* Back at the island the rest of the gang were already on the ground. Honey Lemon is beside Cora who is still hugging her knees tightly as her sobbing is replaced with silence. Fred is calling Heathcliff to pick them up while Wasabi watches Gogo pace in circles.*

Fred: Heathcliff is picking us up in the family chopper, but it'll take a little bit to get here.

Gogo: I can't believe it- Hiro is a smart kid but what he did is just so damn stupid!

Wasabi: Gogo, calm down-

Gogo: No! He knows what he did is messed up. He was about to get Baymax to kill Callaghan.

Honey Lemon: Even if we had known him for weeks, I know this Hiro isn't him...he would never do this...I think...

Wasabi: I don't know... I'm not saying what Hiro has done is justifiable, it was clearly wrong. But I we're in his shoes...I don't know what'd I do...

Cora: It's all my fault...

*Gogo and Wasabi turn to Cora, who now lifted her head to reveal her tear stained face and red eyes.*

Gogo: How could this be your fault? Hiro was the one who nearly killed Callaghan, and Callaghan was the one who tried to kill us in the first place-

Cora: Because if I had stayed at the stupid showcase then I could of stopped Tadashi from running inside! I should have been there to help Hiro!...

*The girl's cries echoed through the building, and a hush fell over the area.*

Cora: If..If I had just stayed...then I could have done something...

Honey Lemon: Cora...even if you were there there was nothing you could have done..

Cora: But there is...At the very least I could have been there with Hiro... but he saw his brother die alone... I wasn't there for him... I couldn't help him... I've failed...

*Cora turns silent as she turns her head away from the group. It was then that she felt someone hug her, then another. She looks up to see the gang now hugging her as to comfort her. She could hardly believe it's happening. She had only known them for a few weeks like Hiro and yet they would comfort her?*

Gogo: Don't beat yourself, woman up.

*Cora looks up at Gogo, feeling a little better. That's when Fred speaks.*

Fred: I'm gonna head back to the camera room and see if I can find answers.

Wasabi: Why though?

Fred: I thought it'd be Krei cause he was involved with the project, but Callaghan is the masked guy! Why would he know about a government secret project...unless he was there!

Gogo: Fred, the videos didn't show Callaghan. Even if it did why would he go this far to steal remnants of a portal?

Fred: Cause this always happens in comic books! The heroes thinks they found the answers but it turns out there's more to the story!

Cora:...Fred actually makes a good point! Why would Callaghan go this far? I'm coming too Fred.

*Cora stands up to join Fred in the camera room along with Wasabi, Gogo, and Honey Lemon. Cora checks over the keyboard and finds that it has little damage, she plays the video again and soon they find the answer.*

Gogo: Fred?

Fred: Yeah?

Gogo: Hate to admit it... but your right.

Fred: Awesome!

Cora: We gotta show this Hiro. *To team* Do any of you have a flash drive or something?

Honey Lemon: Here.

*Cora grabs the flash drive and starts downloading the videos. Just as they had finished downloading they hear the sound of a helicopter driven by Heathcliff.*

Fred: Heathcliff! Right on time!

*The gang climb up on the rope and get inside. Once seated Cora speaks.*

Cora: We have to stop by Hiro's house. Since Baymax's scanner is busted he'll repair it before he goes after him.

*Cora goes quiet for a few moments before she feels Honey Lemon's hand on her shoulder. The young teen gives a small smile, her heart becoming determined to help Hiro. She couldn't help him then, but now she's gonna stay by him through hell and back.*

*While the gang is flying over on the chopper Hiro and Baymax had just arrived at the garage. Hiro opens up the garage as he removes Baymax's helmet and starts fixing it up.*

Baymax: Your blood pressure is elevated. You appear to be distressed.

Hiro: I'm fine.

*Once he's done he places it back onto Baymax's head.*

Hiro: There, is it working?

Baymax: My sensors are optimal.

*Hiro taps at Baymax's access port but it refused.*

Hiro: Good, then let's get- Baymax, open your access port.

Baymax: Are you going to remove my healthcare chip?

Hiro: Yes! Open..

*Growing frustrated Hiro removes the chest armor to try to open the access port but it wouldn't budge still.*

Baymax: Will terminating Professor Callaghan improve your emotional state?

Hiro: What?

