Final chapter everyone. I got tired today and almost didn't want to work on it. Heheh.

Hope you guys enjoy~

" Do you really have to go so soon Isaac? "

Frost Flower asked him softly, smiling and yet pouting at the same time as the train rolled into the station. Frankly, he didn't think she would miss him like this. Wouldn't mind him leaving. But he would say he was pleasantly surprised that she was wanting him to stay...~ And frankly as well. He would stay longer if he didn't need to get home. It had been a bit. And after such a rush during this adventure... he certainly felt like he was bursting with ideas. And he probably shouldn't be bursting with ideas considering the gravity of the situation that happened... but he was. Chris was a scumbag, but her idea gave him his own ideas. And Frost Flower gave him ideas too. This whole thing was worth it by all means... it broke him out of that strange creative slump he had. Thank the lord~

" I'm afraid so Frost Flower. It's been a bit, and I'm sure Mary is wondering where I am. "

" Daughter right? "

" Right. Daughter~ heh. But yes, it's time to go. "

The fairy girl pouted to this, simply coming over and hugging him warmly. Isaac hugging back, smiling a bit. She was naturally freezing cold...~ he was going to miss this, he really was. Though he soon pulled away, saying gently warm.

" It was nice to see you again Frost Flower. I'm really glad to catch up~ "

" And more...~ "

The girl giggled to this here, blushing a bit brightly, grinning cheekily. Isaac blushing yet, laughing as well. He didn't remember Frost Flower ever joking so lightly about their little "escapades" that way. She had definitely changed a lot since the older days~

" Say. Isaac... um... "

Frost Flower said shyly, looking down shyly. Wings fluttering behind her, like she was hesitant to say it.

" I'm just checking, um... are we, you know... back together? It sort of feels like it here, or... am I just reading too much into this? "

Isaac chuckled gently to this; he knew she would ask that. And he couldn't blame her one bit really. After what happened between them... it was no surprise to him. She'd be confused about it. And for a while he was a tad confused too. But he still knew what was right through it all. And that there was this...

" Frost Flower... here's what it is. No matter what happens between us... I will always care about you. Care about what happens to you, and, I will always come running if you ever need my help. No amount of time, or bad break ups, or anything of that nature will change the fact that we had too many good times together to just ignore. You were my first love... and you're an amazing person. So beautiful inside and out...~ "

Smiling a tad more bittersweet now, he sighed softly before continuing.

" But. I'm no fool... I'm pretty dang far from. And I know that no matter what we may feel for each other... we simply aren't a good match. You're too sweet and innocent, and I'm too fast paced and brutal. I can't, and ever change what I do. I'm smart. The smartest man in the universe as proclaimed by others. But I'm also cold hearted and brutal... I can kill without feeling remorse. I steal, kill, destroy, hell... destroy even the innocent just to get my way. There is only one crime I would never commit, and that's taking someone against their will... heh. Hell, the only reason I reconnected with Mary was so I had a reason to stay next to Jake. His unintelligent brainwaves hide my genius ones from the government... Frost Flower. I am worse than the devil himself. You... heh. You're just too nice for someone like me... I couldn't drag you down to my level, ever. I never want to taint you in such a way. I will always care about you... but I refuse to damage you. I hope this makes sense... "

Frost Flower began to tear up a bit to hearing this yet... she was still smiling. She understood... she knew what he did, and knew she could never be a part of it, even if she wanted to be. Isaac didn't ever want to put her in a situation that she wouldn't be comfortable with. Heck, even if he didn't admit it, he still didn't even want Jake to be in those sort of situations. Yet that was a different story.

The fairy hugged him one last time before the train blew its whistle at him. Signaling it wanted him to get on already. Pulling back, smiling to her gently... before he boarded the train. Waving to her as the door closed, heading to his seat shortly after.

He just watched the scenery roll by him as the train took off for Deedstown. And while he was a bit disappointed to be leaving... he still felt... happy. Happy that he got to see Frost Flower again after so long. This mission was a success, and he had some fun times and closure with his first beautiful girlfriend. Sure he was a bit disappointed it was over, but at the same time... he was happier than he had been in a long time. He made up with Frost Flower. Repaired what was long since broken. And that felt great. He stayed true to the fact they wouldn't be a good match, but it was comforting to know he could visit her now without feelings of awkwardness.

He almost didn't want to go home yet... he was still wrapped up in what happened during this adventure. Sure he realized too late that Frost Flower forgot his reward, but he supposed he shouldn't be complaining. Heh. Her sleeping with him was surely reward enough technically...~ he was already missing her. Maybe he could go back and visit some day soon. With Jake of course...

... Flash. He was starting to look forward to getting home. He didn't know where his thoughts were right now...~

It deleted itself near the end... so angry. The last lines I had before were better than what's there now...

Hope you all enjoyed~