My Poor Sweet Boy:
AN: So...I've hit a writer's block when it comes to Cato's first job. My original plan isn't really working out so I'm turning it over to you guys. What would you like Cato's first job to look like? In exchange, I've decided to give you guys something you've all seemed to really want since the last chapter. DADDY JELLAL!
"Afternoon, Jellal," Max called as he walked past the bar, carrying boxes of new merchandise for the Fairy Tail gift shop.
"Afternoon," Jellal called back, waving before turning back to his glass of cider. A small smile crept on his face. Though he was not a member of Fairy Tail everyone here treated him as if he were.
He smiled all the wider as he took another sip of his drink. They were good folks, this rowdy bunch. Always looking out for one another. This environment was so different from the one he'd grown up in, and he'd forever be grateful that this is where his children were spending their childhood.
Even on difficult occasions, they were cared for here.
Which was good, because this afternoon was about to get a bit difficult.
"Uh...Uncle Jellal…?"
Jellal turned to find Igneel standing behind him. "Yes?"
"I think the triplets are up to something…"
Jellal sighed as he set his mug down and stood to his feet. "Where are they?"
"This way, I think," Igneel said, pointing in the indicated direction as he led the way. Jellal followed after the boy, grumbling to himself as he tried to picture what trouble those three were getting up to now.
"We were just practicing out in the back of the guildhall: me, Von, Farrah, and Koree. Then all of a sudden Von ran off with Minette and Eva. He didn't say anything, he just bolted! Uh...I think he's in here," Igneel said as he reached towards the door of one of the back rooms in the guildhall.
Sure enough, the triplets were inside, packing a bag to the brim with...first aid supplies?
"Children?" Jellal asked.
"AH!" the girls screeched, nearly jumping out of their skin at their father's surprise arrival.
Von, however, didn't seem phased as he took a roll of bandages and bent down to stuff them into the bag.
That wasn't normal. Von was usually the first to freak out and panic after being caught. But now he seemed completely indifferent to his father discovering his plans...whatever they were.
Jellal frowned in concern as he asked: "What are you doing?"
"I'm going to Sanjay and Montie's house," Von said simply as he stood up, dusted his hands off and walked back to the shelves.
"Why?" Jellal asked.
"I'm going to fight them," Von answered plainly.
"Uh, no you're not," Jellal said, crossing his arms. "That's ludicrous."
"Maybe, but they started it," Von shrugged.
"It's not that serious…" Eva whispered. "It's just a little banter, Von."
"Yeah," Minette agreed. "You don't have to go after him."
Jellal's eyes narrowed. This was definitely not normal. Minette was usually the mastermind behind the triplet's schemes, not Von. Furthermore, Eva and Minette were always having to convince Von into tagging along, not trying to discourage him from charging into a situation headfirst.
Something was going on, and whatever it was it couldn't be good. Something had struck a chord inside Von, and not in a good way.
Jellal needed to get to the bottom of this.
"Maybe we should go and talk to them instead of resorting to fights," Jellal said calmly as Von brought a handful of ointment bottles to the bag.
Von didn't respond but took a package of gauze out of the bag to make room for the ointments.
"If we speak calmly to them, maybe we can come to a resolution for whatever it is that-"
"NO!" Von shouted standing to his feet, throwing the package of gauze on the floor. "Why should I!? I don't want to resolve things with them!"
Jellal just stared, stunned as Von stomped to a shelf in one of the back corners of the room, and began rummaging through the contents. As he roughly searched through the medicines and medical tools he began sniffling.
Jellal stared after his son, brow furrowed.
Von sniffled again, wiping at his nose.
Jellal cleared his throat and turned to where Eva and Minette were standing awkwardly in the center of the room. "Girls, can you give us a moment?"
Minette nodded, taking Eva's hand in hers and leading her out of the room. Eva followed behind her sister but kept her eyes on her brother, and a hand clutched to her chest as she disappeared into the hall.
Von lowered his head as he heard the door click behind his sisters. He let his hand fall from the shelf, staring at the ground, waiting for his father to scold him.
