Disclaimer: Same as Chapter 1
Outside of Naples there is an old ophanage. Visiting it today was Father Alexander Anderson. He called each one of these orphaned children his own children. He enjoyed visiting them almost as much as he looked forward to trying to kill Hellsing's pet vampire. Unbeknownest to him a huge cargo plane was landing about a mile from where he and the children were. The doors opened and several what appeared to be giant pilot-controlled robots. They ran at speeds you wouldn't expect for their size towards the orphanage with two goals in mind. Capture the Paladin Alexander Anderson and after that level the orphanage to the ground.
Anderson smiled as he watched a bunch of children playing when he noticed one boy was looking out towards the mountains. Anderson walked over to him and asked the boy what he was looking at. "Giant robots Father Anderson." Anderson chuckled for a second till he noticed that it had suddenly gotten dark and everything was surprisingly quiet. He looked up and saw a huge robot staring down at him. It's arms were huge. One was actually a gattling gun while the other held a huge rifle. Several what appeared to be rocket launchers were attached to the back. "Father Anderson I presume? My name is Sargent Gosler of the Gegengeist Gruppe and you are surrender to us right now."
Anderson walked up to the robot, pulled out a sword from his overcoat and yelled "And what makes you think I'll surrender to an overgrown tin can?" A scream made Anderson turn around and gasp. A woman in surgical clothes was holding the young boy in what appeared to bea loving embrace except for the fact that a blade was pressed into the boy's neck. "Now, now, now, Herr Anderson, you don't want this poor young boy's life to end before he grows up to be something big." "Ja like a bum or something ha ha ha." A man's voice said as several of the huge robots appeared and stood by the first one. Every one of their weapons were pointed at the orphanage and orphans. "Surrender and the little darlings won't have to exchange this place for a graveyard." The woman said as she pressed the blade into the boy's neck drawing a little blood.
Anderson gritted his teeth and dropped his sword on the ground. "Fine then." 'Minute you turn your backs you're all dead.' "Good Herr Anderson." The woman said as she released the boy who immediately ran to Anderson crying. "There there, go to the other children now and may God protect you." The boy nodded and did as he was told. "Now Father remove your clothes now." "Excuse me?!" Anderson blurted out. "We want to make sure you're unarmed. Do it or else." Gosler said as his robot cocked it's rifle. The others also cocked their rifles getting their point across. Anderson growled and began removing his clothes. 'I'll kill you all you scum of the Dark One.'
Meanwhile at the Hellsing Castle, Integra, Alucard, Walter, and Seras were in Integra's office waiting for Adrian to appear. Suddenly Alucard shifted his head towards the window and with a wave of his hand it opened revealed a cloud of green mist entering the room.A bit of it was inhaled by Walter and caused him to cough. "Forgot to mention that when my son takes his mist form he become a cloud of poisonous gas." Alucard said with a slight smirk.
The mist went to a chair and changed into Adrian as he sat down in that chair. "Thank you for waiting and sorry about that Walter. What I'm about to tell you is a bit of history. Before the Millenium group was founded the nazis had another group involved in the occult. It was called the Gegengeist Gruppe." "I've heard stories about them but thought nothing more it was aparently disbanded in 1938." Walter said as he stood next Integra. "Not disbanded, decimated. They would involved in the legend of Belial." "A demon who many believe to be the devil." Alucard whispered in Seras's ear. They ran into a complication. You've already met her." "The female dhampire from the club?" Integra said as she leaned forward to hear the rest of the story. "Bloodrayne former Agent of the once great Brimstone society." "The vampire hunters?" Walter asked. "The same. But I'm getting off track. Rayne killed their high commanders and most of their troops. However an old aquiantance of my father's brought them back from hell and they've joined forces with the Millenium Group." "Oh my god." Seras said with her hand over her mouth. "Exactly. By themselves they're both equally dangerous. Together well can anyone say World War Three. Cause that is what will happen. We're the only ones who can stop them." Alucard walked toward his son and looked him right in the eye. "Let's back track for a second. You said an old aquiantence of mine did this. Which old aquiantence was it?" "Does the name Shaft ring a bell?" Adrian said as he rose from his chair.
Meanwhile Anderson had removed every piece of clothing he wore and now was being looked over by the woman. "Very impressiveI must say." Suddenly she removed a hypedermic needle filled with a red liquid and jab it into Anderson's neck. The priest immediately fell asleep. "Gosler while we get him to the plane destroy this place and it's occupants." "Right. OPEN FIRE ON THE ORPHANAGE!" Within minutes it was turned to rumble. "I want two soldiers to round up kids and finish them off." Gosler said as the rest of the troops started to leave. "Two infantry men appeared right below him and one said in a deep voice "We'll do it sir." They rounded up the children and whatever caretakers there were and led them to a shack. A minute later the air was pierced by loud screams.
AN: This concludes Reunions. This is the first story in this mega crossover. This next will be up when I can get it written. However there will be a preview to each upcoming story at the end of the previous story.
