A/N So my first attempt at uploading this story was a disaster because I tried to do it from mobile. Big mistake. I apologize to any of you who tried to read that garbled mess. Let's try this again from my laptop, shall we?
As always, please review! 3
Backstory on universe:
Humans know of the existence of demons, but they don't usually intermingle. Demons keep to themselves in their own areas of the world and humans do the same. Hanyou children are practically unheard of, though 1 or 2 will be born every hundred years or so. They are treated as less than by the demon community and with fear from the humans. Neither world truly accepts them. InuYasha lives amongst humans because his mother, Izayoi, was human. He often wears a hat or something of the like to hide his ears from humans. They always treat him with disdain when they learn what he is. The only person other than his mother to treat him well is Miroku, his childhood friend. His father died shortly after his birth, but no one knows exactly what happened to the InuTaisho. Izayoi died when InuYasha was 17. He is now 20 and attending human university studying culinary arts. He loves food and he figured if no one knew a hanyou was making their food then they couldn't complain. He lives in a frat house under scholarship.
"Miroku, this is by far the stupidest thing you've ever convinced me to do." InuYasha stated as he looked at himself in the mirror. He wore a well fitted long tailed black tuxedo complete with red cummerbund and bowtie. A red lace fox type mask covered his face but accentuated his deep amber eyes. His waist long white-silver hair hung loosely.
Miroku walked by and gently flicked one of InuYasha's white dog ears atop his head. "Quit complaining. You have to stop hiding up here every time the house hosts a fucking party, dude. If you're going to be a brother, you have to do brother stuff. That includes this masquerade halloween party."
A loud thunk could be heard reverberating throughout the room as InuYasha smacked Miroku across the back of his head. "You know I can't fucking stand it when you touch my ears, asshole."
Miroku rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, yeah. Just quit whining. It's going to be more fun than you think. Just wait and see!" Miroku winked at his friend as he grabbed his own Phantom of the Opera style mask off of his dresser and slipped it on his face. "How do I look?" He asked as he did an overly dramatic twirl.
"Fucking stupid." InuYasha grumbled. He looked down at his own feet, covered with brand new dress shoes he had somehow been conned into buying. "These fucking shoes pinch my feet. I ain't wearing 'em." With that, he flicked each one off of his foot and threw them towards Miroku's half of their shared room.
Miroku just shook his head at his friend. "Suit yourself. But you're not getting out of going. You better be down in five minutes or upperclassman Kuno will have both our asses."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," he said as Miroku walked out of the room to join the party that was already in full swing downstairs.
Taking one last look at himself in the mirror, InuYasha sighed. He wiggled his toes on the hardwood floor, enjoying the freedom of not having the restrictive shoes. Never in his life had he worn anything other than flip flops when he wore shoes at all. Absolutely refusing to put the dress shoes back on, InuYasha said a quiet "Fuck it," to himself as he stormed out of the room barefoot to join his frat brothers and their stupid party.
"Sango, I don't know how you talked me into this outfit."
Sango sideeyed her best friend in the passenger seat of her car. "Kagome, you look smoking. Every guy will love it."
"Well yeah! Only because it's so tight I can't breathe!" She fiddled with the drawstring on the corset of her skin tight faux leather catwoman costume.
"Kagome, we're in college now. We're supposed to wear sexy halloween costumes to dumb parties!"
Kagome pouted in her seat. She knew her friend was just trying to help her have fun and try new things, but this outfit made her extremely uncomfortable. It was so low cut she might as well not have a top on in her opinion. The drawstring in the front didn't really function to hold it closed, but more to draw more attention to her breasts. The pants did make her ass look good, she could admit that much, but she was afraid if she sat down she'd bust a seam. The only things about the costume she didn't mind were the simple black facemask and cute cat ears. "Fine. But if my ass comes out of these pants you're going to regret making me buy this."
Sango laughed. "Fair enough," she said as she pulled into the parking lot nearest the most infamous party frat on Shikon University's property, B.E.W. She pulled out the final piece of her own costume, a thin light pink cloth eye mask and put it on. Looking over at Kagome she inquired, "How do I look?"
Kagome sized her up. The girl wore a tight fitting black sexy ninja costume. Her own top was cut lower than Kagome's, showing off her ample assets. A pink sash adorned her slim waist, holding her fake sword in place. She had to admit she looked damn good. "Amazing," she answered honestly.
Smiling, Sango opened her door and yelled, "Let's do this shit!" as she climbed out. Kagome shook her head at her friend and opened her own door to follow.
