A/N: Hey, Readers! The first 'Episode' of this fic takes place in Season 1 Episode 3 of Bitten. Hope you enjoy it! OH! There's also this – I'm going to be honest here and tell y'all that I wrote this for the fun of it and have no idea if/when I'll continue it. I had writer's block on every other story I have but this 'Episode' just seemed to flow without issue, so it helped. I wanted to let y'all know this and if I don't end up continuing it, I apologize in advance. But who knows? I just might.

P.S. In this Personification AU this is Blair's first time using Bonnie's Spell. So there won't be any references to Blair Visits the Walking Dead.

For Blair, being a Werewolf isn't anything new. In her Reality she was born with the Werewolf-Curse, triggered it, and lived with it. Being a Wolf was a part of who she is – It's in her blood and perhaps even her soul. But that's in her Reality. What would happen if she ventured to a different Reality where Werewolves also existed? Would she be the same or end up running with a whole different pack of wolves?

Long story short, Bonnie Bennet found a universe jumping spell. As soon as Blair heard about it, she just had to do it. She knew the rules – If you wanted to leave the Spell then your Alter would have to die in it and then Blair would return back to Mystic Falls. Blair didn't think about what that really meant when she agreed. She didn't think about how her Alter would have to die in order for her to come home. All Blair wanted was a break from her Reality and so she let Bonnie cast the Spell, despite not knowing where she was going to end up. All she knew was – wherever she was sent – she'd be sent there for a reason.

Once the Spell was cast and Blair closed her eyes in Bonnie's living room in her Reality, she opened them to find she was standing outside a warehouse in Bear Valley, New York – not in her Reality. It was nighttime and by the sounds of the music blaring from the warehouse and all the people moving towards it, there was definitely a rave or something of the like going on in there.

Blair looked down at what her Alter had chosen to wear that evening; black pleated mini skirt, black tank top, black leather jacket, fishnet tights, and knee-high heeled boots. It wasn't too far off what Blair herself would have picked for something like this so it actually made her kinda relieved that her Alter didn't seem too different from herself. At least where clothes were concerned anyway. Blair wasn't too worried about people figuring out that Blair wasn't this Reality's Blair because Bonnie told her the longer she stayed the more memories would filter through, and it's not like she was a stranger to lives' memories popping up randomly so she wasn't really bothered by it.

Blair was about to head into the rave but some guy bumped into her. "Watch it," she snapped and walked past him when he froze and looked at her like a predator would its prey. Because of this, Blair made a mental note to avoid him like hell the rest of the night. Seemed like her Alter had a plan in place where it came to sketchy guys. The bottle of pepper spray Blair felt in her jacket pocket gave hint to that anyway.

The rave was in full swing when Blair went inside. Laser lights were shooting off all over the place, everyone was jumping and dancing to the music, and inflatable balls were being thrown in the air repeatedly by the crowd. Since Blair didn't have any of her Alter's memories yet, she just allowed herself to have a good time and started dancing to the music. If a shoe was going to drop when the memories did filter through – which was a possibility – Blair was going to enjoy this Reality while it lasted. In other words; Party first, think later.

Everything was going great at the rave. Blair was enjoying herself more than she had in a long time and it was nice. She didn't have to worry about anything and could just let loose. Good things don't last forever and the other shoe did drop, but Blair didn't consider just what that other shoe might look like.

She heard screaming coming from the catwalk above then saw a wolf – a Werewolf if she had to put money on exactly what it was, and seeing this made Blair say to herself, "You've got to be kidding me!" While everyone else was running out of there, Blair rushed to the bar area and grabbed one of the stools. The Werewolf was tearing some poor guy apart and Blair couldn't stand for that. She brought the stool over and wailed it as hard as she could into the Wolf. Unfortunately, she wasn't as strong in this Reality as she was in her own so it just pissed the Wolf off.

"Shit!" As the Wolf turned its sights on her, she scrambled into her pocket for the pepper spray and sprayed right into the Wolf's eyes. It did deter it, but it didn't stop the Wolf from snapping at Blair's hand. She winced and held her hand close since it broke skin, and when a blonde woman shouted at her to run, she didn't think twice and did.

