Notes: Okay, this was kind of a silly idea and I'm sure it's not very original, but I wanted to give it a shot. I get the feeling like this is only gonna be a two-part little series. Hope you like this first installment, even though not much happens in it.

Warnings: underage, hinted non-con, mentions of wet dreams, language

Secret Touch

Sure, Midoriya had heard people talk about wet dreams before, but this was the first time he'd had one himself. Then again, he had absolutely no experience when it came to anything sexual. He rarely masturbated. Hardly felt the need to, really. And he'd definitely never been with a girl.

He awoke early that morning with sticky underwear and no recollection of what he'd dreamed about that got him that excited. But thankfully it was the weekend and early enough that no one else in the dorm was awake yet. He could shower and do his laundry in peace without being discovered.

As the green-haired boy sat absent-mindedly playing with his phone and waiting for his laundry to finish washing, he tried to remember what it was he had dreamed about. He suspected that it had been about Uraraka. In that case, he was glad he didn't remember it or he probably wouldn't be able to face her for a month.

To Midoriya's surprise Bakugou came in with a basket full of laundry.

"Oh. G-good morning, Kacchan," Midoriya stammered.

All he got from the blond was a quiet grunt. Obviously Bakugou wasn't quite awake yet. Otherwise, the older teen would've spit some colorful language at him.

Well, Midoriya wasn't sure what he'd expected. Nothing good ever came of their conversations these days anyway. So, he went back to silently fiddling with his phone.

After a few minutes of silence, Bakugou finished loading his laundry into the washer and turned to the green-haired boy. "Hey, Nerdface."

Midoriya looked up at his former friend. He wasn't really sure why he responded to those ridiculous names Bakugou called him. He just automatically knew that the older teen was talking to him anytime he used the word 'nerd'.

The blond leaned against the washing machine and folded his arms across his chest. "Do you still believe in ghosts?"

Ah. Bakugou must have remembered Midoriya's fear of ghosts when they were kids. He had to admit, though, that he was still a believer. That didn't mean he was going to answer Bakugou's question, however. He was getting the feeling that the blond was starting a conversation with him just to make fun of him.

Instead of answering the question, Midoriya put his phone away and said, "Why do you ask?"

"Something really weird happened...," Bakugou began. Then he frowned and was about to leave the room. "I don't know why I'm even telling you about this."

"Maybe because I'm the only other person awake at 5AM on a weekend," Midoriya suggested.

"Don't get smart with me, you little shit!" Bakugou growled, stopping in the doorway.

Midoriya held up his hands in defense. "Okay, okay. Calm down." The blond must have finally woken up. He was starting to get aggressive.

"Just shut up and hear me out," Bakugou said. He leaned against the door frame and folded his arms across his chest yet again. "I woke up pretty early this morning because it felt like someone was touching me. But I looked around and no one was there."

The green-haired boy raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything.

"At first I thought it was Invisi-bitch and I took a swing, but I didn't feel anything," Bakugou went on.

(Only Kacchan would think to attack first,) Midoriya thought.

"And I kept feeling this—whatever it was—touching me all over. It was weird and a little scary," the blond continued. "But it kinda..."

Midoriya couldn't be too sure, but he could swear that the older teen was blushing. He'd never really seen Bakugou blush. At least not since they were little kids. Was he embarrassed? If so, why?

"Anyway," Bakugou said, never finishing his last statement. "I think this place is haunted. Has anything like that happened to you since we moved in here?"

The younger teen looked at Bakugou in disbelief and shook his head. "No. Never." He couldn't believe that the great Bakugou Katsuki was so shaken and flustered. This must have been some ordeal. It would be a mistake to take what the blond said lightly. "Haunted, huh? Maybe we should ask around."

"No way! No way am I ever repeating any of that to anyone!"

Midoriya held up his hands in defense again. "Okay. Okay. Calm down."

(Yet he told me about it,) Midoriya thought. (He didn't even talk to Kirishima about something like this. Maybe it was all a convenience thing. After all, I really am the only other person around right now. Then again, maybe it was because he remembered that I believe in ghosts. Now, how exactly are we supposed to solve this thing if we don't ask other people if they've experienced it too? Would it be better if I told them that I was asking for myself and just leave Kacchan out of it? Maybe I should get more details so I can—)

"Hey, Nerdface. Stop all that damn muttering. It's giving me a headache," Bakugou said.

His thoughts always did tend to slip out of his mouth when he was thinking too hard. "S-sorry." Midoriya sighed, knowing full well that if he asked for more information about this encounter that there was a great possibility he'd get punched in the face. Oh, well. He'd just have to bite the bullet. "I still think it's best to ask around. I could say that I'm the one who wants to know, but I'll need more details about what happened."

"I'd rather bathe in that pink bitch's acid," Bakugou grumbled.

