"I still can't believe Magnus gave you a collar. I mean, I'm really happy for you, and I have been waiting for this moment since I knew what a collar is, but it still seems like something unreal. I mean...You have collar Alec!" rolling his eyes, Izzy said this at least twenty times since this morning and it was only 10 a.m., but Alec couldn't help but smile and play with his brand new bracelet.

He didn't like taking it off since Magnus gifted it to him and when he had to, when he was having a bath or taking a shower, he always felt uncomfortable and had to put it right back on. It has been two weeks since their Christmas dinner and Alec couldn't be more happy. Magnus gave him his very own 'collar' something he never thought could be possible. And another thing was that the alpha started carrying Alec's grandpa's watch.

It was always with him in one of his pockets. Magnus said that it was his lucky charm. Stopping for a second and flinching, Alec continued walking, not wanting Izzy to notice something was wrong, and gently rubbed his chest, just above his heart. Also, it has been maybe three weeks since the demon attack when Jocelyn almost died. And since Alec was possessed and had to fight with the demon possessing him.

Just before the demon managed to force Alec to kill Clary's mom, he started fighting with it and so the demon decided to try and kill Alec instead. Thankfully, it only managed to force two of Alec's fingers into his own chest, not too deep, before Alec won and the demon had to leave his body. Alec didn't tell anyone about that because he didn't want them to worry about him.

Jocelyn was more important than him and his wounds weren't so bad, some Iratze and he will be as good as new. At least that was what he thought. But now, three weeks later and the two wounds were still on his chest and hurt like hell. He didn't understand why. When the Iratze didn't work, the omega tried the mundane way but it looked like it wasn't working either. Maybe he should talk to Magnus after all?

He broke from his thoughts when he, along with Izzy, stepped into the main hall at the Institute only to see Aldertree waiting for him. Ah, that's right. He was summoned. Sharing a nervous look with his sister, Aldertree wasn't the most comfortable person to be around, something about him just didn't play well with Alec, the omega clenched his fists and walked to where the beta was waiting. When he was closer he noticed Clary who stood next to Aldertree and when she saw him her face brightened.

Ever since she saw her mom her behaviour towards him completely changed. Truth be told, it creeped Alec out a bit.

"Alexander, finally. I was starting to think I would have to send someone to look for you." lifting his head, Alec locked his gaze with the beta's and frowned. He didn't like that he was calling him Alexander. Only Magnus was allowed that. Even his mom didn't call him that. Instead of answering, he just stopped next to Clary and waited for his orders.

The beta coughed awkwardly, seeing that he didn't get any reaction from the omega, and turned to look at the screen behind him. There was a photo of a woman, her hair coloured red and eyes brown. The top of the screen said Warlock files so she must be a warlock, but Alec couldn't see any marks. He remembered when Magnus told him that not every warlock likes to show them. Her name was Iris Rouse.

"Your mission will be to go and check out this warlock. There are some rumours that omega Shadowhunter are missing and somehow, it always leads to this woman. Go to her residence and ask her a couple of questions. Do you understand? Good, dismissed." not even waiting for an answer the beta turned and walked away, no doubt ready to criticize some pour soul. Sharing a quick look, the two rolled their eyes.

Iris Rouse's house:

Knocking, Alec stepped slightly back, next to Clary, and waited. He hoped that this woman, Iris, won't be annoying and will answer fast. He wanted to go and see Magnus today. The door opened and in the hall stood a young omega. She had semi long dark hair and eyes and Alec couldn't help but notice that she was pregnant. It looked as if she was ready to burst. Alec always liked the image of a pregnant someone.

He just couldn't help himself, maybe it was his inner omega or maybe himself as a person but he just couldn't wait to have his own little babies running around. And now that his relationship with Magnus was in progress, a really advanced stage, his dreams were almost every night visited by small, dark tanned kids with dark hair.

Mentally shaking himself, the omega focused in the omega in front of him.

"Ah, hello. Are you here to see Dr. Rouse?" they shared a look and Clary smiled at the pregnant omega. "Yes, um...I think she is excepting us? My name is Clary...we talked on the phone?" she tried, hoping that the omega won't look too much into it. The woman still didn't look like she believed them. Just as she was opening her mouth to say something, Alec was reaching into his back pocket for his stele, another woman's voice sounded behind her.

"Yes, I was excepting you. I just didn't know when." inside the house, at the top of the stairs, stood the red haired woman. She was thin and looked like she was in her fifties. Alec couldn't tell which colour her eyes were, not even with his rune activated, so she must be the warlock they were looking for. Iris Rouse. Sharing another look with Clary, Alec was instantly on guard. She was awaiting them? How was that possible?

