*The bright lights of a city called San Fransokyo shine against the night sky and the fog, and in one of the less lit streets of the giant city there is a bot fight happening. There the sounds of people chanting over names and the mechanical gears is heard deep into the alley. One punk goth girl is battling her bot against a large sumo wrestler of a man's bot. The fight between them is fierce, even after the girl brings out her mechanical pliers into the fight the other robot brought out its saw and cut it deep into the opponent, ended the battle with leaking oil. The crowd conversed among itself as they handed the other person money over the result of the fight.*

Hime Na: The winner by total annihilation...Yama!

*The one called Yama stands up and boasts.*

Yama: Who is next? Who has the guts to step into the ring with Little Yama?!

*Just when it seems that no other bot fighter will willingly enter the fight, a young voice is heard.*

(?): Can I try?

*Yama turns his head to see a small, scrawny fourteen year old half Japanese-Half Caucasian boy with dark messy hair, a gap between his teeth and brown eyes dressed in khaki pants, sneakers, a red mecha shirt, and worn blue hoodie in the middle of the older crowd.*

(?): I have a robot. I built it myself.

*The bot itself is the same as what the other people saw in him: unimpressive, dorky, and childish robot that has no place in this stage. They laugh at him and the robot.*

Hime Na: Beat it kid. House rules- you gotta pay to play.

(?): Oh...uh.. Is this enough?

*The young boy pulls out a wad of crumpled up dollar bills.*

Yama: What's your name, little boy?

(?): Hiro...Hiro Hamada?

Yama: Prepare your bot, zero!

*The two place their bots in the ring, then sit down on opposite ends. Yama cracks his neck to which Hiro does the same, though he could only imitate the sound. Hime Na steps into the ring with an umbrella between them.*

Hime Na: Two bots enter! One bot leaves! Fighters ready?!….Fight!

*Hiro's small robot wobbles forward and as quickly as the match had started, its over with his robot in pieces on the floor.*

Hiro: Th-That was my first fight I...can I try again?

Yama: No one likes a sore loser, little boy. Go home.

*Yama is about to collect his winnings when Hiro speaks up.*

Hiro: I've got more money.

*Hiro pulls out a large,neatly rolled wad of money. Yama smirks at the boy as he places the new cash in the better's bowl.*

Hime Na: Fighters ready...fight!

*When she announces the battle, the little robot stands up perfectly as Hiro extends his controller, and his shy demeanor instantly melts away to a more mischievous personality.*

Hiro: Megabot… destroy.

*On Hiro's command, Megabot's innocent smiling face flips around to reveal its true colors. Once again the match moves quickly, only this time Megabot is the one mercilessly beating Little Yama as it gains the upper hand by literally ripping of its arm and bashing it. Megabot tightens its hold until Little Yama's head is popped off. With the battle over Megabot's devious face returns to its innocent one as it takes a bow. Hiro smirks at his easy victory as he collects his winnings.*

Hiro: Wow, no more Little Yama.

Yama: Bu-!Wha-! How! This is not possible!

*Hiro stands up to collect the rest of the money, unaware that the crowd is slowly backing away along with the lady.*

Hiro: Hey I'm as surprised as you are. Beginner's luck. Do you wanna go again?

*When Yama's large shadow is looming over him that's when he realizes that he is in major trouble.*

Hiro: Yama...?

*Hiro is pushed against the wall as Yama grabs Megabot from the teen's hands.*

Yama: No one hustles Yama!

Hiro: Whoa hey!

Yama: Teach him a lesson.

*Yama walks away as his minions make their way to Hiro, cracking their necks and forming fists.*

Hiro: Hey, fellas...Let's talk about this...

*Before the mooks can get close to Hiro a bright light is shown as it reveals itself to be a young man riding a moped and knocking out the mooks. The young man is the young teen's older brother, Tadashi Hamada.*

Tadashi: Hiro! Get on!

Hiro: Tadashi! Good timing.

*Tadashi plops a helmet on Hiro' head as he sits down behind him and drive off. Yama looks back at the scene then laughs as he remembers that he has a superior bot in his hands. That is until the innocent face of Megabot is switched to it evil face.*

Yama: Oh, Mama!