Well, that was that. Midoriya could try to talk to the others about it, but he had no idea what to tell them this odd occurrence was all about. He wanted to help Bakugou, but there wasn't much he could do with so little information.

(He thought that someone else was in the room with him, yet he never felt anything solid,) Midoriya thought. "And you're sure you weren't dreaming?"

"Don't look down on me, Deku! I was fully awake! It's the whole reason I woke up, dammit!"

"Okay. Okay. Calm down," Midoriya had to say yet again.

"Don't tell me to calm down! You don't know what it's like to have some weird thing that's not even solid groping all over your body!"

The smaller teen's brain shut down for a moment. Bakugou had used the word 'groping'. For some reason, the idea of the older teen being 'groped' was...interesting.

Anyway, maybe there was more to this than Midoriya thought. The blond almost made it sound like a crime had been committed.

(Am I being insensitive?) the freckled boy asked himself. He stood and walked over to Bakugou, nearly putting his hand on the taller boy's shoulder, but he stopped short and put his hand back down. "Are you okay?" It was what he should've asked from the beginning.

Bakugou narrowed his eyes at Midoriya, then looked away. "I don't need your fucking pity."

It was so difficult to navigate his way around a conversation with Bakugou. Any time it seemed like the blond teen was about to open up to him, he'd immediately close himself off again. All Midoriya wanted to do was help in any way he could.

He was a little surprised, however, that Bakugou didn't just leave him there with nothing but a bunch of washing machines to keep him company. Maybe the blond just didn't want to be alone. Maybe he was scared to be alone. Maybe he thought it would happen again.

"Hey, Deku. Why are you up so early in the morning?"

When Midoriya thought about his messy underwear from when he woke up, his face quickly heated up. He tried to think up an excuse, but his brain seemed to have fled once again.

Bakugou smirked. "There's only one reason a guy would be up this early in the morning doing laundry. I bet you had a wet dream."

While it was impressive how Bakugou could put two and two together, this wasn't one of the times Midoriya was impressed by it. Right now the shorter teen was mortified by it. He couldn't really deny it though. Especially since his face was most likely giving him away.

"B-but you're here—" Midoriya began. Right. Bakugou was there early in the morning doing laundry as well. So, then, should he assume that they were both there for the same reason? But what about the blond's mysterious encounter that woke him...?


"You said that whatever was touching you was groping you all over," Midoriya said slowly. "Is that why you're so upset about it? Because it made you—"

"Stop right there, Nerdface! I never said anything like that!" Bakugou shouted.

True. He never said it, but Midoriya couldn't help thinking that maybe he was right. The blond's cheeks were tinted pink and he'd averted his eyes. Whatever had been touching Bakugou this morning had made him cum and now he was in the laundry room to dispose of the evidence.

Bakugou had basically just said it, hadn't he? The freckled teen wasn't just pulling this information out of nowhere. He had a habit of putting two and two together just like Bakugou did. And what Midoriya had put together was that the blond had been groped until he ejaculated. Very, very interesting...

Midoriya gasped. "If that's the case, then maybe the same thing did happen to me. Maybe I just didn't wake up."


Well, so much for the taller teen's ability to put two and two together. "You know, the reason I'm here so early in the morning."

"Deku, if you've got something to say, then spit it the fuck out! Start making some sense, would ya?"

The last thing Midoriya wanted to do was actually say that he'd had a wet dream. It was embarrassing to own up to something like that. Especially to a person he looked up to. But since the older teen had already made the accusation, there was no need to hide it.

Midoriya squeezed his eyes shut, hoping that would disguise his embarrassment. "If that ghost—whatever it was—touched you till you, well, came, then maybe that's what happened to me, only I wasn't awake for it," he said as fast as his tongue would allow.

"I'm not talking about a little light petting, Deku. If it woulda happened to you, you definitely woulda woken up. I mean, unless it doesn't take much to get you off. And that's assuming this thing leaves you alone once you get off."

Midoriya felt himself blushing and he stared down at his shoes. Things were getting a little too personal between them suddenly. He never thought he'd be discussing something this intimate with Bakugou of all people. It wasn't like there were a bunch of details involved, yet he could feel himself getting hot under the collar. "Well, that's why we should ask the others if anything like this happened to them."

"Fine! Whatever! I'm sick of talking about it! Just remember not to mention my name," Bakugou said before marching angrily out of the laundry room.

It was investigation time, Midoriya decided. He'd definitely need a fresh notebook for this one. He'd already learned two very important things. 1) Bakugou really had gotten off on whatever happened to him last night and 2) Midoriya himself felt weirdly turned on because of it.

Notes: I don't know. I'm just throwing this out there. This part was a little ambiguous, but things will become more clear in the next chapter (assuming there'll be one).