"And I see you brought a guest? Your boyfriend?" Alec's eyes widened and his face morphed into a grimace. "NO!" they both shouted, Alec a little bit louder than Clary. The woman, Iris, was a little shocked at their reaction but she quickly recovered and walked closer to them, stopping only once she was right before Alec.

"Well, whatever you are, leave your weapons outside." she said looking at his bow and quiver. Eyes slightly widening, Alec looked her up and down. She smirked at him and winked, "Any warlock worth adime can see through a Shadowhunter's glamour with ease." sighing, Alec really hadn't felt comfortable leaving his weapons outside.

"Oh, don't worry. It will be safe in the alcove." she pointed to the alcove just behind the doors. Stepping inside, Alec sighed through his nose once again, but pulled the bow and quiver from his back and gently leaned them against the wall.

Iris Rouse's house, sitting room:

Iris poured herself a cup of tea, before sitting down opposite of the two Shadowhunters, both the beta and omega having their own cups ready for drinking. The girl, a beta, reached for her cup but one sharp look from the boy, an omega, and she sat back up. Smirking into her tea, she chuckled. If she wasn't as observant as she was, she would have missed it. So this omega won't be as those before him.

"So, what can I do for you?" she said with an innocent air, trying to appear harmless. Yeah, like Alec would believe such an obvious act. "Oh, yes. The Clave sends us." Clary said and the omega almost face palmed. Really? Just how foolish can she be. Leaning slightly forward, clearly making sure that Clary gets that he will be the one doing the talk, Alec looked the beta warlock right into the eyes.

"We have some informations about missing omegas and it always, somehow, leads right into this house. Do you know anything about that?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. Like he would be fooled by her fluttering lashes. Inwardly scoffing, Alec leaned back against the ugly pinkish couch and folded his arms against his chest, waiting.

Giggling, Iris put her cup down and stood up. Walking to the window, purposely putting her back to them, she looked outside. The street was silent, just like always when she was 'helping' another omega. It wouldn't do any good to have someone hear them shouting, would it? She saw, in the reflection of the window, that the omega was staring at her and she inwardly smirked. It was time to play.

"Yes, it may be true that a lot of omegas came to me recently, but I have no idea where they disappeared to. They all came to me with their own problems and I helped them. But what happened to them, that I really don't know." she said, slyly smiling to herself. Alec's eyes narrowed. He could tell that she was telling the truth. But not the whole truth.

"I see, and can you tell us what kind of problems they had?" the omega tried, curling his arms around himself, trying to appear smaller and innocent. Ignoring Clary next to him, who had eyes as wide as plates (she has never seen the omega looking like...well like an omega), focusing only on the beta before him. He could see that she was staring at him weirdly, since the moment they stepped inside, and knew that he just had to play a little and she would spill.

If only a little but it still would be something. Stretching his neck a little bit to the side, exposing the side a bit, only so it wouldn't be too obvious that she would notice what he was doing, he saw her eyes darkened and he knew he got her.

Looking at Clary, he saw her eyes were narrowed too, but she was staring at him. He gently jerked his head in the direction of the door and prayed that she will get what he wanted her to do. Thank god, it seemed she understood and she stood up. Locking her gaze with Iris, who finally broke her intense stare at the side of Alec's neck, and was now looking at her with suspicion.

"I'm so sorry, I have to go back to the Institute, I hope you don't mind that I'm leaving Alec here with you." she said innocently and smiled at the older woman when her face broke into her own smile, creepy like hell but still a smile. "Of course not darling. Work is work. I'm sure, Alec and I will be just alright without you, won't we?" the last part was directed to Alec who just smiled awkwardly.

"Of course." he said with as much sweetness as he was able to and hoped that Iris would be fooled. Thank god it looked like it worked, as the older beta turned to look at Clary and clearly was waiting for her to leave. Alec stood up and quickly, not leaving Clary choice to back up, hugged the fiery haired omega, tilting his head so he could whisper into Clary's ear without Iris seeing it.

"Go back to the Institute and get Magnus and Jace. Maybe even Raphael and Simon and Izzy, I've got a feeling something fishy is going on around here. I will try and get you some time but, for the angels, please be quick." he pulled back, his eyes sincere. Seeing her nod slightly, thankfully so subtly that Iris didn't notice anything and with one last wave walked out of the door, letting it fall close behind her.

Alec turned around and, he couldn't help himself, took a step back, his knees bumping against the couch he was sitting on, when he saw the wide smirk on Iris' face. "So, why don't you tell about yours problems?"

