Deep in Space…

"Order! Order!"

"We will have order!" a light brown skinned alien with a single horn protruding from his head shouts over an ever increasing crowd of various aliens shouting a bunch of things.

The crowd of aliens sounded furious from the stands, at what was unknown but the male alien's shouting went unheard as they continued to yell and talk amongst each other in various languages.

"Silence!" a booming voice calls out as then a massive, circular monitor at the center of the dome-shaped room lights up bringing complete silence from the crowds. The alien audience stand up as if in respect to whoever was about to appear, as then on the monitor a large, oval-shaped metallic, almost robotic-looking face with yellow eyes appeared. "This High Tribunal is now convened. Never before have so many put aside their differences, and come together in pursuit of a single goal." the face spoke.

Just as then two more faces appear, one on either side as the one male-looking face on the left had somewhat distinguishable teeth being shown and a black spot beneath almost making it look like a goatee. While the face on the right was more feminine in appearance.

"But never before has there been a crime so heinous, so vast that it had the power to unite us in grief and revulsion." the female head spoke as the aliens take their seats.

"We are gathered here today to seek justice." the other male head spoke.

A somewhat slender alien in a white suit with black lines, a bulbous-looking head with two blue and black circles at either side of where his ears would be, stands at a control panel as he looks up at the crowd. Looking at the three "judges" the alien presses a few buttons on the panel which suddenly brings his hovering podium into the air as he approaches the monitor's the three judges faces are on.

"Where is the accused?" the center face asks.

"Unfortunately he is still at large." the "prosecutor" reports.

The toothy face and female face look at the center face before looking back forward "Manhunters! Step forward!"

At the back of the room were eight massive, and bulking red and blue robots, standing at what appeared to be seven-feet tall with bulking upper bodies, the robots had their arms crossed and short, silver batons in their hands. Upon hearing the order the Manhunters marched forward up to the judges stopping a few feet away from them "This is no ordinary criminal. Finding him and bringing him back will almost certainly involve great peril. Are you prepared for that?" The central judge asked.

"No man escapes the Manhunters." the lead Manhunter speaks up.

"NO MAN ESCAPES THE MANHUNTERS!" the others follow.

The other two heads look at the center one once more before looking back forward "Show us an image of the accused." The lead Manhunter said.

"He's a native of the planet Earth." the Prosecutor speaks up as he presses a button on his control panel.

A large circular light at the top of the room shines down like a spotlight, an image began to form until eventually, a 3D image of John Stewart, the Green Lantern appeared "The Green Lantern, known as John Stewart."

It had been well over a few months since the Imperium Invasion. In those few months the surviving and straggling alien soldiers have all but been dealt with, not a single one of them going down without a fight, not a single one of them surrendered. After that, the world focused on rebuilding everything that had been lost. The casualties humanity sustained were high, but they would have been higher had the heroes of the world not stepped in when they did. Once they had discovered their weakness, fighting back became a lot more simpler, taking out their factories was the number one priority to keep them underground since they couldn't fight in the sun, after that it was taking out their walkers and what little ships they had left since they didn't suffer from the same weakness. With their bases and vehicles out of the way, it was just searching for what pockets of resistance remained and then dealing with them. Once again, an alien invasion had been thwarted, and Earth was saved, for now like always though anyways. And then there's the fact there's a new group of well-known heroes now protecting the planet, a group that came to be known as...the Justice League.

Superman, Batman, Diana who goes by the alias Wonder Woman as the populous calls her, Flash, Hawkgirl, Green Lantern, and J'onn who some people have dubbed Martian Manhunter for some odd reason. Now they were all some kind of superhero team. A team that Superman felt was necessary following our victory over the Imperium, a team that both the First and Second Hokage: Hashirama and Tobirama Senju were now currently a part of. Once the world had been rebuilt, the entire Justice League, minus Batman for obvious reasons, introduced themselves to the whole world at a UN Press Conference. They explained how the team would work together, as fellow heroes to protect the planet from anymore future threats to the Earth, not just domestically, but from space, and anywhere else as well.

And with that, everything had gone back to some semblance of normalcy, well other than a few small situations here and there involving some small time villains, or just normal criminals, nothing the other members of the League couldn't handle themselves. At the most the two Senju had just gotten stuck dealing with some lowly criminals, no one too big. But other than those minor incidents, things have really been quiet lately. From the apartment that he and Hashirama had currently been staying at by the balcony, Tobirama looked up to the sky, "A little too quiet I must admit," he said as the sky was blue and empty of clouds, the sun shining brightly over the city.


Out in the middle of space, an alien cruiser was transporting a prisoner to the Citadel in order for the prisoner to be their slave. The aliens were big blue colored lizard like creatures with yellow wings, red eyes, and were armed with long yellow spears which shoot energy blasts from the tips. On the inside of the ship, the aliens guarding the prisoner's cell hear a bunch of screaming and banging from the inside of the cell and back away slowly from the door. Two more guards emerge from the hall to see what is causing all the ruckus.

"Will the doors hold?" One of the guards asked.

"They must! She cannot be allowed to escape," The second guard said.

"By Lord Trogaar's orders, we must keep this door sealed," another guard said.

"And if the door does not hold?" The fourth guard asked in fear.

"Then may Zorg help us all," The previous guard said. Suddenly the glass on the door cracked and a pair of green glowing eyes peered out from the cell. The guards backed away in fear until with one final scream, the door was finally busted down revealing a teenaged girl with red hair, orange skin, was wearing full body armor, a grey crown on her head and had huge restraints on her hands. The girl yelled something in an alien language in anger before punching a guard away. She then knocked the two other guards into the wall before blocking a strike from the last guard. Using her super strength, the girl managed to brake the spear the guard had before kicking him into the wall, accidently activating the alarm system. Seeing this, the girl made a hole in the ship before flying down to the nearest planet, Earth.


Orbiting high above the planet Earth was the new space station designated as, the Watchtower. Not only was it a station designed to help in detecting any incoming alien invasions, it was also the main headquarters of the newly formed Justice League. With the Watchtower the nine heroes who made up the Justice League, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter, Hashirama, and Tobirama could keep watch over the Earth and protect it from dangers both at home, and from afar. Thanks to Batman's alter ego the League could now truly have a place that would allow them to detect signs of any danger that could be happening on the planet, or approaching it, allowing them to then respond to the threat and stop it.

Somewhere on the Watchtower was Hashirama as he was exploring the whole place, even though the station was quite massive and it was completely different from what he used to during his long life as a shinobi, it was honestly quite...well quiet. The Watchtower was largely an automated facility, as such there was no need for an extensive crew of engineers, or anyone really to help in maintaining and operating it save for the main nine of the League. Batman of course had it all down, J'onn was quickly learning, Superman, Hawkgirl, and John were doing alright, Flash was surprisingly doing quite well, the only slow one on the uptaking of maintaining and operating the station's many things was Diana, but she did come from an island that is for the most part still stuck in the times of Ancient Greece but she was getting there. As for the two Hokage with the shinobi's ability to quickly adapt to their surroundings and partly due to the Mind Reading Technique, they too were very quick on learning how to maintain the Watchtower and whatnot when it needed to be.

"I think we really need to liven this place up more. I wonder if Batman and the others would agree with perhaps expanding this League sometime in the future? Perhaps recruit some more possible allies around here maybe so the place isn't so ghostly quiet. I'm sure my brother and the Flash can agree with me on that," Hashirama said to himself in a humorous tone as he walked off.

"Back on Thanagar you were a cop huh?" The First Hokage heard Flash ask someone, the name Thanagar meaning he was most likely talking to Hawkgirl since that was her homeworld.

Even though she looked like a human, Hawkgirl was also an alien like Superman, the wings on her back were actually part of her body and not fake or made-up, plus the mace she wielded was made of a special metal from her homeworld called Nth Metal. While the both siblings had gotten to learn a bit more about some of their new acquainted comrades whenever they had some down time, the least they had gotten on anyone's background was Hawkgirl who had told the two Hokage some things about her life but for the most part kept quiet. Hashirama himself found it a bit odd, but perhaps she was entitled to her secrets which the elder Senju could understand as shinobi were trained to keep vital information to themselves even if it cost them their lives.

"Detective." Hashirama heard Hawkgirl reply.

"What's it like there?" Hashirama entered the main hub of the Watchtower as off to his right he spotted Flash and Hawkgirl. Flash crouched down near one of the control console pits where Hawkgirl appeared to be at work fixing something.

"Same as anywhere I suppose. There are criminals and we catch them." Hawkgirl answered Flash's question, closing the panel back up as she walked over to him.

"And what about when you're not catching criminals? When you're at work?" Flash asked.

"What about it?" Hawkgirl asked.

Hashirama slowly shook his head, just another attempt by Flash to flirt with one of the women of the team.

"Well, is there a Hawkboy?" Flash questioned as then the elevator opened up with J'onn exiting from it.

Hashirama looked over seeing him as J'onn seemed to sense him and looked over as well, the Hokage giving a friendly wave as J'onn nodded his head acknowledging him while still heading towards Flash and Hawkgirl. Just then Hawkgirl flew out from the pit over to J'onn, a mischievous smile on her lips as she looked back at Flash for a second "I'll be doing maintenance." she said before turning and heading towards the elevator.

"And once again she avoids talking about her past." Hashirama said in his head.

Flash zooms over to J'onn's side as the two watch her walk off, the two look at each other, the same serious and monotone look on J'onn's face "What? Don't you ever get lonely?" Flash asks in a humorous tone.

Hashirama could only facepalm at Flash's comment "Idiot…" he says under his breath since Flash seems to have forgotten what happened to J'onn's people…

"More than you could imagine." J'onn says, Flash's eyes widening as he realizes what he just said as a saddened look comes to J'onn's face.

"Sorry I didn't mean too-" Flash is cut off when the Watchtower's alarm system begins going off and the red lights repeatedly flash.

J'onn turns and starts running "It's an incursion!" he states as he and Flash run over to the nearby viewing window. Outside the two spot a group of three red and blue robots fly past the Watchtower heading towards the Earth.

"More like an invasion!" Flash says getting serious as Hashirama ran up beside them spotting the robots himself.

"I'll notify the others." J'onn says as he turns and flies off.

A second after he heads off Hashirama turns, and smacks Flash on the back of the head "Ow! What was that for?" he asks a bit annoyed by this.

"For that comment you said to J'onn," Hashirama said in a stern tone before running off, Flash looking at him still slightly annoyed before zooming off to the hangar.

Getting Hawkgirl, the four heroes head to the hangar and board the Javelin 7, a spaceship designed by Batman to act as the League's personal aircraft for missions.

