Poke'boy24 here with a new story. This is a Naruto x Pokemon Crossover with the summary down below.
Summary: Naruto, tired of always being underestimated by everyone in his Home Town of Konoha Town runs away. Starting his journey at Littleroot Town, he'll show everyone he isn't what they made him to be.
Contains Konoha Bashing, Sasuke Bashing, Sakura Bashing, Kakashi Bashing and Namikaze family Bashing. Rated M for lemons and language. Naruto x Poke'girl Harem and AU (Anthro Universe).
Now to the story!
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/Ch1:Flashbacks, New Friends & Setting Out/
/Flashback, Konoha Town 8 years ago/
"Stupid Parents! Stupid Teachers! Stupid Everyone!" a young 8 year old boy said as he punched the wall of his bedroom in anger and annoyance.
This kid has short Red hair, Ocean Blue eyes and whisker-like birthmarks on his face. His clothes are a worn out Forest Green jacket over a White shirt, jeans that clearly shows wear and tear, and old sandals.
This kid is Naruto Namikaze, Son of Edo Region Elite 4 member Minato Namikaze and his wife Kushina, member of Konoha Town's Counsel. And younger triplet Brother of Menma and Nanami Namikaze.
Right now, he's mad because his Parents, once again, refused to let him get a Pokemon of his own like they did for his older Brother and Sister.
"It's not fair! Menma got a Tympole from that old pervert Jiraiya, and Nanami a Goomy from that drunk loser Tsunade!" he growled in anger.
On the triplet's 8th Birthday nine months ago, his sibling got to have a Pokemon as a gift from their Godparents while Naruto got nothing, like every other birthdays in the past. He even asked his Parents if he could have a Pokemon, but they're always saying that he's none ready to handle one. Even argueing about why Menma and Nanami got one and not him.
""Because they're ready for the responsibilities and you're not". What a load of crap!" Naruto said, mocking the same answer they always gave. He even saw Menma and Nanami having smugged looks on their faces, even saying that Minato and Kushina loved them more than him or as Menma put it '"Because what Pokemon would want a loser like you as a Trainer, a worthless Pokemon that's what!"' before laughing at him.
Even everyone in the town thinks he'll make a lousy Trainer. All the kids in his class would mock him, the adults looking down at him, calling him a failure and disgrace to the Namikaze name.
Grabbing a map of the Edo Region, he looked for the quickest route to Nami Port before he heard his Parents talking through the vents.
"But Minato-kun, are you sure about this?" he heard his Mother say before hearing his Dad answer.
"Of course I am Kushina-chan. You heard what everyone been saying. Naruto is just not meant to be a Trainer." Minato said, causing Naruto's chest to hurt.
'Even my own Family don't believe in me.' Naruto thought sadly, hurt that his own Parents think less of him.
"Maybe you're right, any ideas on what we should do?" Kushina asked her husband.
"Yes, I plan on having him removed from the Trainer School and switched into a School for Civilians." Minato said while tears slide down Naruto's face.
Wiping away his tears, he began packing a backpack with some clothes, the map and some snacks he hidden under his bed.
Opening his bedroom window, he quickly snuck out and took a shortcut through the Forest to avoid the gate guards.
/Flashback Over/
'Beep beep beep!' the sounds of an alarm clock ranged out, until a hand slammed on the snooze button.
"Mmmmm, 5 more minutes." someone groaned until he was hit in the face with water. "PPffffff! Damn it Marsh, did you had to hit me with a Water Gun!" Naruto, now 16 years old, groan while glaring a Marsh, who was laughing at the wet teen Red head.
Marsh is a anthro Mudkip standing at 4ft6inches in height with short Pond Blue hair and Orange cheeks with three gills on each one. Her entire skin is Dark Blue with Light Blue starting from the bottom of her mouth, down her chest and stomach, between her legs and to her tailfin. Her body is lean with a light muscle tone, perky B-cup breasts, curvy hips, a cute bottom and nice long legs.
After the Hoenn Water Starter finished her fit of giggling, Naruto just groaned as he went to the bathroom to shower and change while remembering how he first came to Hoenn.
/Flashback, 2 weeks after Naruto ran away/
Wanting to avoid being spotted by Konoha's Elite Trainers and Rangers, he had to take the long way around to reach Nami Ports and took two whole weeks to get there. Good thing he packed some snacks and learned to cook the berries and fishes he could gathered.
"Finally, I made it to Nami." Naruto said to himself, hearing the sounds of Wingulls as he made his way towards the harbor and find a ship that would be leaving today.
"Okay here are the port's schedule." looking at the chart with today's departures and arrivals, he looked at the ones that leaves the Edo Region completely.
