Author's Note: I don't know if they've ever said that any of the Avengers besides Tony knew how young Peter was, but I always assumed that some of them might figure it out. This is how I think it might go if it was discovered.
Please enjoy...
Peter was still processing the whole battle. He was excited, a little nervous, somewhat scared – but mostly excited. He was in a fight with the Avengers. Or were they ex-Avengers, he thought. He was sitting in a German hospital, waiting for Happy to be able to get the car out of the hospital parking garage. With all the damage they done to the airport during the fight, it was a miracle that the car hadn't been totaled when it was parked there. He was watching video of the fight that had been leaked online from the security cameras. Oh my God, there I am, he thought giddily as he watched himself taking on Captain America. Oh, there I am, he thought as he cringed as he watched himself take a head-shot from Cap's shield.
He was so focused on watching the footage that he didn't notice that he was being watched from across the room. Natasha was leaning against the door frame, she already changed out of her Black Widow outfit and was back in her civilian clothes. There were plenty of people coming and going through the waiting room – doctors, nurses, security, police, military. None of them looked out of place. Not like this kid did as he sat on one of those uncomfortable chairs, watching his phone, smiling and cringing at whatever had his attention. She figured he was young, his vintage Super Mario shirt, a blue hoodie that looked a size too big, faded jeans, Chucks, and ear buds in his ears practically screamed teenager. She could also tell that he wasn't with any of the other adults in the room.
Since they were here because of Rhodes being brought here after the battle, the place was pretty much on lockdown. She knew only life or death emergencies were being let in, all others sent to other hospitals. All patients were confined to their rooms, the same being done to anyone who was visiting them when they got here. So there was no way that this random kid could be left to wander in here all alone without someone herding him off to where he should be.
Peter was replaying the footage of himself leaping from car to car as they were thrown at him by that girl who looked really familiar to him, he just couldn't place her at the moment. He was so engrossed in the footage that he didn't see the person sneaking up on him until he felt the tap to his shoulder. He fumbled his phone from the shock to his attention, looking up as he caught it quickly. Standing in front of him was…
"Black Widow," he said excitedly as he stood up. "I mean…random strange woman who've I've never met before…ever…before today," he added, mentally kicking himself for calling her by her superhero name, immediately closing his eyes. Smooth Parker, real smooth he thought.
Natasha heard his voice and immediately recognized it. A flash of anger rushed through her as she watched the young teen fidget in front of her, mostly due to the size of the black eye on his face. She nearly cringed when she saw that it covered a good quarter of his face. Tony, you piece of shit, she thought furiously. "You can call me, Natasha," she told him after reining in her emotions. "What's your name?"
"My name? Um…well, I'm not really supposed to…," Peter stammered as he remembered Tony's instruction to not try and be noticed too much.
Natasha pressed a finger to his lips to quiet him. Peter mumbled for a split second as he continued to try and nervously give a reason for not answering her. Finally, when the mumbling stopped and he was silent, did Natasha remove her finger.
"Your name – please?"
"P-Peter. Peter Parker," he relented.
"How old are you?"
Peter looked away and toward the floor for a fleeting second. He knew he looked young. His voice didn't exactly help things either. But he was hoping that what she'd seen him do during the fight might make that question moot.
"How old are you?" Natasha repeated, this time a little firmer, but still trying to at least sound gentle.
"Fifteen," he said sheepishly.
Natasha looked him over again and, once again, felt that flash of anger. She motioned for him to sit back down, which he did, albeit a little nervously. She then took the seat next to him and lightly grabbed his chin. She moved his head up and looked his black eye over. It was massive. One of the worst she had ever seen on anyone. That definitely came from Cap's shield, she reasoned as she remembered, even throughout all the melee and destruction going on around her, glimpsing him taking Steve on.
"Does that hurt?" she questioned him.
"Not too much," he replied. "It'll be gone by tomorrow probably." Natasha raised an eyebrow at him. "I heal kind of fast. I thinks it's my metabolism. All my senses dialed to ten, plus the, uh…the strength, speed. Plus, I eat a lot," he started rambling. Natasha just let him go on for a few more seconds, listening to him talk about how he practically eats like crazy sometimes to keep up his energy after a really big use of his powers.
"So are you hungry now?" Natasha interrupted him.
"Starting to," he told her.
"Before we deal with the food issue, are you hurt anywhere else? You took some pretty hard hits out there."
"Just…just my back, from when I got slammed into that jet bridge. A little bit of a headache from landing on some crates," he revealed.
I'm gonna kill Tony, she thought as she heard him tell her his injuries. Before she could say anything more, or begin to make sure he was alright, she heard footsteps coming closer to their direction from behind her.
"So kid, all the machines had right now was –," Happy began, carrying some of the snacks from the vending machines, stopping when he saw Natasha turn around. His eyes widened and suddenly he felt his blood run cold with dread. Oh shit, he thought with dejection. "Nat…hey. How are you?" he asked, trying to sound normal.
"Happy," Natasha greeted him as she stood. She had her normal, casual, care-free smile, but Happy, and even Peter, could tell that she was upset. "I see you know Peter," she said to him. Happy nodded. "He's a nice kid. Emphasis on kid. Did you know why Tony was bringing him here?"
Happy took a deep breath and nodded slowly. Natasha closed the distance between herself and Happy. Despite her aplomb demeanor, Happy could tell that she was probably doing everything to not lash out at him at the moment.
"Where's Tony?" she asked calmly.
"H-he's on the floor where they do the CT Scans. Fourth I think," Happy answered, sounding nervous but feeling terrified.
"I'm sure Tony has the kid put up in a hotel while he's here?" she pressed Happy for information. He nodded. "Take him back there, and get him a proper meal. Tony will be in touch later," she instructed him, a small grin that was hiding a tone of pure menace behind it. She then turned to look at Peter. "You said you heal fast, but I still expect you to put some ice on anything that needs it, and get some rest, okay?"
Peter nodded. Natasha then cast one last angry look at Happy and started making her way to the elevators. Happy stood there frozen, trying to calm himself down after having the holy hell scared out of him.
"She's nicer than I thought she'd be," Peter said, knocking Happy out of his frightened daze. He looked down at Peter, his expression still stoic. "And she's prettier in person."
"Uh-huh," Happy grunted, still not able to speak.