Elena gathered every ounce of self control she possessed to keep from openly gawking as Mateo and Gabe quickly unbuttoned their shirts and cast them to the ground, leaving both boys bare from the waist up.

Marisa, clutching fistfuls of milagros beside her, smirked and raised an eyebrow, saying, "You know, we could have wrapped the milagros over your clothes."

Elena snickered as both boys blushed scarlet, Mateo rubbing the back of his neck in that signature way of his that she knew so well.

While Marisa untangled and separated the milagros into two neat bunches, Mateo pelted her with questions. His curiosity and eagerness to learn everything he could about the magic and history behind the seaweed was matched only by Marisa's enthusiasm about sharing everything she could about sirena lore. Elena watched him, smiling fondly at the usual childlike wonder he expressed about anything magical, until her gaze caught on his bare torso and she froze, her eyes widening slightly as she took a good look.

She'd always known him to be skinny—though it hadn't affected her opinion of him one way or another. She didn't look at her friends that way. Gabe was handsome and muscular while Mateo was adorable and skinny. To her, those were facts just as the sky was blue and the grass was green. Neither fact had ever caused her to look twice.

But she was looking now—and something had changed.

Elena chewed her bottom lip as she stared, intrigued by the softly defined muscles in his shoulders, his stomach, his chest—those hadn't been there the last time they went to the beach. Sure, he was still slender, but her friend had filled out—rather nicely if she was being honest—in the last year. She didn't know if he'd been working out or if it was just something that came with age, but—she liked what she saw.

Wait. Elena's cheeks warmed as she chastised herself for thinking about Mateo in such a way. He was her friend—her best friend.

But he was beautiful, she sighed inwardly. She appreciated the deep bronze of his skin and the way that it fell into soft shadows between each rise and dip of the subtle muscle beneath.

"Ahem—" a pointed cough startled Elena back to reality. All three of her friends were watching her. Marisa had a bit too much understanding sparkling in her eye. Gabe smirked—Elena blushed deeply as she realized he knew exactly what she'd been doing. Mateo, however, looked mercifully puzzled.

"Er—yes?" Elena finally asked, laughing nervously as she shoved a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I asked if you were ready?"

Cocking her head to one side, Elena blinked. Once. Twice. "To?" she asked.

"To help me get these guys wrapped up and in the water," Marisa laughed, "What did you think we were doing? We don't have much time, so here—" she pressed a bundle of seaweed into Elena's hand. "Get your wizard wrapped up while I take care of Gabe over here."

Shocked, Elena stared at the bundle of kelp in her hands. She swallowed hard, taking a deep breath and wetting her lips. She could do this. It wasn't such a big deal after all. It was just skin—really, really nice skin, but still just skin.

Time was of the essence and they needed to get moving. Their new friends needed them.

Elena took the end of the milagro and held it to him, her palm flat against his abdomen. She was surprised at how firm the muscle was and how soft and warm the skin felt beneath her palm. The prickle of goosebumps raising beneath her touch brought a small smile to her lips.

She leaned in, almost hugging him as she wrapped one arm around him to loop the kelp around. She was acutely aware of the heat radiating from him—and his scent!

Stars above, but he smelled good! Like cedar and spices with a hint of citrus. Her breath caught in her throat with the sudden realization that he reminded her of safety and comfort and—home.

That was a perfectly normal thing for a best friend to smell like. Right?

Focus Elena, she chastised herself. What would Mateo think if he knew the direction her thoughts had taken? Besides, she still had a job to do.

Exhaling, she continued looping the milagros around his torso and up to his chest. To distract herself from her wandering thoughts she glanced up, meeting hs eye and murmured, "Thanks, Mateo."

Smiling crookedly in that endearing way of his, Mateo cocked one eyebrow and said, "For what?"

Shrugging, Elena focused on keeping the kelp wrapped tightly, and replied, "Just for being here. For standing by me and always watching my back, even though you don't always agree with my decisions. Just—it really means a lot to me, so—thanks."

He chuckled quietly, her skin prickling as his breath tickled her ear, for she had leaned close to reach around his back and over his shoulders once more. "Of course I'm here," he said quietly. "I told you I was with you all the way from the very beginning. That hasn't changed, Elena."

Eyes stinging with tears of gratitude, Elena smiled, her lips trembling as she tied off the end of the milagro and examined her handiwork, running her hand across his chest to smooth the lumps out.

She placed her hands in his shoulders and met his eye. He looked back, warmth and sincerity shining from deep within, filling her with the knowledge that this boy cared deeply for her well being. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she could trust him fully—she could rely on him and he understood her better than anyone.

Without thinking, she slipped her arms around him, drawing him in for a tight hug. "Thank you, querido," she whispered, her throat thick with emotion, "You are a true friend."

As he hugged her back, her mind wandered back to a few minutes ago as she remembered the warmth of his skin and the way it felt beneath her fingertips—

Stop. This is your best friend you are thinking about, she reprimanded herself.

Pulling back, she bit her lip, smiling shyly as she met his eye and he smiled softly in return.

Before either of them could say another word, Mateo was enveloped in a soft glow as the milagros worked their magic. His eyes widened with wonder and he beamed. "Wow!" he breathed, "I can actually feel the magic flowing through me. This is incredible!"

Elena couldn't help but smile affectionately as he started making excited speculations about the potential magical properties of the kelp and its possibilities for potion making. She loved watching him discover new bits of magical lore. His eyes would practically glow when the thrill of discovery as joy and excitement welled up so thoroughly he could hardly contain it. It was contagious, really.

A huge, fake cough drew her from her musings, though Mateo still examined the kelp in awe, muttering under his breath. Glancing around, she realized Marisa and Gabe had been watching them though she didn't know for how long, identical infuriatingly knowing smiles plastered on their faces.

Clearing her throat and shoving her hair behind one ear, Elena ignored the pointed looks and took Mateo's hand, giving it a squeeze to get his attention.

"Come on," she said tugging him towards the edge of the palace canal, "you'll have plenty of time on the way to Coronado to discover exactly what this magic can do. But," she turned her attention back to Marisa, "we have an underwater kingdom to free. Lead the way, Marisa. Gabe and Mateo. Are you with me?"

"Always," Gabe said, nodding earnestly.

"No matter what," Mateo said with a wide grin.

Nodding contentedly, Elena dove into the water after Marisa, peace and confidence filling her soul with the knowledge that these two boys of hers would be there to watch her back until the very end.

And for that, she was thankful, indeed.