"Wonder Woman is on another case. Superman is dealing with an Earthquake, Tobirama is on patrol in his city, and Batman would only say that he's busy." J'onn informed the group as they took their seats, Hawkgirl as the pilot as she and J'onn began working to power the ship up.

"Typical." Was all Hawkgirl said in remarks to Batman's case.

"What about GL?" Flash asks as he and Hashirama took up the passenger seats behind the other two.

"I couldn't reach him." J'onn replied narrowing his eyes.

"All I saw were three of those machines, none of them didn't seem that intimidating, if all we need to do is deal with three opponents. I feel like we can handle them no problem." Hashirama spoke up.

"Those robots are Manhunters, I recognize them from anywhere. Don't go underestimating them, they're really tough." Hawkgirl said.

Firing up the engines and opening the hangar bay doors, the Javelin 7 blasted out of the hangar and towards the planet below.

Los Angeles, California

Meanwhile, Tobirama was busy patrolling the streets of Los Angeles, looking for any signs of criminal activity. It was thanks to him and his older brother that crime had gone down significantly, it wasn't same as protecting Konoha but in his heart, Tobirama was glad that he had a second chance in this world and would protect it until his dying breath. Suddenly, the Second Hokage stopped when he saw a green streak fly though the sky before crashing into the city in a green explosion.

"Well that's rather unusual," Tobirama remarked before heading off to investigate the strange object.

City Center

Right near a pizzeria, people were crowding around the crater trying to figure out what it was, when the girl from outer space emerged from the smoke. She slid down from the crater and started yelling in her native language in anger. Terrified, one of the citizens took a picture of her with his camera, the flash irritating her. Angered, the girl started to thrash around and smash everything that came in her path, scaring all the citizens away. After awhile, the girl tried to remove the restraints with her own strength but they were designed to specifically so that she could not break them on her own. She looked around for something else to break the restraints with and saw the pole that was holding the second floor of the pizzeria up and started to bash her restraints against them. However, some people were still on the second floor and the more she bashed at the pole, the closer the second floor came to collapsing. Just as she was about to go for another bash, a shuriken came flying through the air and hit her directly in the face. Doing nothing more than anger her more, she turned to see Tobirama standing atop a nearby car.

"Who are you and why are you attacking these people?" The shinobi asked before getting into a fighting stance. In response, the girl leapt into the air before falling down and attempted to crush Tobirama but he was able to easily dodge out of the way. He continued to effortlessly dodge and weave out of the way from her attacks until with one final dodge he threw a kunai that had a paper bomb attached to it at the girl which caused a large explosion. When the smoked cleared, Tobirama saw that the girl was mostly unharmed from the explosion. Surprise came over him when he saw the girl easily lift a nearby car into the air with just her foot before kicking it at him, luckily Tobirama was able to move out of the way. Eventually, the car crashed into a building.

"Hmm, impressive for one so young," The Second Hokage said to himself.

While in his thoughts, he barely managed to see the girl move in close and nearly hit him with her restraints, but the shinobi was able to block it with his Raijin Sword. The girl tried to strike him again but Tobirama moved out of the way, waving a few hand signs to preform his signature jutsu.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Missile!"

The giant water dragon rammed her hard into a nearby car. The girl got out of the car now covered in a few bruises and scratches with her clothing a bit torn. But the girl simply cracked her neck in response. She said something in her language before jumping at Tobirama again. Deciding that he had enough, the Hokage readied another jutsu.

"Water Style: Aqua Mirror Jutsu!"

Out of thin air, Tobirama created a large, flat circular pool of water that acted as a sort of mirror. Thinking that this was a shield her enemy was using to defend himself, the girl prepared to smash through the mirror but what happened next was something that no one could of prepared for. The girl's reflection in the mirror seemed to literally emerge and materialize right from the reflective surface much to the girl's shock and disbelief. Her reflection easily countered her attack and slammed her handcuffed fists right into the girl's midsection, sending her flying into a nearby wall. Before she could recover, Tobirama was already in front of her with his sword aimed at her throat.

"Do you yield?" Tobirama said coldly. He then noticed the fear in her eyes, even if she was trying to hide it. Realizing that there'd be no point in striking down a defenseless opponent, Tobirama lowered his weapon much to the girl's surprise before stabbing the handcuffs, which removed them as they fell to the ground with a large thud.

"There." Tobirama said as he turned to leave. "Now leave this place before I change my mind."

"Mezna?" The woman asked in her language still in shock that he didn't finish her, he even freed her from the rest of the cuffs.

But she wasn't wasting this chance as she flew off.


The woman landed in a nearby alley looking around until she saw a homeless person nearby, so she grabbed him and kissed him to the mans shock, before she flew off again.

The man blinked as he looked at his bottle of beer.

"I need to get more of this stuff."

Detroit, Michigan

The three Manhunters landed in the middle of a busy street, cars were backed up for miles by the looks of it and their landing did not miss the attention of the large number of people walking the streets who all stared at the giant robots in confusion and fear due to their intimidating look. The Manhunters ignored the civilians, only one of them glancing a quick look at a few of them as they began marching forward in their search for John Stewart. Getting bad vibes from these robots some of the civilians began running away to safety, others took cover behind whatever they could find, while the people in their cars stayed in them.

The Manhunters got a few feet before suddenly "Stop!" the voice of J'onn yelled out catching their attention.

The Javelin 7 hovered high in the air just a few feet above the buildings as the four heroes disembarked the ship, Hawkgirl carrying Flash down while J'onn calmly floated down, Hashirama simply just dropped from the ramp right onto the street without any sort of injury or problem.

"What do you want here?" J'onn questioned in a demanding voice as he narrowed his eyes.

"John Stewart, the Green Lantern." the lead Manhunter answers.

"What for?" Flash asked.

"That's not your concern." the Manhunter replies as he continues forward, only for Hawkgirl to walk straight up to him stopping him in his tracks again.

"Wanna bet?" She challenged looking up at the Manhunter.

The Manhunter took a swing at her trying to swat her away, but Hawkgirl ducked down dodging it and retaliates with a battle cry throwing her mace up. The Manhunter is surprisingly fast however and manages to catch both her wrists in his grasp, with great strength he lobs Hawkgirl right over his head and sends her flying far. Flash reacts to this, speeding off after her, jumping onto and over the cars piling the street as he eventually jumps into the air and manages to catch her in his arms while landing on top of a bus.

"Aren't you gonna thank me?" Flash asks in a humorous tone.

"Down boy." Hawkgirl replies in a playful tone before taking back off into the sky.

Flash drops back onto the street and does a U-turn as he and Hawkgirl begin making their way back over to the others.

J'onn launches himself at the lead Manhunter but the robot throws his right hand forward, striking J'onn in the chest with his baton as electricity surges out from the end shocking and causing him to fly right over the Manhunter and crash a few feet away. The lead Manhunter turns and takes a few steps towards the downed J'onn to face him while the remaining two take a few steps towards Decade.

Hashirama pulls out his sword as he charged forward. The two Manhunters aim their batons forward and fire energy blasts from the front ends, the shots flying and impacting around the shinobi as he continued forward before jumping into the air and bringing his sword down. The Manhunter on his right sidesteps the sword as he comes down causing him to hit the ground, Hashirama is quickly able to throw his sword upwards forcing the Manhunter back before spinning around and throwing several kunai at the other Manhunter right behind him.

This time Hashirama lands a strike across the chest as sparks fly from the Manhunter, however the Manhunter doesn't even react to the hit, "That's unexpected," The elder Senju said, looking up at the Manhunter's expressionless face.

Hashirama tries again with a downward diagonal slash but once again the Manhunter shows no reaction or pain to the attack, Hashirama took a step back as he narrowed his eyes but recovers immediately as he tries another attack. This time going straight at stabbing the Manhunter, however the Manhunter catches the blade of his sword stopping it in its tracks. Hashirama then attempts to pull his sword free but fails, he tries again but this time the Manhunter releases its grip, only for the second Manhunter to grab Hashirama by his arm and toss him away but the First Hokage is able to land gracefully on his feet.

J'onn recovers and stares directly at the lead Manhunter in anger with a growl, the Manhunter holds his baton out which then extends into a staff. Gripping it with both hands the Manhunter turns a dial near the center of the staff as a strange whirring sound emits from the weapon. Aiming his staff forward the tip of it lights up in a blue light just as J'onn launches himself at the Manhunter again, only for the Manhunter to once again slam his weapon into his chest as this time a more powerful blast of electricity emits from the staff sending J'onn flying far and crashing through a window into an apartment building.

The three Manhunters casually regroup and begin walking off again, only for Hawkgirl to fly in from behind and slam her mace into the back of the lead Manhunters head sending him flying forward a few feet and crashing to the ground head first skidding to a halt. The Manhunter gets right back up as if the attack didn't even faze him as he turns to face Hawkgirl again, Hawkgirl swings her mace but the Manhunter blocks it and pushes it down with his staff. Hawkgirl pulls her weapon back and tries to take another swing but the Manhunter hits first, shooting her with an energy blast and sending her flying into a nearby restaurant window.

Flash watches this happen and sees her hit the far back wall inside the restaurant even going right through it destroying the wall while alerting the people inside as to what was happening. Angered by this Flash turns and speeds off towards the Manhunters, the robots once again casually marching forward until they seem to hear Flash running towards them, the lead Manhunter turns and spots Flash coming right at him. The Manhunter holds his staff out and clotheslines Flash, sending him onto his back skidding across the ground and then crashing right into a car back first.

"Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb!"

A dragon made out of fire shot forward, aiming right at their faces, but the lead Manhunter managed to rapidly spin his staff around dispersing the flame. Once the fire is put out, the other two Manhunters aim their staffs forward and fire energy blasts, But the God of Shinobi was able to easily dodge and evade such basic attacks. "Alright, that does it. Enough messing around." Hashirama stated as he prepared another jutsu.

The three Manhunters continue walking calmly down the street, Hawkgirl once again appears soaring through the air coming at them from behind, and just as she is about to hit the lead Manhunter with her mace the Manhunter raises his staff backwards and strikes her without looking. Electrifying her and pulling Hawkgirl over slamming her onto the hood of a car knocking her out, the Manhunter stands above her and raises his staff electrifying the bottom end as he prepares to finish Hawkgirl off.

"Back off!" A voice shouts.

Looking forward the lead Manhunter narrows his eyes in annoyance, as Superman came flying in slamming right into the Manhunter pushing him back into the wall of a building. Superman pulls his right arm back but before he can throw a punch he is shot from behind, causing him to cry out in pain and turn around to see one of the other Manhunters aiming his staff at him. Superman attempts to charge him but the Manhunter fires again hitting him and pushing him back, however Superman is able to stop himself sliding to a halt as the Manhunter fires a continuous stream of energy into the man of steel. Superman fights back giving it his all and taking the beam of energy as he begins pushing towards the Manhunter, the Manhunter amplifying his weapons power level into a larger beam, Superman struggling even more now to force his way through as he continues inching closer and closer to the Manhunter.

