Izuku always woke up at the same general time, nice and early in the morning when the sun was just beginning to peak up into the sky and it was still a little dark out. Doing this, he usually woke up feeling nice and well rested.

Today though he woke to an unknown weight on his stomach, and the feeling of someone watching him. As he opened his eyes, he found the source of both these things.

There was a large, monstrous bird staring him down with crimson red eyes.

He's never screamed louder.

The monster looking bird just continued to stand there on his chest, looking at him as he screams. Its head, decorated with a strange white mask and two sets of glowing red eyes, cocks to the side like a confused puppy as Izuku loses his mind.

"Izuku honey, what's wrong?!" His mother comes charging into his room like a mad bull, voice loud and filled with distress. She lays one eye on the monster bird, who moves its head to look at her now instead of him, and screams.

The room is filled with screaming, and the monster bird just goes back to looking at Izuku. Then it leans down, nuzzles the side of it's face with his for a few seconds, then pulls back and caws.

The screaming stops after that.

"W-what?" Izuku stutters out.

It takes ten minutes of worried looks and conversation between him and his mom before Izuku finally gets an idea. It's a stretch and probably won't work, but there's not much else to try at the moment. He's going to just ask it to move.

"Um, hey?"

The bird had moved its head away from Izuku, preening the feathers on one of its wings. At the sound of Izuku's voice however, it quickly folded its outstretched wing and whipped it's head back to look at the green haired boy. It's eyes carried the utmost attention, though Izuku wasn't really sure how he knew that considering the birds eyes are just glowing lights. A concern for another time, he quickly tells himself.

"Could you, um, maybe, move? Like, not be standing on top of me?" He asked hesitantly. He wasn't expecting that to work, but to his surprise it did. The bird brought it's wings of notable size up and flew to another part of Izuku's room, taking refuge right atop his desk. Thankfully, it didn't knock anything more than a pen over.

Izuku's glad it did however, as seeing the pen gives him an idea.

"Could you pick that pen up for me?"

The bird cawed before moving from his desk to the floor beneath it as it went for the pen. Using Its beak, the bird picked the thin blue writing utensil right up. It then looked to Izuku and held still, pen still clutched in its mouth as it waited for further guidance.

Izuku was beginning to shake, though not from fear. Far from it in fact, as he was past the point of being scared of the bird. As he gave his next command, his voice was shaking with excitement.

"Please bring me the pen."

And it did. The monster looking bird flew over to him and landed right back where it started before dropping the pen for Izuku. At that moment, Izuku felt like he was going to burst from the pure excitement and joy running through his system. He didn't end up bursting like a balloon, though he did end up crying tears of pure liquid joy.

The bird cawed and nuzzled into his hand as he brought it up for it. He turned to his mom, who's hand was covering her mouth in shock, and shared a tear filled look with her.

"M-mom. I think… I think I have…"

Izuku was so emotional that he was having a hard time speaking. But, he managed to say what he needed to say regardless.

"I have a quirk!"

Izuku shouted in joy.

Inko ran up to tighten him in her embrace.

And the Small Nevermore just watched and cawed.



Allow this to be my first proper introduction to the site: Hello! I'm new both here and to writing proper stories, and still have much to learn. So please, feel free to leave suggestions for me because I will be listening for any advice I can scrounge up.

Ok, so on to the story itself. The general idea for this little project of mine falls in line with the premises of a lot of other stories. That is, Izuku getting or having a quirk before All For One. My contribution to this premises is giving him the quirk [Grimm], which allows him to summon and control the creatures of Grimm themselves, such as the small Nevermore presented in this first small chapter. I won't reveal everything about the ability, mostly because I don't know fully the ins and outs of what I'm going to do with it. Because of this, however, I'd be interested in seeing people's ideas on how they'd like to see the quirk work. So please, send ideas!

And finally, yes, this chapter was very small. I justed wanted to get this story and its idea out there. Future chapters will be larger, I promise.

And that's all. Thanks for reading!