An hour later, Kagome was completely trashed. Sango had thrust cup after cup of beer in her hand, determined to get her friend as drunk as possible. But now Kagome hadn't seen Sango in atleast 20 minutes, ever since one of the frat boys in a Phantom of the Opera mask had asked her to dance with him. Stumbling in her stiletto heals, Kagome found herself firmly planted into someone's very hard back.
"What the fu-" InuYasha turned just in time to see an obviously drunk girl start to fall backwards. He reached out reflexively and wrapped the girl up in his arms. A moment passed where he simply held her to his chest before he looked down at her. His breath hitched in his throat when chocolate eyes met his own. Even through her face mask and his drunken stuper, he knew this girl was beautiful. "You ok?" he asked her.
Smiling up at the man who had kept her from unceremoniously falling on her stupidly drunk ass, Kagome nodded. She was enamored with the effort this guy had put into his costume. The long white wig, the absolutely adorable white ears on his head, and the enchanting amber contacts that she couldn't stop staring at.
InuYasha slowly let the girl go, making sure she was steady on her feet. A worried frown crossed his features. This girl was beyond incapable of getting home safely and he didn't see anyone around who seemed to be with her. Had she been stupid enough to come to a party alone? "Hey, you alone?" He asked her, gruffly.
Kagome had been busy staring at his bare feet. She wondered where his shoes had gone. Slowly, she looked back up into those gorgeous eyes. Some of the fogginess cleared from her brain and she realized he'd asked her a question. "Hmm?"
InuYasha was a bit foggy himself, having drank half a keg in order to stand being around this many people at once. It took him a moment to register that she hadn't heard him. "Did you come with someone?" His ears twitched slightly, trying to hear only her above all the party noise.
She nodded, lazily, but didn't speak. Her eyes were glued to the top of his head, watching his ears. She could have sworn they had just moved. Shaking her head slightly, she told herself she was just way too drunk at the moment.
Growing irritated with the girl, InuYasha waved his hand in front of her face. "Hey, do you need help finding them or somethin'?"
Kagome giggled and swayed on her feet. "She's a ninja!" she managed to say between bursts of laughter. "You'll never find her!"
Shaking his head, InuYasha put his drink down and took the girls' hand in his own. He knew he would feel guilty as hell if he just left her alone. His mother had taught him better than that. "C'mon. Lets get you some water and try to find your ninja."
A shock went through her hand when this man grabbed hers. Secretly, she wondered if he felt it too. She allowed him to lead her upstairs and into a bedroom, presumably his own. Dropping her hand, he went to a small mini fridge in the corner and took out a bottle of water and handed it to her. Taking it from him, she looked around the room nervously.
Seeing her discomfort, InuYasha worked to quell her fears, "I promise I ain't gonna hurt ya or nothin'. The kitchen's just nothing but beer and dumbshits right now."
Kagome nodded once and opened the water to take a sip. She watched the man slump down on the bed in the far corner of the room and tuck his feet under himself. Unconsciously, she walked over and sat next to him. She didn't notice when her hand brushed his thigh on her way down.
InuYasha gulped when her hand trailed over his thigh. His eyes turned her way as she sat next to him, seemingly unaware of what she had done. Clearing his throat, he tried to break the tension, "So, catwoman, huh?"
Kagome looked down at herself and the costume Sango had picked out for her. She snorted. "My friend made me."
InuYasha looked fully at her this time and smiled. "Yeah, mine too," he said as he gestured to his own outfit.
"Oh, I think it's adorable!" Kagome exclaimed. "What an awesome fox you make!" She flashed him her own smile.
"Keh." He decided to let her think it was a costume. That was the point afterall. "Not as good as yours," he said, trying to pull the focus away from himself. Though he was finding it strangely easy to talk to this girl.
The pair sat like that for a long while, talking about themselves, though strangely never telling eachother their names. Somehow, it never came up. Kagome told him of leading a sheltered life as a private school girl. Her father had died when she was young but he had left her family with enough money to allow both her and her brother to get the education he thought they should have. She informed him she was studying to become a teacher.
InuYasha told her of losing his mother 3 years ago and the fact that he didn't really fit in anywhere. However, he did not tell her why. They talked about his culinary arts major and his love of food. Almost any food to be honest. InuYasha was not picky by nature. They spoke of his love of the outdoors and how if he could he would sleep outside everynight. She told him she'd love to see the stars without all the light pollution the city had. Secretly, he knew a place they could go for such a pleasure, but he couldn't bring himself to tell her that.