With one final push Superman manages to reach the Manhunter and grabbing the end of its staff breaks it, causing the weapon to malfunction and explode, both remain unharmed by the explosion as Superman uses this opportunity to grab the rest of the staff and push it into the Manhunter's chin. Forcing the Manhunter to release its grip as he pulls the staff from the hands and breaks it in half with his right knee. Superman attacks the Manhunter again who manages to grab him by the shoulders, but is unable to stop him as Superman manages to pick him up and toss the Manhunter towards the other Manhunter just as it is recovering sending them both crashing into the wall.

Flash speeds in while Hawkgirl begins to recover "We thought you were busy with an earthquake?" Flash asks stopping behind Superman.

"It was just a 4.0. You mind telling me what's going on here?" Superman asks still unsure of what was going on.

"I wish I-" but Flash is unable to finish answering him as both he and Superman are suddenly blasted from behind and go down, the third Manhunter standing atop a car aiming its staff at them. The two occupants of the car quickly get out and run away in terror. The Manhunter aims his staff at the two downed heroes and prepares to fire again when J'onn flies in from above and drops straight down on top of the Manhunter, slamming it right into the car and causing it to explode as J'onn quickly jump flips away before it goes off.

Superman and Flash begin to recover while J'onn starts heading over to assist them, when suddenly the car begins getting lifted up, the Manhunter having off survived completely unscathed as it prepares to toss the flaming car at J'onn who is unaware of this.

"J'onn!" Flash yells out.

Making J'onn turn back around just as the Manhunter throws the car, luckily Flash zooms through and grabs J'onn taking him out of the path of the incoming car just as it lands where he used to be. The car begins skidding down the street heading towards a gas station, Superman quickly flies in to try and stop it and while he does the car still goes off causing a chain reaction that takes out both the car and the gas station, sending up a huge fireball and pillar of smoke.

"Wood Style: Cutting Sprigs Jutsu!"

The Manhunter turns around upon hearing this, only to be greeted by Hashirama with wooden spikes growing from his arm cutting right across the chest of the Manhunter, this time sending it spiraling around and falling to the ground. The First Hokage turned and came to a stop as he looks back at the Manhunter to see it standing up, this time a large cut across its chest with oil bleeding out from the damage done "That's better." he said.

The three Manhunters regroup as the other two walk in from behind, the lead Manhunter once again taking center stage standing in front of the other two as the heroes do the same thing.

"You bucket of bolts ready for round two?" Flash questions as he and the others are ready to continue the fight.

"Hang on a second." Hashirama spoke up putting his right arm out in front of Flash and the others, confusing them as he turned towards them "Allow me."

Turning back towards the Manhunters, Hashirama said "Let's see how you Manhunters deal with this." Waving more hand signs, the shinobi readied another technique from his vast arsenal of jutsu.

"Wood Style: Wood Clone Jutsu!"

Several exact wooden clones of Hashirama seemed to emerge out of his body, the Manhunters remain unfazed by this while the other heroes look on a bit in awe "Prepare yourself," Hashirama said calmly. Each clone shooting a powerful blast of each of the five chakra nature out of their mouths consisting of fire, water, earth, wind, and lighting streaming towards the Manhunter who all turned up the power of their staffs by twisting the dial in order to counter these attacks, just as the multiple attacks were about to collide a giant wall made of green energy appears from nowhere between the two, taking both attacks and causing an explosion as Hashirama and the other heroes cover their faces from this. Once the explosion dies down everyone lowers their arms to see the giant construct of a wall still standing, before shattering completely.

"STOP!" a familiar voice booms out catching everyone's attention, even the Manhunter's.

Looking up towards the smoke rising into the air from the gas station the heroes spot the continuous stream of green energy that created the giant wall as then a few seconds later their friend and fellow hero, John Stewart, the Green Lantern comes slowly floating through. A serious look on his face as he descends towards the ground "GL! Better late than never!" Flash calls out.

"Green Lantern, what's the meaning of this? We were just about to end this threat." Hashirama questioned as the wood clones all disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Lantern retracts the energy into his ring and lands between the two groups before turning to face the lead Manhunter, just as the other two recover and regroup on either side behind him. Just then, to the heroes confusion Green Lantern suddenly approaches the Manhunters in a calm manner, showing no signs of attacking them as he simply walks up to the lead Manhunter "You are the Green Lantern known as John Stewart?"

"I am." John answers.

The Manhunter holds out his left hand, the palm opened and facing upwards "Your ring." he demands.

Lantern looks up at the Manhunter before raising his right hand up and taking his Green Lantern Ring off his finger, handing it right over into the Manhunter's hand without question

"Hm?" Hashirama wondered.

"John?" Superman says shocked to see this.

"What are you doing?!" Flash questions also in shock.

"Stay out of this." John says looking back at them.

"You will come with us." the Manhunter states, the other two approaching John from either side as they place large handcuffs on his arms. John doesn't even put up a struggle, he just looks down with a look of remorse as suddenly a beam of golden light shines down surrounding him and the Manhunters. After a few seconds John and the Manhunters disappear from view and the beam of light shoots right back up into the sky, leaving behind five confused and lost heroes. None of them with a clue as to what just happened as Superman and the others all exchange looks with one another.

Hashirama simply looked up at the sky "You gave up without a fight. Just what is going on in that head of yours, Lantern?"

Los Angeles

Tobirama had just finished his patrol and was ready to head home when a shadow encompassed the whole street and the Second Hokage looked up to see a giant bronze spaceship.

"What is this now?" Tobirama thought in annoyance. The ship then flew until it hovered over a small island off in the coast of Long Beach. The ship released a cylinder shaped pod that landed onto the island. The pod released a beam of light into the sky before it projected a hologram of one of the aliens that was so huge that it overlooked the city.

"People of Earth. We have to come to your city in search of an escaped prisoner, a very dangerous prisoner. We ask that you do not interfere and we shall leave your city with only minimal damage. But if you attempt to assist her in anyway, your destruction will be absolute!" the alien said before the projection cut out and the pod opened up, revealing an army of aliens inside.

Tobirama could only glare at this display, "The beginning of another invasion? These scum are coming from everywhere."

At A Local Video Store...

After burning a hole into the building she entered, the girl walked around for a little bit before coming upon a bunch of food. She grabbed a bag of popcorn and started to eat it and everything else she could eat in a crazed fit of hunger.

The Second Hokage had walked into the store to see the girl eating everything the store had that was edible, food was flying everywhere and she was even eating the candy with the wrapper still on.

"So, it's safe to assume that you're the prisoner those reptiles are looking for," Tobirama spoke up. After hearing that statement, the girl wiped her mouth clean and turned to face the shinobi, her eyes widening in fear at the seeing the man who bested her, her hands then lit up with her green bolts. Tobirama then held his hands up in a sign of peace.

"It's alright, I am not your enemy," Tobirama said.

"Why? Why did you release me?" The girl asked while angrily walking closer to the shinobi while trying her best to hide her unease.

"There was no reason to," Tobirama answered. "You were not trying to hurt anyone and that camera flash startled you. And I figured I could try being kind for once." Tobirama replied.

"Kind? We do not have this word on my planet. The closest is Rutha. Weak," The girl said narrowing her eyes at him.

"Then you have much to learn about this world, young one," Tobirama answered.

Suddenly, the wall next to them exploded, revealing the aliens standing there with their spears at the ready.

"Seize her!" One of them yelled.

From out of nowhere, a pressurized stream of water knocked the lizard man back.

"That's enough of that." Tobirama said as he readied for battle as the girl looked in surprise that he helped her again. "Get behind me."

"Kill him!" The lizards shot at him and Tobirama sighed as he easily evaded all of their attacks.

"Enough of this," Tobirama said as he preformed his water jutsu once more. "You reptiles aren't worth my time."

At least ten of them shot forward, hoping to overpower him by sheer numbers as Tobirama sighed again before grabbing one by the arm and spinning it around using him to slam the other lizard men away.

Then he finished by stabbing one of the lizard men with his Raijin sword, electrocuting it the process due the lightning coursing through the blade itself, not letting up as it writhed in agony.

"That's enough!" A new voice shouted as a green light washed over them. "You beat him, let him go!"

Tobirama turned with a neutral expression to see a young man with short dark hair wearing the exact same uniform as Green Lantern.

"A Green Lantern." The woman said in shock.

"I was just making sure they get the message." Tobirama replied, taking his blade out of the lizard man as he moaned from the ground. "Now who are you?"

The man glared at Tobirama. "Kyle Rayner." He answered since he doesn't have a secret identity. "One of Earth's Green Lanterns, now your turn."

Tobirama was surprised. "Another Green Lantern? There are more of you?"

Kyle's eyes narrowed as his ring glowed. "Your name."

The Second Hokage resisted the urge to roll his eyes, Tobirama decided to just give his name to be done with it. "Tobirama Senju."

"Um." The woman spoke up gaining their attention. "I believe your expression is thanks."

"Your welcome."

Kyle however raised an eyebrow. "A Tamaranian this far out? Who are you miss?"

"My name is Koriand'r." The woman introduced herself.

"Why are these Gordamians after you?" Kyle asked curiously keeping one eye on Tobirama just in case he tried anything.

"I was taken from my home to live out the rest of my days as their slave." Koriand'r explained glaring at the downed Gordamians. "They were taking me to the Citadel before I escaped."

"And these citadels are?" Tobirama asked with his arms crossed.

"Not something I wish to talk about." Koriand'r said with a shudder.

That was when Tobirama got an idea in his head as his expression darkened. Now, he was really wishing he had killed these Gordanians now.

Anyone who would perform such horrible acts were the worst kind of scum in the Hokage's eyes.

Kyle looked pissed as well. But he he was able to calm down before getting back to business. "But this isn't over. Now that you interfered-."

"Trogaar will strike harder." Koriand'r interrupted. "It's only a matter of-."

"Fools!" They turned to see the hologram of the one named Trogaar. "The Earth Scum were warned, your insolence will be punished. Your city shall be destroyed."

As the hologram turned off, the ship opened up to show a giant cannon.

"I will not let these bastards get away with this. I will stop them no matter the cost," Tobirama declared with a determined look on his face.

Kyle looked at him before giving a nod. "There's too many for a hotshot rookie like you to go through-."

"Rookie?" Tobirama looked insulted as he gave Kyle a withering glare that made the Green Lantern stumble back. "Like I told your comrade, I have been fighting for my life before you were even born, so you would do well to show me some respect brat."