Baymax: Will you be satisfied with your care if Callaghan is destroyed?

Hiro: I don't know. Open your access-

Baymax: Is this what Tadashi wanted?

Hiro: Baymax don't you-

Baymax: Tadashi programmed me to aid-

Hiro: Tadashi's gone!

*Hiro's emotional wall finally came crumbling down. He couldn't hold it anymore. He lays his head on Baymax's belly as he starts to cry.*

Hiro: Tadashi's... gone...and it's all my fault...

Baymax: Tadashi is here.

Hiro: No. No he's not here.

Baymax: Tadashi is here.

*Suddenly Hiro sees video footage of Tadashi and his voice.*

Tadashi: This is Tadashi Hamada, and this is my firts test of my robotics project.

*Tadashi turns on Baymax.*

Baymax: Hello. I am Bayma-

*Loud feed back is heard as Tadashi hurriedly shuts it off.*

Tadashi: Stop Stop!

*Hiro looks at the videos, showing his brother going through the process of building Baymax.*

Tadashi: Seventh test of my robotics project.

*The nezt images shows Baymax hitting him before it cuts to another test.*

Tadashi: Tadashi Hamada again and this is my thirty-third test of my robotics project.

*Tadashi merely looks away as Baymax causes a black out. Tadashi pulls out a flash drive.*

Tadashi: I'm not giving up on you. You don't understand this yet, but people need you. So let's get back to work.

*Another clip shows Tadashi Hamada at the dawn of day.*

Tadashi: This is the.. this is the eighty-fourth test. What do you say big guy?

Baymax: Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion.

Tadashi: It works?...It works! This is amazing! You work! I can't believe it I knew it!

*During this Hiro starts to smile, and just behind him Cora is peaking from behind the garage, her eyes widening at the image of Tadashi Hamada.*

Tadashi: Alright. Big moment here... scan me.

Baymax: Your neurotransmitters are elevated. This indicates you are happy.

Tadashi: I am! I'm really am! Oh man- I can't for Hiro and Cora to meet you. You're going to help so many people, buddy. So many. That's all for now. I am satisfied with my care.

*The video pauses on Tadashi's smiling face. Hiro, despite his tears, is smiling back. Cora in the background is smiling too.*

Hiro: Thank you Baymax... I'm so sorry. I guess I'm not like my brother.

Honey Lemon: Hiro?

*Hiro turns around to see Cora and the gang. He is hit with a wave of emotions: mostly guilt and shame. When he looks at Cora he remembered what he said to her earlier and those feelings grew stronger.*

Hiro: Cora- guys I uh-I-

*Gogo gives him a hug.*

Gogo: We're going to catch Callaghan. And this time we're going to do it right.

*Hiro gives a small smile.*

Wasabi: Hey, bur maybe don't leave your team stranded on a spooky island next time?

Hiro: Oh, man.. I am so sorry...

Fred: Nah, it's cool. Heathcliff picked us up in the family chopper.

Honey Lemon: Hiro, we found something you should see.

*Hiro places the flash drive to his computer where the videos uploud and resumes watching it where they left off.*

General: You almost got us killed!

*Just then Callaghan comes up running to tackle Krei but is restrained.*

Callaghan: Krei! You did this! You knew it wasn't ready!

Hiro: Callaghan? He was there?

Honey Lemon: He was such a good man. What happened?

Hiro: I don't know, but the answer's here somewhere...

*Hiro re-winded all the videos until Cora spots something.*

Cora: Wait! Stop right there! It's Callaghan.

*Hiro looks closer to see Callaghan hugging the pilot.*

Hiro: With the pilot...wait...

*Hiro zooms towards the scene where the pilot gets on board the pod. Zooming in on the helmet they find the name.*

Cora: Abigail Callaghan?

Hiro: The pilot was Callaghan's daughter! Callaghan blames Krei.

Fred: This is a revenge story.

Cora: So what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Wasabi: But where? How and where is Callaghan going to attack Krei?

Cora: I have a theory.

