"What happened to Carol's husband?"

Negan and Eve sit beside the fire, his arm curled round her waist as she rests her head against his shoulder.

"He lost his life just before the war with the Whisperers started."

"Was it that Alpha you talked about?"

He nods. "Carl fell for her daughter, so when the Hilltop gave Lydia back to the Whisperers, he went after her like a lovesick fucking puppy. Obviously Rick went looking for him. Alpha told Rick to keep his people off her land. On his way back, Alpha had marked the border by sticking heads on pikes."

Eve turns to him, her eyes wide. "Really?"

"Really, sweetheart. Ezekiel was one of them."

"That must've been awful. Was there anyone you knew on those pikes?"

"Rosita. I mean, we weren't exactly fucking besties, in fact, if my head had been up there you could guran-fucking-tee Rosita would've been fucking thanking Alpha. But, she was a good woman, complete and utter fucking badass, that, and she was pregnant." Negan shakes his head. "Now that was fucking shitty."

"So, you guys found a common enemy, and that brought you together."

"It did. Everyone stepped the fuck up. Things had been strained between the communities, especially with the Sanctuary."

"I can imagine why."

Negan strokes the top of her head. "Yeah, I'm sure you can, sweetheart. But they earned their place within the communities during that war, they fought just as much as everyone else did."

"Is Alpha the only woman you've killed?" Eve asks.

Negan stares into the fire, his hand squeezing her waist. "I.. there may have been some during the war. I mean, it was hard to tell who the fuck was who or what under those meat suits."

"But she was the only one you knowingly killed?"

Negan swallows thickly. "No. There was another, but that was a long time ago."

"I'm guessing you don't wanna talk about it."

"No, not right now."

"That's okay." She smiles, turning to him and stroking his cheek. Eve kisses him chastely, his beard tickling the tips of her fingers. She turns back to the fire and rests her head against his chest. "You think we'll get much more snow?"

"Eugene said we probably won't get much more, and Eugene is one smart motherfucker. It's gonna be cold though." Negan furrows his brows. "I'm curious. How the fuck did you make it out there during the winter?"

"With great difficulty. I'd normally find some barn and settle in for the winter. Burn and eat whatever I could find. Last winter was the hardest though, there was a blizzard, and the temperature dropped so low that I couldn't even go outside to pee."

"Shit, I remember that. Were you far from here?"

"Probably not. I never really ventured far from here, now that I think about it. Just far enough so that I didn't get bothered by people." Eve sits up a little. "You know what I realised when we got back from our supply run?"

"What's that, sweetheart?"

"That I've seen Daryl before."

Negan raises an eyebrow. "Really?"

She nods. "It was last winter. I'd been staying in a barn, probably about twenty miles or so from here. I was almost starving. Luckily there was plenty to drink what with the snow, but food was scarce. Even the bugs seemed to be hibernating from the cold. So I went out, hoping to catch a bird or something. I saw a dead rabbit in a trap. I'd wanted to set up some traps like that myself, but I'd been way too cold, so I'd just chosen keeping warm over eating. I found about five rabbits all set in different traps, so I took them back to the barn. Half way back there, I heard a snap, and then someone swearing. I hid, and then when I looked up I saw him. I didn't really see his face, just his hair, which was much longer then. I remember looking at his crossbow and thinking that it'd be a cool weapon to have, and that all I'd have to do is kill him to get it." Eve clears her throat. "Anyway, I didn't do that, obviously. He just swore, and then he seemed to jump the tiniest bit, as if something had spooked him. Maybe he knew I was there?" Eve shrugs her shoulders. "But then he just cursed to himself and walked off."

Negan squeezes her shoulder, his jaw clenching a little.

"What's wrong? Are you jealous of Daryl?"

He turns to her with a smile, his eyes a little glassy. "No, sweetheart. Well.. sometimes I am, just a little. But it's not that. It just.. it makes me sad, thinking about you being out there alone."

"Well, I'm not alone now." Eve smiles.

"No, you're not." He says. "So what made you realise you'd seen him before?"

"His winter clothes. He was wearing the same thing when we went out on a run the other day. With that and his crossbow, I realised it was him."

"I wish you'd come across me instead."

Eve turns to him, her lips creeping up in the corners. "Trust me, you don't."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He frowns.

"I would've probably viewed you as a threat out there."

Negan pouts a little. "You saying you would've taken me out? Because that's kinda hurting my fucking feelings, sweetheart."

Eve shuffles into his lap, brushing her nose against his cheek. "Yeah, that's what I'm saying."

"Even with me being as cute as I am?"

"Who says you're cute?" She teases.

"Everyone thinks I'm fucking cute, even if they don't say it. I mean, have you seen these fuckers." Negan points at the dimples on his cheeks. "No fucker can resist these bad boys."

Eve giggles and buries her head in the crook of his arm. "Even so, I wouldn't have found them so cute back then."

"Yeah. I forget how you were when we first brought you here."

"I wish I could forget," Eve whispers.

Negan strokes her arm. "You hungry?" He asks, changing the subject.

"Yeah. I wanna cook though."

"I'll not fucking argue, sweetheart." He smiles.

Negan salivates as he eyes the dining room table. Eve had gone all out, even making bread rolls to go with the casserole.