"Their cannon takes time to charge." Koriand'r said stopping the argument before it could breakout. "We can use the time to invade the ship and take them down. The help of a Green Lantern would be most appreciated."

"I came here to get them off the planet anyways." Kyle answered considering how they illegally came to Earth.

He'll deal with the issue of Koriand'r being there later.

Tobirama nodded. "Well then what are we waiting for?" He asked wanting to end this threat as quickly as possible.

Without another word, all three of them set off towards the ship.

Hours had passed. After making sure no one was injured from the fighting the members of the Justice League returned to the Watchtower where J'onn stepped up to use his telepathy to try and locate where exactly it was the Manhunters had taken John. And so while he did this the others could do nothing but wait, and hope that J'onn could find out where their friend was.

"I don't get it, why did GL just give himself up like that without a fight?" Flash questioned leaning against a console.

"Not only that, but his ring as well. He just, gave it up as soon as that robot asked for it." Hawkgirl adds in.

"I don't like it. As soon as J'onn finds out where he is we're going there and getting some answers." Superman says.

"The question is, does John even want our help?" Hashrama spoke up.

"What?" Flash says as he and the others look at the shinobi.

Hashirama leansed against the wall with his arms crossed "You heard him, his words were 'stay out of this,' it sounds like he wants to handle whatever this situation is by himself. He knows why those Manhunters came for him, and it must be something real personal if he didn't want to explain anything to us. So the question is, if we do go, is he going to be glad, or angry that we came to help him?"

"Maybe he was just trying to keep us safe or something? Either way I don't care, we know where GL is, we're going to rescue him and he's going to tell us what's going on whether he wants to or not. We're a team now, and teammates always look out for one another." Flash said.

"In all honesty we haven't even been a team for that long, just saying. Still, the real question does remain. Why did John Stewart surrender himself without a fight? I saw a look in his eyes, a look of sadness. Of regret. Could he have done something in the past before the Imperium invasion?" Hashirama questioned.

"No way! If GL is in trouble then he had to have been framed or something. He would never do anything bad." Flash states.

"Until we know for sure what exactly is going on, let's not go jumping to conclusions just yet." Superman says trying to calm Flash.

Just then J'onn turns away from the window and takes a few steps away "I sense turmoil." he says catching everyone's attention "A heavy heart."

"Looks like I was right in one area." Hashirama stated.

Superman approached J'onn, "He's looking at stars." Superman turned and flew over to a small control panel in a large pit "But which stars?" he questions landing in front of the console and pressing a few buttons.

In the central pit was a large, circular platform which began lighting up, after a few seconds a tube of light appeared shining upwards into an open circular tube on the ceiling as a globe-shaped map of the Milky Way Galaxy appeared in the center of the light. The other heroes joined Superman as J'onn pointed to a part of it "There."

A name in red letters pops up, AJURIS 5, along with a set of coordinates for its location in white "That's where he is."

"Well then what are we waiting for, let's go!" Flash says before speeding off towards the Javelin.

The others turn and fly off while Hashirama calmly starts walking "Good thing we have that wormhole generator or this would be a rather long flight." The First Hokage said to himself before joining his comrades.

Ajuris System…

A desert-like planet is seen, floating around in space not that far away from the planet is a large amount of space debris, mostly what appeared to be asteroids? From the depths of space the Justice League's Javelin emerged from a wormhole generated by it, the wormhole closing up as soon as the ship exited as the Javelin flew towards the planet known as Ajuris 5.

"Why he would give them his ring? It still doesn't make sense." Hawkgirl questions while sitting in the co-pilot seat.

"John's a strange one that's for sure." Superman says while piloting the ship.

"I'm beginning to think all you humans are." Hawkgirl adds in.

Superman appears to be hurt by her choice of words "Sorry." she says taking notice of this.

"It's alright, I take it as a compliment." Superman says now actually happy about her statement.

"Initiating landing procedure." Superman says, just as he is about to do this their ship is hit by laser bolts, causing the whole thing to shake as their shield takes the damage.

They are hit a few more times as then alien fighters appear right in front of them as they break through the clouds, the fighters firing a few more times before flying right past them as the League members brace themselves from the impacting shots. The alien fighters turn around and continue chasing and firing after the League Javelin as they approach a massive city.

"They're not responding to our signal!" Flash reports while pressing some buttons on the control console in front of him.

The alien fighters' fire again until their speed overtakes the Javelin and they fly right overhead "It's clear what they want I say we give it to them." Hawkgirl says in an annoyed tone as she presses a button, activating the weapons systems.

Before she can fire though Superman grabs her wrist "No, we're not here to start a war!" he says. Releasing his grip on her, Hawkgirl rubs her wrist as Superman gets up "Hashirama, take the controls!" Hawkgirl and J'onn get up following after him as they head to the back door. Hashirama gets up from his seat and walks up to the pilot chair taking his new spot as he grabs the control wheel.

At the back of the Javelin as the alien fighters reappear behind them again, the ramp lowers with Superman, J'onn, and Hawkgirl standing on it as they take off to take care of the fighters. The alien fighters split off as one of them turns around and fires at Superman, the laser bolts missing him as Superman retaliates with his heat vision taking out both gun turrets. Allowing him to fly right over the fighter safely as he goes towards the back and grabs onto two flaps, holding onto them as he kicks his legs through the ship causing some damage to the engine, Superman releases his hold and hovers in the air as the alien fighter flies off to find a place to land, smoke trailing from its damaged engine.

J'onn flies higher into the air before coming to a stop, crossing his arms and going intangible as the second alien fighter flies towards him completely unaware of this. Firing its guns the laser bolts go right through J'onn shocking the pilots inside until eventually they fly right through him, and J'onn vanishes. The three pilots inside lower their arms confused as to what happened and where their target was, until a few seconds later J'onn comes crashing out the back of the fighter having of caused some damage to the engine. Inside the main pilot notices the fuel levels dropping forcing them to quickly fly away and seek a safe place to land. J'onn watches the fighter fly off before turning around to see Hawkgirl still dealing with hers.

The remaining fighter manages to keep up with Hawkgirl as she continues flying around dodging every shot fired at her, eventually having enough Hawkgirl powers up her mace and falters back a little, turning around and going for the ships engine as she slams her mace into the back. Unfortunately causing much more damage than needed to as the entire back of the ship blows apart causing the ship to start falling towards the city.

"Hawkgirl!" Superman calls out as he flies past her as she comes to a stop.

"What?" she says confused by why he was calling out to her. Until she takes notice of the extra damage she did as she sees Superman flying after the falling fighter "Oh that."

Superman manages to reach the fighter and goes underneath it, catching it in his hands as he slows it down and eventually finds a place to set it down, frightening some nearby civilians as he lands and places the damaged fighter down. Hovering over and landing on the back Superman uses his super breath to blow out the flames, averting anymore problems from happening as he takes back off into the sky.

Hashirama meanwhile is able to skillfully pilot the Javelin through the tall buildings of the high-tech looking city, "It seems that we have ourselvess a landing pad." he said pressing some buttons. Bringing out the landing gear as he decreases the ships speed and hovers down onto the center of the landing platform, landing the ship perfectly before shutting the engines off.

The ramp lowers as Hashirama and Flash begin walking down "You know good thing you were here for that. Between you and me I can't fly anything so-" but before he could finish both came to a stop, a worried look on Flash's face as greeting them on the platform was a large number of armed alien guards. Their blasters already pointed at them.

"Don't suppose the words "we come in peace" will work here?" The Hokage said sarcastically.

He gets his response as the alien guards open fire forcing both heroes to retreat back into the Javelin for safety as the alien guards nevertheless continue firing even at the ship. "They got our only way out covered!" Flash said.

"Not for me they don't." Hashirama pointed out.

The alien guards continue firing, unaware of Hashirama appearing right behind them with the Body Flicker technique, "Perhaps one of them can tell us where John is. Which means I need to keep one of them conscious." Hashirama said to himself as he prepared one of his signature jutsu.

"Wood Style: Wood Dragon Jutsu!"

Hearing this the alien guards turn around to see a large chinese dragon made out of wood appear in front of them. "First things first." Hashirama says before the dragon used its tail to smack away several guards, sending them flying.

The alien guards who were still conscious looked at Hashirama in shock and anger "Ready to answer some questions?" Hashirama asked. The alien guards however start charging him "Guess not." Hashirama then starts charging towards the alien guards. Just as he is about to collide he summons two wooden clones from his body which proceed to jump into the first two alien guards knocking them to the ground. Hashirama continues charging through summoning two more clones that took care of two more guards coming at him from his sides; Hashirama jump kicks an alien guard in the chest before turning to his right and ducking under a punch retaliating with an uppercut while at the same time summoning another clone that attacks an alien guard charging him from behind.

Two clones jump sideways into the air, one to the right the other to the left firing shooting a gust of wind from his mouth taking down a group of guards, another sweep kicks an alien guard off his feet while the fourth upper slashes another guard with his sword. The fifth clone roundhouse kicks an alien guard right across the face while Hashirama jumps forward, soaring through the air and striking down two alien guards with both his chakra enhanced swords. Hashirama and his clones finish knocking out most of the remaining guards, one lone guard who is farther away from the fighting watches in shock as his comrades are beaten so easily and actually turns to run away. Only to run right into J'onn as the Martian picks him up, his eyes begin glowing in golden light as the alien guard stops struggling immediately and goes limp.

Superman and Hawkgirl land on the platform while Flash runs out seeing the fight was over, while also seeing the many wood clones, "Uh... I've been meaning to ask where the extra guys came from," Flash asked.

The clones regroup on Hashirama and disappear, "Just my clone technique."

"You really are a man of many tricks." Superman says, impressed by Hashirama's apparent neverending list of abilities he could potentially do.

"More of a ninja of many tricks. I would say." The shinobi replied.

J'onn drops the now unconscious guard as his eyes return to normal and he walks over to the others "Green Lantern is close by, this way." J'onn says turning around.

Towards the center of the city stood a tall, and massive building, the top part of it the shape of an orb with two "horns" protruding out the sides of the building. John Stewart stood on a hovering platform, a saddened look in his eyes as he looked down, his power ring on another platform floating just a few feet in front of him "There is no excuse for this horror. And there can be no escape from punishment. An example must be made." the alien prosecutor states.

Just then something seems to startle up the crowd catching the prosecutor, judges', and John's attention as they all look to where the crowd is, to see smoke emitting from a part of the glass ceiling. The glass melts away revealing Superman on the other side as he flies through the big hole he just created followed by J'onn carrying Flash, and Hawkgirl carrying Hashirama. The crowd starts becoming agitated now by this as the heroes land on the ground and start looking around, confused by what they had just stumbled across.