*The rest of the gang hear Cora's explenation and soon they start repairing their gears with Fred looking up the location of the possible attack. Meanwhile Cora takes Hiro outside to be alone. He realizes that Cora want to talk about what he said to her. Taking a deep breath he begins to apologize.*

Hiro: Cora...I don't know if you'll ever forgive me, but I am so very sorry! I-I didn't m-mean to say something so awful to you, especially after everything we've gone through. I should have never had said-

*Cora surprises him by kissing him on the cheek before she takes a deep breath.*

Cora: Your right, what you just said to me was really uncalled for, but I'm trusting you that you don't ever say that to me again, got it?

Hiro: Yeah...

Cora: Hiro, I may not know how it is to lose someone so suddenly. But Tadashi is also important to me too. What matters now is that we are in this together. You're my partner right? And partners don't quit on each other.

*Hiro recalls the memories of Hiro and Cora going bot fighting, winning and hustling anyone, to eventually starting dating and the first time flying.*

Hiro: Yeah. We're not giving up on each other.

*Their faces give each other determined and confident smiles as they return back to gang to prepare for their biggest battle yet.*

*Its a bright sunny day in San Fransokyo. During this time Alistair Krei is giving a speech on the unveiling of his new building.*

Krei: This beautiful new campus is the culmination of a life long dream. But none of this would have been possible without a few bumps in the road. Those setbacks made us stronger and sets us on the road to a bright future!

*But instead of applause he hears gasps and screams.*

Callaghan: Setback!?

*Krei looks behind him to see a man in a kabuki mask charging at him. Krei tries to run away but is caught by the microbots and soon joins up in the air with the man. The mask lifts up to reveals Callaghan's face.*

Callaghan: Was my daughter a setback?

Krei: Callaghan?! But you-! Your daughter, that...that was an accident!

Callaghan: No! You knew it was unsafe. My daughter is gone because of your arrogance!

*Callaghan brings up the pieces of the portal.*

Krei: What are you doing?

Callaghan: You took everything from me when you sent Abigail into that machine. Now I'm taking everything from you.

*The portal starts to activate, sucking in the pieces of his building.*

Krei: No don't! You can't!

Callaghan: You're going to watch everything you've built disappear... then it's your turn.

Hiro: Professor Callaghan!

*The team arrive to see Callaghan holding Krei.*

Hiro: Let him go! Is this what Abigail would've wanted?

Callaghan: Abigail is gone!

Hiro: This won't change anything. Trust me, I know.

Cora: I can't...speak from experience. My family lost someone very important to them when I was baby...I can't relate to their loss because I never got the chance to know them personally. But even then, I'm not going to stop being there to help and support them. Callaghan there are people out there that want to help you! It sounds crazy I know, but it's true.

*Callaghan is silent at the responses from Hiro and Cora, looking almost thoughtful. Hiro looks at Cora and realizes what she's saying; he holds her hand tightly to which Cora gives a small smile to him.*

Krei: Listen to the kids Callaghan. Please just let me go. I'll give you anything you want!

Callaghan:...I want my daughter back!

*Callaghan slips on his mask and uses the microbots to push the team away.*

Hiro: Everyone-go for the mask!

*Hiro gets on Baymax to fly around Callaghan, but he uses the microbots to stop Baymax midflight sending Hiro crashing through the window.*

Cora: Hiro!

*Cora starts running up the walls with ease thanks to her suction strength shoes.*

Hiro: Cora don't come near me! It's dangerou-AAhh!

*Hiro flails around as the ceiling gave away. He barely manages to grab a stray wire in time. He searches frantically for Cora until he sees her also clinging onto another stray wire. He lets out a small sigh of relief. Meanwhile the others were not having much luck fighting Callaghan. Baymax is pinned to the floor by the microbots. Gogo is soon encased in the microbots, Honey Lemon quickly builds a shield but the stabs tells her she doesn't have much long. Fred tries using his flames but is quickly restrained as the microbots stretch his suit. Wasabi cuts through the microbots but is soon pinned by the two pieces of the ceiling trying to crush him.*

Wasabi: Getting a little tight!

*The two teens hear their friend's distress, their minds racing trying to figure what what to do next. That's when they feel little pieces of the microbots fly into the portal.*

Hiro: Microbots...That's it! I know how to beat them!

*the gang hear Hiro through their communicator.*

Hiro: Listen up! Use those big brains of yours and think your way around the problem! Look for a new angle!

*And so they did just that. Wasabi uses his lasers to cut a hole through the floor and lands safely on the ground. Honey Lemon uses one of her chem balls to grab the microbot stab and escape.*

Fred: My arms! I can't go any further...Wait a's just a costume.