Time passed quickly and not even InuYasha noticed when the noise downstairs started to fade. He was so enamored with this girl. Never would he know what caused him to have the courage to ask her what he asked her next. "Hey, do ya think I could have your number?" Panicking immediately at what had come out of his mouth, he tried to backpeddle slightly, "Um, just so I know you're ok tomorrow and everything?"
Silently, she held her hand out for his phone, smiling at him. He watched her in awe as she typed her number into his phone. She handed it back to him just as an extremely drunk Sango stumbled into the room.
"There you are!" she shouted. InuYasha flattened his ears to the screeching. "I've been looking everywhere for you!" Kagome stood and went to support her friend, herself being almost sober at this point. She gave InuYasha an apologetic look as she wrapped her friend's arm around her shoulder and began to help her downstairs.
InuYasha didn't miss that her friend had indeed been wearing a ninja costume. He chuckled quietly as he got up to rid himself of the stupid clothes and mask. He fell back down on to his bed face first and quickly drifted off to sleep, dreaming of deep brown eyes and a beautiful smile.
The next morning, InuYasha awoke with a pounding headache. The light streaming in through the window was making him want to curse the sun's existence. Slowly, he sat up and rubbed his aching head. He noticed that Miroku had fallen into bed fully clothed at some point in the night. Shaking his head at his friend, he moved to get up when memories from the night before came flooding back to him.
The image of chocolate brown eyes and perfectly pouty lips assailed him. Forgetting his pounding head for the moment, InuYasha sat there and thought about the events of the previous night. This girl had willed things out of him with so much ease. She had seemed comfortable in his presence. He, the master of few words, had spoken to her for literal hours and not once had he become bored or felt like he was annoying her. That's when the last few moments they spent together hit him like a tanker truck. She had given him her number!
With speed only he could muster, InuYasha reached for his phone and quickly unlocked it. It was still on the page that she had entered her number on. She hadn't saved it, but luckily his phone hadn't died overnight. He also noticed she hadn't put in a name. Shrugging, he quickly filled in "Catwoman" in the name slot and clicked the save button.
Seeing it was well after noon, he decided it was safe to check on her and her friend. He typed a quick message to her.
Hope you and your drunk ninja made it home ok
He sat the phone back on his nightstand and went about his normal morning routine, with the addition of pounding back half a dozen Tylenol to stave off his hangover headache. Since no one else was awake, he moved at lightning speed getting himself cleaned up and ready for the day, including piling his hair into a messy bun over his ears and planting a red beanie on his head. All the frat brothers know about him being a hanyou, but he didn't know who had crashed here after the party. He didn't need that drama.
The frat brothers had initially not wanted InuYasha in with them, but Miroku coaxed them into it. It had taken him over a year but he finally felt like most of them didn't absolutely hate his guts. Miroku was still the only one he could call a friend, but the others were starting to atleast try.
Coming back into his bedroom, he noticed a text message notification. He picked up his phone and saw it was from the mysterious Catwoman.
All safe. She's still passed out. The sun woke me up along with the worst headache of my life. I'm never going to drink again.
Letting out a rumbling laugh, he typed out a reply.
Yeah. Me too. I can't believe we let our friends talk us into this bullshit
On the other side of campus, Kagome smiled when she saw her mystery savior had replied to her message. She had nicknamed him "Foxy" both in her head and in her phone. Both because of his fox costume and because she just knew he would be. Smiling at his reply, she thought about what to say next to him.
Thanks for taking care of me last night. I was a real mess. Sorry about that.
His reply was almost instant.
Don't mention it. I've dealt with much worse
She quirked an eyebrow.
Oh yeah?
Yeah. My asshole best friend likes to get so drunk he can't stand every other night. I've seen everything from him blubbering like a baby to him puking all over my feet.
A few moments passed and she received another message from Foxy.
Sorry. That was probably too much.
Sango began to stir in the bed across from her. Kagome typed quickly.
Not at all. But my friend is starting to wake up finally and I'm probably going to have to hold her hair all day. See you!
She didn't have to wait long for a reply.
Have her drink lots of water and aspirin. I hear it helps. Glad you guys are ok.
Putting her phone back down on the nightstand, Kagome went over to check on Sango.
"Owwwwwww." Sango mumbled as she slowly sat up. Rubbing her temples with both her hands she asked, "What the hell happened last night?"
Kagome sat next to her and handed her a glass of water and two aspirin. "Well, you abandoned me to dance with a frat boy and I slept with the first guy I bumped into."