Blair went into a back area and hid behind a stack of pallets. Her hand was burning and throbbing and she wanted to scream. 'I'm not even here for 24-Hours and I've already been attacked by a supernatural creature? Why couldn't I have been sent somewhere normal?' Those were the thoughts going through her mind when she wasn't being distracted by the searing pain in her hand.

She moved further back behind the stack of pallets when she heard the snarling of the Wolf and silently gasped when it lunged at a young woman and just started eating her right up. Blair wanted to do something but she could barely move. She felt like lava was coursing through her veins and it took everything she had not to lose her mind. A part of her wanted to make a run for it when the Wolf was distracted when the blonde woman showed up along with some guy as big as a tree. Blair didn't get better looks at them because her vision was starting to get fuzzy.

Blair was so used to the whole 'you can only be born a Werewolf and not bitten to become one' thing from her Reality that she hadn't considered it might be different in this one. Honestly, she thought she was starting to get rabies or something.

She closed her eyes and tried to focus on anything else but the pain and when she opened them the Wolf and the couple were gone. Blair wanted to get to a hospital ASAP and made herself move to try and get there. Thanks to the sounds of all the sirens outside, she didn't think it'd be that hard to get a ride. As long as she made it out there alive.

Blair was slowly making her way to the exit and almost made it but something stopped her. The blonde and the guy were in the office. The guy was strangling one of the rave-goers who was alive after being bitten by the Wolf. She was not ready to leave this Reality without finding out why the Spell chose to send her there, so she tried to make a run for it. Alas, she didn't make it very far. The heat spread over her so badly that she collapsed and this drew the attention her way.

Blair rolled onto her back and saw them coming towards her. She held out her hands to keep them away. "St – stay away from me!" Her voice was ragged from the heavy breathing.

The guy saw the bite mark on her hand. "She's been Bitten."

"Clay, no," the blonde woman firmly interjected. "Not again. We can take her to Stonehaven. If I survived then maybe she can."

Blair couldn't even try and figure out what they were talking about and tried to push herself to the exit. When the guy went over to her she seethed, "If – if you're going to ki-kill me, I won't go down with-without a fight."

The guy looked like he was prepared to kill her just like he killed the guy in the office but when he looked back to the blonde, something in his expression changed. "I'm not going to kill you, but that doesn't mean you're not going to die." Despite her trying to push him off her, he scooped her up and carried her out the back.

"You'll be alright," the blonde said to her soothingly. "We're taking you to Stonehaven. You're going to be fine."

Blair wasn't too quick to believe her, but she wasn't in the best condition to retort.

Stonehaven turned out to be a mansion-like place in the middle of the woods with its own personal torture cellar. At least that's the first thing Blair thought of when she saw it and gasped painfully, "Kinky," when the guy placed her in the cage and locked it. This made her think back to the Lockwood cellar and suddenly she started to laugh. Well, she tried to laugh because it made sense now – Werewolves, duh. Bitten as opposed to born, apparently.

Blair looked through the bars and saw a different guy come down the stairs. Given how the couple reacted towards him, he must have been the one in charge. She wanted to say something but ended up crying out in pain again instead.

Jeremy looked at Clay and Elena then to the young woman in the cage. "What is she doing here?"

"She was Bitten," Elena explained. "I couldn't let her die."

"You just made her death all the more excruciating," Jeremy shot back, clearly not pleased by this turn of events. "I will take care of this."

Blair looked at the new guy. "Woof." That was all she managed to get out before the pain surged through her again.

"I am so sorry you're being put through this." He picked up a knife from the table and moved closer to the cage. "I can end your suffering."

"I've been through worse," Blair said weakly as she started to slide the jacket off her arms. A familiar feeling was now coursing through her – the pain of the Change.

Jeremy was about to unlock the cage but stopped when he heard her speak. "What was that?"

The jacket was off and pushed to the side but Blair wasn't able to get anything else off – the Change was coming too quickly. Blair was on all fours when she heard Jeremy ask her to repeat what she said. The Change had started so she looked up and growled, "I've been through worse!" Blair's cries turned into snarls as her bones started cracking into new form and her face extended into that of a Wolf's. Her eyes glowed yellow as tawny-esque fur covered her entire body. When the Change completed, Blair's Wolf stood there in front of the new guy with only the cage between them and growled, making it clear that no one was going to lay a hand on her.