With Clary, The Institute:

Pushing the heavy doors open with enough strength to cause them to bang against the opposite wall, Clary ran inside, causing everyone to focus on her. Huffing, she looked wildly around, ignoring the curious stares, searching for the tall figures of Jace and Magnus. Hearing quick clicking, she turned around and sighted in relief when she saw a worried Izzy hurrying towards her.

"What happened? Where's Alec?" she asked, clearly upset. Clary took a hold of Isabelle's shoulders, leading her to the side. "He sent me for you, Jace, Magnus and...and Raphael and Simon." taking another breath, she quickly looked around, "He thinks there's something really wrong with that woman, Iris Rouse or something. Izzy you should have seen how she looked at him. As if he was some thing. A thing that was only good for...only good for a bargain or something." her voice took a little squeaky tone at the end and she cleared her throat.

"He told me to get help and that he will try and get me some time. We have to hurry and go back." she finished. Izzy's eyes hardened and she nodded, pulling her phone out, dialling a number with two moves.

Iris Rouse's house:

Alec wouldn't admit it, but he was getting nervous. Clary left only minutes ago but it felt like hours ago. The beta hadn't stopped looking at him and it was getting really creepy. He could literally feel her looking him up and down, minutely stopping on his bracelet from Magnus. Instinctively, he moved his other hand to hide it, not wanting her to look at it. Her eyes flickered from his now covered hand and up to his eyes and smiled so sweetly that Alec had to flinch.

"So Alexander, why don't you tell me about your problems. Is your alpha satisfying you enough?" confused, Alec looked at her, his head slightly tilted to the side. "Satisfying me?" Iris smirked. So the omega was as innocent as he looked, perfect. The more innocent the omega the higher the interest of the buyers. Standing up and slowly walking closer to the skittish omega, who was, unknowingly to himself, curling into himself.

Every omega she was working with did that. She didn't know if it was her, her presence of an old beta, or their inner omegas telling them that something was wrong. She sat down next to him, ignoring the way he immediately moved to the other side of the couch, and elegantly placed her hands into her lap.

"Yes, satisfying you. Sexually I mean of course. After all it's a very important part of a healthy omega's life. And some alphas only think about their own feelings." Alec just knew that his entire face was burning bright red. This was really the last thing he wanted to talk about. It was embarrassing. Well, that and nothing had happened so far. Not that Alec was complaining or anything.

Seeing that she wasn't getting anywhere with this strategy, Iris moved closer, the omega too distracted and ruffled to notice it. Placing a hand on his thigh, she leaned closer to his ear, letting her magic out. She knew that Clarissa Fairchild went for help and that she didn't have much time. It was time to speed things up.

"Or maybe your alpha isn't doing enough? Is that the problem here? Is he not touching you? Not wanting you?" she smirked when she felt him starting to be panicky, starting questioning himself. Omegas were so easy to manipulate. Even strong ones like Alexander Lightwood. All it took was a little bit of magic and words and they started hesitating.

Just a little bit more and he will be hers. Leaning even closer she touched his shoulder and brushed her nose against his ear. "Or is he not looking after you like he should? Letting you get injured? Like you are right now?" seeing his wide-eyed look, she motherly brushed his bangs away from his face.

"Yes, wounds from Edom demons can be pretty malicious. Easy getting infected aren't they?" she pointed at his chest, the exact same place the wound was. "And all it take is a little bit of magic. Would you like me to take care of it for you? She asked coyly, her magic already coaxing all around her hand. Not waiting for a reply, she spread her fingers wide open, now only centimetres from his chest.

Just a little more and he will be hers. She will, unknown to him, not only heal his wound, it wouldn't do any good if the omega was injured while she will be getting him to his new alpha, but also play a little with his mind. Nothing major, just to help him to come with her and not fight. Her finger tips just touched the material of his shirt when her wrist was harshly grabbed. Flinching at the strong grip she looked up and her breath froze.

The omega's eyes, the same omega who was just seconds ago almost completely under her magic, were glazing with anger. Their hands started shaking, hers with pain and his with the force of his hold. "Firstly, I don't have any problems with my alpha and second, if I did, I wouldn't be sitting here and telling you about it." He harshly pushed her away and stood up. Ready to walk away, he was stopped just before he could touch the door handle, his instincts flared up and he managed to jump out of the way, the spell missing him by mere millimetres.

Turning back, he glared at the warlock before him. Her hands were shinning with magic, unlike Magnus' hers was some ugly shade of brown. On her face was her own glare, her mouth in an ugly sneer. "How dare you...you ungrateful brat! I want to help you and you dare to touch me like that!?" she shouted, spit flying from her mouth.