Sango's head whipped around so fast that Kagome could have sworn she heard the swoosh of the wind it made. "You did what?!"
Kagome burst out laughing and immediately regretted it. Clutching her head in her hand, she replied, "No, Sango. Of course not. Though I did talk to one for a while."
Sango breathed a visible sigh of relief. "Jesus Christ Kagome. You about gave me a heart attack."
Smiling at her friend, Kagome said "Sorry. I had to pay you back for abandoning me somehow."
A look of remorse crossed her friend's features. "Damn, Kagome. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, I swear."
"I know you didn't. It's ok. I forgive you. Did you have fun, atleast?"
Nodding, Sango lifted her phone from its place on her nightstand and opened it. Kagome watched as she flipped through a few pictures before settling on one to show her. Looking at the offered picture, Kagome noticed that the Phantom frat boy had taken his mask off. He had semi short black hair tied in a ponytail at the nape of his neck. Two gold hoop earrings adorned his left ear and one his right. He had dark, kind looking eyes. "He's cute." Kagome stated, truthfully.
Pulling her phone away, Sango nodded. "Yeah, he is. His name's Miroku. But god he's so handsy."
Kagome giggled. "And that's a problem for you why exactly?"
Sango shouldered her friend. "Hey! I'm not that bad."
"Uh huh."
Sango glowered playfully. "Did you have fun?"
Kagome nodded. "Yeah. I really did spend most of the night talking to a guy."
Sango raised an eyebrow. "Did you now?"
"Don't act so surprised!"
Raising a hand in mock defeat, "Hey, if the shoe fits..."
"Sango I swear!"
Laughter was her only response for a moment. "So, did you and mystery guy do more than talk?" She waggled her eyebrows.
Slapping her friend lightly, "No! I did give him my number though. He texted me earlier to make sure we made it home ok."
"Ooo. He sounds sweet, Kagome. He got a name?"
A puzzled look crossed her friend's face. "Foxy?"
Kagome played with the end of her hair, nervously. "We never actually exchanged names. He was dressed like a fox so I nicknamed him Foxy."
"How did you never get his name?"
Shrugging, "I don't know. It just never came up. We talked about pretty much everything else, though. He's a culinary arts major."
"A guy that can cook. Good choice! Though you might want to know his name."
"I don't even know what he really looks like. His costume was super elaborate. He had a wig and contacts even."
"Wow. Committment."
"Well, maybe you guys can meet in the light of day."
"I don't know, Sango. We were both pretty drunk. He may not like what he sees sober."
Sango's eyes rolled. "You're hot, Kagome. But whatever. Suit yourself." She stood and stretched. "I'm gonna go shower."
"K." Kagome watched her friend grab her shower caddy and bathrobe and exit their dormroom before she stood and went to pick up her phone again. Her finger hovered over the message app for a solid minute before finally working up the courage to type.
My friend's all good. How's yours?
InuYasha pulled his phone from his back pocket when he felt it vibrate while stirring his pot of ramen with his other hand. Yeah, he was a culinary arts major, but he was still a poor college student and the stuff was actually pretty damn good. Smiling to himself upon seeing that Catwoman had texted him, he quickly opened the message and read it.
Not awake yet. Probably gonna sleep all fucking day. Lazy bastard.
Lol. That's not very nice.
What can I say? I'm blunt.
An honorable quality. Hey, I have a question for you if that's ok?
He turned off the stove and took the giant pot of ramen to the couch with a fork and proceeded to dig in wholeheartedly.
Why were you so nice to me last night? Most guys would've tried to... you know.
Chuckling at her obvious innocence he typed one handed.
No. Please tell me what most guys would've done? ;)
I'm glowering at you right now, you jerk.
What? I'm not the one who can't say the words tried to fuck my brains out.
A series of emojis were his reply, most of which relayed shock and anger.
Lol. Sorry. I was just messing with ya. Mostly it's cause of my mom. She taught me to help people in need if I can.
I'm really sorry she died. She sounds like a really good mom.
InuYasha stood and went to go put his empty ramen pot in the sink.
She was. I really miss her.
A loud kerthunk from upstairs made InuYasha sigh loudly.
I think my room mate just fell out of bed. Gotta go. TTYL?
Look forward to it. Hope your room mate is ok. :)
Sliding his phone back into his pocket, InuYasha took the stairs two at a time back up to his room. He was met with the sight of Miroku attempting to stand and falling right back down on his ass. Rolling his eyes, InuYasha went over and offered his hand to the fumbling man. Miroku looked up and grabbed the offered hand, pulling himself up slowly. He rubbed his head and yawned before asking, "What happened to you last night?"