"Listen, sweetheart. I know I said I was hungry, but this is too much even for me. You trying to fatten me up or some shit?" He asks as she walks in with a few plates and cutlery.

"Well, you could do with putting on a few pounds." She smiles. "But no."

Negan raises an eyebrow as she sets a third plate at the table.

"I'm sorry, are we expecting company?"

"I erm.. asked Daryl to join us."

Negan stares at her with his mouth hung open a little. "You're shitting me?" Eve shakes her head in reply. "What the fuck would you wanna do that for?"

"Because he's been nice to me, in fact, he's been nice to both of us."

"You know he fucking hates me, right?"

"Which is why I invited him to dinner. Baby steps."

Negan runs a hand over his beard and slumps into one of the chairs. "I'm not that hungry now."

"He might not come," Eve says.

He looks up at her, seeming to perk up a little. "You're right, I mean, why the fuck would he?" Negan stretches out a hand towards the bread rolls and Eve slaps it lightly.

"Greedy. Let me serve dinner first."

Negan smirks and rests his hand against the table.

"You know, this is good actually. Because the odds on him turning up are slim to fucking none, and that means more food for-" Negan flinches and clenches his jaw as someone knocks on the door. "Fuck fucking sake," he mumbles under his breath.

"Will you get that, I've gotta get some more stuff from the kitchen."

Negan reluctantly gets up from the table and makes his way to the door. It's cold out, and Negan breaks out in goosebumps as he opens the door. "Daryl." He nods.

Daryl stands on the porch, shaking his long hair from his face. "I only came 'cause she asked," he barely mumbles. "Didn't wanna tell her no since she never asked people over before."

Negan sighs and steps aside. "Come in.. make yourself at home."

Negan watches with mild disgust as Daryl shovels food into his mouth as if he were a garbage can.

"Jesus, don't you know how to fucking chew?"

Eve kicks him beneath the table and throws him a cold stare.

Daryl wipes at his mouth with the back of his hand then grabs a bread roll. "This is good."

"Thanks." Eve smiles.

Negan clears his throat. "Yeah, it really is, sweetheart."

"So, Daryl. How long have you known Carol?" Eve asks.

"Since the beginning."

"Wow! I bet there's few people can say that." Eve turns to Negan. "We should take Carol up on her offer and go to the trade fair once the weather's warmed up."

Negan drums his fingers against the table. "We'll see."

"You don't wanna go?"

"I.. I'm not sure I'd be welcome there," Negan says.

"Carol said otherwise," Eve points out.

"Carol was just being nice." Negan plays with his food.

"I doubt that. If she didn't think you'd be welcome then she would have said so. I think it'd be nice to go."

"If Negan don't wanna go then I'll take ya'," Daryl says through a mouthful of food.

Negan's eyes widen. "Woah, I didn't say I wouldn't go." He tries hard not to clench his fist, knowing full well that Eve will notice. "We can go. Just don't expect folks to be happy to see me." Eve rests her hand against his, and Negan relaxes a little at her touch.

Daryl quickly clears his plate. He watches Negan and Eve, feeling torn between wanting to get up and leave now he'd finished his meal, and wanting to find another way to make Negan feel uncomfortable. "I gotta go," he says as he gets up from his chair.

"No, so soon?" Negan asks in mock disappointment.

"Really, you can't stay a little longer?" Eve asks.

Daryl shakes his head. "Nah, I got stuff ta do. Thanks though. I ain't had a good meal like that in a long time."

Negan gets up quickly from his chair. "I'll see you out."

"Thanks for coming," Eve says.

Daryl nods and heads for the door. As he steps out onto the porch Negan steps out with him and closes the door behind them. Daryl stares at him from behind his hair.

"Can I ask you something?"

Daryl shrugs. "Rather ya' didn't, but I'm sure you're gonna."

Negan lets out a deep breath. "Did you come here just to make me uncomfortable?"

Daryl huffs a little. "You would think that."

"So what is it then? You fucking sweet on her or something? Because I can't think of any other fucking reason for you to come here when you can't fucking stand me. So is that it, Daryl?"

Daryl chews on his lip. "It's always gotta be somethin' with you. Course you'd think I only want her for one thing, but it ain't like that."

"Then what is it like? Because I can't lose her, Daryl," Negan says a little needily.

Daryl relaxes a little and looks down at his boots. "She could use a friend.. an' so could I."

Negan stares at him in bemusement. "You've got fucking tons of friends. Everyone likes you here, you're practically a fucking God to them, especially when you show up with a bag full of squirrels or whatever the fuck it is you come back with from a hunt."

"I get her.. what she's been through. I know it ain't the same, not even close, but we're both survivors." Daryl continues looking at his boots. "I ain't sweet on her, it ain't like that. I just know how hard it is for her.. openin' up ta people. I ain't got the heart ta tell her no."

"Oh." Negan looks down at his own feet, feeling rather awkward. "I erm.. I'm sorry. I just, I get a little jealous. Old habits die hard I guess."

Daryl shrugs. "Whatever." He turns and heads down the steps.

Negan steps forward. "Thanks for coming round, Daryl. It put a smile on Eve's face, and I appreciate that."

Daryl looks over his shoulder and nods.