That night Carmelita sneaked over to king Rodolfo's castle in search of the mysterious mute girl who stood in the way of her daughter's desire to become queen. Looking through a window, she found Frida sitting by a fireplace working on another shirt. She immediately recognized her as her stepdaughter who had escaped her all those years ago and when she saw how lovely Frida had become all her envy and hate toward the girl returned.

"Miserable little brat!" She hissed under her breath. "I should have killed you all those years ago instead of just letting you run off."

But despite her rage she wouldn't allow herself to act rashly. She needed to be extra clever with her plan to do away with Frida. In a secret room she concocted three nasty, stupid, and ugly toads. The toads were cursed to make anyone they sat on as nasty, stupid, and ugly as they were. She had no doubt that the prince would surely rejected her once she turned into a repulsive hag. Later in the night, when Frida fell asleep Carmelita slipped into her bedroom and placed the toads on her. The first was placed in her hair, the second was placed on her forehead, and the third was placed on her chest where her heart was. But Frida had become so gentle and good over the years that her pure heart was now stronger than the witch's magic so the three toads were changed into three roses.

"Curses!" She cried out in her head, careful not to do it out loud so she wouldn't wake Frida. "She's too good, my magic has no effect on her. I'll have to think of another way to get rid of her."

And she did. The very next day she went to one of her knights Sergio. A brute of a man who was rumored to be undefeatable and when she told him about how beautiful Frida was he became very interested.

"There's no one more lovely than her except for me and my daughter of course." She told him. "Go to the castle and tell the king that you're her fiance. He'll allow you to take her away and then you may do with her whatever you wish."

"But what if she denies my claim?" Sergio asked the wicked queen.

"She can't deny your claim. She refuses to speak because she believes it will break the spell I've cast on to her brothers and sisters. If she cannot deny your claim then there's nothing to stop you from taking her."

At once Sergio left for King Rodolfo's kingdom and he told the king that he was Frida's fiance. He also told the king that he had been looking for her ever since she had been separated from him and was eager to bring her back with him as soon as possible. The king then sent for her and his son to meet them in the throne room. Upon seeing the beautiful maiden, Sergio's eyes were filled with a great lust and he gave her a lecherous grin that made her tremble a little.

"Darling I'm so glad that I've found you." He said moving to hold her only for her to step back and look at him confused.

"I beg your pardon but who are you?" Manny asked.

"Manny this is Sergio a royal knight of another kingdom." Rodolfo said. "He says that he and your silent friend are to be married."

"Married?" Manny asked not sure that he heard right.

He turned to Frida who's face was filled with shock and horror. She shook her head rabidly at Manny, trying to tell him that the knight's words were not true.

"Let's go now my sweet." Sergio tried to brush her cheek but she recoiled in disgust.

"Now wait just a minute!" Manny said stepping between the two of them. "If you're fiance then what's her name?"

"Frida." Sergio answered.

"Is that true?" He asked turning back to her and she nodded.

"Alright so you know her name but answer me this. How did you get separated?"

"We were attacked by bandits, she escaped into the forest and I've been looking for her ever since. I've been so desperate to find her and take her back with me and I'm sure she's just as eager to marry me as I am to marry her."

Frida shook her head again and even though she couldn't say so Manny knew that she didn't want to go anywhere with this man. She tried to run away but Sergio seized hold of her arm. She slapped him but that did nothing and he attempted to drag her off. Manny then angrily punched him right across his face and pulled Frida away from him.

"Don't you touch her you slime!"

"Manny!" His father scolded. "That's no way for a prince to act!"

"I don't care! I won't let this filth have her!" He declared keeping his arm protectively around Frida.

"How dare you! She's my fiance!" Sergio replied enraged.

"Then why does she look so afraid and disgusted by you?"

"She's not denying that we're not engaged."

"She doesn't have to speak for me to know how she feels and I order you to leave this kingdom now!"

"She is mine! You have no claim to her!"

"Then I challenge you!" Manny said desperate to do something that would keep this disgusting man from taking the maiden he had fallen so very much in love with. "If I win then you leave and she stays!"

"You're a fool! No one can defeat me in combat!"

"Then I guess there's no fear in accepting my challenge is there?"

Sergio thought for a moment. A chance to disgrace a prince in battle? What a great victory it would be for him and he was sure that Frida would willingly go with him once she saw that he had brought a monarch to his knees.

"Very well I accept." Sergio said with a sly grin.

"It takes place tomorrow at dawn. If you're late you fail."

"Don't worry I won't be late. But you're wasting your time. I can assure you that you will fail."

"We'll see about that. Now get out."

Sergio snorted but he did as the prince ordered. Poor Frida didn't stop shaking until he was gone.

then Manny gently took Frida's hands into his own.

"Son are you sure you know what you're doing?" Rodolfo asked him.

"Yes I am."

Frida gently gripped his shoulder, looking just as unsure and concerned for him as his father was. As if she was trying to tell him that he didn't have to do this for her but he wanted to and to assure her that he did he took hold of each of her hands and looked at her sincerely.

"As God as my witness I will not let that man lay a hand on you."

He sealed the promise by placing a kiss on each of her hands which made her blush and smile softly. She had never known anyone other than her father and her siblings more determined to protect her and make her happy. In that moment she realized that during all that time she had spent with him in the castle she had fallen in love with him.