Jeremy, Clay, and Elena all stood there stunned. Not only did this young woman survive the Change but it took to her quicker than anyone else they had ever seen. On top of that…she seemed to have control over her Wolf already. Before, Elena was the only female Werewolf but now that wasn't the case any longer. If this was a good thing or a bad thing, none of them knew, but what they did know was if any of the Mutts found out she existed then there would be a target on her back.

When Blair awoke it was morning and she was back to her human state. She found a set of clothes near the cage along with a tray of food. After pulling on the clothes that were way too long for her, she started eating. Blair was starving to say the least. Yeah, she always had an appetite before but this was different – borderline ravenous.

Blair was mid-bite when the new guy from the night before came downstairs and stood in front of the cage. "You're alive," he stated as he looked her over, "I must say I'm impressed."

After taking the bite and swallowing it, she answered him. "How long are you going to keep me here?"

He pulled a stool over and took a seat. "That depends."

"On what?" Blair wanted to know.

"Quite a few things, actually," he answered. "Let's start with your name."

Blair turned the question back on him. "You first." She took an extra big bite of the plain pancake in her hand to emphasize she wasn't going to say anything to him yet.

He chuckled a bit at this and introduced himself. "My name is Jeremy Danvers. Last night you met Elena and my son Clay."

Blair stopped chewing and almost laughed at the names. Yes, there was a Jeremy and an Elena here but clearly they weren't the Alters of her Jeremy and Elena. She thought it was funny because just like she apparently couldn't escape Werewolves, she couldn't escape the eyes of a Jeremy or Elena either. "Good to know," she answered with a mouthful.

Jeremy waited for her to finish before waving his hand a bit. "I believe it is your turn."

She took a big gulp from the glass of orange juice and finally told him. "Blair Han."

Jeremy didn't recognize her name, so he proceeded with the conversation. "You're taking this rather well. Do you understand what happened to you?"

Blair couldn't help herself but to answer with, "Werewolves, duh." At his expression she said, "What can I say? I've always been a fan of myths, monsters, and legends. Always figured something happened to be real. So, Werewolves? Not really surprising."

"It is for us," Jeremy stated, then clarified, "That you survived, that is."

Blair sat up straighter. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"There are no female Werewolves," Jeremy answered. "Except for Elena and now…you. Women normally cannot survive the Change after being Bitten."

Blair opened her mouth to say something, but needed a second longer to process. "What about girls who were born to a Werewolf parent?"

"Only the males are born Wolves." Jeremy stepped closer to the cage, still thinking she was taking this better than a normal person should have. Then again, perhaps she wasn't as normal as most. "Can I trust you, Blair?"

Once again, Blair turned the question back on him. "Can I trust you?"

His response to that was, "I am the Alpha."

That wasn't good enough for her. "Eh, not really an answer. I'm gonna need something better than that."

Jeremy chuckled a bit at her. "How about this – We will both work to earn each other's trust?"

Blair figured why the hell not because maybe this was what the Spell sent her there for? "Sounds good. Now, can I get out of here?"

Jeremy pondered this for a moment before letting her out. "A couple more questions." He opened the cage door, "Do you have any family?"

Blair just so happened to dream about that last night. Her Alter didn't know who her family was so she answered based off that. "I was raised in the system, so I'm gonna go with no. Next question?"

"How old are you?" Jeremy wanted to know this because there was just something about Blair that gave her an air of being wiser than her years portrayed.

Blair thought this was an odd question but answered it anyway. "Twenty-one."

Jeremy didn't say anything else about that and led her upstairs to the kitchen. "Come and meet the rest of the Pack. There is a lot you must learn."

"Will the question of why the hell a Werewolf decided to attack a rave going to be answered?" Blair asked as they went up the stairs. "Or are we not like secretive or something?"

"Humans can't know of our existence," Clay answered at the top of the stairs. He looked at her like he didn't trust her, because, well, he didn't. She was even more of an anomaly than Elena was and he didn't like that one bit.

"I figured that was the case. You guys didn't seem too keen on letting anyone see us last night." Blair sat at the large wooden table in the center of the kitchen and pulled up the sleeve from her shirt. It was a little big on her and must have belonged to Elena since she was the only other woman there.

Elena moved to sit beside her. "Hi, I'm Elena. If you give me your sizes I can go into town and pick you up some things today."

