Since you left that horrid stench of vomit in the room, I felt queasy enough that the soldiers got to me," accused Vegeta.

"Well sorrryyy, I couldn't help it. I was in the middle of a huge meal when it happened-" started Goku before being interrupted again by the irritated prince.

"-and I almost had my face land in a puddle of puk…." Hearing and seeing Turles and Raditz doubling over in laughter, Vegeta saw red as he yelled, "Both of you shut up! Raditz, I swear to the Gods I'll break your tail!"

That threat immediately sobered Raditz, while Turles was finishing the last few chuckles, looking as if he hadn't had this much fun in years.

"So I guess you guys weren't paralyzed on your way here. Well, there goes Minako's theory," muttered Trunks, trying to disguise the disappointment he felt knowing the strongest got captured because they were dizzy.

"Who's Minako?" asked Goku.

Trunks thought everyone knew about his new friend. "She's-"

"Not a Saiyan," declared Turles with resolute, crossing his arms, "I'm telling you. They mixed up the test results."

Trunks was getting really tired of Turles interrupting everyone. Seriously, this guy wants the last word on everything.

"Well Turles, think about it? It's obvious she's a half-breed, which means one of her parents is a Saiyan. We're all from a different timelines so her origin could be from the past or future. I'm just speculating from what I've observed so far and it's the only explanation that I can come up with," said Trunks to a still unimpressed Turles.

"So, what's she like Trunks? Please don't tell me she has a Saiyan personality?" asked Gohan with a frown.

Trunks gave Gohan a reassuring smile, "Oh no, not at all. You have no worries with her. She's kind and soft-hearted. Oh, and she's not a Super Saiyan, but has natural long blond hair, blue eyes-"

"BOY," Trunks jumped at his father's booming voice and saw the look of fury once more on his face, "you BETTER keep your dick in your pants. There are protocols for royals courting the lesser classes. I don't want to hear a bitch got pregnant with your royal seed or I'll cut off your crown jewels myself," lectured his father pointing a finger at Trunks the entire time.

Trunks face burned red from embarrassment and his mouth hung open from the words that came out of his father's mouth. Looking at the others in the room, Gohan eyes were big in shock, while Goku mouthed the words 'crown jewels' with a look of confusion on his face.

The third-class family, including Bardock, looked as if Christmas came early. Tails swished excitedly, while all three looked back and forth between himself and his father. Probably hoping a fight will break out.

Waking from his temporary moment of stupor, Trunks shook his head and said, "WHAT!? I barely know her. I just met her yesterday for crying out loud and you already think I'm sleeping with her?"

"Sleeping? Your father is talking about sex. He said dick, pregnant, and seed," said Raditz with a surprised eyebrow raised at Trunks for not understanding. The prince clearly said the three words that implicated sex.

Trunks gritted his teeth in irritation and said, "Thanks Raditz! I know what my father meant. It's an Earth expression." The young purple haired prince could feel his blood pressure rising and his migraine return.

The conversation came to a halt when a distinguish click of a lock being unlocked was heard on the other side of the door. The white door opened and everyone was soon on edge. To the untrained eye, the occupants in the room appeared normal, but for those who had years of training with the martial arts could tell everyone was ready for a fight.

Dr. Kaius, with his lab coat billowing behind him, entered the room. Adjusting his glasses, he asked, "How is everyone this afternoon? Did you all get acquainted with one another?"


"Excellent! That's good to hear," said Dr. Kaius as if everyone just told him this was their best experience of their lives.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt your reunion, but I need to see Goku in my office. It's urgent that I speak with you," said Dr. Kaius addressing Goku.

Goku sighed, "Alright, I'm coming back here afterwards, right?"

"Of course, I just need to speak with you and that would be all," reassured the Doctor.

"And no more needles?" Raditz groaned and face palmed at this question.

"I assure you, no more needles."

"Dad?" questioned Gohan anxiously.

"It's alright son," Goku stared right in the eyes of Dr. Kaius as he said, "Dr. Kaius promised that I would be back."

Gohan shared a look with his father before watching him leave with the Doctor.

Trunks laid a hand on his friend's shoulder, trying to comfort the stressed teen. Looking at his fellow Saiyans in the room, all had sullen looks. The same thought was on everyone's mind. They are powerless and are at their captor's mercy.

Author's Notes: For all those that follow this story, so sorry for the late update. I have been very busy and to be honest, I had lost motivation. I almost did discontinue this story. So I would like to thank my recent reviewers, Sailor Soup and Guest. You both gave me the encouragement I needed to sit down and try to complete a chapter.

This chapter is shorter than what I would like but I wanted to post to show that I'm still kicking. Since I'm still a new writer, I have decided to try to post on a monthly basis so that I'm not stressing and have time to put up good quality chapters.

I enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you all found the interactions among the Saiyans amusing. They'll be some shocking revelations coming up, so feel free to leave a review to try to guess ;)

Till next time!