"Oh no." John said seemingly annoyed by this.

"Order! We will have order!"

"What is this some kind of trial?" Flash questions.

"Apparently." Superman says.

"Remove the intruders, immediately!" the central judge head speaks.

Two dinosaur-like humanoid aliens, most likely guards, jump on their platforms and start hovering towards the heroes. Superman sees them coming and as they reach them, Superman grabs both of them by the collars of their clothes and simply tosses them back onto the ground. Seeing this the Manhunters who stand off to the side prepare to engage activating their weapons as the heroes prepare to fight as well, until Superman quickly speaks up.

"Wait!" extending his right hand out in a stop motion as he turns towards the judges "We apologize for disrupting these proceedings but John Stewart is our friend." Superman finishes lowering his hands out to his side.

The judges remain quiet for a few seconds while looking down at Superman "This is a public trial." the female judge points out.

"Very well, you may take seats in the gallery." the second male judge says.

"But this tribunal will not tolerate any further outbursts." the central judge states.

"Thank you, your honor." Superman says.

A large platform hovers down to the League members as they step on it, the platform taking them up into the gallery where they disembark and find some seats amongst the audience of aliens. The five heroes sit down, hoping now to finally hear just what was going on and why John was somehow a part of it all. Before Hashirama sat down he scanned through the crowd of aliens gathered in the gallery, and takes notice of a small group of aliens who are all adorned in the same suit as John was "Fellow Green Lanterns?" he questions. Wondering if they were here to assist their fellow Lantern in some sort of way?

"Are you ready to call your first witness?" the central judge asks the prosecutor.

"I am my lord." the prosecutor says before turning his head around "I call Kanjar-Ro."

This seems to get mixed responses from the gallery as then from the hallway below an alien with almost pink-ish skin, orange bug-like eyes in a blue and white sleeveless uniform with a fin on top of the headwear, and a dark blue visor attached and pulled up, walks out.

"Kanjar-Ro, you agree to let us probe and display any and all memories you have?" one of the guards ask him.

"I got nothing to hide." Kanjar-Ro says as he walks onto a platform which brings him up towards the prosecutor.

"State your name and profession." the prosecutor says.

"Kanjar-Ro, I'm...a pirate." Kanjar-Ro stated, unsure of saying the last part as he lifts his visor up a little bit more.

"A criminal? Yet you come here to bear witness to another crime. Why?" the Prosecutor asks.

Kanjar-Ro turns around and points at himself "Well I may steal things, but it's nothing compared to what he did!" he answered now pointing towards John.

The aliens talk amongst themselves in the gallery as the heroes now listen in more closely, wondering what it was that John was being accused of that this space pirate was saying was far worse compared to any of the stuff he's done before. The prosecutor hovers closer to Kanjar-Ro, before pressing a button on his control panel that summons a beam of light from above that traps Kanjar-Ro within a barrier "Tell us about your encounter with John Stewart."

"It all started with these blasters I…"found". I was on my way to sell it to some rebels on Ajuris 4. That's when he showed up. I figured he was going to try and stop me so I shot first. He dodged my shots and managed to fly beneath my ship where he used his ring to tear out my engine, causing me to crash onto the moon. Huh, even after that he still wasn't done with me. He wanted to know if I was working with anyone. I told him to turn around and see for himself. He tried to shoot my friends, but his beam bounced off their deflector shield and shot toward Ajuris 4. There it hit a volcanic fault line, starting a devastating chain reaction."

Hearing this, it finally hit Hashirama as to what all that space debris close to the planet now was as he looked up to space. All those rocks just floating around...they were the remains of a planet, of this Ajuris 4!

"Three billion...that's how many were on that planet." Kanjar-Ro finished.

The crowd of aliens once again began talking amongst one another, The God of Shinobi turned his head slightly towards the other Green Lanterns, he could see one of them shaking their head, their eyes closed in sadness while the rest just exchanged looks with one another as they also seemed shocked by this. Superman and the others were also taken aback by what they were hearing.

The prosecutor lowered the barrier around Kanjar-Ro, "I have no more questions."

"This account is most disturbing. We will recess. Twenty pentacycles." the central judge says before he and the other two judges disappear from the screen.

With this the platforms with the prosecutor, Kanjar-Ro, and John lowered to the ground while the audience in the gallery began to disperse for the time being, the League heroes getting up and making their way towards John as Flash instantly sped his way down there.

"Now I get it, you wanted to clear your name that's why you didn't put up a fight back on Earth." Flash summarizes as being the true reason for John's actions.

"I told you to stay out of this." John says not showing the least bit of being pleased by their appearance.

"That scum's an obvious liar, he's a space pirate after all who can really trust them? Give me five minutes alone with him, I'll get the truth." Hawkgirl angrily says watching as Kanjar-Ro left down the hallway.

"While I'm not fond of her tone, I do agree with Hawkgirl, I don't trust that man one bit but for other reasons." Hashirama put in his own two cents.

"Hawkgirl, Flash, all of you! Listen to me. Nobody is lying, do you see that?" John says looking towards the space debris that was once Ajuris 4 "I did it...I'm guilty." John says looking back at his teammates.

There was nothing but silence following John's words as the other heroes looked at him, shock written on their faces as then the lead Manhunter stepped in between them "Enough talking with the prisoner. John Stewart, you will be put back in your cell until the next part of the tribunal begins." and with that the Manhunters escorted John out of the room leaving the heroes behind.

The members of the League continued to stand around, trying to take in what he was insisting was true. At this point some of them were even convinced that maybe he did do it if he wasn't even trying to defend himself, the others however were not in the slightest bit convinced.

"Three billion gone, I can't believe it." Flash says.

"Neither can I." Superman says, his right hand to his chin in a thinking pose as he begins walking off "I wanna take a closer look at what happened."

"Why? John admits he's guilty. No one's disputing the facts." Hawkgirl speaks up making Superman stop.

"Well maybe I am." Superman retorts as he then walks towards J'onn "J'onn, I need you to come with me. Flash, Hawkgirl, Hashirama an you buy us some time in court?"

"You're asking the world's fastest man to slow things down? Won't be easy." Flash says.

"It's going to be tricky. John's already convinced he's guilty so he's not going to defend himself in any way. And with how things are looking I can already tell the judges are leaning towards one side of this trial. Unless we can find a way to make the judges postpone or maybe even reconsider their side in this, John's as good as guilty in their eyes." Hashirama speculated.

With a new mission at hand of clearing John's name, Superman and J'onn fly off and head towards the landing pad the Javelin was on.

Once there they make their way towards the ship, unaware however that they were being watched from the shadows.

"So what do you expect to find on this moon?" J'onn asks as the ramp lowers.

"I don't know. There's something bothering me. Just call it-"

"An intuition?" J'onn finishes.

"Exactly." Superman says as the two board the ship.

From the hallway leading onto the platform, the pirate Kanjar-Ro watches as the League Javelin's engines are powered up, the ship hovering into the air before taking off. This seems to cause great concern for him as he turns and hurriedly runs off.

Gordanian Ship

It was child's play to sneak inside as Hashirama grabbed both Koriand'r and John before teleporting them in with the Hiraishin.

"That was... unpleasant." Koriand'r said holding her stomach.

"It always is the first time." Tobirama said looking around the corner.

Kyle held up his ring as it showed a blueprint of the ship. "I managed to hack into their servers. We're right here." Three dots blinked on one ship. "The control room is over here."

A single dot blinked two floors above on the other side of the ship.

"I can just transport us there." Tobirama said as he saw a lone Gordanian walk by. "Or I could just take the information we require from one of them."

"What do you mean by that?" Kyle asked with a raised eyebrow.

Tobirama had a small smile as he suddenly appeared behind the alien and preformed a neck chop to knock him out, he then put his hand on the alien's forehead and used the Mind Reading Technique to extract the info he needed.

"There, it's done."

Kyle looked a bit unnerved while Koriand'r looked surprised by this.

"I'll get there in time to shut the cannons down." Tobirama said. "More guards will be down here in a minute."

"How do you know of this?" Koriand'r asked curiously.

"I read his mind." Tobirama answered "I now know how to turn off the cannons if I get there in time."

Ignoring the discomfort at seeing him read someone's mind without permission, Kyle gave a nod. "Then let's get going."

"Lord Trogaar, the weapon is at full capacity." One Gordanian said as Trogaar himself stood behind them.

"Prepare to fire." Trogaar gave the order. "The Earth will learn that it takes more than three beings to defy the Mighty Lord Trogsar."

That was when the doors were blasted open.

"Is that right?" Tobirama asked as he unsheathed his sword.

"Surrender now." Kyle said as he held his fist forward with the ring glowing.

"You have no authority over me Lantern." Trogaar snarled.

"You are on Earth illegally with the intent to destroy a city, surrender and I'll go easy on you."

Trogaar glared at them. "KILL THEM!"

"Just the words I was hoping to hear." Tobirama said as he shot a wave of water forward before a green missile shot past him blasting the Gordanians back. 'So that's what he can do.'

Koriand'r grabbed one Gordanian by the tail before slamming him into another as she shot a flurry of her star bolts blasting two or three back.

"This Trogaar is mine." Tobirama said as he shot forward kicking Trogaar in the gut but the lizard smacked him back and Dan used his agility to keep from flying back too much. "That was a mistake."

Kyle used his ring to make a baseball bat and slammed some Gordamians away from him as he noticed Tobirama going all-out as he punched each and every Gordanian in his way to get to Trogaar. 'Just who is this guy?'

Trogaar snarled as Tobirama punched him in the face followed by a kick to the chest.

As Trogaar stumbled a star bolt hit him in the face.

The Second Hokage turned to Koriand'r with a raised eyebrow.

"My apologies, but I have a right to fight him." Koriand'r said and Tobirama nodded after a second, remembering what she said they were going to do with her.

"By all means." Tobirama said as he smiled and turned to the other Gordanians that were surrounding Kyle who was blasting them back. "Do you need any help?"

"I got it." Kyle said. "Disable the cannons!"

Tobirama nodded as he simply walked up to the machine, stabbed his sword into the console, yanked out the wires which ended up causing the cannon to shut down.

Koriand'r slammed her fist in Trogaar's face causing him to spit out blood.

"You think you can beat me Tamaranian Trash?" Trogaar asked snidely.

"You kidnapped me off my homeworld, went to make me a slave." Koriand'r's eyes were glowing with rage. "I shall beat you."

"Bring it!" Trogaar delivered an uppercut sending Koriand'r flying up.

But Koriand'r easily stopped herself from being sent flying as she shot a star bolt, nailing Trogaar in the eye, causing him to howl in pain before she came in with a kick, knocking several teeth out.