Outside of Naples there is an old ophanage. Visiting it today was Father Alexander Anderson. He called each one of these orphaned children his own children. He enjoyed visiting them almost as much as he looked forward to trying to kill Hellsing's pet vampire. Unbeknownest to him a huge cargo plane was landing about a mile from where he and the children were. The doors opened and several what appeared to be giant pilot-controlled robots. They ran at speeds you wouldn't expect for their size towards the orphanage with two goals in mind. Capture the Paladin Alexander Anderson and after that level the orphanage to the ground.
Anderson smiled as he watched a bunch of children playing when he noticed one boy was looking out towards the mountains. Anderson walked over to him and asked the boy what he was looking at. "Giant robots Father Anderson." Anderson chuckled for a second till he noticed that it had suddenly gotten dark and everything was surprisingly quiet. He looked up and saw a huge robot staring down at him. It's arms were huge. One was actually a gattling gun while the other held a huge rifle. Several what appeared to be rocket launchers were attached to the back. "Father Anderson I presume? My name is Sargent Gosler of the Gegengeist Gruppe and you are surrender to us right now."
Anderson walked up to the robot, pulled out a sword from his overcoat and yelled "And what makes you think I'll surrender to an overgrown tin can?" A scream made Anderson turn around and gasp. A woman in surgical clothes was holding the young boy in what appeared to bea loving embrace except for the fact that a blade was pressed into the boy's neck. "Now, now, now, Herr Anderson, you don't want this poor young boy's life to end before he grows up to be something big." "Ja like a bum or something ha ha ha." A man's voice said as several of the huge robots appeared and stood by the first one. Every one of their weapons were pointed at the orphanage and orphans. "Surrender and the little darlings won't have to exchange this place for a graveyard." The woman said as she pressed the blade into the boy's neck drawing a little blood.
Anderson gritted his teeth and dropped his sword on the ground. "Fine then." 'Minute you turn your backs you're all dead.' "Good Herr Anderson." The woman said as she released the boy who immediately ran to Anderson crying. "There there, go to the other children now and may God protect you." The boy nodded and did as he was told. "Now Father remove your clothes now." "Excuse me?!" Anderson blurted out. "We want to make sure you're unarmed. Do it or else." Gosler said as his robot cocked it's rifle. The others also cocked their rifles getting their point across. Anderson growled and began removing his clothes. 'I'll kill you all you scum of the Dark One.'
Meanwhile at the Hellsing Castle, Integra, Alucard, Walter, and Seras were in Integra's office waiting for Adrian to appear. Suddenly Alucard shifted his head towards the window and with a wave of his hand it opened revealed a cloud of green mist entering the room.A bit of it was inhaled by Walter and caused him to cough. "Forgot to mention that when my son takes his mist form he become a cloud of poisonous gas." Alucard said with a slight smirk.
The mist went to a chair and changed into Adrian as he sat down in that chair. "Thank you for waiting and sorry about that Walter. What I'm about to tell you is a bit of history. Before the Millenium group was founded the nazis had another group involved in the occult. It was called the Gegengeist Gruppe." "I've heard stories about them but thought nothing more it was aparently disbanded in 1938." Walter said as he stood next Integra. "Not disbanded, decimated. They would involved in the legend of Belial." "A demon who many believe to be the devil." Alucard whispered in Seras's ear. They ran into a complication. You've already met her." "The female dhampire from the club?" Integra said as she leaned forward to hear the rest of the story. "Bloodrayne former Agent of the once great Brimstone society." "The vampire hunters?" Walter asked. "The same. But I'm getting off track. Rayne killed their high commanders and most of their troops. However an old aquiantance of my father's brought them back from hell and they've joined forces with the Millenium Group." "Oh my god." Seras said with her hand over her mouth. "Exactly. By themselves they're both equally dangerous. Together well can anyone say World War Three. Cause that is what will happen. We're the only ones who can stop them." Alucard walked toward his son and looked him right in the eye. "Let's back track for a second. You said an old aquiantence of mine did this. Which old aquiantence was it?" "Does the name Shaft ring a bell?" Adrian said as he rose from his chair.
Meanwhile Anderson had removed every piece of clothing he wore and now was being looked over by the woman. "Very impressiveI must say." Suddenly she removed a hypedermic needle filled with a red liquid and jab it into Anderson's neck. The priest immediately fell asleep. "Gosler while we get him to the plane destroy this place and it's occupants." "Right. OPEN FIRE ON THE ORPHANAGE!" Within minutes it was turned to rumble. "I want two soldiers to round up kids and finish them off." Gosler said as the rest of the troops started to leave. "Two infantry men appeared right below him and one said in a deep voice "We'll do it sir." They rounded up the children and whatever caretakers there were and led them to a shack. A minute later the air was pierced by loud screams.
AN: This concludes Reunions. This is the first story in this mega crossover. This next will be up when I can get it written. However there will be a preview to each upcoming story at the end of the previous story.