"Blair," she answered. "And that'd be great. Did any of my clothes survive last night?"

"Just your jacket," Elena answered. "Everything else, no."

Blair didn't get a chance to say anything else because the rest of the Pack filed into the kitchen and introduced themselves in turn. There was Antonio, Pete, Logan, and lastly…Nick.

When Nick walked into the kitchen and saw Blair sitting there, he was taken aback a bit. To say there was an instant attraction would be an understatement. Of course it wouldn't be the first time he'd been attracted to someone but this…this was a little bit different. "Hi," he extended his hand. "I'm Nick Sorrentino."

Blair cleared her throat a little before shaking his hand because she felt something stirring inside as well but blamed it on the Wolf. "Blair Han."

Pete looked at her in amazement. "Damn, I can't believe you're alive. No lady, other than Elena, has ever lived."

"What can I say? I'm a survivor." Blair shrugged like it was nothing, because to her it was. This really was no big deal to her at all because in her Reality, she was a Werewolf. Clearly the rules were different here but a Wolf is a Wolf is a Wolf. In other words, the music may be different but it's the same old dance.

Blair looked around the table and found all eyes were on her, studying her. "So…who's gonna be the one to give me the lo-down?"

Nick instantly answered. "I will." He then realized his place and looked at Jeremy. "If that's alright with you?"

Jeremy figured Blair would be less likely to try and leave the Pack if she had a connection with someone in it. Initially he thought that would be Elena but since it happened to be Nick, he wasn't going to stand in the way of that. "Of course." Jeremy turned to Blair. "Nick will be in charge of you. Any questions you have or training that needs to be done, he will be responsible. And in case it hasn't been made clear yet, you are not allowed to leave Stonehaven until further notice."

A part of Blair wanted to put up a fight about this but the Alter side of her didn't. The Alter side of her just kept feeling like they finally belonged and went with that. "Fine. But you're all crazy if you think I'm going to sleep in that cage again. I may be a Wolf but I'll be damned if I'm treated like a dog."

Pete pointed at her and chuckled. "I like this one." His cellphone went off at that moment and after checking it, he left the table. "That's my cue. I'm gonna try and catch up with the rest of the tour. You know where to find me."

"I'm heading out, too." Logan left the table as well and waved briefly goodbye to the others since they already said their verbal goodbyes the night before.

Blair paid no mind to their leaving and just proceeded to eat what was placed in front of her.

"I'll be leaving soon as well." Elena almost changed her mind thanks to Blair surviving the change but the last thing she wanted was to be at Stonehaven.

"Am I shooting off 'run away' vibes or something? Because I'm here and now everyone's leaving." Blair meant it as a joke but when Nick said, "Quite the opposite," she paused for a moment then smiled before clearing her throat.

"There was a Mutt problem but it has been taken care of," Jeremy informed her.

Blair swallowed the large bite of food before asking, "What's a Mutt?"

"A Wolf that doesn't belong to the Pack," Clay answered, keeping a close eye on Blair. He was still a bit suspicious about her.

Blair set her food down and looked at Jeremy with a confused expression. "Are you saying there's only one Pack?"

"In America," Elena chimed in. "There are other Packs in other countries, but if you're not Pack then you're a Mutt and aren't allowed to settle down in one place."

Blair was having difficulty processing this. "Let me get this straight…you either join the Pack, which from what I've seen so far is pretty small, or you're forced to be nomadic and essentially have no life? And on top of all that, no humans are allowed to know of our existence and female Wolves are rare as hell?" She waved her hands out in front of her a bit. "Am I getting that right?"

Jeremy placed his elbows on the table and intertwined his fingers before nodding. "Basically, yes. But there is more to it than simply that. There is a lot you need to learn and understand."

"I'll tell you something I don't understand – What's to stop a group of so-called Mutts from making a Pack of their own?" Blair looked around the table, expecting an answer.

Jeremy didn't want to drive her away not only because she was Pack now, but because she was the only other female Werewolf in existence, so he tried to be vague about it. "We make sure that doesn't happen. There are rules."

There was just something in the way he said it that made Blair shoot back, "You mean you kill anyone who doesn't obey?" She scoffed and stood from the table. "Forget what I said before – I'm not staying here."