Trogaar then grabbed her by the foot and slammed her onto the ground a couple of times.

"I will end you!" Trogaar said as he raised his claws to impale her but Koriand'r punched his gut while her fist was covered with her star bolt.

"No, you will not." Koriand'r said calmly as she shot two star bolts in his chest before doing one more punch, causing Trogaar to slam into the wall where he collapsed.

"Impressive." Koriand'r spun around to see Tobirama casually leaning against the wall. "I was about to interfere when he had you on the ground, but it turned out you didn't need any help at all."

After a second, Koriand'r gave a small smile.

Several Minutes Later...

"This is gonna be a lot of paperwork." Kyle muttered as he had the Gordanians locked up in their own cells.

"I know the feeling all too well," Tobirama remarked.

Taking a deep breath, Kyle looked at Koriand'r. "If you want, I can drop you off at your planet."

To his surprise, Koriand'r shook her head. "I thank you, but I am curious to see what this world has to offer."

"But wouldn't your family miss you?" Kyle asked as Koriand'r looked down.

"My parents are dead." She explained before clutching her arm. "And my sister is the one who helped the Gordanians kidnap me."

Tobirama gave a surprised look at that one before clenching his fists in anger at such a betrayal.

Kyle crossed his arms before giving a nod. "You'll need a place to stay."

Tobirama turned away before he thought about her story and he closed his eyes for a few moments before he ended up saying. "I have some allies that can help you find somewhere to stay for the time being."

Koriand'r gave him a look of surprise and Kyle had a questionable look.

"And why are you offering?" Kyle asked.

"... Because of her story." Tobirama muttered as he gave Kyle a look. "It's not permanent, it's only until we can find a way to save her planet."

Then to Tobirama's complete shock, Koriand'r glomped him with a hug. "Thank you friend Tobirama!"

Kyle sighed and looked at the Hokage. "When I return from dropping these guys off, I'll be checking up on her."

"Do what you want." Tobirama grumbled as Kyle flew off and Tobirama headed for home. "Come on Koriand'r."

"Alright." Koriand'r followed after him.

"... I hope I don't regret this." Tobirama muttered under his breath.

Ajuris 5

The court was back in session as Kanjar-Ro and John Stewart were both on their platforms hovering before the judges "John Stewart, you may now question your accuser." the central judge says.

"No questions." John says looking down.

"Just as I thought." Hashirama said sitting between Flash and Hawkgirl as the two exchanged looks with one another, even some of the other aliens in the gallery were questioning his decision on this part finding it really odd that John did not have even one question for him.

"None? Don't you intend to defend yourself?" the female judge questions.

"No, I don't." John answers causing even more confusion among the audience.

This allows Kanjar-Ro to return down to the ground as he steps off his platform, and begins fast walking his way out of the building, something that catches Hashirama's eye as he watches the space pirate leave, "Well now, where are you off to in such a rush?" Hashirama wondered.

"I object!" hearing this snaps Decade out of his thought as he turns to see Flash on his feet "You call this a trial!? I say it's a joke!" he yelled in an annoyed tone.

"Are you out of your mind?! What do you think you are doing?" Hawkgirl quietly asks in.

"Prepare to be dazzled." Flash quietly says back looking at her.

"Oh this isn't going to go well…" Hashirama said.

"Trust me, I got a plan." Flash says.

"Remove him!" the center judge orders.

Immediately two guards were already making their way towards Flash from behind, before they can grab him however he speeds off right past them, dodging another guard as he attempts to catch him and knocking two more down. Flash then runs down onto the ground floor past two Manhunters guarding both the entrance and exit and stops in the middle of the floor "Listen to me, with something this important you got to hear both sides." Flash said.

The judges remain silent. John has his platform lowered towards Flash "Flash, I told you not to get involved!" he angrily states.

"They're railroading you pal!" Flash says, unaware of the guard coming at him from behind as the guard catches Flash putting both arms around him "Hey!" Flash says trying to break free as the guard begins pulling him away. Two more run in from behind to help out when "Wait!" the female judge calls out.

Everyone stops and stares at her "This being may have a point. We don't want any lingering doubts about our final judgement do we?" she asks, her eyes looking to the right at the other judges.

"Of course not. But who would speak for John Stewart?" the second male judge asks.

The guard releases his hold on Flash and steps back as he speaks up "Don't you have any lawyers here?"

"We solved our lawyer problem a long time ago." the center judge answers.

"However you could speak for him if you wish." the female judge says.

"But be aware, if you lose. You'll share the same penalty as the accused." the second male judge explains.

"The same penalty? You mean..." Flash looks down at John's restraints, and puts two and two together "That's crazy!"

"No, that's how we solved our lawyer problem." the center judge says.

"What kind of solution is that?" Hashirama quietly questioned now looking outraged.

"One that would prevent any good lawyer from getting someone who had actually done something bad out. In that part it's actually quite helpful. But then there's the problem when it comes to those who are innocent and have really no good way of defending themselves." Hawkgirl explains getting a pretty good idea at what they were getting at with that.

"Well I guess that would deter anyone from trying to protect the people who had actually done something bad since if they were found guilty then they would go down with them. But you're also right about those who are innocent not having a single chance to avoid their sentence." the First Hokage replied.

"What's your answer?" the center judge asks Flash.

"Don't do it." John quietly says to Flash trying to prevent him from sharing his fate, especially since to him it would be a lost cause.

"What you think I'm going to sit back and watch you play martyr?" Flash questions "I'll defend him!" he states to the judges.

"Very well, proceed!" the center judge orders.

Hashirama and Hawkgirl look at each other, now feeling concerned for Flash. Flash cleared his throat "Right, sure." he says stepping onto a platform with a control panel as it hovers up towards the judges.

"But first I would like to say a few words about...about Habeas Corpus. Yeah Habeas Corpus!"

Both Hashirama and Hawkgirl facepalm and shake their heads slowly "I don't think I can watch this."

"Then maybe we don't." Hawkgirl speaks up catching the shinobi's attention "Look who isn't here." she says gesturing over to a part of the gallery with her head. Hashirama looks over to where she is, and notices that the seats that were taken up by John's fellow Green Lanterns were empty.

"Looks like John's fellow Lanterns aren't so keen on sticking up for him." Hawkgirl says.

"Guess they aren't much for team playing. Probably convinced John is guilty and aren't going to defend him at all." Hashirama pointed out.

"Those cowards." Hawkgirl says angered by this.

"They're looking out for themselves. How disgrceful. They don't want to be disgraced anymore, they're cutting themselves off from John and don't want to be associated with a man who apparently destroyed an entire planet. Even if he is one of their own." Hashirama explained.

"If they think I'm just going to let them get away with that-"

"You wouldn't. But as I see now we got ourselves two objectives that could help us in either giving Superman and J'onn some time, or maybe even proving John's innocence." Hashirama stated cutting her off.

"Two?" Hawkgirl questions.

"Let's take a walk." The First Hokage suggested.

The two got up from their seats and began to make their way out of the tribunal, "I noticed our pirate friend Kanjar-Ro walking off in quite a hurry. Unless he had to use the bathroom really badly, I think he was in a hurry for something else." Said Hashirama.

"You think he saw Superman and J'onn leaving?" Hawkgirl asked.

"Maybe. And if he did, why be in such a hurry for something if you're innocent in all this?" Hashirama questioned.

"I knew we couldn't trust him. He's hiding something, something that could maybe prove John's innocence in all of this." Hawkgirl replied.

The two exit the building "Exactly. Let's split up, you go search for Kanjar-Ro. You might be able to find him a lot more easily from the air, find him and do your thing." Hashirama told Hawkgirl.

"What about you?" Hawkgirl asks.

"I'll go have a little talk with John's fellow Lanterns. If Kanjar-Ro proves difficult in finding, or talking, having the Lanterns, even just one of them up there to try and defend John might give Superman and J'onn the time they need to find something. And the time you need to find and make Kanjar-Ro talk. One of the two, if not both. John is innocent, I don't doubt it for a second. But if he's not going to defend himself, we just need to find the evidence that will convince him, and everyone else that he is." Hashirama explained.

"Sounds like a plan. Best we get to it." Hawkgirl declared. The shinobi nodded his head in agreement as Hawkgirl turned and flew off to look for the space pirate.

Hashirama began looking around "Now then. Next step is finding said Green Lanterns." he says to himself. The Senju looked to his right to see a blue humanoid alien walking in his direction and so walked up to him "Excuse me, you wouldn't have happened to see a group of Green Lanterns around here have you?"

Hashirama walked into what appears to be a bar, having of been pointed towards the place as being where the group of Green Lanterns currently were. The place was a bit crowded but it didn't take the shinobi long to spot the Lanterns sitting at their own table in the back near the windows "Waiter, another round." the Green Lantern Galius Zed said to the robotic waiter as it floated away.

The group of Lanterns consisted of said Lantern with a massive, bulbous head with small arms and legs for a body, the Toomeyan Arkkis Chummuck, the asexual being from the planet Sputa known as Larvox, the Xudarian Tomar-Re, and the Bolovax Kilowog. Hashirama made his way over to the table as the waiter brought a platter of strange looking...well food to the Lanterns, taking away their already empty platter.

"Didn't know sitting around doing nothing while your fellow Lantern was on trial could make someone so hungry." Hashirama sarcastically commented.

"Who are you supposed to be?" Galius questioned.

"Pardon my manners. My name is Hashirama. Hashirama Senju." The God of Shinobi introduced.

"You were among that group that claimed to be friends of John." Tomar-Re says.

"That's right. So, what brings you here instead of being at the trial?" Hashirama asked.

"Huh, we couldn't stand it anymore." Galius says.

"John Stewart's made us all look bad." Arkkis says.

"So you really buy all that nonsense about John blowing up an entire planet? Did you even trying searching for any clues pointing to the fact he didn't?" Hashirama questioned with an angered look on his face.

"What's there to search for? Have you looked up at the sky recently? John knows he did it, and so does everyone else. There's no denying it." Arkkis states.

"Hmph, so you're simply abandoning him without even attempting any kind of investigation into this whole thing. Just taking peoples' word for it. How sad that this is the loyalty of the so-called Green Lantern Corps to one another." Said Hashirama.

"Don't get so high and mighty pal, if you're smart you'll stay away from him too." Galius retorts.

"Otherwise you'll end up reeking of his stench as well." Arkkis says.

"They seem to have more brains than you." A new voice spoke up as a Caucasian human Green Lantern walked in with brown hair and a domino mask on his eyes.

"What was that Jordan?" Tomar-Re asked with an irritated look.