"I don't need your help!" he hardened his voice, speaking with a slightly louder voice than usual. Iris' face reddened and her eyes narrowed. Her gaze fell on the omega's chest, a place on his shirt was getting darker and darker. She smirked when she noticed that it was the same place she felt the demonic poison coming from.

The activity now and her magic before must have caused it to start bleeding again. It looked like it was bleeding for a while now, so it's only a question of time before he'll start feeling the effect of the blood lost as well as the effect of the demon poison in his blood-stream.

"Yes? You don't need my help? And what about that little wound, hmm? Who will help you with that, little omega?" she taunted, smirking when the little boy automatically looked at his chest, lifting hand to touch the almost black spot on his shirt.

His hand shaking, Alec lifted his fingers up to his eyes and they widened when he saw the dark red liquid staining them. His eyes became hazy and he only then realized how in pain he was. How his knees were shaking and how faint he felt. Taking a step backwards, his back met the wall behind him and that was the time when his knees buckledand he sagged to the ground.

Lifting his, suddenly heavy head, he realized that all around him in the air were bits of her magic. Not this again, was his only thought. This was all too familiar with that one time with Lydia. That time when he couldn't move and all his senses werenot responding. But this time it won't be like that. No. He refuses to became some lowly omega.

He won't become some street corner omega you can just hire. Won't become someone who can be found everywhere. He won't become someone who will be a burden. And most important, he won't become someone, Magnus won't want to have by his side.

So, grinding his teeth together, Alec tightened every muscle in his body and stood up, helping with his hand on the wall. "I don't need you." Alec repeated and glared at her with hard eyes. "I don't need your help." he said with resolve. "Yeah? And who will help you then?" she taunted and started walking closer.

Purposely making her steps slow, showing him that it was her who has all the power in the room and that he can't do anything else than take whatever she will make him take. Muscles shaking, Alec stood his ground, not moving just watching as the older Warlock moved closer to him. It wasn't like he wasn't afraid, he was. But he could feel his family coming closer. And more importantly, he could feel Magnus.

So he just stood there, glaring at the beta woman who was smirking at him, her hands bright with her magic. She stretched her arm towards Alec, her whole face smug. Iris knew she won. The omega was only just standing there, his whole body shaking under the strain of the motive alone. This will be easy. The only thing she has to do is touch him. And there was nothing stopping her.

Her fingertips were millimetres away from the boy when a hand, bigger than hers, tanned and adored with many heavy looking rings, grabbed her wrist, stopping her. Lifting her head, her eyes widened in dread and her whole body started shaking when she found herself eye to eye with Magnus Bane. His golden cat-like eyes were spitting fire in his rage and the skin around his eyes was tight with anger.

"What do you think you are doing, Iris Rouse." he snapped, voice filled with anger, his hold on her hand tightening even further, cutting off her blood cycle. Iris took a step backwards, hoping to put some space between herself and the angry Warlock. Well, at least she tried to step back, his hold on her prevented it.

"I asked you a question, Iris. And I suggest you better answer it or I will do and ask later." Magnus growled, his hand turning white with the force he was using on holding her. Iris looked behind the towering figure of the High Warlock of Brooklyn on the omega she was so close to getting. Another female had her arms around his shoulders, two vampires hovering behind her. Fairchild and another male Shadowhunter were glaring at her from the boy's other side.

Shit, she's in a lot of trouble. But she won't back down so easily. She was doing this for so long and she isn't ready to stop now. A lot more alphas and betas were looking for their omegas. And they were ready to pay a lot for them. Another good thing was that with some meddling, an omega is able to conceive and the child is able to perform magic. This was a very important fact, because the Warlocks were becoming extinct.

That was something she can't let happen. Pulling with all her strength, she freed herself from Bane's hold. Cradling her injured hand to her chest, the whole area around her wrist was bright red, some places already turning purple. She glared at them all one more time before turning on the spot, morphing into her cat form, a tabby with purple eyes, and disappeared before anyone could stop her.

She will deal with them next time. For now, it was more important to disappear before Magnus Bane will decided to end her right on the spot.

With the others:

Magnus growled, his eyes shinning brighter, before turning to look at his omega. Quickly looking him over, Magnus came to an end that Alec's only injury was on his chest and that the only other thing that was wrong with him was the magic that bitch left in him. Eyes narrowing, the alpha kneeled before his shaking omega and with one wave of his hand the magic in him vanished.