*Megabot hits Yama in the face repeatedly until it zooms back into Hiro's hands.*

Tadashi: You Okay? Are you hurt?

Hiro: No.

Tadashi: Then what were you thinking you knucklehead?!

*Tadashi starts hitting Hiro as he scolds him.*

Tadashi: You graduated high school when you were thirteen, and this is what you're doing?

*Just then at a distance Yama and his minions appear to block the escaping boys.*

Yama: You! Stop!

Tadashi: Hold on!

*Tadashi drives his moped on a wooden plank positioned upwards. Soon they are flying through the air above the criminals.*

Hiro: Woohoo! Yes!

*The moped lands safely down as they escape the men.*

Tadashi: Bot fighting is illegal! You're gonna get yourself arrested! Why didn't you quit like your girlfriend did?

Hiro: Um, first off: Cora had been doing it for four months before she retired. Second, Bot fighting is not illegal...betting on bot fighting? That's illegal! But so lucrative! I'm on a roll big big brother and there's no stopping me!

*However Tadashi had to hit the brakes when at the end of the alley way are police cars.*

Tadashi: Oh no.

*Tadashi, Hiro, and the rest of the bot fighters had been sent to the police station where they're held in jail. Hiro, being 14, has his own cell. Tadashi, however, has to be with the other grown adults since he's 18. Hiro gave a nervous wave as his brother's glare. Eventually the police contacted their guardian, Aunt Cass. After bailing them out the woman waits nervously outside until Hiro and Tadashi are free to go.*

Tadashi and Hiro: Hi, Aunt Cass.

Aunt Cass: Are you guys Okay? Tell me you're okay!

*The worried aunt hugs her nephews tightly.*

Hiro: We're fine.

*Cass lets go.*

Aunt Cass: Good...Then what were you knuckleheads thinking?!

Tadashi and Hiro: Hey! Ah!

*Aunt Cass pulls them by the ear towards the truck and starts driving home. Tadashi and Hiro are holding their sore ears.*

Aunt Cass: For ten years I have done the best I could to raise you!

*They finally arrive at their home, however at the base is a coffee shop called the Lucky Cat Cafe.*

Cass: Have I been perfect? No. Do I know anything about children? No!

*Cass pulls out her keys to open the door.*

Tadashi: We're sorry.

Hiro: We love you, Aunt Cass.

Aunt Cass: Well I love you too!

*The three enter the cafe as Cass grabs a chocolate donut from the stand.*

Aunt Cass: I had to close up early because of you two felons. On beat poetry night!

*Aunt Cass soon begins eating the donut.*

Aunt Cass: Stress eating! Because of you!

*Aunt Cass leaves to deal with the whole mess with their pet cat mochi soon joining her.*

Aunt Cass: Come on Mochi! Oh, this is really good!

*The brothers head upstairs to rest. Hiro pulls out his phone and notices a text coming from Cora, his girlfriend. He opens his phone and reads what's inside.*

Cora: You got arrested again didn't you?

*Hiro's eyes widen before he turns his head and glares at his brother, who simply shrugs. Hiro mutters himself before he texts her back.*

Hiro: It's not so bad! Sides I managed to kick the crap out of Yama's bot!

*The two finally reach their room where Hiro immediately sits down in front of his computer.*

Tadashi: You better make this up to Aunt Cass before she eats everything in the cafe.

Hiro: For sure.

Tadashi:And I hope you learned your lesson, bonehead.

*Hiro turns around quickly.*

Hiro: Yes. Absolutely.

*Tadashi quickly realizes Hiro's intention.*

Tadashi: You're going bot fighting aren't you?

Hiro: There's a fight across town, if I book I can still make it.

*Hiro picks up Megabot and starts heading out but is stopped when Tadashi grabs his hoodie and turns him around to face him.*

Tadashi: When are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yours?

Hiro: What? Go to college like you so people can tell me stuff I already know?

Tadashi: Unbelievable. Ugh, what would Mom and Dad say?

Hiro: I don't know. They're gone, they died when I was three, remember?

*Tadashi is silent over Hiro's cold remark. He does remember, they were eight and three when their parents died in a car crash. Just then Hiro catches his helmet from Tadashi.*

Tadashi: Hey, I'll take you.