Blair went for the exit but found Clay standing there with crossed arms to block her. "I've taken down bigger than you, bucko. Now move."

"I don't think so." Clay was pretty firm about this.

Jeremy left his seat and went over to Blair in hopes of smoothing things over – especially when she started growling at Clay. "How about a compromise? Allow Nick to teach you our ways and if you still do not wish to stay, then we won't stop you."

Blair looked from Clay, to Jeremy, to Nick, then back to Jeremy before answering. "Fine. But in the meantime, while you may be their Alpha, you're not mine – Not until I see you deserve it."

Clay stepped forward and was about to give her a piece of his mind but stopped when Jeremy held out his hand to keep him from saying or doing anything.

Jeremy looked Blair over in interest. "You know, it's a bit funny – you speak as if you've been in a Pack of some sort before."

There was no way in hell she was going to tell them about the Spell or how she was a Wolf in her Reality or anything like that, so instead she said, "I was in a gang when I was a teenager. Does that count?" The answer must have sufficed because the expression on Jeremy's face pretty much said to her 'that explains a lot'.

Elena left Stonehaven after picking some things up for Blair in town, along with a cellphone that already had the Pack's numbers programmed in it. When Blair pointed out that Elena seemed pretty confident that she was going to stay with the Pack, Elena countered by telling her it was better to be safe than sorry.

Now it was time for Nick's first training lesson. Blair went outside with him wearing a black tanktop and grey sweatpants that she rolled up to the knee and a pair of sneakers. She tried not to stare at Nick who was shirtless and stretching. Blair felt that weird stirring again that was like instant attraction mixed with something deeper and it was hard to wrap her head around what it was because she'd never felt anything quite like it before.

While suppressing whatever it was, she cleared her throat and went over to him. "What's first on the agenda?"

Nick didn't show it, but he was feeling the same stirring inside that she was. He took a moment to look her over before saying, "Normally we'd start with learning to Change, but since there has been an increase in hunter activity lately thanks to the Mutt. The Wolf's been killed but we'll still start with something else." Nick shook himself out, saying, "You told Clay you've taken people down before. Show me."

Blair laughed a bit because she thought this was a little preposterous. "You want me to fight you?"

"You need to be able to protect yourself in case a Mutt ever comes after you," Nick answered and waved his hands for her to come towards him. "Let's see what you got, little lady."

"You may be a foot-ish taller than me but that doesn't make me little." Blair cracked her knuckles a bit. "That just makes you freakishly tall."

Nick chuckled at that before charging first. He started with an easy enough punch which Blair instantly deflected. He had to block her retaliation and found she knew more than he thought she did and stepped it up. It wasn't long before Blair had flipped Nick onto his back and straddled him with her hand to his throat. Only it wasn't just her hand, she had changed it into a claw and felt it pressing into his neck.

Nick looked up at Blair in shock, mild fear, awe, and a bit of arousal. "What are you?"

"Let's fine out," Blair answered with a grin before getting off him – her hand back to normal at this point. "I've also had self defense training. It came useful with handsy foster fathers." She was referring to her Alter's life with that statement and some of the memories made her stomach churn.

Nick hopped to his feet and went over to her. "You're taking all this better than anyone else I've known – even Elena. How are you not freaking out right now?"

Blair answered in a way that she hoped would satisfy his curiosity and cease any more questions about it. "Some people believe in God – I believed in myths, monsters, and legends. Finding out that Werewolves exist in this Reality is the second best thing that's happened to me in my existence here."

Nick still thought she was taking it better than she should have, but didn't press further on the matter and instead caught what she said about Werewolves being the second best. That statement intrigued him. "Oh, yeah? What's the first?"

Blair looked him over before looking up at him with an impish grin on her face. "I'll let you know."

Meanwhile, Jeremy stood at the window inside the house and watched Nick practice with Blair. He crossed his arms as a million different thoughts filtered through his mind.

Antonio joined him and spoke what he was thinking, figuring Jeremy was thinking the same thing. "There's something different about her and not just where the Bite is concerned. She –she is taking this too well. It's unsettling."

"I agree," Jeremy replied, not taking his eyes off the sparring match. "It is almost as if she has been through this before." He looked back to Antonio before continuing, "I know that is not possible, but there was no fear in her eyes when the Change took over – at a faster rate than even Elena, I must add." Jeremy looked back to the pair outside that were now both on their backs and laughing. "When Blair was put in the cage, I would swear her scent was Wolf before the Change even happened."