*Fred uses his real arms to grab a stray sign.*

Fred: Hello sign. Care for a little spin?!

*Fred uses the sign to cut through the microbots and escape.*

Fred: Double spin! Yeah!

*Gogo starts to spin around the microbot sphere so fast that it cuts through the microbots.*

Hiro: Baymax!

*Baymax looks up to see Hiro holding onto the wire along with Cora.*

Baymax: Hiro.

*Baymax uses his rocket fist to escape and fly up. Hiro lets go and hold onto Baymax.*

Hiro: OK Cora! Let go!

*Cora lets go of the wire and is soon caught by Hiro. She quickly goes behind him and the three fly off to join the newly freed team.*

Krei: Ah ha! I love that robot!

*Callaghan ties Krei to the sign of his building.*

Hiro: Okay! New plan! Forget about the mask-take out the microbots! They'll get sucked into the portal!

Wasabi: Now that's a plan!

Cora: Honey, Fred- Can you give us some cover?

Fred: Like you have to ask...

*Honey Lemon pulls out three chem balls to which Fred uses his fire to turn them into thick smoke. The smoke causes Callaghan to rise higher where he sees the three flying around. Meanwhile beneath the rst of the team use their gear and the decreasing gravity to take out the microbots, each of them ironically using hero catchphrases.*

Wasabi: Green blades of fury!

Gogo: Woman up!

Fred: My signs are on fire! Double sign spin!

Honey Lemon: Now that's a chemical reaction!

*Up in the air Baymax keeps punching through the microbots until Callaghan restrains him.*

Callaghan: This ends now!

*Callaghan summons his microbots...but nothing happens.*

Cora: Looks like you're out of microbots.

*Callaghan looks down when the smoke clears, revealing the ones that remain are on himself and the trapped heroes. Baymax breaks through his prison and pulls out a fist. Callaghan raises his arm waiting for the impact but it never came. He looks up to see Baymax's fist is just a few inches away from his face.*

Hiro: Our programming prevents us from injuring a human being.

Cora: But we'll take that thank you.

*Baymax grabs the mask and crushes it. With the mask destroyed the rest of the microbots collapse. Callaghan is nearly sucked to the portal until Baymax catches him and they land to safety. At the time the team had already freed Krei and are now running from the portal. The three land safely but they see that the portal is still on.*

Hiro: The portal is still active! We have to shut it down.

Krei: We can't shut it down! The containment field is failing-the portal is going to tear itself apart!

Cora: We got to get out of here then!

*Hiro, Cora, and the rest of the gang runs to safety but the teens notices that Baymax is still looking at the portal.*

Hiro: Baymax?

Baymax: My sensors is detecting signs of life, coming from there. The life signs are female. She appears to be in hyper sleep.

Hiro: Callaghan's daughter..She's still alive?

Callaghan: Abigail...

Hiro: Lets go get her.

*Hiro climbs up on Baymax but soon Cora joins him.*

Hiro: Cora get off! It's dangerous-

Cora: I wasn't there at the fire! The least I can do is help you save her.

Krei: The portal is destabilizing! You'll never make it!

Hiro: She's alive in there. Someone has to help. *to baymax* What do you say buddy?

Baymax: Flying makes me a better health companion.

*The trio launch off in the air before they head straight through the portal.*

*When they open their eyes they are blown away by the mass color and movement.*

Hiro: Careful-there's krei tech debris everywhere.

Baymax: I have located the patient.

*The trio grab hold of the pod where Hiro wipes off the frost on the window. Inside was Abigail, alive and well in a deep sleep.*

Cora: OK buddy, we'll guide you through the debris.

Hiro: Let's get her home.

*Soon Baymax starts pushing the pod with Hiro and Cora on top of it, giving directions left and right and leveling through the building.*

Cora: Baymax we're almost home!

Hiro: We're nearby!

*But Baymax notices a large debris heading their way, one the teens are too late to avoid. Baymax goes in front of them and shields the teens. When they oopen their eyes again they see Baymax, half of his armor destroyed.*

Hiro and Cora: Baymax!

*Baymax's thrusters go dead.*

Baymax: My thrustera are inoperable.