Hiro: Really?

Tadashi: I can't stop you from going, but I'm not gonna let you go on your own.

Hiro: Sweet! I can't wait to tell Cora what you just said!

*However, the location they are going is the last place Hiro wanted to go.*

Hiro: What are we doing at your nerd school? Bot fight's that way!

*Tadashi parks in front of the entrance of Ito Ishioka Robotics lab.*

Tadashi: Gotta grab something.

Hiro: *Sigh*

*Hiro soon follows Tadashi inside.*

Hiro: Is this gonna take long?

Tadashi: Relax, you big baby- We'll be in and out. Anyway you've never seen my lab.

Hiro: *Sarcasm* Oh, Great! I get to see your nerd lab!

(?): Heads up!

*Before Hiro can fully enter a woman on what appears to be a motorbike zoom past him and stop. After nearly being run over Hiro takes a good look around the lab, where the other students are doing all sorts of inventions. Hiro then notices the bike itself.*

Hiro: Whoa. Electro-mag suspension...

(?): Hey!

*Hiro turns his head to see the woman in her biker's helmet.*

(?): Who're you?

Hiro: Uh...

Tadashi: Gogo, this is my brother, Hiro.

*The woman removes her helmet to show a korean girl with short black hair with a purple streak. She blows out her gum.*

Gogo: Welcome to the 'nerd lab'.

Hiro: I've never seen electro-mag suspension on a bike before.

Gogo: Zero resistance- Faster bike. But not fast enough.

*Gogo removes the wheels and throw it to the bin filled with other wheels deemed 'not fast enough.*

Gogo: Yet.

*Hiro continues to look around when a tall black man with dreads cut in.*

(?): Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Do not move! Behind the line please!

*Hiro steps back behind the line, slightly confused.*

Tadashi: Hey, Wasabi. This is my brother, Hiro.

Wasabi: Hello, Hiro. prepared to be amazed.

*Wasabi gets behind what appears to be a blank space with a whole apple.*

Wasabi: Catch.

*Wasabi throws the apple but then the apple is cut in ultra thin slices. It was then Wasabi turns on the machine to reveal what had cut the apple.*

Hiro: Wow! Laser-induced plasma?

Wasabi: Oh yeah. With a little Magnetic confinement for ultra-precision.

*Wasabi walks over to his tool set all set aligned and organized.*

Hiro: How do you find anything in this mess?

Wasabi: I have a system. There's a place for everything, and everything in its place.

Gogo: Need this.

*Gogo grabs one of the tools in the set, inadvertently knocking every other tool out of its place.*

Wasabi: You can't do that! This is anarchy! Society has rules!

*While Wasabi goes after Gogo for messing up his system, a blonde tall girl with pink glasses listening to her phone literally rolls by Hiro with a giant ball.*

(?): Excuse me! Coming through!

*She places the giant ball in its place as she recognizes the brothers.*

(?): Tadashi! Ohmigosh you must be Hiro!

*She walks over to the boy.*

(?): I've heard so much about you!

*She give quick kisses to his cheeks, which for a moment he blushes until he remembers he has a girlfriend.*

Honey Lemon: Perfect timing! Perfect timing!

*Hiro and the woman look at the giant ball she rolled through.*

Hiro: That's a whole lot of tungsten carbide.

(?): Four hundred pounds of it!

*The woman moves Hiro through her chemistry set.*

(?): You're gonna love this. A dash of perchloric acid! A smidge of cobalt... a hint of hydrogen peroxide! Super heated to five hundred kelvin- And..

*Once she was done mixing the chemicals she sprays the liquid around the metallic ball which floated around until she uses electricity to coat the ball in a bright pink color.*

(?): Tada! It's pretty great huh?

Hiro: It's

(?): Here's the best part!

*She merely touches the ball with her finger which causes it to explode into pink dust.*

Hiro: Whoa.

*The woman ends up covered in the pink dust.*

(?): I know right?! Chemical metal embrittlement!

Tadashi: Not bad, Honey Lemon.

Hiro: 'Honey Lemon', 'Gogo', 'Wasabi'?

*In the background Wasabi walks out the door.*

Wasabi: I spill wasabi on my shirt one time people! One Time!