Leaning closer, Magnus cradled Alec's face between his wide palms, rubbing his thumb just under his right eye making him look up and into, now, Magnus' gentle eyes. "Darling, I need to look at the wound on your chest. Is that okay?" he softly asked, smiling when he received a small nod. Grabbing the bottom of Alec's black shirt, Magnus pulled it up without any hesitation, uncovering his omega's chest to his eyes as well as the others.

Ignoring the intake of breath he was sure was from Jace, the warlock had only eyes for the deep wound on his intended chest. Hands moving closer, he jerked back when Alec hissed. Flicking his eyes to Alec's, Magnus, still holding Alec's eyes, moved his hand back, his fingers touching just above the deep wound. Letting his magic out, he reached deep into the wound, frowning when he detected little bits of demon's poison.

From the same demon that possessed both Isabelle and Alexander. "How long do you have this injury love?" he asked him gently. He may be a little angry that Alexander didn't tell him bout it, but he also knew how the omega can get."

"S-since the demon attack in the Ins-Institute." Alec stuttered, his body giving a violent shake. Isabelle gasped as well as Simon, Raphael glaring at the opposite wall. Jace and Clary ran outside in hope that they'd capture Iris. "Oh, darling. You should have told me about it. I could have helped you. You must have been in so much pain. It looks like it's infected, too."Magnus tsked and gently moved his hand so it was over the wound, using his magic to clean the infected wound.

Hissing, Alec leaned against Isabelle's leg, his eyes slipping close. He was getting kind of sleepy. Noticing this, Magnus cradled Alec's face in his hand. "Alexander, wait a little bit longer for me, 'kay? You can sleep in a little bit." Opening his eyes with difficulty, Alec nodded, smiling at his alpha sleepily. Relieved, Magnus focused back on the wound, happy to find almost all the poison has disappeared.

After a little bit, it was clean so he wrapped it with bandages and slipped Alec's shirt back down. Standing up, he took Alexander into his arms, turning to look at the others. "He will be okay in a bit. The wound was pretty deep, but now that I know about it I can take proper care of it." he told them gently, seeing as the omega has fallen asleep.

Izzy's eyes were shinning with tears, as well as Simon's, but she still smiled, relieved that her brother will be okay.

The Institute, Alec's room:

Magnus, Isabelle, Jace and Clary were sitting in various places in Alec's room, waiting for him to wake up. Magnus did another quick scan and found out that there was nothing wrong with him sans the wound. His body was only trying to recover on it's own. All of them looked up when the door opened and Magnus' along with Isabelle's eyes narrowed when Aldertree stepped inside the room.

Magnus noticed that he was holding some kind of little jar and frowned. "I heard that Alexander is injured?" he asked but his eyes were focused on the unconscious omega laying under his duvet and the blanket Magnus lend him for his heat. "Yes, it was from the time that demon attacked the Institute." Isabelle said with a tight voice. She really didn't like how he was looking at her brother.

"Poor thing. I heard that this help with infected wounds. Maybe we can try it?" he showed them the little jar, purposely not letting them hold it. Magnus just knew there was something fishy. So standing up, he grabbed it from his hand and before the beta could protest he opened it and took a big sniff.

His eyes glowed and he barred his teeth when he recognized yin fen. Vampire venom. Not too much so it won't trigger the change, but strong enough to cause an addiction. Throwing the jar against the wall, seeing it break, Magnus grabbed the front of Aldertree's shirt and backed him against the wall.

"You think I'm so stupid to let you near my omega with that shit? Haa?! What did you think! That nobody will recognize Yin fen and we will let you turn Alexander into an addict?" Magnus growled, his hands shaking with anger. He felt the others standing up, but no one made a move to help the beta currently struggling to breathe.

Magnus was ready to punch a hole into the wall using the little shits head, but a moan from Alec's bed stopped him. Eyes flickering in the same direction, he saw that Alec was starting to move so he pushed Aldertree towards to door. "You better leave now and don't let me catch you trying to hurt Alexander again or you won't see the sun again." he growled before turning all his attention onto his omega who just opened his eyes.

"M-Magnus?" Alec asked weakly, one hand reaching for Magnus's bigger one. The alpha reached too and took hold of his omega's hand and gently squeezed, letting him know that he was there. He ignored the closing of the door, his only concern being Alec.

"I'm here love. Everything will be alright now." he whispered and pressed a kiss against Alec's forehead, nuzzling into his hair.

To be continued

So this was it. You liked it? You hated it? Something that you would change or something that you want to have in it?

Tell me! I promise that I will try and use your suggestion!

Thank you!

By Lenus

Beta'ed by Dawnsty