It was a typical morning on 1216 Franklin Avenue. The birds chirped loudly as they flew through the afternoon sky, kids played happily along the streets, and an explosion rang from the loud residence.

"Do not panic!" Lisa Loud announced as she poked her head out from the room she shared with the youngest Loud. "The gas is not poisonous… Just refrain from inhaling it directly."

Lincoln Loud sighed as he walked out of his room, pulling up his pants over his waist and securing the button. He looked directly ahead of him at what he had deemed, 'The Audience'. He wasn't sure when he started the habit of talking to nothing, but it helped him think. "Here in the Loud House, Saturday isn't really our quietest day." The 11-year old began his journey through the war zone a.k.a the upstairs hallway, hopping over his sister who sped past him in her battery powered toy car.

"Lincoln." He turned his attention to his brainy sister. She simply lifted their littlest sister, who was sleeping soundly surprisingly even with the large explosion. "I fear the gases being leaked from my latest experiment might be damaging. Would you please handle our sister while I try to decontaminate the room?"

Lincoln simply smiled, taking the sleeping Lily in his arms and gently placing her on his shoulder. "Sure thing, just make sure you get this cleaned up before Mum and Dad get home."

"Affirmative." She put on a gas mask and closed the door.

Lincoln held his sister closer as he continued his monologue. "But this Saturday has the perfect recipe for chaos. Our parents are out on a few week vacation, Lori's in the mall with Bobby and Leni's in charge, which means, no rules… to an extent that is. We all remember what happened last time." He shuddered at the thought.

Lily began to stir in his arms, probably woken by his voice. "Hey there sis." Lily simply giggled at him. They reached the bottom floor and Lincoln placed Lily on the chair. "It's not really the most convenient day of the week, but it still beats sitting in class all day." He entered the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal for himself, but froze dead upon hearing a cry from the living room. Even Lynn who was munching on a protein bar beside him froze. They would recognize that cry anywhere.

"Lily!" All Loud children yelled simultaneously as they rushed to the living room to see what happened. Once there, they froze at the sight before them.

There, laying on the couch was a young girl, probably no older than Lincoln or Lynn, with platinum blond hair that cascaded around her shoulders. She had a small frown on her face, her face scrunched as if she were about to cry. But the most noticeable thing was that she was wearing nothing but a diaper. Lily's diaper.

The aforementioned babywear seemed really tight on her, almost looking to burst at any moment. She stretched out her hands as if wanting to be picked up "Lincoln, carry me." She whined, before getting off the couch and moving to hug the confused boy. He blushed deeply as her small but firm breasts pressed onto his chest.

Of course, Lincoln looked to his just as stupefied sisters, before looking at the nude girl that was clutching onto him.

"What the heck is going on?!"


"Hmm… I see." Lisa pondered as she ran the device over Lily's body, now covered in one of Lynn's sports jerseys.

"So, what's the situation Lisa?" Luna asked the scientist of the family.

"Yeah, and like, where's Lily?" Leni added.

Lisa sighed, still reading the reports of the device. "Well, this is in fact Lily. All physical signs point to her. As well as that, she seems to have aged mentally, as in, she has a normal vocabulary and talks normally, though she still seems to have retained her baby like characteristics. As for what happened…" she paused and took a deep breath, before murmuring just loud enough for them to hear. "I have no idea."

"What?!" They exclaimed simultaneously.

"But all signs point to only two possible scenarios. One being that the government has been experimenting on our water supply. And the other being…" She bowed her head in slight embarrassment. "That this was caused by the gases emitted by my latest experimentations."

"WHAT?!" They exclaimed again, louder.

"Well, is it gonna affect the rest of us?" Luna asked as she began to examine the rest of them.

"No. I assure you, I properly contained the gas to my shared living quarters, meaning that none of you will be affected in anyway. I, myself was protected by my heavy duty gas mask." She patted the mask that lay on her head. "Unfortunately, I, not expecting the outcome of my experiment to be an explosion of gas, was unable to give Lily any such protection, meaning she had about a full five minutes inside there constantly breathing it in as she slept. It is most likely that this was the outcome of the situation even with how scientifically impossible it is."

"So, you made some kind of aging gas." Lincoln asked, scratching his head. He understood everything that she had said, but it still flew over his head at how any of this was possible.

Lisa sighed loudly, her face pointed in her usual glare. "If that is the way to put it, so even the biggest of all simpletons would understand me, then yes, I made an aging gas."

"What exactly were you making this time anyway?"

Lisa blushed. "I… I am not fully comfortable answering that question."

"Well, what are we gonna do?" Luna asked as all eyes fell on Lily.

She noticed them staring and giggled. "I don't mind being like this."

The others gasped, having not really heard her speak until now. She suddenly lunged off the couch onto Lincoln. "As long as I'm with my Linky!"

"Wha… What?!"

The door opened as Lori walked in, holding at least a dozen shopping bags while pressing her phone to her ear with her shoulder. "I know right, and those boots really…" She paused, noticing the scene. "… I'll call you back."

Author's Note: Ahh, my first M rated fanfic. It took a while (and a lot of nose bleeds) but I finally summoned enough courage to post one. It's not a surprise to me that I decided to post in this category. Anyway, you know the drill. You must have read the fic by now if you're down here, so why not do me a favor and scroll down to that special box over there and leave me a review.


Edit: Just spell checking my work.
