author's notes: summer break is much more conducive to writing fanfic :p i have no idea where i'm going with this story so, uh, probably don't expect updates very often cuz i need to read the books and more twilight fanfic, and do lots of research.

on the other hand, take a look at "the phoenix or the flame"! much more regular updates, at least through chapter 25 :)

Edward cornered his fiancee the next day about her wording. "You said your cousin would kill anyone who hurts you?"

Bella sighed and rubbed her forehead wearily. Wedding prep was incredibly stressful and Edward and his siblings were starting to get on her nerves with all their bickering and "mutt" talk. "It's a figure of speech, Edward, honestly. You vampires take everything so literally."

Edward frowned and was about to retort, when Bella's phone dinged. She pulled it from her pocket and her face lit up as she scanned the screen.

"Hold that thought," she told him, and turned away, fingers flying as she replied to the message. A moment later, she dialled a number — more beeps than a local number, Edward noted, so it must be her cousin in Britain. She held a finger up and ducked out of the room.

Edward sighed. This Hermione girl was a mystery.

"Ciao, bellissimo?" a deep, rather sexy voice answered the call that definitely didn't belong to Hermione.

"Um, hello? Who're you? Where's Hermione?"

"Pardon! I didn't recognise the number. I'll put her on." There was some scuffling and then Hermione's warm voice filled the line.



"Hello, dear future Mrs. Cullen! How are you?"

Bella smiled. Her cousin always had that effect on her. "I'm good! The siblings are annoying the crap out of me, but other than that, everything's going smoothly. Who was that voice candy that answered the phone?"

On the other end, Hermione smirked. "That was an immature friend of my flatmate's friend, who has somehow managed to worm his way into both my flatmate's and my good graces." In the background, the same person who'd picked up the phone shouted You know you love me, mi tesoro!

Blinking, Bella unravelled that sentence in her head. "Okay," she said slowly. "I'll take your word for it." The two girls shared a laugh. "Anyway, Mi, I called to see if you were planning on bringing someone to the wedding and reception. And to find out when you're arriving, because the siblings kind of totally interrupted our call yesterday."

"Er...I don't really know if I'll be bringing anyone. I might be able to convince Harry or Ron to come with me, but Draco would rather stay home and shag Harry, and we're on the outs with Ginny at the moment…" she trailed off.

"That's fine," Bella assured her. "We can set a seat aside just in case, and if you don't turn up with anyone I'll find a way to sneak Sam in." She winced. Hermione learning that the Cullens didn't like Sam or his friends could lead to awkward questions that Bella would prefer to not have to answer.

"As for your second question," Hermione continued, "I should arrive tomorrow."

Bella squealed. "I'm so excited! Call when you land!"

"Will do," promised the witch. "See you soon!"