Age: 8

Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter (James William Potter), Heir Hadrian James Potter, (2nd Heir) Jayden Charlus Potter

Ancient and Most Noble House of Black (Sirius Orion Black), Heir Hadrian James Potter

Ancient and Most Noble House of Peverell - no current Lord - Heir Hadrian James Potter

Ancient and Most Noble House of Griffindor - no current Lord - Heir Hadrian James Potter

Ancient and Most Noble House of Slytherin - no current Lord - Heir Hadrian James Potter(Right to Conquest)

Ancient and Most Noble House of Ravenclaw - no current Lord - Heir Hadrian James Potter

Blamvoreic and Ancient and Noble House of Eveningshade – no current Lord – Heir Hadrian James Potter

Blamvoreic and Ancient and Most Noble House of Emrys – no current Lord – Heir Hadrian James Potter

Blamvoreic and Ancient and Most Noble House of Le Fay – no current Lord- Heir Hadrian James Potter

Magical abilities:

Wandless magic

Elemental mage (elemental magic)

Parseltounge and parcel magic

Mage sight

Occlumency (battle occlumency)


Dark arts


Spell amplification


Healing touch

Battle magic

Chaos magic

Ancient magic

Ritual magics

Beast talker.

"What the hell! " exclaimed Sirius in shock. Harry was still unable to speak as his mind was overwhelmed with the information. "Man, Harry I knew you were powerful but this is insane. Yup, my godson is very powerful." Said Sirius while whistling.

After that day Harry started taking his training and studies more seriously than ever. He would study for hours and than practice his skills in his trunk. He even borrowed books from black library on dark arts, rituals, and metamorphogus. Sirius also warned him not to dwell to much in dark arts and regularly do a cleansing ritual to remove the after effects of dark arts.

By the age of ten Harry had become prodigy in charms, transfiguration, defence against dark arts, dark arts, potions, arthrimancy, ancient runes. He had also mastered his metamorphous abilities as well as beast talker abilities and was now able to communicate with any animal. He had also borrowed books on parcel magic after knowing that he can speak parceltounge and books on ancient magic. He had almost mastered battle magic. Harry had also learned about all the customs of magical Britain from Sirius as he knew that he was going to be lord of eight houses and have immence political power in his hands.

Now the only thing Harry was waiting was his Hogwarts letter. Sirius had told him that he would receive it when he is of eleven. Till than he had decided that he would practice magic as much as he can. Infact he had also developed new abilities such as he was able to manipulate magic within him or his surroundings for his benefits. Such as he would put magic in his legs to run faster, jump higher, increase strengthn of his kicks and increase his speed. He was also able to manipulate magic of other people to move them. This had been a great discovery as it had than led him to do many things like stopping a spell in mid air, decreasing or increasing the effect of a spells etc.

Lastly he had also started practicing his elemental abilities. Sirius had helped him in this as he himself was a fire elemental. Sirius had told him that there were main six type of elementals that is fire, water, air, earth, light, dark (shadow). Other elementals were lightning(thunder) and ice. So, to find out which elemental he was Harry started meditating and moving deeper and deeper in his magical core. What he found was astounding. He was standing on a plain grass field and around him were eight orbs revolving and then suddenly each orb moved towards harry and got absorbed in himself. When he told this to Sirius, he was dumbstruck that his godson had compatibility to each and every element. And so he started teaching Harry how to manipulate the elements and use its abilities. Harry also started learning chaos magic from books available in his trunk and few books that Sirius had purchased for him from Knocktern alley and Diagon alley. Surprisingly Harry found using chaos magic and his elemental abilities easy as he already knew and had experience in manipulating magic on his will.

A month ago Harry's birthday Sirius informed him that James and Lily might come to pick him on his birthday. Till then he had already mastered his elemental abilities and his chaos magic. He was able to use these two very efficiently. Now he just waited for his birthday so that his mother and father would come and take him away from this hellhole. He was still angry with them for ignoring him and abandoning him in this hellhole. But he thought that he could still forgive them if they realise their fault.