"Kanto and Sinnoh's have already left. Unova and Johto's aren't until tomorrow afternoon." he continued scanning the chart to look for the one that leaves today and now.
"Ah ha! The ship that leaves for Hoenn sets sails in an hour, perfect!" he cheered, running towards the ticket booth to buy a ticket with the money he been saving since he was 5 years old.
Placing the money down on the booth as he looked at the ticket vender.
"One ticket to the Hoenn Region please." Naruto asked as the vender handed him the ticket.
"Going on a fieldtrip with your class kid?" he asked as Naruto sweated a little.
"Y-Y-Yes sir, I'm going on a fieldtrip." he lied, not wanting to get caught before he got on the ship. 'A one way fieldtrip.' he thought, boarding the ship as the Captain yelled their departure.
/Six days later, Slateport City Harbor/
Once the ship docked at Slateport City Harbor, Naruto got off with the other passengers and decided to take a look around the coastal city.
After a while, he found a map showing the entire Hoenn Region. Once he found where the Pokemon Professor lived, he decide to head there.
"Alright, next stop Littleroot Town." Naruto said to himself, heading towards the beach where he heard about a kind old man who take routes to Slateport City, Dewford Town and Petalburg City.
/Flashback Over/
Hearing a knock on the bathroom door, Naruto turned off the shower and dried himself off. Wrapping a towel around his waist before looking at his reflection in the mirror.
He sure had grown from being the small 8 year old he was into the man he is now. His height has grown to 5ft11inches and his Red hair is now Spiky and reaches behind his neck. His body also became much more muscular with strong arms, chiseled pecs, and hard washboard abs. His skin is also more tanned thanks to his job as Prof. Birch's assistants.
Hearing the knocks again, he opened the door to see his other friend.
"Hey Jukaile-chan." Naruto said to his second friend.
"About time, Prof. Birch said to see him a 9:00am. It's 8:35 so we'll running late." Jukaile said, crossing her arms over her chest.
Jukaile is a anthro Treecko standing at 4ft5inches in height with Short Forest Green hair reaching behind her shoulder blades, Yellow reptilian eyes and a small Gecko-like muzzle. Her entire skin is Grassy Green with Red starting from her lower jaw, down her chest and stomach and ending between her legs. Her body is lean and slim with perky B-cup breasts, and slim toned waist, small curved hips with her tail held still behind her cute bubble butt and long sexy legs.
"Okay okay, you and Marsh-chan just wait for me in the lab and I'll be there in 15 minutes." Naruto said as Julaile just huffed before leaving to get her Mudkip friend.
Starting to get dress, Naruto remembered the first met them and Prof. Birch.
/Flashback, when Naruto came to Littleroot Town/
After thanking Mr. Briney for the ride from Slateport to Petalburg, Naruto began making his way to Littleroot Town. On the route from Oldale Town, he heard someone screaming.
"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" hearing that, he ran off to where the screams were coming from until he spotted a grown man hanging from a tree branch while a wild Zigzagoon and Poochyena were growling at him.
"Sir! What happened!" Naruto yelled as he rushed over.
"Kid! Please, use your Pokemon to battle these two so I can get down!" the man yelled, grabbing hold of the branch after almost losing his grip.
"But I don't have any Pokemon! That's why I'm going to see Prof. Birch!" he yelled back, stopping on top of the hill.
"I'm Prof. Birch, though this may be a bad time for introductions!" Prof. Birch said before pointing towards something a few feet away from the Red hair 8 year old. "There're some Poke'balls inside my bag! Take out two and battle these two down here!" he yelled as Naruto nodded.
Opening the bag, he saw that there are three Poke'balls. Grabbing two, he went and sent out whatever was inside them.
"Alright you two, come out and help!" he called, tossing the Red & White capsules as they popped open and releasing the anthros inside.
Appearing were two girls the same age as Naruto, with one being a Mudkip and the other a Treecko.
"Huh? Who are you?" the Mudkip asked, looking at him confuse.
"I'm Naruto, but we need to help Prof. Birch right now." Naruto said as the two Starters nod before getting into their battle stances. "Okay you two, hit them with a Pound and Tackle!" he called with the Mudkip tackling the Zigzagoon while the Treecko wracked the Poochyena with her tail.
After a few minutes of battling, the wild Normal and Dark types ran back into the forest. Once it was safe, Prof. Birch climbed down and thanked Naruto for saving him.
"Thanks for helping me kid. Let's go back to my lab and talk." Prof. Birch said, grabbing his bag and heading to Littleroot with Naruto following after returning Mudkip and Treecko back into their capsules.
Once they got to the lab, Naruto asked if he could have a Pokemon, after telling him about how his sibling gotten one and everyone back in his home town looked down on him, even his own Parents.