Hiro: Just grab on!

*Hiro and Cora reach their hands out to grab Baymax to safety. They look back to see the portal slowly closing.*

Baymax: There is still a way I can get you both to safety.

*Hiro and Cora are staring in disbelief as Baymax places his one remaining rocket fist at the back of the pod.*

Baymax: I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care.

Hiro: What?! What about you?

Baymax: You are my patient. Your health is my primary concerns. Are you satisfied with your care?

Cora: No! There's gotta be another way! Maybe we can-

Baymax: There is no time. Are you satisfied with your care?

Hiro: No! I can't lose you too...

Cora: Please... don't go Baymax...

Baymax: Hiro, Cora. I will always be with you.

*Hiro and Cora look at Baymax, the first person who pulled them from the darkness, is saying goodbye. But he's right, he'll always be with them. Hiro and Cora give Baymax one big hug, both trying to control their tears until they let go, with Cora placing a small kiss on Baymax's head.*

Hiro: I am satisfied with my care.

*And just like that...The rocket fist launches them to safety, while Baymax is sent deeper into the portal, farther and farther away. Cora buries herself onto Hiro to which he hugs her tightly as they finally exit the portal. The rest of them had gotten a safe distance from the portal until it finally disappears, leaving behind Hiro and Cora on top of the bot, Baymax's rocket fist still intact.*

Fred: Yeah! They made it!

*But when they got closer, all they could see is just three people.*

Wasabi: Baymax?

*Cora only buries herself further into Hiro, who simply hugs her tightly. The rest of the team stood there in a moment of shocked silence. But Abigail is alive and well. When She wakes up she finds herself being carried away by doctors.*

Doctor: Miss can you hear me? What's your name?

Abigail: Abigail Callaghan...

Doctor: OK Abigail, you're going to be fine. We're taking you to a hospital.

*Callaghan is shoved to a police car, away from his daughter. She's alive...but he won't ever see her again thanks to his actions. In the distance all six of the gang watch the scene from above before they leave.*

News reporter: A massive clean up continues today at the headquarters of Krei Tech industries. Reports are still flooding in about the group of unidentified individuals who prevented what could have been a major catastrophe. The whole city of San Fransokyo is asking-who are these heroes and where are they now?

*The news plays over at the lucky cat cafe where all six friends are hanging out. Once they start to leave Aunt Cass gives Hiro his lunch and a hug, to which Hiro gives a hug back to Cass before he joins them.*

Hiro: Last hug.

*Aunt Cass smiles at them as Cora holds Hiro's hand before they join the nerd gang. It has been weeks since then, but over time they grew from their loss and are now enjoying life. Hiro and Cora finally entered SFIT and are now in Tadashi's-Hiro's-lab. Cora is helping Hiro unpack his things to be placed at the lab, Tadashi's cap hanging on a lamp post. They finally bring out Baymax's rocket fist, placing it proudly by the window. Hiro gives the rocket fist a small fist bump.*

Hiro: Ba la la la...

*The two prepare to leave until Cora points out something in the rocket fist. They open it up to reveal Tadashi's healthcare chip. Their eyes widen as smiles grow on their faces as they realize they can bring their friend back. After many days Hiro and Cora finally finish building Baymax.*

Hiro: Ow?

*Baymax activates.*

Baymax: Hello. I am Baymax, your personal health care companion. Hello Hiro and Cora.

*The teen couple give Baymax a big hug, to which Baymax hugs back. After telling the news and discussing what to do next, they ultimately agreed on one thing. With their powers combined they can be way more.*

Hiro: We didn't set out to be super heroes..

*Baymax flies through the city with Hiro and Cora on his back.*

Hiro: But sometimes life doesn't go the way you planned.

*Fred jumps through the city as Honey uses her chem balls to travel, Gogo zooming on her skates, and Wasabi confidently running and jumping with them.*

Hiro: The god thing is, my brother wanted to help a lot of people. And that's what we're gonna do. Who are we?

*The rest of the team join up and pose heroically as they all shout in one voice.*

Everyone: BIG HERO 7!

A.N: I thought I had to make seven chapters to make this. But I made it with five! Anyway, thank you for reading the Origin story of Big Hero 7! Leave a comment below and check out Big Hero 7 the series! Its the companion fic to this one! Love you all!