Disclaimer- I do not own Inuyasha nor do I own Yu Yu Hakusho

The battle was finally over, the foul hanyou Naraku was slain. The shards that were in possession of the dead half demon are now purified and returned to the rest of the marble. Blood stained the scene, it was a gruesome sight to see. Inuyasha lied with a hole in his chest from one of Naraku's tentacles, his dying wish was to see Kikyo one last time. Sango and Miroku suffered from multiple cuts from Naraku and his horde of demons. The couple died from the high amounts of miasma that entered their bloodstream. The only one that still stood was Kagome, Kirara, and Shippo. Kagome held the marble close to her heart as Shippo and Kirara ran to her.

"Mama, are you going to make a wish," Shippo asked curiously. Kagome still shocked from the previous battle only shook her head. Her heart was torn to shreds, her brother and sister died in front of her. Not to mention, Inuyasha's final wish was a stab in the chest. The em started glowing an eerie pink color, the light started to surround Kagome. Soon Kagome felt a sharp pain in her chest, The Shikon jewel was merging with Kagome's body and soul. It was as if the jewel has decided to make her it's permanent guardian. Kagome clenched her chest and dropped to her knees. Tears dropped down the priestess' face and onto the ground. "Mama," Shippo exclaimed as he ran to help his mother figure "I can't lose you too!" The jewel put a barrier around Kagome and the young demon bounced back from the power of the shield. Kirara ran to the young boy's side and mewled in concern. Shippo patted the loyal nekomata on the head "I'm okay Kirara, but I'm more worried about mama.

The light died down and beneath the light was Kagome. Shippo and Kirara watched as her raven hair went from tangle and wild to silky and tidy, Her hair grew to the back of her calves. Her sapphire eyes now had pink and gold specks within them. Her tan skin was now porcelain, her lips became fuller and had the natural pink color, her ears have more of a point to them much like a demon. Underneath her bangs was a pink sun and on her cheeks were blue and purple stripes that traveled all over her body. In her mouth, there were newly grown fangs. Kagome looked at her hands to see a hand with claws.

"Mama, wh-what happened to you," Shippo asked her warily. Before she could even open her mouth to answer her son she fell unconscious. "Mama," Shippo ran to the newly transformed girl. He started frantically shaking the girl, Kirara was rubbing the girl's face. Shippo put his ear and heard a heartbeat and let a sigh of relief. "Let's stay here with her until she wakes up" Shippo suggested to the little kitty. Kirara mewled in approval. Kirara transformed and curled up. Shippo mustered up all the strength and pulled Kagome onto Kirara. "I love you Kagome," Shippo said lovingly to the unconscious woman before falling to a deep slumber.

How do you like the story so far? Sorry for such a short chapter! Longer ones will come sooner.

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