Seeing his skills first hand, Prof. Birch decided to let Naruto become his assistant. He was even nice enough to let him keep the Mudkip and Treecko as his Pokemon.
/Flashback Over/
Walking out of his room, now dressed in a Black T-shirt under a Dark Orange jacket, Tan cargo pants and Blue sandals. Grabbing his travel bag, he walked down the hall until he entered the lab where his Starters and Prof. Birch waiting.
"Morning Naruto, today's finally the day huh." Prof. Birch said while the Red head nodded.
"Yeah, these past few years were the best ones I ever had." he said, remembering everything he did and learned as the Hoenn Professor's assistant like cooking, Pokemon habitats and a lot of other things.
"Now than, here is your Poke'dex and Poke'balls." Prof. Birch said, handing Naruto a Hoenn Poke'dex and 5 empty Poke'balls.
Wanting to test his Poke'dex, Naruto pointed the small device at Marsh and Jukaile as their data and information came up.
"[Mudkip, the Mud Fish Pokemon
To alert it, the fin on its head senses the flow of water. It has the strength to heft blouders.
Name: Marsh
Species: Mudkip
Type: Water
OT: Naruto
Gender: Female
Height: 4ft6inches
Bust Size: B-cup
Ability: Torrent
Moves: Tackle, Water Gun, Bide and Iron Tail.]"
"[Treecko, the Wood Gecko Pokemon
The soles of its feet are covered by countless tiny spikes, enabling it to walk on walls and ceilings.
Name: Jukaile
Species: Treecko
Type: Grass
OT: Naruto
Gender: Female
Height: 4ft5inches
Bust Size: B-cup
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Pound, Leer, Quick Attack & Bullet Seed]"
"Thank you ." Naruto said, putting his Poke'dex and empty Poke'balls into his jacket pocket.
"You're welcome, now I have one last assignment for you before you head out for your journey." Prof. Birch said in a serious matter.
"What is it sir?" he asked as the Hoenn Professor looked at him.
"I would like you to tell my Daughter Sapphire that I need her to come back to the lab. You can find her just North from Ordale Town." he said as Naruto nodded.
"Got it Prof. Birch, I'll be back with her by an hour or two." he said as he returned Marsh and Jukaile to their Poke'balls and exited the lab and headed towards Ordale Town.
/ /Meanwhile, on a ship heading towards Hoenn/ /
"Alright everyone, Captain said we'll docking at Hoenn in two days." Kakashi said to the group of people who were hanging in the lounge.
The group consist of four Konoha Town Elite Rangers Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma and Might Guy along with their students that will be represent the Edo Region at the Ever Grande League.
Kakashi's students are Sasuke Uchiha with a Male Deino by his side, Sakura Haruno with a Female Cherubi and Sai who has a Male Smeargle by his side.
Kurenai's students are Hinata Hyuuga with a Female Sunkern in her arms, Kiba Inuzuka with a Male Rockruff beside him and Shino Aburame with a Female Beedrill sitting beside him.
Asuma's students are Shikamaru Nara taking a nap with a Male Stantler doing the same, Choji Akimichi munching on chips with a Male Munchlax doing the same and Ino Yamanaka reading a magizine with a Female Chikorita.
And finally are Might Guy's students Rock Lee with his Tyrogue, Neji Hyuuga sitting with a Male Starly and Tenten relaxing with a Female Pawniard.
"About time, I was getting sick of being on this ship." Sasuke complained while Sakura swoon over how 'cool' he is.
Meanwhile relaxing on the main deck were three other people and their Pokemon. They were Menma Namikaze and Nanami Namikaze with their Godfather Jiraiya.
Menma is an exact carbon copy of Minato with Blonde hair, Blue eyes and whisker-like birth marks on his face. Next to him is a Male Palpitoad, the Tympole he receive from Jiraiya for his 8th birthday.
"Finally we're out of that boring Trainer School." Menma said relaxing "And that Dad took that loser out and put him where he rightfully belong." he added with a smug smile.
His Sister just huffed at his responce.
Nanami is a carbon copy of Kushina with long Red hair, Violet eyes, whisker-like birthmarks on her face and a D-cup bust staining against her top. Sunbathing next to her is a Female Goomy she got for her 8th birthday from their Godmother Tsunade.
"Did you forget Baka, Naruto disappeared from Konoha Town years ago." she said before Menma snorted.
"So? Who cares about that loser. He did our Family a favor by leaving." he said before going back to relaxing.
"Whatever, at least we finally get to enter a Pokemon League." she said, going back to reading her issue of Trainer's Weekly.
All the while, Jiraiya can't wait to get to Hoenn. Because he get to find some more material for his books, giggling perversely as he thought about all the new women bathhouses in the Region.
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And done! That's the first chapter for a new story.
See you all next time.