I don't own Transformers, I only own this story and my OC.

Mink watched her computer, a wide grin on her face.

She loved her job.

Since the last check, Mink had received 3 emails with dares and requests.

"Cool, thank you DarkPyralis, IshipCygatealot, violetcupcake09, and Rabbitpelt, I really appreciate the dares. Now let's see here"

Mink examines the requests on the paper "ok, I can add Lockdown from TFA, but I don't think I can bring anyone from RID 2001 because I didn't really go into that show and I won't really be able to write them properly…sorry"

Mink looks at a corner of the room, and smiles. She snaps her fingers and the form of Lockdown appears out of it.

"What the-" Lockdown is cut off.

"Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi! My name is Mink, you're here to play my game with the others, now get out of here and go meet the others!" Mink pushes the partly stunned, partly confused Lockdown out the door and into the hallway.

She sits down on her dotted chair (of course it has dots) to read and send the dares to the ones who would do them.

Mink grins evily, and cackles with glee.

Outside the door Lockdown questions that girl's sanity.

Quieting down, Mink reads the dares a bit more.

"Hmmm, ok let's check the agenda, lots of singing happening, cool" Mink grinned and stood up.

"Victory shall be ours!" She yelled (All transformers ducked and covered, when they were free they would forever avoid Truth or Dare).

Pulling out a microphone, Mink spoke into it "Greetings my victims, we have another dare (another many actually), so prepare yourselves! Bumblebees, all of you will sing 'It's raining tacos' again, Dinobots will sing 'let it go', and everyone else will sing 'Aoron Burr' from Hamilton. Ready? 3, 2, 1, Go!"

And with that the unwilling Bots and Cons began to sing different songs.

Of course due to different songs, it was mostly a garbled thing of melodies.

When they were all done singing, Mink began cheering "Yay! Fun!" no one agreed with her (some were trying to plan an assasination, not gonna work though).

Shutting down the mic, Mink slid her chair to her computer to send a message to a couple of Transformers.

- In a science lab

Shockwave (TFP) was working on a possible way to escape when he was startled by a message appearing.

'Hello Shockwave, you have a dare that asks you to make Prowl (from G1) glitch. You have to do it or deal with the consequences ^ ^ tata.' Shockwave vented, annoyed, but then left to just get the dare over with.

Quickly doing some research, Shockwave walked up to G1 Prowl.

"Shockwave? What do you need?" Prowl said. Ever Since Mink had forced everyone here, they had all become a bit more relaxed in between each of their factions.

"Bananas are Boomerangs from mars." Shockwave says simply, before walking away.

Prowl freezes for a moment, before collapsing, catching the attention of multiple different mechs.

"What happened to him" Asks Armada Hotshot, staring at the still body on the floor.

"He has a logic programming that makes him glitch whenever something is non logical" replies G1 Thundercracker as he lifts the still SIC to take to the Medbay.

Around the corner Mink giggled, that was funny, and hey maybe by the time they go back to the war anger will calm down.

Laughing mischievously, Mink went back to her office to send out another dare.

Later in the evening each of the Primes were returning to their berth rooms.

For each of the Optimuses, it had been a rather difficult day due to the stress of playing this odd game and the tension between all of the factions.

In a second though, they each received a message, one they had been informed that sometimes held dares.

"... Call G1 prime 'Grandpa'...?" after that the Primes had a meeting where they discussed this, and the poor G1 Prime had to endure being called Grandpa (Mink thought that this was hilarious of course).

In the morning, Mink had another two victims to deal with.

Rounding a corner, Mink approached G1 Megatron, who was not in the mood for Mink's shenanigans.

"What do you want fleshbag?" snarls Megatron to the grinning Mink.

"You have a dare of which you need to be on the ground in your alt form for 5 minutes, of which Prime Starscream will spend stepping his heel on you, you can't resist." Mink grinned and skipped away.

Megatron was furious, but resigned, he left to go to the rec room, where he saw Prime Starscream waiting.

With a murderous glare, Megatron transformed.

Strutting, Starscream walked over to Megatron and stomped on him with his heel.

It was at this moment that G1 Starscream walked into the room.

"Huzzah! Megatron is being stomped on! I am the new Decepticon leader! Hahahaha!" G1 Starscream cackled.

Five minutes later G1 and Prime Starscream were running for their lives as a very very angry Megatron.

Mink laughed on the couch as she filmed it, before turning to a 'camera'.

"Thank you for watching, please tell what you think and send in more dares" Mink grinned as onlookers either facepalmed or grumbled.

There really were some of them that wanted to assassinate the hyper and happy little girl.

But they would definitely fail due to Mink's fangirl powers and how she had watched Assasination classroom within a few days before making these fun things happen.

Life is fun, muahahahahaha!

I hope that was a good chapter, again, sorry for the lack of recent updating.

I'm having a bit of trouble with writing some of these dares so I would appreciate a little less things like singing and more things that would inspire more realistically funny scenarios.

Thank you and please review!