Tadashi: Fred is the one who comes up with all the nicknames.

Hiro: Who's Fred?

(?): This guy right here!

*Hiro turns his head to see a bipedal lizard man.*

Hiro: Ahhh!

Fred: Ah-ah, don't be alarmed- It's just a suit. This is not my real face and body.

*Fred pulls up the head to show himself. He's a lanky blonde man with a green kaiju beanie.*

Fred: Name's Fred. School mascot by day. But by night...

*Fred performs rather skilled sign board movement before posing.*

Fred: I'm also the school's mascot.

Hiro: So...What's your major?

*Fred sits down on a chair.*

Fred: No, no, no, no. I'm not a student. But I am a major science enthusiast.

*Fred pulls out a comic book.*

Fred: I've been trying to get honey lemon to develop a formula that can turn me into a fire-breathing lizard at will. But she say's that's 'not science'.

Honey Lemon: It's really not.

*Soon the other three gathered around Fred.*

Fred: And I guess the shrink ray I asked Wasabi for isn't 'science' either.

Wasabi: Nope.

Fred: Well, then- What about a growth serum? Laser eyes? What about an invisible sandwich? Imagine you're eating a sanwich but everyone just thinks you're crazy!

Wasabi: Just stop.

*While they are chattering Tadashi motions Hiro to go to his private lab, then before Hiro fully exits the door he takes a quick picture of them from his phone so he can send it to Cora later. While they are walking Tadashi looks at Hiro.*

Tadashi: Ya know, if Cora were here, I'd bet she'd be excited over this place.

Hiro: I can see why. She'd love it here.

*Hiro then texts Cora about the place so far and asks that she face time so she can get a better view. He gets a response saying that she'll face time soon but after the movie she's watching with her father goes to commercials. Hiro chuckles before he puts his phone in his pocket. The finally enter Tadashi's lab.*

Hiro: So, what have you been working on?

Tadashi: I'll show you.

*Tadashi pulls out a duct tape strip.*

Hiro: Duct tape? Hate to break it to you bro. Already been invented.

*But Tadashi simply cuts the tape strip and places it on Hiro's arm.*

Hiro: Hey!

*Soon he pulls off the tape leaving Hiro's arm stinging.*

Hiro: Dude! Ow!

*Just then they here a beeping noise as the red box behind them activates. Soon it inflates what appears to be a robotic marshmallow.*

Tadashi: This is what I've been working on.

*Hiro looks at the robot as it slowly waddles towards him. But on his journey the bot bumps into a chair, so he simply picks it up and gently places it to the side before he is finally face to face with Hiro.*

Baymax: Hello. I am Baymax- Your personal healthcare companion. I was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said...ow.

Hiro: A robotic nurse?

Baymax: On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?

Hiro: Physical? Or emotional?

*Tadashi playfully pouts at Hiro.*

Baymax: I will scan you now.

*Hiro stands still before Baymax speaks.*

Baymax: Scan Complete. You have a slight epidermal abrasion on your forearm. I suggest an antibacterial spray.

Hiro: Whoa, whoa, whoa- What's in the spray specifically?

Baymax: The primary ingredient is-bacitracin.

Hiro: Ooh bummer. I'm actually allergic to that.

Baymax: You are not allergic to Bacitracin. But you do have a mild allergy to...peanuts.

*While Baymax sprays the medicine Hiro talks to Tadashi.*

Hiro: Not bad, You've done serious coding on this thing huh?

Tadashi: Uh huh. Programmed him with over ten thousands medical procedures.

*Tadashi opens a slot on Baymax's chest to reveal a green chip.*

Tadashi: This chip is what makes Baymax, Baymax.

*Hiro pushes the chip back inside as he looks around Baymax.*

Hiro: Vinyl?

Tadashi: Yeah, going for a non-threatening, huggable design.

Hiro: He looks like a giant Marshmallow* to Baymax* No offense.

Baymax: I am a robot. I cannot be offended.

*Hiro looks up to inspect Baymax's 'eyes'*

Hiro: Hyper-spectral cameras?

Tadashi: Yep.

* Hiro then pushes his face into Baymax's belly to see his skeleton.*

Hiro: Titanium skeleton?

Tadashi: Carbon fiber.