"You heard me." Hal Jordan said crossing his arms. "I just got here to help defend Stewart and I find you guys drinking your troubles away?"

"Tch, of course the only other human Lantern speaks up for him."

Kilowog who hadn't said anything yet was just watching the whole exchange.

"The only stench I smell around here is the stench of cowards and whatever that slop you're eating is." Hashirama stated pointing towards their food without even looking at it "And you call yourselves an intergalactic peacekeeping force? All I see are are bunch of arrogant scum with no brains, do you act this way to the people your try to protect?"

"Don't push your luck earthling!" Galius states turning towards and pointing a finger at him.

"Touch a nerve didn't I? I apologize, I mean, I would but... I probably don't have anything to worry about considering how stubby your arms and legs are. You're probably the least threatening Lantern here next to the pointy eared one." Hashirama mocked.

Arkkis slams his cup down and gets up on his feet, "Listen here pal, either take a walk or we're gonna have a problem!" He says getting up in the Senju's face.

"Maybe I should, that cowardly stench just keeps on growing for some reason I don't know why. Oh wait, I keep on forgetting that is because the source of that smell is coming from right in front of me." Hasirama remarked.

Arkkis had finally had enough and threw a punch at Hashirama, The First Hokage calmly throws his body to the left dodging it as Arkkis throws his other fist which Hasirama dodged again to the right. Hashirama then retaliates kicking Arkkis right in the stomach sending him flying right into Galius knocking both of them onto the ground as Kilowog, Tomar-Re and Larvox activate their Power Rings ready for a fight, Hashirama seeing this pulls out his own two swords.

"My friends please!" the bartender cries out as he leaps over his counter and slides over to the group, the Lanterns all with their Power Rings activated and at the ready as Hashirama pointed both of his blades towards the Lanterns.

"No weapons! No weapons!" the bartender continues to cry out in a panic, getting between Hashirama and the Lanterns as he looks at both sides while Arkkis gets back on his feet with anger in his eyes.

"I don't know, might make things difficult for these Lanterns. Not being able to use their little Power Rings to fight." Hashirama pointed out.

"You think we need our Power Rings to take you down?" Arkkis angrily questions as he, followed by the other Lanterns power down their rings.

"Very well, if you say so." Hashirama replied sheathing his weapons, "Try to make things interesting, will you?"

The bartender scurries off in a whimper as Galius growls at the shinobi, Arkkis charges Hashirama. Only for him to deliver a side kick right into the Lantern's chest sending him flying back onto the table, Galius, Tomar-Re and Larvox check on him while Kilowog and Hal both just sat on the table enjoying their drinks, with the former seemingly not interested in taking part in this brawl for some odd reason. Arkkis groans in pain as the other three Lanterns turn and rush towards Hashirama simultaneously. Galius leaps at the Senju who ducks down causing him to fly right over as then Hashirama drops backwards onto his hands and sweep kicks both Tomar-Re and Larvox off their feet.

Galius lunges at Hashirama again, the shinobi gets up and spins around, roundhouse kicking him across his massive face, sending Galius flying into an electronic sign above a kiosk breaking it and sending sparks flying as he drops to the ground. Suddenly Larvox jumps onto Hashirama's back and wraps all four of his tentacle-like arms around him, causing Hashirama to stumble around a little as he turns around to see Galius getting on top of the kiosk counter and once again leaping towards the Hokage. He dodges once more causing Galius to miss him completely as Arkkis quickly ducks down to dodge him. Galius flies towards the window but is luckily caught by Kilowog with one hand while he drinks with the other, Arkkis who was looking back at this to make sure he was alright, looks back forward to see Hashirama already in front of him as he throws a powerful spinning kick to the face.

Kilowog lowers his arm releasing Galius, only for Arkkis to crash right through the window and land outside. Tomar-Re charges Hashirama with a battle cry as he ducks under it and punches Tomar-Re in the stomach sending him stumbling back, Hashirama then stands up and calmly walks towards him as Tomar-Re recovers and attempts a roundhouse kick only for the Senjue to easily block it with his arm and return with a side kick sending him flying onto his back.

Galius and Larvox regroup behind Tomar-Re and help him back onto his feet, the three Lanterns stare at Hashirama in anger as they had enough of this humiliation.

"You know what forget this, blast him!" Galius orders as the three Lanterns power their rings up and aim at Decade.

"No wait please!" the bartender cries out.

Before things could escalate, suddenly a wall made of green energy comes between the Lanterns and Hashirama, "No more!"

The two turn to see Kilowog on his feet using his power ring to create the construct "This guy's right. John Stewart's one of us." Kilowog says lowering the wall as he begins walking towards the entrance.

"And I'm going to help him!" he states walking between the two as both watch him walk out of the bar, a green aura surrounding him Kilowog takes off into the air.

"Good ol' Kilowog." Hal said with a chuckle before turning to Hashirama. "Nice moves back there."

"I was unaware that Earth had another Green Lantern." Hashirama replied.

"Another? I was the first one." Hal said surprising the First Hokage. "Well… second after Alan Scott. John came a bit after me along with Guy Gardner and Kyle Rayner."

Hashirama then looks back at Arkkis, giving him as stern look, "No hard feelings. But just think about it this way, how many times has John Stewart been there for you and your fellow Lanterns? Think real hard about this whole thing. Is this really the John Stewart you know?" Hashirama said seriously as he looks back forward and begins to walk off.

Arkkis watches him leave as Tomar-Re, who is holding his left shoulder in pain, and Larvox regroup on either side behind him, the two exchanging looks with each other as Arkkis look down to the ground.

Meanwhile Hawkgirl continues flying around the surrounding area not too far from the courthouse "Where is he? He couldn't have gone far." Hawkgirl quietly questions herself.

Just then as she looks over to her right, she smirks "Bingo." she said. Spotting Kanjar-Ro in an abandoned alleyway, having a talk with a Manhunter?

"What are you two up to?" she questions herself hovering behind the edge of a building for some cover.

Kanjar-Ro appears to be finished speaking with the Manhunter as the two turn in opposite directions and head on their way, Hawkgirl narrowed her eyes.


The Moon of Ajuris 4…

Superman and J'onn disembark from the Javelin in their skin-tight space suits and approach the nearest crater "See anything wrong with this picture?" Superman asks as they reach the edge of it.

"Where do I start? The loss of life, the echoes of our own past?" J'onn answers.

"No, not up there. Down here." Superman says.

J'onn looks down, it finally hits him a moment later what Superman was talking about "It can't be." he says in disbelief.

"But it is. This moon is still orbiting a planet which doesn't exist." Superman says.

Sure enough, it was a strange sight before the two heroes. With the debris of Ajuris 4 behind them, one would think that this moon would no longer be here since there was no gravitational pull from a planet to keep it here. And yet, the moon of Ajuris 4 was still here, orbiting a dead planet?

"It should have flown off into space the moment the planet was destroyed." J'onn states.

"But it didn't, did it." Superman pointed out.

Back on Ajuris 5…

Hashirama took his seat back in the gallery as he could already see Kilowog floating besides Flash talking to the judges "-if it hadn't been for John Stewart. He saved my life, and risked his own to do it." Kilowog turns to look back down at John as he floats a few feet away from him "That's the kind of guy he is."

"The fact Flash is still up there means he probably managed to buy some time. Wouldn't be surprised if I got Kilowog back here just in time before the judges lost it with him." Hashirama thought. He looked to his left, Hawkgirl had not yet returned. On one hand it concerned him, but on the other he knew she could deal with a space pirate, it's not like Kanjar-Ro was that big of a threat to begin with. If anything maybe she was still interrogating him, or worst case scenario, still looking for him.

"Thank you Kilowog. John couldn't have asked for a better character witness." Flash says putting a hand on Kilowog's left shoulder "Your turn." Flash says in a taunting manner towards the prosecutor as the two look back at him.

"Kilowog can you tell me what exactly a Green Lantern does?" the prosecutor asked.

This catches Hashirama's attention as he crosses his arms and lays back against his chair.

"Well that's easy, we catch bad guys." Kilowog answered.

"Commendable, but how do you know who the bad guys are?" the prosecutor questioned.

"How?" Kilowog asks, the widening of his eyes easily telling Decade that, that question caught him off guard "I...I just know."

"Oh no…" Hashirama said realizing where the prosecutor was going with this.

"Oh so you're saying you use your obviously superior intellect to routinely sort out matters of life and death?" the prosecutor said.

It took every ounce of self-control Hashirama had to not go up there and pound both the judges and the prosecutor into dust for using such underhanded methods.

Hal groaned as he walked in. "Damn it Kilowog, you really stepped into it this time." He muttered before flying up. "Mind if I answer that?"

"Jordan?!" John asked in surprise.

"Hey John, miss me?" Hal asked as the Judges were clearly getting annoyed by the constant interruptions, asked for him to be escorted out as he flew out of their reach. "I'm the second surprise witness."

"See? Witnesses are popping up." Flash said with a smug smile as the Judges looked annoyed beyond belief, but they allowed it. "Hey Hal, how's it going?"

"Flash, my man." Hal said despite knowing this wasn't Barry Allen. "Tough time?"

"Like you wouldn't believe." Flash said before getting down to business. "Now care to answer the question of how you know who the bad guy is?"

"Our rings have a built in Most Wanted List." Hal answered having it brought up. "We use this to find the criminals and bring them in."

"Seems pretty nifty." Flash said turning to the Prosecutor, challenging him to beat that.

"Yes how convenient that you use rings that are more destructive than any other galactic weapon to solve problems." The Prosecutor said, sarcasm dripping out of him. "But who said you could do this? Who gave you the right?!" the prosecutor questions nearly getting in his face.

"We did." A voice booms out, catching everyone's attention as they all turn to see five little blue humanoids, all with various styles of white hair, surrounded by the familiar green aura float into the room. All of them adorned in black collared and mostly red robes, the symbol of the Green Lantern Corps on their chests. These were the Guardians of the Universe, the Masters of the Green Lantern Corps.

Seeing them John closed his eyes in shame.

"Well, hopefully that might buy us some more time." Hashirama thought as he looked up at the moon of Ajuris 4. Hoping that Superman and J'onn were close to finding something up there.

Ajuris 4 Moon…

Superman flew across the moon, scanning around for signs of anything that could give them a clue as to what was really going on "J'onn, I hope you're doing better than I am. All I see are craters."

"Well I have found something. But I'm not sure what." J'onn replies into the communicator of his helmet. As he stands at the bottom of a deep crevice with a massive machine of some kind before him attached to the wall.

After locating his position Superman joins him at the bottom and looks at the giant machine before him "Any idea what this thing does?" Superman asks.

"When I was a child on Mars we had small toys called illusiontrons. They could project crude images over objects and even empty space." J'onn replies.