InuYasha's face blushed slightly. "I, uh, was helpin' someone."
Miroku took notice of his friend's flushed face and smirked. "Oh yeah? And how did you help them exactly?"
"She was drunk off her ass and alone. Didn't feel right leaving her."
"Oh! A damsel in distress! Do tell, InuYasha." Miroku plopped unceremoniously back down on his bed.
"Ain't nothin' to tell. I gave her water. We talked. Her friend showed up and they left. End of story."
"Oh come now, InuYasha. Surely there is more to it than that?"
A long pause reverberated through the room before he received an answer. "Well, she did give me her number..."
A knowing smile spread across Miroku's face. "And does this damsel have a name?"
"Well? What is it?"
Miroku narrowed his eyes. "What does that mean?"
"It means I don't know, dumbass. She never told me."
"You mean you talked to this girl for a period of time, and she gave you her number, but not her name?"
Miroku sighed. "Well, I suppose you can always ask her later."
"I guess... just seems kinda awkward now, though."
Shaking his head at his friend, Miroku changed the subject. "I however, met an angel last night. She's the perfect woman, InuYasha."
"You say that about every woman, pervert."
"No, man. I mean it. She's beautiful. And sassy. And just... perfect."
"If you say so. Look, I've gotta go to the library and get some books for class tomorrow. You cool?"
"Yeah, man. I already feel sober."
"Suuuure ya do. Yell at Kuno if ya need anything."
"Yep." InuYasha snatched his bookbag from the floor and practically flew from the room.
This time of day on a Sunday it was easy for him to run through campus without getting weird looks from the other students, mostly because he might see one or two at most. His feet bounded easily off of the pavement as he ran towards the library. InuYasha loved running like this. It felt freeing. The only problem with it was sometimes he would reach his destination faster than he would have liked and had to end the fun. He really needed to find some sort of release.
Entering the library with a flourish, his eyes were drawn to the bulletin board to the right of the door. He was always on the lookout for odd jobs or something to help him earn some extra cash. It was difficult for him to find a real part time job with his... situation. Amber eyes scanned the many papers adorning the board. Some were looking for room mates, some were trying to sell books or furniture. The only help wanted thing he saw didn't interest him, but he knew someone it might. He took out his phone and snapped a picture.
Kagome had just returned from her own shower when she heard her phone ding. Scrubbing her hair with a towel with one hand, she lifted up the phone and looked at the message. She smiled to herself when she saw it was from Foxy. He had sent her a picture. She clicked on it to enlarge it.
"Help Wanted"
Part-time child care assistant
$12/hr -up to 20 hrs/wk
Students welcome
Will accommodate schedule
Ask for Koga
Kagome's eyes widened in surprise. She had only briefly mentioned needing to find a part time job now that her money she had saved up over the summer was starting to become dangerously low. Not only had he remembered, he had even found something he thought she might enjoy.
How on earth did you remember?
I remember a lot. Saw it and thought of you is all. You wanna be a teacher right?
Kagome smiled down at her phone as she tossed both of her towels into the mesh hamper at the foot of her bed.
Very much. Thank you so much. This may just be a lifesaver.
Kagome dialed the number from the flyer. She bounced nervously on the balls of her feet waiting for an answer.
"Yoro North child care. Ayame speaking. How can I help you?"
"Yes, I saw a help wanted flyer. It said to ask for Koga?"
"Hold please."
A few moments passed before a gruff male voice came to her ears.
"Koga here."
"Yes, I saw the help wanted poster about the child care assistant..."
"Ah, yes. Are you available for an interview tomorrow afternoon?"
Smiling in spite of herself, Kagome nodded before realizing he couldn't see her through the phone.
"Y-yes. What time?"
"Three p.m.?"
"Absolutely. I'll be there. Thank you."
"Wait, miss?"
A soft chuckle came through the receiver.
"Can I get your name for the appointment?"
"Oh! I'm so sorry. Kagome. Kagome Higurashi."
"I look forward to meeting you miss Higurashi. See you tomorrow."
"Yes. Thank you so much."
Kagome waited for the tell tale click on the other end before pulling the phone away from her ear. Unwilling to give up her excitement, she quickly texted the man who had made her so happy.
I have an interview tomorrow!
She got a series of thumbs up and happy face emoji's in response.