He didn't, though.
Instead, Jellal softly asked: "Von, what happened?"
Von's bottom lip quivered as he wiped at his nose again. He took a deep breath and then spoke.
"I was practicing outside with the other dragon slayer kids...or trying to. I tripped over my shoelaces and then couldn't catch back up...I didn't...I didn't realize Sanjay was watching me…"
"What did Sanjay do?" Jellal asked, voice still calm despite the pinprick of anger beginning to flow into him.
"He said…" Von's voice shook as he clenched his hands. "He said I was pathetic...and that I was jealous of Igneel, Koree, and Farrah...because they can use dragon abilities...and I can't…" Von lowered himself to the floor, hugging his knees to his chest. "...and may never be able to."
"He should not have said such things," Jellal stated firmly.
"No, but…" Von sniffled as he took in a shaky breath. "They're true."
Jellal's chest began to ache as Von wiped at his face, a small sob escaping him.
"They're true," Von cried as he repeated himself.
Jellal walked to his son's side, sitting down in the ground next to him and setting an arm around his shoulders. Von leaned against his father's shoulder and sobbed, clinging to his shirt.
Jellal tightened his arm around his son's shoulder, setting his other hand against his face, wiping his tears away and brushing his hair out of his face.
"My boy," Jellal whispered as he began to rock Von. "My poor, sweet, boy."
"I'm trying," Von whimpered. "I'm trying so hard...but I'm not strong like them...I never have been…"
"But you've come so far," Jellal said.
"No I haven't," Von shook his head. "I can't use a dragon roar or punch. I can just make a little bit of fire! I've been practicing with Uncle Natsu for years now, and I'm still not a real dragon slayer! I haven't gotten far in anything!"
"You have," Jellal gently pushed Von back so he could cup his face in his hands, wiping his tears away with his thumbs. "Before you started training with Natsu you were sick at least once a month. I can't even remember the last time you've been ill now. It must be getting close to a year! You're getting stronger, healthier. You've grown so much."
Von hung his head. "But...everyone else-"
"The other children don't have the same challenges you do," Jellal said, holding his hand out, palm faced upward for his son to see. "Von, when you were born you were so tiny you could fit into my hand."
Von's eyes widened slightly as he reached out and set his hand in his father's, wondering how he could have possibly fit within his palm.
"Porlyusica, all the healers, all the books and records we found told us that you wouldn't make it more than a week, but here you are. You've been fighting since you were a baby, and you've thrived better than any of us could manage. You've had to overcome challenges and hurdles the other children couldn't even dream of. So, yes, it may take you longer to reach a milestone or power level than it does them. But that's okay. You just keep growing at your own pace."
"But…" Von hung his head. "Will I ever catch up?"
Jellal sighed as Von looked back up at him, teary-eyed.
"I'm tired of fighting, Daddy! I'm tired of having to try harder than everyone and still not be strong enough!"
"I know you are," Jellal said, running a hand over Von's hair.
"Will I ever catch up?" Von asked.
Jellal sighed. He wanted to say "yes" but that wouldn't be honest. So, he softly said: "I don't know."
Von hung his head, sniffling and whimpering.
"Sh," Jellal whispered, drawing Von into another hug. "It will be alright."
"No," Von shook his head.
"Yes, Von, you will be alright," Jellal said. "No matter what happens you will be alright. You will make it. You're a survivor, you've proven that."
"But I'm's hard…"
"I know," Jellal said, tucking his son's head under his chin. "I know. And it's not fair. But you'll make it. I promise."
Von's shoulders shuddered as he clutched his father's shirt.
"I'm sorry Sanjay hurt you, Von," Jellal said. "He had no right to say that to you. And I WILL be dealing with him later."
Von smiled, though a shudder ran down his spine at the thought of what his father would do to Sanjay.
Jellal rubbed his son back as he glanced down to see how. "Is there anything I can do to make things better for you right now?"
"Pizza?" Von asked.
Jellal chuckled. "Spicy pepperoni, I assume?"
"Alright," Jellal stood up and helped Von to his feet. "Let's go get pizza."