"And you think this is a larger version?" Superman asks.

"The engineering principles appear to be the same." J'onn says.

"So it's an illusion." Superman deduces.

"It would explain why this moon's orbit has remained intact." J'onn says.

"But who-" before Superman could ask a yellow laser blast came from out of nowhere and struck J'onn causing him to cry out in pain and go flying. Superman turned and was immediately hit as well as both of them crashed against the wall, Kanjar-Ro flew in on a small space fighter and pulled up firing his guns away at the wall causing a massive amount of rubble to come dropping down on the heroes as they got buried beneath before they could escape.

With his mission complete Kanjar-Ro flew out of the crevice, "The secret will stay buried with them." he said with a victorious grin on his face. Until suddenly he finds his ship hit by laser bolt causing it to rock violently.

From out of nowhere Hawkgirl, aboard one of Ajuris 5's fighter's flies in and with a battle cry fires away at Kanjar-Ro's ship, some shots hitting his shields while others miss. Quickly turning back around Hawkgirl comes in from Kanjar-Ro's right side and blasts away again hitting him a few more times as his shields manage to hold. Back in the crevice Superman emerges from the rubble punching his way out with his fist and moving some other rubble aside as he simply dusts some dirt off his suit, while J'onn goes intangible and emerges just a few seconds later also unharmed.

"This moon is filled with surprises." J'onn comments as they both hear the sounds of blaster fire and turn towards it.

Hawkgirl continues chasing after Kanjar-Ro, the space pirate managing to dodge some of her shots as inside her ship Hawkgirl waits for her crosshairs to get locked onto his ship. Once they do she fires away, missing the first time but then managing to land a hit on his right engine, causing Kanjar-Ro to cry out as his ship begins spiraling out of control. Seeing this Superman quickly flies off after his ship, catching up in just a few seconds as he crashes right through the bottom at the center of the front, and come out from the top with Kanjar-Ro in his grasp as the ship blows up a second later.

With Kanjar-Ro in hand, Superman glides back down into the crevice while Hawkgirl lands her ship close by. Getting out as she flies over to them, with Superman dropping Kanjar-Ro on the ground.

"I followed him here from Ajuris 5. I had to...uh, borrow. One of the Defense Forces fighters." Hawkgirl explains.

"So he's behind all of this?" Superman questions finding it a bit difficult that this space pirate was behind this entire, rather complex setup.

"Not exactly." Hawkgirl says.

Back on Ajuris 5…

"It is time brothers, Time to avenge a thousand years of grievances." the lead Manhunter states, standing atop a circular podium in a large open room where a massive number of fellow Manhunters stand before him "Time to regain our power and dignity!"

The Manhunters begin cheering in agreement, throwing their batons up and down in the air.

Unknown to them, Hashirama was there listening in as he had a tape recorder that he managed to find on Ajuris 5 and was taping the whole conversation while he left one of his clones to oversee the rest of the trial.

"Our plan has worked flawlessly so far. We've sown dissention among the Lantern Corps and stained their reputation forever. But beyond that, we've succeeded in luring the leaders of our most hated enemy, away from their home planet of Oa." the lead Manhunter holds his right arm out with his baton sticking upwards "Yes, they are here! The Guardians!"

The Manhunters begin cheering once more as they hold their arms and batons out, extending them into their poles and electrifying the tips of them while yelling "DESTROY! DESTROY THEM ALL!"

"No my brothers. Not here, not now." the lead Manhunter says holding his left hand out to calm them as they power their weapons down and lower them. "Our destiny lies elsewhere. But rest assured, the Guardians will burn! For we are the Manhunters!"

"NO MAN ESCAPES THE MANHUNTERS!" the Manhunters all chant out.

Feeling that he heard enough, Hashirama smirked as several wooden arms sprouted from his back.

The Manhunters were caught off-guard by the several hundred wooden fists moving at high speeds as it tore through them, destroying the whole army before they could counter it while the Leader looked on in shock.

"How?" The lead Manhunter asked before Hashirama showed himself.

"I could've done that at anytime." Hashirama said with a grin. "But the others probably wouldn't approve of how I deal with enemies like you."

The lead Manhunter fired a beam as Dan saw it coming and simply moved his head to the side as the beam shot right past him.

"And I needed the evidence to prove Stewart's innocence." Hashirama said as he suddenly disappeared.

The Manhunter looked around before feeling pressure in his chest and he looked down to see a sword impaled through it.

"How sad, I actually expected more out of you." Hashirama said in a bored tone as he caused the Manhunter to explode.

Hashirama made it back stealthily as he saw Superman coming out of some orb that had smoke in it with Flash and Lantern. "How dare you!" One of the judges said in rage.

Superman was followed by J'onn carrying Kanjar-Ro "Stop! John is innocent!" The Man of Steel shouted.

"That's your cue Hawkgirl, hope you can hear me." Superman quietly says into his communicator.

As on the moon of Ajuris 4 Hawkgirl waits patiently for said signal "Loud and clear." she says as she flies up a few feet and begins spinning her mace around, powering it up before tossing it at the large cloaking machine. Hitting it in the right spot that it causes a chain reaction as the rest of the machine begins blowing up, as up in the space where the debris field is, the debris suddenly disappears and is replaced with a large blue planet. Ajuris 4.

Once again everyone was in a state of shock, the Prosecutor's mouth even dropping open in complete shock as everyone stared at Ajuris 4, the planet that was supposed to have been destroyed.

"Ajuris 4 was never destroyed, it's right where it always was. It was all an illusion, a frame-up as they say on my planet." Superman explained.

The three judges once again are visibly seen exchanging looks with one another, the podiums carrying Flash and Green Lantern hover back onto the ground as Flash and GL step off them "It...would seem we have all been deceived. I hereby announce a mistrial, and John Stewart's innocence. You are free to go." the center judge said, as then all three judges disappear.

John looked over at J'onn, and then took notice of Kanjar-Ro standing right next to him "YOU!" he yelled out in absolute anger. John launched himself right at the space pirate and knocked him right to the ground back a few feet, landing on top as he grabbed his collar and lifted him up to his face "Why'd you do this to me? Why?!"

"F-For...for money!" Kanjar-Ro says out of terror.

"Whose money?!"

That was when Hashirama made himself known. "The money from these malicious machines." He said throwing the lead Manhunter's head down causing some cries of shock as the other heroes looked at him in shock. "They were planning on heading to a place called Oa to get back at some Guardians. One of my clones that I sent to scout out the area overheard Kanjar-Ro there speaking with one of the Manhunters and so I followed them."

"Why didn't you call for backup?" Superman asked surprised by that development.

"Please, I was only holding back the first time we fought." Hashirama said with a grin.

A Few Minutes Later…

The Green Lanterns were standing around Hashirama, "You're some fighter for an earthling." Galius praised, an impressed smile on his face.

"Your fighting prowess is amazing, and that's coming from a Green Lantern." Tomar-Re said.

"Heh, but we already knew that didn't we?" Arkkis says in a humorous tone, causing the Lanterns to chuckle in agreement.

Hal just rolled his eyes, not believing these guys. "So you now act this friendly when John was proven innocent?" Hashirama couldn't help but ask, a little angered by this.

"Exactly what I was thinking, at least Kilowog actually spoke for John." Hal said before flashing the elder Senju a grin. "By the way you're alright, it's Hashirama right?"

Hashirama gave a nod.

"I usually live in Coast City whenever I'm on Earth, I'll be sure to look you up the next time I'm there." Hal said with a laugh. "You think you'll be able to keep up."

"I should be saying that to you." Hashirama said with a smirk as Hal returned it.

"So what are you going to do now?" The shinobi asked the other human Green Lantern.

"Meh, just keep the peace in the galaxy, shouldn't be too exciting." Hal joked as he gave a fingered salute. "Hey, mind doing me a solid?"

Hashirama quirked an eyebrow in reply.

"Look after Flash and John for me will ya?"

"I think they can look after themselves." Hashirama responded to that as Hal gave a nod of agreement before he took off.

Hashirama then looks up to see John emerge from the Citadel "I think you all owe someone an apology." Said the Hokage, motioning to John with his head as the other Lanterns turn and take notice of him.

John begins hovering down to the ground as quickly the other Lanterns run over to him "John, good work." Kilowog said putting his hands on his shoulders, glad to see he was okay while also congratulating him as he then takes a step back.

"I guess we were wrong about you John, we should have known better." Galius says.

John remains silent as he looks at the ground "Yeah, you should have." he said as he walks off.

Leaving his fellow Lanterns behind as they appear to be hurt by his words, nevertheless though agreeing in their minds, that they did deserve it for how callous they were to him. As John walks towards his fellow heroes, Hashirama suddenly steps in front of him making him stop.

"I understand, they abandoned you when they should have been there for you. But don't forget, at the same time you were convinced you had done it yourself, you would have pushed them away like you did us. Don't hold it against them for too long, I'm sure they learned their lesson. You've been there for them, so next time for sure, they'll be there for you. When you need it." Hashirama said wisely.

John turns his head and looks back at his fellow Lanterns, they take notice and stare back. After a few seconds of just staring, John nods his head, the Lanterns all smile sadly at this gesture, next time for sure, next time John needed their help. They would be there for him, no matter what. With this they turned and walked away, after all they had a long road ahead of them to earn John's trust back.

"Are you alright John?" J'onn asked as he and the others walk up to him.

"You believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself." John said.

"Hey what are friends for?" Flash said in a humorous tone putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

John turns his head and looks at him with a serious face, but relents and smiles at him as Flash flashes a big toothy grin. John powers up his ring and holds it up, putting up a bubble around the group of heroes "Let's go home." he said. As he levitates the energy bubble into the air and then flies off into space, back to Ajuris 5 since that was where the Javelin still was, so that they could finally return back to Earth.

AN: Done. This was a long chapter which was why it took so long to upload. I'm surprised by all the feedback this story has gotten so far since I didn't think anyone would be interested in the story's premise. Originally I wanted the subplot to be it's own separate chapter, but I changed my mind since I wanted to show that both Hashirama and Tobirama won't always be together during an episode. I hope you like some of the changes made in the episode like Hashirama ending the Manhunters' plan before it could even begin, I mean obviously the First Hokage himself wouldn't have any trouble taking down a bunch of robots, wouldn't he? Also in regards to certain characters that have made their appearance in this chapter, this story won't be canon compliant with the DCAU as the First and Second Hokage's presence is already starting to alter the original timeline, which gives me more creative freedom to include more characters from the DC universe. The new Batman The Adventures Continue comic is already giving me some ideas for future chapters. Until then, I'll see you next time and be sure to stay safe and healthy out there.