"She is an anomaly, that is for certain." There was something weighing on Antonio's mind at that moment, especially since he noticed the instant connection between Blair and his son. "What are we going to do about her? Is she a threat to our Pack?"

Jeremy moved away from the window as he answered. "I do not believe so, but I would rather she stay within the Pack. Seeing the connection between her and your son shouldn't make that very difficult."

"The same thing happened with Elena and Clay, but she did not stay." Antonio didn't mean to undermine Jeremy's words, but he felt it had to be said.

"True, but I have a feeling Blair will be different." He brought Antonio back to the window and pointed towards Blair and Nick who were back to sparring again. "Elena has always been at odds with her Wolf, but look at Blair – look at her eyes. There is no doubt there. She is embracing her new reality, not fighting it. Blair will not leave, I am certain of this."

Antonio left that topic alone and ventured onto another. "What if it's discovered we have another female Wolf in our Pack? The other Packs might feel envious and try to claim her."

Jeremy wasn't worried about this in the least. In fact, he answered a bit smugly, "It would be interesting to see them try."

That night after the evening meal, Blair sat out on the back patio and looked up at the sky. Since being let out of the cage that morning this was the only alone time she had except for bathroom and changing, but even then she felt like someone was always nearby. What was Blair going to do? Run? Well, okay, that was a possibility but that would make her a Mutt or they'd try and kill her. Blair learned about Mutts that day, too, and how one was terrorizing the town – the same one that Bit her – but it was dead now so there wasn't anything to worry about. At least, that's what she was told.

Blair craned her neck a bit to make sure no one was around. She didn't feel anyone close by and with a bit of focus she could hear the others in the house, so she decided to do something a little bit crazy. Blair slowly and quietly moved off the patio and once she was out of sight of the windows, she stripped. Once all her clothes were off she began the Change. The pain of turning into a Wolf was something she was quite familiar with and truth be told, it didn't really bother her anymore. What was a thrill was that she could control her Wolf – be it whenever she wanted. Blair wasn't tied to the full moon in this Reality and that made her feel free.

Her bones cracked and changed as the Wolf took form and after shaking out her fur a bit, Blair took off running. Her vision was different as this kind of Wolf which took a little getting used to, but the surge of power, the speed, the strength, the Wolf itself was like being home. It was ironic since it was home that she wanted a break from, but still, this felt right.

Blair started out in a random direction but when the wind blew, a scent led her elsewhere. It was slightly familiar but one thing was certain – there was blood. Blair picked up her speed and slowed down when she reached the entrance to Stonehaven. This is where she found the source of the scent. Her Wolf snarled at the sight of Pete's lifeless body. He was battered and bruised and the scent of blood definitely came from him.

At the sounds of others approaching, Blair stood protectively near the body in case anyone or anything tried to mess with him. True, she did only meet him that morning but he was Pack and that meant something to her – always had, always will.

Her snarling ceased when she saw it was Nick and Antonio coming towards her. She allowed herself to change back into a human so she could explain. On all fours on the ground, with her long black hair in front of her to cover as much as possible she said, "It wasn't me. I didn't do this. It wasn't me."

Nick had taken off his jacket and wrapped it around Blair to cover her. Once it was on, he helped her to her feet.

It was Antonio who said, "We know." He pointed at his son, "Don't let her out of your sight. I'll get the others."

Blair looked back to Pete's body and cried, "Why?"

Nick wasn't sure what she was asking. "Why what?"

Blair sobbed, "Why is it no matter where I go, death always follows?"

Nick wrapped his arms around Blair and held her close. "You didn't do this, Blair. It's not your fault."

Suddenly Blair's tears stopped and she was filled with an anger she hadn't felt in a long time. She pulled back to say to Nick. "I want to find who did this to him, Nick. I want to find them and rip out their hearts."

Nick wasn't expecting this kind of reaction from her. She didn't even know Pete and yet wanted to avenge him so badly. It awed him a bit. "Why?"

Blair locked eyes with Nick when she answered, "He's Pack."

Nick was doubting Blair's stance before where the Pack was concerned but upon hearing her declaration, he wasn't doubting her now.

End Episode 1