Hiro: Right, even lighter. Killer actuators! Where did you get them?!

Tadashi: Machined 'em right here- in house.

Hiro: Really?

Tadashi: Yep. He can lift a thousand pounds.

*Hiro releases his face from Baymax's belly.*

Hiro: Shut. Up!

Baymax: You have been a good boy. Have a lollipop.

*Baymax dispenses a red lollipop for Hiro.*

Hiro: Nice!

*Hiro grabs the lollipop and starts sucking it.*

Baymax: I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care.

Hiro: Well, then- I am satisfied with your care.

*Bayamax waddles off to his charger.*

Tadashi: He's going to help a lot of people.

Hiro: What kind of battery doe he use?

Tadashi: Lithium Ion.

Hiro: Super capacitors would charge way faster.

Tadashi: Huh.

*Just then Hiro's phone buzzes, signaling that he's receiving a call. He answers it to reveal a face time call from Cora. The camera shows a young 14 year girl with dyed blue hair and purple contacts. She smiles as she tries to look around the place.*

Cora: Where are you? This doesn't look any place I see.

Tadashi: That's cause this is my 'nerd school'.

Cora: Really? I didn't think you would go there. It looks kinda cool so far, especially since you sent me those texts.

*Just then they heard a knock from the door, revealing himself to be a grandfatherly like man.*

Professor: Burning the midnight oil Mr. Hamada?

Tadashi: Oh, hey Professor. Actually I was just finishing up.

Professor: You must be Hiro. Bot fighter right? And I guess the little lady there is Cora. When my daughter was younger, that's all she wanted to do.

* The girl on the screen blushes as she looks down.*

Professor: May I?

*Hiro hands Megabot to the professor.*

Callaghan: Hmm. Magnectic-Bearing servos.

Hiro: Pretty sick huh? Wanna see how I put them together?

*Hiro steps out the lab with the professor when Tadashi taps the wall to temporarily be see through.*

Tadashi: Hey genius-He invented them.

*Hiro's eyes widen as Cora in the phone lets out a small gasp.*

Hiro: You're Robert Callaghan? As in the Callaghan-catmull spline? Callaghan's Laws of Robotics!

Cora: It's a pleasure to meet you sir! W-well not physically meet, m-more like 'see' but...Nice to meet you!

Callaghan: Pleasure. Have you two ever thought about applying here? Your ages wouldn't be an issue.

Tadashi: I don't know...he's pretty serious about his career in bot-fighting.

Hiro: Well..kind of serious.

*They walk down the hall as they talk.*

Cora: I-I d-would to go but...I'm not sure if that's OK with dad...sides I don't know if we can afford going...

Callaghan: That's alright. There's plenty of scholarships and a helpful financial aid system that should help you pay for it. I'd love to meet you in person Miss Mizichio.

*Cora smiles as she blushes again.*

Callaghan: And Hiro, I can see why. With your bot, winning must come easy.

Hiro: Yeah, I guess.

*Hiro and Tadashi get on the elevator.*

Callaghan: Well. if you like things easy, then my program isn't for you. We push the boundaries of robotics here. My students go on to shape the future. Nice to meet you two, and Hiro good luck with the bot fights.

*The elevator closes on them as they head back to the moped outside.*

Tadashi: You gettin' on? We've got to hurry if you want to catch that bot-fight!

*Hiro turns around*

Hiro: I have to go here! If I don't go to this nerd school, I'm going to lose my mind! How do I get in?

Cora: Make that 'we' Hiro, cause I am so going there!

Hiro: Really?! Are you sure about this? You've been home-schooled!

Cora: I get it, new people, actual teachers. But its an adventure! And with you guys I can do whatever it takes!

*Tadashi smiles at the two, happy that he finally convienced his brother to go to college and put his brain to good use. The added bonus is that now Cora, a home-schooled teen prodigy, wants to go to the same college with Hiro. No doubt that they'll make amazing things together in SFIT.*

A.N: The moment you've been waiting for...An official Big Hero 7 fanfic movie origin! I'm planning on writing seven total chapters for this fic cause of reasons! Leave a comment below and check out Big Hero 7 the series, Fire and Ice roses, and Baymax and Cora on my author's page! Love You!